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青岛企业主:大学生愿当环卫工 就是不愿下车间--亲稳网络舆情监测室


before,Reporters five industries located on the human cost investigation,The results of the survey is:Monthly salary of one thousand yuan, there are white-collar workers,Monthly salary can give to four or yuan blue collar is difficult to recruit,Let the human resource company is helpless,Unable to find the weaver,They had to give up textile worker dispatch business.


The lack of young labor,Blue is the key to it is difficult to find out.From October 28 began,The reporter walks into several big small and medium-sized enterprise,And went to the heze/linyi/Jining and other labor service personnel output,Survey why a line operators in 80 after 90 rare after the figure.


In addition,The cost of the stress,Some companies are forced to uproot city,so,More workers to choose in the doorway of my home work,City lack of work phenomenon more and more serious,Thus has given rise to a new career:Exploration work.meanwhile,A tiller of the ground farmers also appear on the age of the fault.


The journalist into the two labor-intensive enterprises,A is located in Taiwan LiuLu Qingdao JinMu enterprise,Another is to be located in red island Pacific grace the food co., LTD.The former is home small enterprise,A line operators have 35,The latter is a large enterprise,A line operators of 3500 people.

  两家公司的相关负责人给出了类似的说法由于原本应当出现在一线操作工岗位上的80后90后迟迟没有出现,导致生产线工人进入“老龄化 ”状态。对此,专家分析说,因为价值观变化 、惠农政策、农村经济发展等多方面原因 ,导致了工厂生产线一线操作工出现了“年龄断层”。

The two companies are the relevant person in charge of a similar statement because originally should appear in a line operators post after the 80 and 90 empress can not appeared,Production line workers to enter"aging "state.this,Expert analysis said,Because the values change /Benefit farming policy/Rural economic development and so on the various reason ,The factory production lines to a line operators appeared"Age fault".


制衣厂 35名工人中仅有2名年轻工人 Enterprise and worker only two young workers


October 30, morning,Reporters came to Qingdao JinMu enterprise,A few a line operators work sitting there.Enterprise the door has a big advertisement,The factory manager YinWeiMin told reporters,Billboard although not small,But one year also didn't help him to bring them to a few people.

  提到用工情况,尹卫民有很多话要说,“我的工厂不大,需要六七十个工人 ,可是,我现在的工人只有35人。本来按照用工需求,所有的工人都应当是年轻的女性,现在的实际情况是,80后和90后的工人只有两名。”正是存在缺工人的情况,尹卫民不得不善待每一位前来应聘的求职者,“我这两年从来没有赶走过工人。”

Mentioned labor situation,YinWeiMin have many things to say,"My factory is not big,Need to LiuQiShiGe workers ,but,I now workers only 35 people.Originally, in accordance with the labor demand,All the workers should be young women,Now, the actual situation is,After 80 and 90 after the workers only two."There is lack of the workers,YinWeiMin have to treat each to apply for job seekers,"I this two years never drive away a worker."

  尹卫民说,跟七八年前相比,真是天壤之别,“我们是服装企业,年龄大的人眼神不好,干活慢,我们之前从来不要年龄大的 ,在招聘时,我们会刷下一批学徒工,更多地使用熟练工。”

YinWeiMin said,With eight years ago,Is a world of difference,"We are garment enterprise,Older people look bad,Work slowly,Before we never do not older ,In hiring,We will brush the next batch of apprentice,More use of skilled labor."


YinWeiMin also said,Their staff presents a new phenomenon,"Most with husband to green."In his factory inside,More than half of the women to green because her husband in Qingdao work or do some small business.These women have been reluctant to back to the village,But used to the life in Qingdao,Because what they don't skill,Only to such labor-intensive enterprise workers.

  工人总数:35人 18~30岁女工:1人(外地) 18~30岁男工:1人(外地) 30岁以上女工:30人(外地,其中18人随夫来青)30岁以上男工:3人(1人本地,2人外地)

workforce:35 people 18 to 30 years old lady:One person(field) 18 ~ 30 workman:One person(field) 30 years old lady:30 people(field,18 of them with the husband to green)30 years old male workers:Three people(One local,Two foreign)


食品公司 缺工1000人,招来的多是男性 Food companies lack of 1000 workers,Recruit of many are male


And enterprise different,Pacific grace the food co., LTD. Is a large enterprise,Currently, only a line operators to reach 3500 people.but,The company's human resources department person in charge said j.,The company's personnel structure is not reasonable.

  “我们公司正常的一线操作工数量应当达到4500人 ,现在只有3500人。”林妍说,工厂目前还缺工1000人。

"Our company normal a line operators shall number up to 4500 people ,Now only 3500 people."J. said,The factory is still lack of 1000 workers.

  “以前,我们的一线操作工几乎不要男的,因为我们的冷冻海产品加工是细致活儿,女工做能好一些,2009年我们落户红岛的时候,对男工的态度是 ,可以收,但是不愿意收很多。”林妍说,现在,女工越来越少,公司只能选择男工,“现在女工也就能占25% ,要知道以前女工能占到85%,而且,以前根本没有30岁以上的女工。现在,30岁以上的女工有不少。

"before,One of our line operator almost don't man,Because our frozen seafood processing is meticulous work,Women can do better,In 2009, we settled in red when the island,To the male work attitude is ,Can accept,But he would not accept a lot of."J. said,now,Women less,The company can only choose workman,"Now women can also accounted for 25% ,Want to know before women can account for 85%,and,Before no 30 years old lady.now,30 years old lady has many.

  提及本地劳动力,林妍说,三年前,还有少量本地年轻人在工厂当操作工,毕竟,当操作工最高月工资能拿到5000多元。可是,现在公司里面18岁到30岁的操作工中没有一个来自本地,“我们办公室的白领中倒有本地人 ,只是,他们的薪水每个月仅有2000元。”

Refer to the local labor force,J. said,Three years ago,There are a few local young people in the factory when operators,After all,When operators can get the highest monthly pay 5000 yuan.but,Now the company inside 18 to 30, no operator from a local,"Our office white-collar of inverted have native ,just,Their salary each month only 2000 yuan."

  为何公司对本地年轻劳动力没有吸引力?林妍举了个例子,在红岛有个方特梦幻王国,“同样是一个本地的年轻人 ,他宁愿去那边拿2000元/月的工资,也不会憋在工厂里拿4000元/月的工资。”

Why do companies to local young labor unattractive?J. an example,In the red island has a fant dream kingdom,"Is also a local young people ,He would rather go there with 2000 yuan/month's salary,Will not suppress in a factory with 4000 yuan/month's salary."

  林妍说,其实,公司也想从大学生中培养一批人 ,让他们下车间锻炼,“可是 ,他们认为自己读过不少书了,不愿意和普通工人干一样的活儿。”所以,现在出现了一种奇怪的现象,宿舍管理员 、环卫工大学生都愿意干,就是不愿意下车间。

J. said,In fact,The company also want from college students cultivate a group of people ,Let them in the workshop exercise,"but ,They think they have read a lot of books,Don't want to and ordinary workers do the same work."so,Now there is a strange phenomenon,Dormitory administrator /Dustbinman college students are willing to do,Is not willing to the workshop.


Four years ago,Number of workers:4500 people,Women accounted for 85%,Local workers accounted for 15%;now,Number of workers:3500 people,Women accounted for 25%,Local workers accounted for 5%.


业内人士 高工资为啥没有吸引来年轻人 The personage inside course of study higher wages why there is no attraction to young people


Of course,Encounter recruitment difficult not just above two enterprise,October 31,Reporters came to Qingdao liuting industrial park of shenyang co-share textile co., LTD,The President of the company XiaoBin yuan said,"Want to be in the local recruit young textile factory,Too difficult,so,I'm thinking about the enterprise moved to field."


Qingdao xin electronics co., LTD office staff zhao woman also said,The company also need young Labour,Faced with difficult to hire,The company not to start.

  “现在这些工人,还是我们费尽千辛万苦从外地招来的 。”肖斌元说,“我把招工的告示牌挂出去两个月了,也没一个人来问。”

"Now these workers,Or are we all pains from the other parts of the recruit ."XiaoBin yuan said,"I put the equal sign hung out for two months,Don't a person to ask."


According to the reporter's investigation,Almost all of the enterprise are told reporters a line operators appeared"fault"phenomenon,That is after the lack of 80 after 90.

  还有一点不得不说就是薪水问题,在尹卫民的工厂里,熟练操作工每月工资能拿到4500元;在肖斌元的企业内,每天工作11.5个小时的熟练工每月的底薪是5500元;青岛鑫正电子有限公司的熟练工也能拿到4500元/月的工资;在太平洋恩利食品有限公司,一线操作工的工资最高能拿到 6000多元/月……

Still have a bit have to say is salary problem,In YinWeiMin factory,Skilled operators can get monthly pay 4500 yuan;In XiaoBin yuan of the business enterprise inside,Work every day 11.5 hours of journeymen monthly base salary is 5500 yuan;Qingdao xin electronics co., LTD's journeymen also can get 4500 yuan/month's salary;In the Pacific Ocean grace the food co., LTD,A line operators' highest wages can get 6000 yuan/month...

  公司虽然提高了待遇,可是 ,似乎并没有吸引过来更多的年轻工人。

The company although improved treatment,but ,Did not seem to attract more young workers come.

  当记者试图探究80后90后为何会在一线操作工岗位上缺失的时候,一位企业主告诉记者,可能是因为年轻人的数量锐减。可是 ,根据记者从警方拿到的数据,这个群体的人数并不少。城阳区总人口49万,18岁到25岁的常驻人口是53928人,数量并不算太少。

When the reporter tried to probe after 80 and 90 empress why in a line operators post missing,A business owner told reporters,May be because of the young man dropped drastically.but ,According to reporters from the police get data,The number of this group and many.ChengYangOu total population of 490000,18 years old to 25 years old resident population is 53928 people,Quantity does not calculate too little.


"Local young people,General home has a house,The community every quarter will distribute benefits,A line operators such posts,For them no attraction."This is both chengyang obtain employment service center office uprights families LiKeChang the explanation.

  中国海洋大学管理学院专门研究人力的学者张樨樨则分析说,80后90后首先向其他行业分流了 ,“服务业、高技术产业,甚至是汽车修理业等行业分流了年轻人,毕竟在市中心的服务业对年轻人更有吸引力。”

China ocean university school of management specialized research manpower scholar zhang Xi Xi is analysis said,After 80 and 90 empress first to other industries the shunt ,"services/High technology industry,Even a car repairing etc shunt the young,After all, in the heart of the city's service industry more attractive to young people."


Zhang Xi Xi also analysis said,Rich peasants policy let many young people no longer value work to earn money,More willing to himself in the home business,"Even want to working out,Many people also choose the relatively high wages of the Yangtze river delta and pearl river delta region."

  尹卫民补充了一句,“现在农村家庭一般最多两个孩子,父母不愿意让孩子远离自己,特别不想让女孩远走他乡打工。各地的乡镇企业也都起来了 ,还不如在自己家门口上班。”

YinWeiMin added,"Now the rural family most commonly two children,Parents don't want to let the child away from yourself,Special don't want to let the girl away jobs.Around the township and village enterprises are up ,In his work as the door."

  一路探寻下来,记者得知不少80后90后不再钟情于劳动密集型企业,然而企业需要他们。为了能招来更多的年轻人为企业服务,企业开始寻求“工探”的帮助。这些“工探”的任务是发现劳动力,并带到企业来。有些企业,甚至还为职工设立了“带工奖”,只要员工能带来老乡 ,就能获得500元的带工奖励。

Explore all the way down,Reporters learned that a lot of after 80 after 90 is no longer interested in labor-intensive enterprises,However enterprise need them.In order to bring more young people to serve for enterprises,Enterprise began to seek"Exploration work"help.these"Exploration work"Task is to find labor,And to the enterprise to.Some enterprise,Even for the worker set up"Belt work prize",As long as the employees can bring villagers ,Can obtain 500 yuan of award with work.

  除此之外,务农人员也出现了“年龄断层 ”。记者调查得知,目前40岁以下在家种地的农民没大有了。不管是济宁、菏泽,还是青岛,都大范围出现“农庄经济”农村年轻人放弃种地的同时,一些城里人下乡当起了“农庄主”。

In addition,Farming workers also appeared"Age fault ".Reporters learned that investigation,Now 40 years old of the following fields at home farmers didn't have the.Whether jining/heze,Or Qingdao,All big range appear"Farm economy"Rural young people give up a tiller of the ground at the same time,Some city residents go to the countryside when up"Farm main".


培养“工探”,设立“带工奖” training"Exploration work",Set up"Belt work prize"


In the interview,Many labor-intensive enterprise says it is difficult to"rob"To his favorite young Labour.


"Now we hire method basically has 3 kinds,One is their to each big talent market,Even to the countryside to find;The second is turn to human resource company;The third is to cultivate recruiter."Pacific grace the food co., LTD., the human resources department person in charge said j.,Compared with,They pay more attention to the third way.


J. according to the statement,The so-called recruiter is"Exploration work",They often go on all parts of the country,Purpose is to survey all labor force/Need to pay the wage standard,Once you find the right,They will jointly with the enterprise contact,Help enterprises to recruit more young people.


It is understood,These recruiter general with various rural seat contact,Get relevant data.At the same time,The reporter understands,In addition to enterprise culture"Exploration work",Many human resources company also in the cultivation of the similar people.


Qingdao sea can human resources co., LTD., general manager LiYuJiang said,Their company in the province more cities have recruiter,"They to each local labor conditions are very familiar with,Once the right to organize workers,They will be working with contact us,Of course,We will also pay their expenses."LiYuJiang said,Except in a number of places in the province have"Exploration work"outside,They in henan/hebei/shanxi/Guizhou has also"Exploration work","Previously, mainly by migrant workers seek to come,Now we have to use all kinds of ways to find them."

  除此之外,不少劳动密集型企业开始实行“带工奖”。林妍告诉记者,由于招工太难,公司从今年年初开始效仿其他企业实行“带工奖”。“所谓带工奖,就是鼓励员工从老家带人过来,根据我们的规定,员工每带来一名工人,且这名工人能在我们企业工作3个月以上,我们就对带来工人的员工奖励500元。”林妍说,虽然每带来一人就可以奖励500元,可是 ,带工效果不是非常明显。

In addition,A lot of labor-intensive enterprises began to implement"Belt work prize".J. told reporters,Due to hire too hard,The company from the beginning of the year began to follow the lead of other enterprises implement"Belt work prize"."The so-called work prize with,Is to encourage employees from their hometown take over,According to our regulations,Each employee with a worker,And the worker can in our enterprise work more than 3 months,We brought on workers' employee reward 500 yuan."J. said,Although each bring a person can reward 500 yuan,but ,Take work effect is not very obvious.


城里人去乡下当“农庄主” City to the country when"Farm main"


Rural young people began to leave the land at the same time,Many city residents watched them to give up land.JiHongSheng is one of them,Originally he is located a architectural decoration company's manager,After careful thinking,He decided to and his friends to the pingdu rural land contracting,Make breeding.


"I am now in pingdu rural contract more than 200 acres,In accordance with the contract,To pay per year for local farmers 1000 jins wheat the value of money."JiHongSheng said,It is because of fears that the wheat prices floating,They agreed to this,"I will follow the instant wheat prices,Converted into cash to give them."


"Where is my farm,The field of flos lonicerae,Still kind of other crops,The field with a rooster,Because of keeping free-roaming rooster ate honeysuckle and the field/Leaves, etc,We breeding cock is called honeysuckle chicken.Every year about 20000 chickens can breed,Count down,Considerable profit."JiHongSheng said,Although they contracted land is less than a year,Honeysuckle not mature,Chicken also did not begin to sell,But they had taken a year of contracting fee,"This year,We don't have all the planting honeysuckle,Still kind of corn and peanuts,Corn produced 80000 jins,Flower produced 15 tons,Only this two crops,To pay for the cost of the contract and a tiller of the ground crew costs.That is,We have chicken/Kind of other crops are earned stability.estimate,Scale operation after,Profit will be more big."

  其实,这还不是齐宏升的全部规划,他还有更远大的规划,他要在农庄里建设餐饮 、住宿配套设施,形成以观光、餐饮、农作物销售为主的产业链,“我们还看好了村里一处闲置的厂房,打算对农庄的农产品进行深加工。”

In fact,This is not all JiHongSheng planning,He has bigger planning,He will in the farm construction catering /Accommodation facilities,Formation to sightseeing/catering/Crops mainly sales of industrial chain,"We also valued the village one place idle workshop,Going to the farm to farm products for further processing."

  据记者了解,城里人下乡当“农庄主”的远不止齐宏升一人,几乎各地都有类似的农庄 ,有些人专门到莱阳等地承包土地建农庄 。记者赴临沂济宁等地调查时了解到,目前,这些劳务输出地出现了很多这样的农庄。目前在济宁市嘉祥县老僧堂乡,至少有10个承包土地的大户,他们从村民那里承包土地,种植棉花等经济作物。

According to reporter understanding,City residents go to the countryside when"Farm main"Far more than JiHongSheng one,Almost all have similar farm ,Some people specially to laiyang, etc to contract land to build farms .Reporter to linyi jining, survey to understand,At present,These services output appeared many of these farms.At present in jining jiaxiang old monk township hall,At least 10 contracted land leader,They from the villagers there the contracted land,Planting cotton, and other economic crops.


“农庄经济”在慢慢发展 "Farm economy"In the slowly development


In fact,Rural after 80 and 90 empress be start their own businesses/services/High-tech enterprise/Bound, and other direction after shunt,Really left to young people have not much.


"In XiaoGuCun pingdu,40 years old of the following fields villagers have no."CunZhiShu XiaoPeiYou said,At present in the village a tiller of the ground is over 40 years old villagers.At the same time,The village of southeast camp CunZhiShu ZhangYongLe also said,In their village also had a similar situation.however,This situation not only appeared in Qingdao all over,Even in jining, also appeared farmers"Age fault"situation.


According to the reporter's investigation,In the large-scale planting of cases,A acres a year kind of wheat and soybeans income at 2500 yuan.generally,Each family only three acres,That is,A family every year from land income of less than ten thousand yuan.In this case,The villagers generally choose the work out.After all,Young people work out,Or do business at home,Income is much higher than the number,And do not like to do farm work any more so dirty and tired.


ZhangBaoFu is in the old monk hall township farmers contracted land,He contracted for 50 mu of land,At present,Cultivation of crops is only of wheat and soybeans,With ordinary villagers of the crops."I contracted land costs,Is RMB 600 yuan/year,Whatever kind of/tillage/Watering or harvest,Is all mechanized operation,The cost is RMB 500 yuan,Plus package to cost and mechanical loss,I per acre land profits in 1000 yuan/year.That is,My annual income is 50000 yuan,Work out better than some."ZhangBaoFu said,He is now simply since planting,So income less,"Main is my age is too big,Has 40 years old,If I am young words,May the idea of more,Income will be higher some."According to the reporter's investigation,It is all over the country in a large number of the farmers,Intensive management of"Farm economy"unavoidable.


this,China people's university professor/The state council degree committee of agriculture and forestry economic management discipline appraisal group members before WenTieJun accept media reporter to interview said,Farmers appear"fault"Is an inevitable phenomenon,Because China's rural is toward the urbanization development,This is China's rural development"Preset orbit".The same,China's farm economic development are also in the reason,"Since someone started from the land,They began to intensive management of land."

  文/图 记者 王磊

Wen/diagram reporter wang lei
