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公司称选童星收上万费用 有孩子被“看中”多次--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  4岁的小龙(化名)走出玻璃房子,泪水在眼眶里打转。 4 years old dragonet(alias)Out of glass house,Tears in her eyes circle.


Little dragon 1 meter tall 1,Skin is very white.after,He stood in a zone monitor before the camera,YuanLiuLiu eyes staring at this strange big machine.


The line of sight over the big machine,Glass the outside of the house,All around the wall are chock-full hang small the actors during the filming of the photo.Mom and dad/Uncle aunts stand in a pile of staring at the room he.


Little dragon nervously slanting head.


Followed by scene seemingly some")"scene.


"children,You usually help my mother do the housework,Is how to do?Performance to once see?"


Front of the dragonet nothing at all,He really can't figure out what virtual action.He hold hands,Mechanically swung twice.


"Then you learn how the old man walk."Voice rang again.


Little dragon pinched her lips,No action.


"Say what fruit is red?"






"Don't know."


so,Waiting for half an hour before the play small actor audition,In five minutes the end up in a hurry.


Failure of the audition,Let the dragonet's mother, Lin fang(alias)A bit disappointed."Maybe he is not suitable for performing it."She feel little dragon head,I'm sorry to film and television company staff said.But the other answered that she was surprised:"I think little dragon is the potential performance."


This is a magic realism to audition.


And the dragonet as lucky to get"Star search"Pay attention to children and many,Only hide in the so-called free behind the audition,Charge is as high as 15800 yuan/year training.


天河城里遇“星探” Tianhe city in"Star search"


For more than half a month ago,, Lin fang took his son in the tianhe city play,Tired sitting in a rest in the shop."The child is it yours?Grow handsome!"A in fashionable girl forward and she chat up."children,Do you want to on television ah?"I saw you little dragon nodded.At this time,The girl starts to do up self introduction.Ll: she is a named guangzhou tripod tang film co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as the tripod with two handles tang film and television)assistant.She says the company to a TV shooting,Is choose small works in the actor."The child looks lovely,And lively,Is child star potential,Can go to the audition,Let the director look."Thinking of small dragon proudly stand on the stage,Enjoying the spotlight to chase,These, Lin fang moved the heart.


After a week,, Lin fang and ChenXin(alias)Together with the dress up handsome son excitedly into is located in yuexiu district drill ground west road no. 2 real estate building four floor of the tripod with two handles tang film audition.


3 then discovered,And they have the same vision to a few parents already took the children waiting for the audition,Most are 4/5 years old children.


Companies everywhere on the wall sticking small the actors during the filming of the photo,There is a huge banners observably hung on the wall,written"Congratulations on the tripod with two handles tang small actor XXX in the film and television and southern tang dynasty television cooperation in large war movie[feast]Plays xx".The whole company is a peremptory make shining child star incubator.


试镜免费,培训昂贵 Audition free,Training expensive


The audition process,Female assistant at the mouth"director"Have appeared.


After the audition,The manager FangLiu kun put, Lin fang and dragonet brought into the office.Party managers first introduce the tripod with two handles tang filmed drama.Show the strength of the company after finish,He opened the company's official website,Web site in addition to a small group of film and television works outside the recommended,The other is mostly to participate in training the child's image as and photos of the TV drama series.


"The children after training,Can we filmed works in the drama.We also can introduce them to other companies to filming."FangLiu kun to the children draw a famous high-road.


In view of the dragonet audition performance,, Lin fang some hesitation.FangLiu kun immediately offered professional advice."The child is lively and active,There is the star potential,But meet the big scene will stage fright,If participated in the training can have very big improvement.Some children was very shy,After training after,Some can act,Some can do the host."


A few and persuade down,, Lin fang think this training to the child's good many,Immediately decided to sign up.But FangLiu kun suddenly turn a topic of conversation:"Sign up our training is very economical,An hour than those of more than one hundred piano class much more bang for the buck."Just understand this, Lin fang,The original training is to charge,And the price does not poor.A year is 15800 yuan,weekly,Two classes,45 minutes a day,A total of one and a half hours., Lin fang calculated to calculate,Every lesson the price of 200 yuan.


"Made so much money,Does the baby can take a certain games?", Lin fang tell the heart of doubt,FangLiu kun immediately said ding tang film and television will take a lot of life drama,The child during the filming of the opportunity very much.Even a child can't pat drama,Also can develop the child's courage and character.


Looking at, Lin fang and some hesitation,FangLiu kun said that at present the class and two places,One of the children have been settled,Little dragon if you want to sign up,The day will have to settle down,Otherwise, they have no chance.


One side of ChenXin a listen to take money,Is false says home and discuss his wife,Then they came to pull out of the company."The film and television company must be take filming do cover,It is in order to make the training."ChenXin think own judgement is based on,"If it is normal film company,How the wall hanging all small actor's propaganda?A pair of children's film and television training school classe,Keeps is to lure parents‘Swallow the bait’."


“保证拍戏的机会很多” "Ensure that the filming of the many opportunities"


After a week,New express reporter false says a four years old,Also want to audition.The reception of the reporter is still party manager.It is strange that,FangLiu kun said last week to recruit full quota of people are still vacant,He continued to lobby, Lin fang to dragonet registration.


According to FangLiu kun is introduced,Now the tripod with two handles tang film and television has four children show class at school,Each class has 15 children.Training class from 2009 open,Company in hai and foshan buddhist city have outlets,"Has developed a lot of children".


Asked when filming chances,FangLiu kun said with confidence:"We guarantee that during the filming of the many opportunities,But cannot guarantee that every child can take.It also depends on the child's learning situation."But when the reporter asked how many people have statistics over what took a play,The number of total training proportion?FangLiu kun is mumbling:"We have no statistics."


Just two weeks classes a class,Students are mostly the road"Star search"


On October 27,,Reporters once again came to the tripod with two handles tang film and television,Two class children are in training courses,Dozens of these parents are sitting in the corridor waiting for children in the class.And a mother standing outside classroom,Using mobile phones to record the child's class situation.


One of the class classes just two weeks,Parents also and dragonet parents,Is the road"Star search",In the name of the audition here.


Another class the children are in February this year with the registration.


Parents seat before the hanging"Congratulations on the tripod with two handles don young actor in the film and television (tang and southern TV cooperation in large war movie[feast]Plays such and such"Giant banners,As if to give them at such as parents in the pump,"The near future,The child's name will appear in this article on the giant banner."


“感觉就是在玩” "Feeling is in play"


Ms zhao 7 years old daughter is in the classroom.


"Class effect can't say,Anyway, we have children no improvement.Only one and a half hours a week on the class,You can have what effect."


Ms zhao said,Only daughter character lively,Like a boy,So she was signing up to the child,Hope she to acting after development,Training talent.Can sven/More natural and graceful.In fact a word spoken parts in an opera is particieboard,"Used bai,Parents are not so?"Ms zhao said.but,February this year she fee is 12600 yuan.


Training class to ms zhao course single very meticulous,A total of 48 hours,Including quyi training/Body training/Lines training and so on.But zhao lady's feeling is"Is playing,The lesson is very simple,Teach children to sing and dance,Said lines.The teachers are very young,About twenty,What level,We don't know."


For ms zhao mentioned the teachers question,FangLiu kun explanation is,"The teacher is the tripod with two handles tang company actor."But he stressed,"The tripod with two handles tang teacher is out of the professional performance."


部分家长要退费 Some parents want to refund


Mr Yang's son 5 years old this year,The class in tang dynasty also have for half a year.The child is a little bit quiet character,In order to let the child personality more cheerful,Mr. Yang grind give children applied.He understand is the main content of the child attends class is a tongue twister/language/Speech, etc.Mr. Yang feel"The teaching of general".


Mr Yang said,Last month,He is waiting for a child and a few parents when chatting,"Generally said can't learn anything,And during the filming of the hope and slim,There are two parents also said to look for a company to refund,Don't study the".


A reporter to interview in the lift met in a tripod tang company shirt little girl.4 years old,Tie a ponytail,Carry a small bag.She said she is to class,Dad is parking downstairs.


"children,You: what are the contents of the class today?"


"Waves sing one."


"Why do you want to come here to have a class?"


"Don't know,Father let me."


“被相中了N次” "Be phase the N times"


Despite parents feel training effect is not big,But the tripod with two handles tang film make children"xingmeng"of"influence"in"Parents ring"Has been a big.Guangzhou mother network/Parenting tips online has discuss the tripod with two handles tang posts,Mothers are sharing the road"Star search"experience.


"Last year, they met,Don't pay attention to;In this year are in good shape and met,The elder sister is a good kid,Last week, children go to the audition,After the training course is recommended,Said only recruit 15,And set down on the spot."A mother wrote.And this, Lin fang met the same scene.


And a mother says:"Three years ago my children have been‘phase’N times,Is in is better.Even I recognize that‘Talent scout’the,Ha ha.I also checked the company,Pour is to have,But it,Is let you in,Make money,The so-called train the children to be film and television actor greetings……"


The reporter still in the online search to a claim to the original tang company employees in July 19, 2010 hair in the public complaints stick,titled"Guangzhou tripod tang film co., LTD. Is the flicker cheat money".


Post man we inform parents:"Don't fall for it."


Actually a lot of parents also told new express reporter,"We also suspect is false,But one thousand is really??""Children to take part in a point play training also quite good,Can lively point."


记者调查 Reporter investigation


宣传:打明星牌吆喝家长 propaganda:Play star card call parents


真相:任泉三年前已退股 truth:RenQuan three years ago already withdrawal


The tripod with two handles tang company exactly is a kind of company is it?FangLiu kun in the recruit students said that the company has star shareholders,The big shareholder is RenQuan star."Before he also to company turned several times,A little busy recently,Rarely came to the."Reporter then commerce in yuexiu branch shareholders inquires situation,Did not find RenQuan name.FangLiu kun explanation is:"You also know,A lot of things are not YongBao to the industrial and commercial bureau,This is private contract."The reporter also contacted the RenQuan manager zhang Ming,Zhang Ming said did not know about this company,RenQuan need to verify.


yesterday,Reporter interviews the tripod with two handles tang, general manager of the company/Shareholders li Ming.He admitted that RenQuan once in 2008 joined the guangzhou tripod tang film co., LTD foshan branch,All very soon, this will remove the cooperation.For the company to create RenQuan star signs,He says is employees don't understand a situation caused by.


宣传:与南方台合作大戏《下海》 propaganda:And south Taiwan drama in cooperation[sea]


真相:帮忙找拍摄场地、道具和小演员 truth:To help find shooting location/Props and small actor


The tripod with two handles tang film in its official website hang out film and television works respectively recommend a column[feast]/[Seek you to the]/[Beautiful and charming]/[sea]/[Looking for the witness]/[My daughter my tears]/[Noble bride]/[AnShao]Eight TV play.But according to reporter inquires the,[My daughter my tears]/[Noble bride]/[AnShao]The tripod with two handles tang film and television are not involved in filming.Li Ming said that although the TV series are hanging on the tripod with two handles tang's official website,But did not express written is ding tang works."Your business web site the biggest function is propaganda,Is this kind of practice will mislead parents?"Li Ming argued:"Just like your blog,It will also recommend the work of others."


Last October, 22, a set of CCTV that play[sea]The film and television is tang on its website claims and southern Taiwan joint production drama.But reporter inquires the joint production of unit list in southern guangdong TV station/Beijing JingJiangShan the film and television culture development co., LTD. 10 companies,But no tripod tang film and television.


Southern TV editor-in-chief leadership huaming told reporters,[sea]The show the south television partner is Beijing imperial JingJiangShan movie and television culture development co., LTD,Did not the film and television cooperated with tang dynasty.But he also pointed out,Also don't expel other partner and the tripod with two handles tang film and television have had cooperation.Staff LuFeng also confirmed[sea]Cooperation mile didn't really heard of the tripod with two handles tang film and television.finally,Li Ming admits,[sea]The play,Is the filming went to foshan,The tripod with two handles tang help find shooting location/Props and small actor.


记者跟进 Reporters follow up


鼎唐是否能办儿童影视培训班? The tripod with two handles tang can do children's film and television training class?


工商局:属于超范围经营,要处罚 Industrial and commercial bureau:Belong to the overspray management,To punishment


About parents most concern,Film and television company can do children's film and television training class,Reporters have consultation with the guangzhou yuexiu branch of industrial and commercial bureau to know,Guangzhou tripod tang film co., LTD., the business scope of the production/copy/Issue radio play/TV/cartoon(Production must be another declaration),project/column(Does not contain the current politics news class),variety(Radio and television programme production operation license valid until June 3, 2012);Planning for cultural exchange activities;production/All kinds of ads released;Project investment consulting;Education information consultation.Which does not include the training management project.


The relevant person in charge said,Guangzhou tripod tang film co., LTD. If children start performing arts classes,Training for training,Belong to business overspray,According to the[company]Provisions shall be ordered to make rectification,If the circumstances are serious punishment will be carried out.The person in charge explained further told reporters,If it is children's talent training class,Need to deal with the certificate of education,Took the card after he points situation to rush.Has the public property and private institutions will go to the civil affairs bureau rush,For-profit qualitative, commerce to do business license.
