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49名中国留学生申请材料造假 16人遭新西兰遣返--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

49名中国留学生申请材料造假 16人遭新西兰遣返赵佳峰 制图 ZhaoJiaFeng drawing

  原标题:16名中国学生涉嫌造假被新西兰遣返 留学诚信再起波澜

Original title:16 Chinese students were sent in two New Zealand study integrity comeback waves


Chinese students in the intermediary help who apply for paper/Forged recommendation and transcripts


Many American universities have begun one-on-one assessment applicants


But many foreign colleges and universities seeking behavior of interests and gave birth to concoct


Chinese students cheating case waves rise.Morning paper reporter has learned,July embroiled in New Zealand to study abroad application materials fraud scandal of 231 Chinese students,49 people are confirmed falsified behavior,16 people have been repatriated.

杀害中国留学生的加拿大籍嫌犯被遣返 Killing Chinese students Canadian suspect be deported? ?? ?


In recent years,Chinese students integrity issue has caused international opinion attention.Study abroad intermediary flood/Students family fluke mind and overseas part of China university student's ambiguous attitude,Good faith is the root of the problem which.


At present,According to Chinese students integrity problem,Foreign universities and colleges have been measures and deal with,But had little effect.Crack students integrity problem,Need more Chinese school/The participation of students and institutions.After all,Students integrity problems not only endanger student group,The more damage China's image abroad.


recently,Morning paper reporter learned that,During the three months after independent investigation,The New Zealand immigration service to 49 name Chinese students issued notice of deportation,16 people have been repatriation and come back to China.


By the end of July,The New Zealand immigration service has claimed,In the Beijing office of 1800 student visa application,Find a 279 degree or material existence suspected of cheating,231 of them have already in New Zealand each school.

  新西兰《先驱报(Herald)》记者凯特·沙特尔沃思(Kate Shuttleworth)告诉早报记者,“中新间的留学交流是一个价值23亿美元的大市场,丑闻无疑让其大受影响。”

New Zealand[herald(Herald)]Reporter Kate Chartres worth(Kate Shuttleworth)Morning paper reporter told,"Between the new study exchange is a $2.3 billion worth of big market,Scandal let the affected."

  新西兰移民局局长斯蒂夫·斯图尔特(Steve Stuart)表示,已派专人前往北京调查此事。然而,独立调查在持续3个月后,仍进展缓慢。新西兰移民局发言人马克·皮尔西(Marc Piercey)告诉早报记者:“调查还在继续,在结束前,我们不方便透露更多的细节和进展。”

The New Zealand immigration service director Steve Stewart(Steve Stuart)said,Already assigned to Beijing to look into the matter.however,Independent investigation in the last 3 months later,Slow still.The New Zealand immigration service spokesman mark pelle west(Marc Piercey)Morning paper reporter told:"The investigation is ongoing,In closing,We don't convenient give more details and progress."


"Each case has its particularity,We want to verify one by one."A New Zealand immigration from Beijing office staff revealed.


中国学生:材料造假者多 Chinese students:Materials more than fraudsters


New Zealand fraud case study is still in the survey,But Chinese students integrity problem has been the focus of international public opinion.

  2011年11月,一篇题为《中国难题(The China Conundrum)》的文章在美国《高等教育纪事(The Chronicle of Higher Education)》上公开发表,引起了美国舆论对中国留学生诚信问题的关注。这篇文章的作者是该报的高级记者汤姆·巴特利(Tom Bartlett)和他的同事凯瑞·费希尔(Karin Fischer)。

In November 2011,An essay on[China's problem(The China Conundrum)]Article in the United States[Chronicle of higher education(The Chronicle of Higher Education)]Published on,Cause the American public opinion to Chinese students integrity issues.The author of this article is the senior reporter Tom bart the(Tom Bartlett)And his colleagues carrey · fischer(Karin Fischer).

  在回复早报记者的邮件中,巴特利回忆了当初的采访经历。“2011年前后,中国留学生赴美的数量增加很快,而暴露出的申请材料造假问题,也成为美国各院校间的一个重要话题。”据巴特利回忆,2011年10月,几名中国学生前往堪萨斯州立大学报到,校方惊讶地发现他们与托福考试证上的照片不一致。堪萨斯州立大学国际招生办主任刘易斯先生(Mr. Lewis)表示:“我们没有条件去核实清楚,毕竟我们在美国。”类似的情况在特拉华大学也发生过,该校经济学教授罗伯特·史怀哲(Robert Schweitzer)发现,很多中国学生听不懂他提及的英文词汇。一名中国学生用蹩脚的英文承认,自己向中介代理支付了3000美元,以顺利通过美国学校申请的各项考核。“他甚至忘记了自己申请论文的内容。”巴特利回忆称。

Morning paper reporter in reply email,Bart and recall the original interview experience."Before and after 2011,Increase in the number of Chinese students coming to the United States soon,And expose the application material fraud problems,To also become American universities and colleges is one of the important topic between."According to bart and memories,In October 2011,Several Chinese students to Kansas state to report for duty,The school was surprised to find that they and the toefl exam on card photographs don't agree.Kansas state international admissions office director Mr Lewis(Mr. Lewis)said:"We have no conditions to verify clearly,After all, we in the United States."A similar situation in the university of Delaware also happened,The school economics professor Robert schweitzer(Robert Schweitzer)found,Many Chinese students can't understand he mentioned English vocabulary.A Chinese students use broken English admits,To intermediary agency for $3000,To smoothly through the American school application all the assessment."He even forgets to apply for their own the content of the thesis."Bart and recall says.

  北京十一学校的留学顾问大卫·麦考利(David McCauley)告诉早报记者,他曾接到一个来自美国一流大学招生办的电话,向他了解一名留学申请者的信息。“那个学生自称是北京十一学校的学生,而且获得过一些奖项。但问题是,学校没有这个学生。”来自深圳中学的英文教师玛丽安·勃兰特(Marianne Brandt)也曾遭遇类似的尴尬。为了核实情况,一所美国的学校将一名留学申请者的材料寄送给她,“这个学生80%的成绩是中介公司伪造的”。

Beijing eleven school study advisor David Macaulay(David McCauley)Morning paper reporter told,He had received a from the United States first-class university admission office phone,To understand a study in the applicant's information."That student claimed to be Beijing eleven school students,And won several awards.But the problem is,Schools don't have the students."From shenzhen high school English teacher Mary Ann Brandt(Marianne Brandt)Also encountered similar embarrassed.In order to verify the situation,An American school will be a study abroad the applicant's material to send to her,"The student 80% of the results is intermediary company counterfeit".


There are many such cases.People can not help but wonder,Study abroad to good faith how serious it is?In 2010,,The famous American education website Zinch.com has released a report,Says 80% of Chinese students apply for in accepting intermediary company help and service."Intermediary agency mutual competition,Lead to cheat/Rampant cheating phenomenon."The report says assessment,90% of Chinese students existence of recommendation of fraud,Around 70% of all applicants who apply for existence of the paper,There are 50% of applicants forged high school transcript.

  Zinch的主席麦彻同(Tom Melcher)告诉早报记者:“高等教育的竞争非常激烈,孩子们不得不为了稀缺的机会铤而走险。每个人都会安慰自己说,别人都在作弊,为什么我不行?”

The chairman of the Zinch MaiChe with(Tom Melcher)Morning paper reporter told:"Competition is so fierce in the higher education,The children had to be scarce chance to rush in where angels fear to tread.Everyone will comfort myself,Others are cheating,Why I can't?"


中介泛滥:收费贵 善造假 Intermediary flood:Charge your good fraud


For Chinese students cheating phenomenon in large scale,A lot of people will be blamed on intermediary flood and students' lack of honesty.

  “在中国,有专门从事伪造和作弊的中介公司,为留学生提供出国申请材料。”新西兰《先驱报》记者林肯·谭(Lincoln Tan)透露,一名23岁的中国留学生曾承认,他向中介支付了1.8万美元,“以获得伪造介绍信、大学学历和其他相关材料”。尽管缺乏官方的证实,但中国留学市场上确实存在部分提供造假服务的中介代理。不少公司更是以“为一名无科研经历的学生成功申请美国排名前五的大学硕士学位”等噱头招揽客户。

"In China,Have specialized in forging and cheating intermediary company,For students go abroad to provide the application materials."New Zealand[herald]Reporter Lincoln · tan(Lincoln Tan)revealed,A 23-year-old Chinese students have admitted,He paid $18000 to the intermediary,"To get forged letter of introduction/University degree and other relevant materials".Despite the lack of official confirmed,But study in China market exists section provides false service intermediary agency.A lot of company is more"As a no scientific research experience students successful application the United States ranked in the top five of the master degree from the university"Solicit customers such as stunt.


In a American universities concludes the[Chinese to study abroad apply for credit problems]Report says:"Study abroad intermediary is false ecological system in a very important link.Intermediary not only provides a full set of false service,And through these service charge high cost."Education website Zinch MaiChe head with emphasize:"Blackening these provide service intermediary agency is not difficult,But the problem is,Intermediary just meet Chinese students and parents' needs."In recent years,Chinese students to study abroad expectations reached the peak.According to the Chinese ministry of education's statistical report,Chinese students have been the number from 2005 person-time growth in 2011 to 339000 people,With an average annual increase of more than 19.19%.The report also predicted,In 2012, the Chinese foreign students quantity will break 400000 person-time.


"Why do you want to go abroad to study abroad?Foreign diploma than the Chinese are more easy to find work,Competitive advantage more."A from fudan university undergraduate students tell morning paper reporter,He is currently application to study in the United States,Study economic class graduate student.Another name comes from Shanghai qingpu students said,Study abroad for future overseas immigrants to prepare.


"We welcome conform to the standard of students to study abroad,But more and more customers to actually do not conform to the American university admissions standards,In this case,Even if we do not provide some special service,There will also be other companies provide."A Shanghai medium scale study in the morning paper reporter told institutions,The company provides students with the help of the translation including personal introduction and paper ghost.This person in charge also revealed,Some rich parents is directly tell intermediary,Their children cannot normal to pass the exam,but"As long as can help them to study abroad,All prices are good talk".

  一些承诺100%留学申请成功、失败全额退款的中介更是成为了市场中最受青睐的公司。留学代理澳际(Aoji Education Group)曾在中国地区推出过5大名校的申请承诺,该公司北京工作处负责人凯瑟琳·海赫(Kathryn Hehir)透露:“一旦某个学生申请失败了,学生的家人就会跑到中介公司哭闹抗议。他们并不在乎退款,而是要求孩子能够去美国一流大学读书。”

Some 100% commitment abroad apply for to succeed/A refund of the failure of the intermediary is become the market of the most popular elements of the company.Study abroad agent Macao border(AoJi Education Group)Once in China launched five big school application commitment,The company Beijing head work how Catherine sea Hector(Kathryn Hehir)revealed:"Once a student application failed,Student's family would run to intermediary company crying protest.They do not care about a refund,But requiring children to the best American university."


高校缺钱:收中国学生 The lack of money:Accept Chinese students


Intermediary and student nature is integrity problem maker,But also with a view,Foreign school also corrupting vibrant traditions.The affiliated high school of Peking University vice school Yangtze river learn often think:"Chinese students in order to get a diploma to the United States,And the American schools are trying to make Chinese students money.It is a pity that,The union is in which both sides had a lot of time."

  中国学生海外留学热潮背后,确有国外院校谋求收益的考虑。2007年,美国俄克拉荷马基督教大学开始筹备招收海外留学生,他们首先在中国雇佣了3名面试官。该校招生办负责人约翰·奥斯本(John Osborne)解释称:“中国的市场非常庞大,我们无法忽视。”截至2011年底,该校已经招收了250余名海外留学生,其中四分之一来自中国。

Chinese students overseas study behind hot flashes,Does foreign colleges and universities seeking income consideration.In 2007,,The Oklahoma Christian university start preparatory recruit overseas students,They first in China employs three the interviewer.The school admission office chief John Osborne(John Osborne)Explanation says:"The market of China is very large,We can't ignore."By the end of 2011,The school has recruited more than 250 overseas students,Where a quarter from China.


According to another American famous education web site person in charge MaiChe with revealed,After the United States state university admissions officers contact with its organization,Hope to recruit hundreds of students in China."Reason is very simple,The university had financial problems,Need to recruit able to pay tuition students,And Chinese students have this advantage."


A similar situation continues.On October 20, 2012,China international education exhibition the curtain in Beijing,Attracted a total of 38 countries from more than 500 colleges and universities and education institutions to participate in.These institutions came to China's only one objective,Recruit more Chinese students.

  “中国是一个潜力巨大的市场,我们并不想错过。”来自西班牙商务办公室的首席分析师詹妮(Jenny Mendoza)透露。舆论认为,陷入经济危机的西班牙非常渴望中国资金的涌入,哪怕是以留学或者旅游的形式。

"China is a potential huge market,And we don't want to miss."From the Spanish business office of the chief analyst Jenny(Jenny Mendoza)revealed.Opinion think,In the economic crisis of Spanish very eager to China the influx of money,Even if is to study abroad or in the form of tourism.

  同样的,德国驻华大使施明贤(Michael Schaefer)在此次教育展上透露:“中国学生已经成为德国最大的留学生群体,我们欢迎更多的中国学生前往德国。”去年,有23000多名中国学生前往德国留学。“国外大学的面试官确实为中国留学生的造假和作弊感到愤怒,但中国留学生本来就是一桩大买卖。”江学勤透露。

The same,The German ambassador ShiMingXian(Michael Schaefer)The education exhibition in the revealed:"Chinese students have been the biggest group of foreign nationals in Germany,We welcome more Chinese students went to Germany."Last year,More than 23000 Chinese students to study in Germany."Foreign university interviewer really for Chinese students cheating on fraud and anger,But Chinese students would have is a pile big business."JiangXueQin revealed.


obviously,The distortion of the appeal behind,Hard to avoid can produce all kinds of entropy type awkward.


破解难题:口语面试 Crack problem:Spoken language interview

  将诚信问题扩张至所有中国籍留学生,显然言过其实。南加州大学招生办副主任王梅根女士(Megan Wang)常年在中国各地开展招生工作,“确实存在坏苹果的现象,但我们也应该对学生有信心,关键是各学校建立一个完善的申请系统。”王梅根已经看到了中国留学生诚信问题的改善,“我今年收到了许多学校和学生的承诺书,他们的申请材料都是自己准备的,没有得到中介的帮助。”

The problem of the absence of credibility will expand to all Chinese students,Obviously thick.The university of southern California, deputy director of admissions office WangMeiGen lady(Megan Wang)Perennial in all over China to carry out recruitment of students work,"Exists the phenomenon of bad apples,But we should also have the confidence to the student,The key is the school set up a perfect application system."WangMeiGen have seen Chinese students integrity problem improvement,"I this year received many schools and students' letter of commitment,Their application materials are their prepared,Don't get intermediary help."


And those who hope to continue to attract Chinese students of the school,Also looking for change.The university of Virginia and the other American universities are hired China alumni as the interviewer,One-on-one assessment study applicants.Such a move would get a lot of the personage inside course of study support,The affiliated high school of Peking University vice school Yangtze river learn often have been emphasized,Spoken language interview is distinguish a study abroad applicants"The best touchstone".

  2011年,VeriApp (Verification for Applications)机构与美国高校共同启动了针对中国留学申请者的材料验证系统。留学申请者需要在VeriApp的网站上在线提交包括成绩单、荣誉奖项、个人履历和推荐人在内的留学申请材料,再通过调查员对事实的核查后,生成一份证明材料真实性的认证报告。这份报告将作为学生的“诚信名片”,像托福、SAT成绩单一样被投递到美国大学的招生办,并在录取过程中为招生人员提供重要的参考。

In 2011,,VeriApp (Verification for Applications)Institutions and American universities have launched in China to study abroad the applicant's material verification system.Applicants need to study abroad in VeriApp website online submit include report/Honor award/Resumes and references, the study in the application materials,Then through the investigators to facts after verification,Generate a proof material authenticity of authentication report.The report will serve as the students'"Credit card",Like the toefl/SAT transcript be delivery to the United States university admission office,And in the admission process for admissions officers to provide important reference.


Although all parties to put an end to cheating in doing the hard,But some of the Chinese students still have a budget of his own.A perennial for each high school in China/University said the interviewer:"We repeatedly,Anyone's cheating and fraud,All may affect his school or city applying for study abroad credit record,And influence others.But many people don't care about."


[Dialogue the United States[Chronicle of higher education]Senior reporter:Survey costs make the most pain]
