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15岁少女一天吃8顿饭10斤米 养父已负债累累--亲稳舆论引导监测室
One day to eat the meal,A total of 10 jins to eat rice,This is not the legend,Is YunYangXian a 15-year-old girl to more than the normal life.She's so big appetite,Not only frightened classmates and teachers,Even the adoptive father also complain incessantly:Can't afford the,Completely couldn't afford to keep the.To more than the world's appetite why so big?Although the adoptive father take her to see the doctor,But haven't found out she had what disease.but,YunYangXian surgeon general XuFeng said yesterday,The preliminary decision to the world for more than"Metabolic disorder",And that will organize medical experts to give her consultation.
离奇:少女一天吃8顿饭 extraordinary:Girl one day eats eight meal
To the world YunYangXian is more than ShangBaXiang medicine field village people,yesterday,Contact reporters on her adoptive father XiangMingTang.XiangMingTang told reporters,Daughter 15 years old this year,,She was born and was soon abandoned biological parents on the roadside."Think of myself is also a bachelor,Will she bring up an adult,I am old also have a rely on."so,He will be the roadside foundling embrace to return to home,To more than the name.
15 years,Both father depended on each other.Because long-term soil,No more time to take care of more than the world,To the world XiangMingTang will more than foster in the sister in law zou help sweet home.According to zou introduced for incense,To the world's more than an appetite is big:Every day to eat 10 jins meters,One day to eat at least eight meal.
"She eats a meal,I must give her a rice cooker cook the rice is enough",Zou help sweet said,To the world more than one's appetite is equivalent to 10 adult appetite,"From morning to evening sleeping,Every two hours,She will eat a meal.Not only that,Intermediate to eat Fried dough sticks/GuoKui and so on snacks to stay his hunger".
叫苦:养父已负债累累 complain:Foster father already in debt
15 years old girl why appetite so amazing?From when appetite started so big?
XiangMingTang said,Ten years ago,To the world is more than 5 years old,her"Hungry disease"Shows up,But there was no now so serious,But appetite than ordinary people or big many.From October this year,Her appetite become all the more amazing."Awoke from his sleep eat,Eat and sleep,Call call don't wake",XiangMingTang said,Now she height 1.5 meters,36 kg weight.
ShangBaXiang YunYangXian is the most remote a township,Hundreds of miles from the county,Most of the villagers by farming.It is the poor XiangMingTang,In order to give to the world more than cure already owe a debt,Home very difficult.XiangMingTang said,Facing this situation,He felt very helpless,Although the government also enjoy some of the supporting policy,But I still feel difficult to support.
In order to cure,In the first half of 2010,In ShangBaXiang medicine field school primary school grade 5 to the world have to be away from school for more than at home.
疑惑:10年没查出病因 doubt:10 years didn't find out the cause
10 jins of rice,At least for ordinary people eat half a month,But more to the world but only enough to eat for a day.Exactly what causes to more than the big appetite?first,The family took her to YunYangXian healed ShangBaXiang health center.From more than the disease began,The doctor CengQingGuo has been responsible for the diagnosis and treatment for her.Yesterday afternoon,CengQingGuo told reporters on the phone,"To the world your food to eat more after go in,The most tube for 10 minutes,Then the intestinal excretion out",Her illness performance mainly is the stomach doesn't work,In his opinion it is gastrectasia hydrochloric acid in gastric juice one kind of situation,But because of the township public health center co., LTD., medical conditions,He also did not find what kind of reasons caused by.
Because did not find clear etiology,these,CengQingGuo to more than the disease was at a loss what to do,Health center and local other some hospitals also just through the infusion way help her treatment.CengQingGuo said,To the world more than simply to eat in any drugs,Lose point liquid will be good in a day or two.But suffer from poor family,To more than the world had not been able to adhere to the proper treatment."She can't stand it when they come to me,Then simply infusion to handle it",CengQingGuo said,With more than the family to the nearby many hospitals,Haven't been able to find out the cause.
Yesterday afternoon,YunYangXian surgeon general said after XuFeng hears,More than to the sickness is really rare,The initial judgment may be"Metabolic disorder","We will organize health medical experts to give her consultation,Hope I can help her to cure disease".(source:Chongqing business newspaper reporter XuShu ZhengYou interns ZhengXiaoGong)
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