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EF ef T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:在年轻人当中,传统的“三八妇女节”的叫法早已out,而现在流行的叫法是女人节、女生节。厦大女生节 金融系男生送"玫瑰花卫生巾",某理工大学一个班的男生集资给班上唯一的女同学买iphone4s…这就是智慧大学生做的令人啼笑皆非的过节行动… Among young people,The traditional"38 women's days"Call out already,And now popular way is women section/Girl day.Xiamen university girl day finance boy sent"Roses sanitary napkin",A university of science and technology of a class of boys funding to give the class the only female classmate to buy iphone4s…This is the wisdom of the college students do wry chronicling the feast of the action…更多精彩>> More wonderful>>高校理工男自创“女生节” University of science and technology a male"Girl day"? ?? ? 大学男生集体过女生节:你若穿婚纱我便穿袈裟 这些火辣辣的标语,也可能无关爱恋,它表达的是理科男们对女同学的一份关爱 These irritable slogan,May love has nothing to do,It is a science express the male to female students a love


24 red banners/A love breakfast/A love letter……Single day eve,Jilin university of nanling campus"Polytechnic male"After the spontaneous organizations"Girl day",Give the girls sent to a wish.


“你若披上别人的婚纱,我便穿上少林的袈裟” "If you put on someone else's wedding,I will put on the shaolin of cassocks"


Jilin university nanling campus had hung banners"Girl day",Have a class and a boy to a girl at the feast


Tomorrow if you can think of him to breakfast/Write love letter/jump"Jiangnan style"


7名男生单膝跪地 Seven boys to one knee


给29名女生献玫瑰花 29 girls to offer a rose


"No matter how is the window of the world,Have you in the side is spring"/"today,You are our ShenJiaYi"……24 red banners hanging in the jilin university students nanling campus twelve apartment door/The fence and the window.


According to introducing,Banners are in order to live"Girl day"hanging,Each class the feast of time not sure,Generally in mid-november began,Last a week,But now there is continuous activity.


2012 level management institute 8 class of 29 girls,Seven boys,The day is partial in a big classroom,Before class,Seven boys will be cut-and-dried rose to one knee to female classmate,Partial caused a stir.


He is the people of hunan,"That evening 10 o 'clock,In the apartment door,A group of engineering male freshmen braved heavy snow for their class of a few girls jump‘Jiangnan style’,celebrate‘Girl day’."She will be the warm scene all recorded down,Hair to online.


19个男生给1个女生过节 19 a boy to a girl at the feast


A freshman female classmate ushered in the first"Jida girl day".HongWen as the only girl in the class,Class 19 male classmate for she had a sweet"Girl day".


Jilin university biological and agricultural engineering institute of new HongWen,Can be said to be many female classmate in the happiest one,Because she is a total of 20 students in the class,She was the only girl,The rest 19 people are male classmate.In this"Jida girl day"in,19 male classmate for she had a very warm"Girl day".


Valley classmate say,Their collective for HongWen prepared a large box of dolls,Inside a total of 20 spongebob.We also separately presented HongWen small gift.It is said that,HongWen 6 o 'clock every day to the class to learn,In order to cater to all of her habit,Responsible for the dinner"Duty group"Every day more than five students will get up,For HongWen buy breakfast.


“女生节”延续至今 "Girl day"Continues today


只因男女比例失衡 Because men and women imbalance


Jida for"Girl day"The origin of,Reporter toss contact to jilin university school of management ZhangDaQuan nanling campus counselors.


Teacher zhang said:"Girl day’In 2005 we college students self-initiated,In the single preganglionic,The boys a spontaneous organizations for college girl dreams and wishes activities."


"First year students simply hang a few banners,Admire the girl of hard and not easy.The second year,Everyone again spontaneously organized the activities."Teacher zhang said,Everyone from now on will named activities"Girl day".Nearly two years,"Girl day"Start by other college to follow.


Teacher zhang said,Because of nanling campus more science and engineering,Boys than girls more natural,At present nanling campus the ratio of man to female is about 7:1,so"Girl day"Can continue today,And has been popular.


(According to[New culture to]/[East Asia economic news])


厦大女生节 金融系男生送"玫瑰花卫生巾"(组图) Xiamen university girl day finance boy sent"Roses sanitary napkin"(map)


Today is a traditional festival of xiamen university"Girl day",Zhangzhou campus early in the morning there was a scenario-in scene:A huge"Weenie bear"Brought up ten uniform dressed in black suit,Wear shorts,带着黑超墨镜的大男生,抬着一个用红色玫瑰花做成的巨大“卫生巾” With black super shades of big boy,Carrying a red rose with a huge"Sanitary napkin"来到该校女生居住的芙蓉园公寓门前…[

Came to the school girls live in lotus garden apartment door…[详细 detailed]



大学生流行“女生节” 各高校搞笑横幅满天飞 College students popular"Girl day" Various universities funny banners all over the place


Among young people,The traditional"38 women's days"Call out already,And now popular way is women section/Girl day.In universities inside,The boys had already cannot hold back to the holiday expectations,Will the blessings of the girls write banner,Or true blessing,Or humorous kuso,In a word is"Girl day"The university banners all over the place…[详细 detailed]



一切为了女生 清华男生拉横幅贺女生节(图) Everything for the girl chin hua boy pull banners celebrating the girl day(diagram)


清华大学的校园里,飘满了女生节祝福的横幅,吸引来众多的学生驻足评判,同时有学生把照片上传到网上,引来众多网友的称赞。同时 Tsinghua university campus,Gone with the wind full girl day wishes banners,To attract many students stop judging,At the same time have students will match the photos uploaded to the Internet,Draw many users praise.At the same time微博上还流传某理工大学一个班的男生集资给班上唯一的女同学买iphone4s Micro bo also spread a university of science and technology of a class of boys funding to give the class the only female classmate to buy iphone4s,虽然经过调查之后仍不知确切为哪所学校,以及事情是否存在,但是足以令人很欢乐…[ ,Although after after investigation still do not know exactly which school for,And whether there are things,But is enough to make you very happy…[详细 detailed] ]
