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  帕丽斯·希尔顿 Paris Hilton

  帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)身为希尔顿饭店创办人的曾孙女,帕丽斯因为违反酒驾保释规定,被判入狱45天。帕丽斯近来风波不断,堪称是好莱坞的话题女王。

Paris Hilton(Paris Hilton)As Hilton Hotel, the founder's great-grandchild,Paris for drunk driving in violation of the provisions on bail,Was sentenced to 45 days in jail.Paris recently storm constantly,This is Hollywood topic the queen.

  希尔顿出生于纽约纽约市,父母是著名希尔顿酒店集团现任主席的第六子理查德·希尔顿与著名的凯蒂·希尔顿,家中有四兄弟姊妹,帕丽斯排行最大,其次是她的妹妹妮基·希尔顿,排行第三的弟弟是巴伦·希尔顿二世,年纪最小的弟弟是康帕丽斯·希尔顿拉德·希尔顿三世。 由于母亲的关系,希尔顿也是70年代两位著名童星金·理查兹和卡仪·理查兹的外甥女,亦因为姻亲关系,她与两位著名影星莎莎·嘉宝和伊丽莎白·泰勒有着亲戚关系。 她的祖父是著名希尔顿酒店集团现任主席巴伦·希尔顿,祖母是(前名)玛丽莲·霍利。希尔顿的曾祖父母是希尔顿酒店的始创人康拉德·希尔顿,与他的第一任妻子玛丽·巴伦。康拉德·希尔顿在没有留下任何遗言或遗嘱下,于1979年与世长辞。巴伦·希尔顿其后的遗产争夺最终告上法庭,最后于1988年胜诉并夺得遗产的继承权。

Hilton was born in New York city,Parents are famous Hilton Hotel group incumbent President, the sixth son of Richard Hilton and famous Katie Hilton,There are four brothers and sisters at home,Paris ranking maximum,The second is her sister nicky Hilton,Ranking the third brother is barron Hilton ii,The youngest brother is kang Paris Hilton vladimir Hilton iii. Because of the mother's relationship,Hilton is also in the 70 s the two famous child star gold Richards and card meter Richards's niece,Also because of affinity,She and two famous film star sasa garbo and Elizabeth Taylor has a relative relationship. Her grandfather is a famous Hilton Hotel group incumbent President barron Hilton,Grandmother is(Name before)Marilyn Holly.Hilton is the Hilton Hotel great-grandparents godfather Conrad Hilton,And his first wife Marie barron.Conrad Hilton in did not leave any last words or under a will,Died in 1979.Barron Hilton subsequent heritage for the final court,Finally in 1988, winning and winning heritage inheritance.

  她的出现为这个时代注入了新的活力。她甜美如芭比的外形以及Paris Hilton高挑的身材,火辣性感又不失甜美,大家认为这又会是继玛丽莲·梦露、戴安娜王妃之后又一位金发尤物。她不是希尔顿,而是她自己——帕丽斯。虽出豪门,但不是被宠坏的小孩。她心怀雄心大志,不做家族寄生虫,不拿家里一分钱,自从成年后就要求自己作为普通寻梦人一样打拼挣钱;经过几年的打拼,她的事业有声有色,短短几年就让自己身价上亿,创造了Paris Hilton时尚王国,她的大胆、前卫穿衣风格也深得年轻女孩的喜爱,是一个十足的时尚icon。而这位性感的王妃又怎么能仅满足于一时的成就呢?她还要做演员、作家、歌手、设计师等等,做她想做的一切,并一步一步将自己的梦想实现,这样一位金发尤物的魅力也将会长久不衰。

She has emerged as The Times has injected new vitality.Her sweet like barbie's appearance and Paris Hilton tall figure,Hot sexy and do not break sweet,We think it would be after Marilyn Monroe/Princess Diana again after a blonde and blonder.She is not the Hilton,But her own - Paris.Is out of the giants,But not spoiled child.Her heart ambition,Don't do family parasites,Don't take home a penny,Since adults requires himself as a common vision quest people fight to earn money;After a few years of fight,Her career sound and color,Just a few short years let yourself is worth hundreds of millions,Created Paris Hilton fashion kingdom,Her bold/Avant-garde clad style also is deep young girl's love,Is a real fashion icon.The sexy princess how can only meet the time achievement?She also an actor/writer/singer/Designers, etc,Do she want to do everything,Step by step and his dreams come true,Such a blonde and blonder charm will also will last long.

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