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农民筹390万为留守儿童建校 打工给老师发工资--亲稳舆论引导监测室




"The financial strain,Even on the road, see a brick will pick up go back to school."Chen ping belt staff worked as a coolie,Shovel river sand/Play mixed soil.


成绩 result


Development up to now,Chen ping school has 1420 students,The left-behind children 1200,Boarding students 396 people.

  “爸妈在那头,我在这头…… ”这是内江市资中县鱼溪镇留守儿童的真实写照。如今,很多农民工无力供养子女在城市生活、学习,不得不选择“一家两地”的生活,将孩子遗留在了农村。

"Parents in the head,I am in this head…… "This is NaJiangShi ZiZhongXian fish creek town real portraiture of left-behind children.now,Many migrant workers, unable to support their children live in the city/learning,Had to choose"A two"life,Will the children left behind in the countryside.


In order to give these children to provide a learning platform,ZiZhongXian farmers Chen ping to borrow money/loan/The way to work to make money,Started a left-behind children elementary school.Ten years,He had to school,Accumulated investment of more than 390 yuan,Become a local famous"Milk dad the principal".


重返校园 留守学生叫他“陈爸爸” To return to the campus left-behind students call him"Chen father"


HuangHongLin is NaJiangShi ZiZhongXian fish creek and the town primary school students.His father work in xinjiang,Mother work in shenzhen,His sister and HuangXiaoGong no one to look after,HuangXiaoGong then school to shenzhen to find his mother.


HuangHongLin after school.Since there is no guardian,Some schools will he rejected.One day,A passer-by motorcycle sent him to the country and the primary school.In the teacher's efforts,He also made good grades.Heard that this event,Her mother put out sister sent to the country and the primary school.


"If it weren't for President chan.,We all may not read."HuangHongLin the sister said,Mom and dad rarely home,holiday,President Chen also with us to his home to eat,To seeing friends and relatives saw,Have another home warm.President Chen to students very well,Some other students call him"Chen father".


奶爸校长 目睹车祸萌发办学念头 Milk dad the principal witness accident germination education idea


The sister said"Chen father",Call Chen ping,Is fish creek town stone house village people,Is the primary school of run by the local people and the principal of elementary school.In Chen ping school,There are 1200 left-behind children,Let them have a new"home".In the local people,Founded the school,He is almost"Break the bank",Don't know his stomach sell what medicine.

  1982年,陈平退伍后,凭着搞建筑包工,很快富了起来。在走南闯北的包工生涯中,他吃尽了缺知识的苦头。 看见农村的留守儿童上学难,他发誓要以自己的力量办教育,让更多的农村孩子多读点书。 1995年,陈平拿出节衣缩食的积蓄30多万元,在当地办起了第一所幼儿园。

In 1982,,Chen ping after army discharge,With does the construction work,Rich up soon.In the length and breadth of the country work career,He ate up the lack of knowledge of the suffering. See rural left-behind children to go to school,He vowed to do education in his own power,Let more rural children read some books. In 1995,,Chen ping pinch and scrape out the savings of more than 30 ten thousand yuan,In the local launched the first kindergartens.


Chen ping do elementary school,Because saw a car accident,Let his heart was touched.then,The village children every day to road crossing,Walk to distant primary school to read,A child was at a big truck to ruthlessly losing his legs,Finally died.The child's parents sad to jedi seized his hands crying:"Why don't you do elementary school!"This call to account let Chen ping by vibration,He was running the idea of germination of primary school.


借钱贷款 筹资50万元办起学校 Borrow and raised funds of 500000 yuan to qingyuan school


In 2002,,Chen ping run four directions to find three close six qi help to borrow money,Run bank loans,Try everything you can think of way,Raise 500000 yuan,In his own homestead built up the first building.


"The financial strain,Even on the road, see a brick will pick up go back to school."ChenPingShui,Construction in the teaching building,In order to save money,As soon as possible in order to build the teaching building,Chen ping belt staff worked as a coolie,Shovel river sand/Play mixed soil/Move brick/In the rain to repair teaching building,Hands grind the clinically."At that time a few teachers crowded in a dormitory,Didn't complain."


so,After building built,Chen ping and personally stresses the teaching and management,Tube children's learning/life/accommodation,Become a local household"Milk dad the principal".Late at night the,Chen ping will check students' dormitory,Give students cover the quilt;ill,He will personally carry students go to a hospital.

  发展到现在,陈平的学校拥有1420 名学生,其中留守儿童有1200名,寄宿学生396人。这些年来,陈平的办学方式得到了社会的认可,学校先后收留了一批新疆、西藏、云南、贵州等外省区和成都、康定、汶川灾区、内江等外市县的贫困学生。

Development up to now,Chen ping school has 1420 students,Among them there are 1200 left-behind children,Boarding students 396 people.Over the years,Chen ping running way to get the social recognition,The school has received a batch of xinjiang/Tibet/yunnan/Guizhou WaiShengOu and chengdu/kangding/Wenchuan area/Neijiang substandard cities and counties of the poor students.


新闻背后 Behind the news


为给老师发工资 他到工地打工赚钱 For the teacher pay him to site work to earn money


Has been,Schools not only faces capital shortage/Equipment problems such as pallets,And a serious shortage of teachers.As the school left-behind students more and more,School expenditure is more and more big,Sometimes the teacher's salary hair also can not afford to.


In order to solve the problem,Chen ping led the local peasant workers together in local site work/Package engineering/Road and so on,Make enough to get back the money to the teachers pay,Maintain the normal school expenses.


To manage the school,He give up a year out work to earn money more than 30 of the opportunity,Choose leave school.In order to let the students Ann lives,The class teachers have,He and his wife long live in pile up with teaching AIDS/Learning supplies 10 square meters in the house.


"Children home only according to a broken corner sofa,Even a piece of bed also have no."Chen ping memories,In May 2009,Son because of an accident a strained left thigh,Hospital Suggestions 20 days in hospital.Hospital 20 days is a lot of expenses,The Chen ping son home health,And that the village health hospital doctor to care,Let the son sleep on the couch,To recover.


now,In the local government and the social from all walks of life love under the help of the people,And the primary school running conditions improve."Farmers do education,Education for farmers."In the face of the pay,ChenPingShui,His are farmers,For these rural left-behind doll do something should be.Nearly the end of the year,His only hope is to work out when dad when mom's home spending more time with children,Many children with a chat.

  钱永玲 华西城市读本记者 江龙 摄影报道

QianYongLing west China city reader reporter JiangLong photojournalism
