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广州地铁一男童在车厢当众大便 家长淡定守旁边--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:近日有网友发微博称在乘坐广州地铁三号线时,见到一个男童在车厢内当众大解,其父亲淡定地站在旁边,车厢内乘客无人理睬。有乘客表示地铁站内基本找不到洗手间,地铁方回应称紧急时可向工作人员求助。 Recently had the net friend FaWei bo said in guangzhou metro line 3,See a boy in the compartments locking them in public,His father light marked standing by,Inside of the train passengers to no one.A passenger said in the stations basic can't find the bathroom,The subway square response says emergency workers to help.更多精彩新闻>> More wonderful news>> 广州地铁一男童在车厢当众大便 家长淡定守旁边 网传男童当众大解的图被大量转发。来源:@李小冷S微博 The boy and the public have a bowel movement of the chart is a large number of forward.source:@ li xiao leng S micro bo


地铁回应:老人、小孩、孕妇等人群急需时可联系工作人员协助 Subway response:The old man/The child/When people are in urgent need of pregnant women may contact the staff to assist


Recently had the net friend FaWei bo said,In guangzhou metro line 3,See a boy in the compartments locking them in public.Draws a large number of netizens forward and comments,You have to the uncivilized phenomenon and the boy's parents condemned.There are also people spit tank:When nature calls by subway,Want to quickly find the bathroom really not easy.this,Reporters yesterday visited guangzhou metro line in a few of the passenger flow is intensive site,Found that as long as to the subway staff for help,It is not difficult to find the bathroom,Just some public toilets from site really a little far.


男童当众“开大”无人理 Boy in public"up"No reason


The evening of November 10,,Net friend @ li xiao leng S issued a micro bo:"I was shocked by today,In the subway line no. 3 witnessed,Everyone was not wrong,The child in the corner shit!!Or a big tuo!!His father light marked standing by,See wearing family environment should not poor,But the family education is too weak,Even the suppress excrement will not!!!"At the same time,Micro bo also with pictures.then,This article micro bo be quickly forward,As of yesterday afternoon 4 when 28 points,Has been forward 14875 times.


"More let a person feel sadly,It was the peak period of time,In addition to I was present no one out to say words."@ li xiao leng S said.Netizens criticized,Not only the boy doesn't know any better,The practice of their parents also really don't civilization,The subway every two or three minutes to depend station,Parents should let the child first to hold one's nature calls,In the next station to take him off to find the bathroom.Also netizens said,Never in the inside of the train to solve,Because inside of the train personnel crowded and the air circulation.


市民盼望站站有厕所 People look forward to station is the toilet


There are some people sympathize with the boy's encounter.Mr. Zhang said,Every time I took her daughter take the subway,Meets her to answer the call of nature is really trouble,Because children without adult strong self-control,When nature calls will have to solve immediately,But in the stations basically see the shadow of the bathroom.


"If each subway station has the restroom is good."Mr. Bell citizens take the subway yesterday when he met this kind of awkward.Yesterday morning 9:00,Mr. Bell in the 5th line of small north station get on the car,But soon feel belly uncomfortable.In guangzhou more familiar he immediately in the gold stop,Go straight to stand outside a hotel bathroom.Bell said Mr,If newcomers foreigner,Encounter this kind of situation is really don't know how to find the loo.


地铁回应 Subway response


紧急时可向工作人员求助 Emergency workers to help


Yesterday afternoon,Guangzhou metro news spokesman Mr. Leaves in an interview said,Guangzhou metro all site set up such as toilet guide plate,It details the station equipped with toilets and near the outside of the station is the bathroom site.Passengers if not clear,Can also be to staff consulting.The old man/The child/Pregnant women crowd,In time of need in the stations may contact the staff to assist.He reminded,Parents take their children take the subway,Best in the home front to allow children to go to the bathroom first,Or wear diaper/Plastic bags and spare items.


Guangzhou metro official micro bo also said,If the passenger in the station meet not civilized behavior,Can be discouraged,Or direct notice the station staff follow up.[Guangzhou urban rail traffic regulations]provisions,Banned in the station/platform/Train or other urban rail traffic facilities in [anywhere,On the above behavior,The seriousness of the cases can be given a warning,And can be more than $20 to 50 yuan of the following a fine.


记者体验 Reporter experience


成功借用员工洗手间 Successful employees use the bathroom


New express reporter yesterday visited the part of the passenger flow is intensive site,Find the bathroom basically all must first outbound,Some even have to step on a long way.For example, in the west long standing,Reporters from A export emerge,To ask people,Walk 10 minutes walk,Only in a farmer's market next to find the bathroom;In the south of yangzi river west railway station,Outbound after the underground shopping mall is also walk for nearly seven minutes to find the bathroom.


Although five-goat estate station with the bathroom,But in A export brake machine outside,Must emerge to use,And in the station hall no indication,Only in A export channel turning A signpost.More convenient site,For example the beijiao port station and huangge motown station,The restroom is built on the station hall layer,In the station hall can see signs.Reporter noticed,Is located in the subway station in the bathroom,Utilization rate is higher.


In an emergency could borrow in station staff toilets?yesterday,Reporters on the trouble within endure,To guest village station staff use the bathroom is put forward,Workers make a little after hesitation,Call the other a staff open station control room of the iron gate,The reporter to the inside of the toilet.Guest village station of a security guard said,Usually he the bathroom is to stand outside,"To staff the bathroom too much trouble,Apply to the staff,After registering to enter."


专家观点 Expert view


社会应为儿童如厕提供方便 Society should be children toilet convenience

  昨日,记者就男童在地铁车厢内大解的事件采访了广州市社会科学院高级研究员彭澎。他指出,小孩当街当众解手的行为在农业社会中司空见惯。但是在当今的文明社会,应该教育小朋友从小养成讲卫生讲文明的习惯,使其认识到当街当众解手是一种不礼貌不文明的行为,应该为这种行为感到羞耻。另外,社会也应该为儿童上洗手间提供方便,比如说在公共洗手间设置专门的儿童厕位,方便有自理能力的儿童独自上洗手间。或者设置专门的婴儿区供家长给婴儿换尿布。同时还必须给家长一个明晰的指引,指导家长如何管理小朋友如厕。可以具体到几岁以下的小朋友必须由家长陪伴到洗手间的某个区域如厕。(新快报 见习记者郑光隆)

yesterday,Reporters were the boy in the inside of the train have a bowel movement event interview guangzhou academy of social sciences, a senior fellow at PengPeng.He pointed out that,When the child in the behavior of wash one's hands in agricultural society commonplace.But in the modern civilized society,Should children education childhood speak hygiene habits of civilization,Make it realize when the street public answer the call of nature is a kind of rude not civilized behavior,For this kind of behavior should be ashamed of.In addition,Society should also provide convenience for children in a bathroom,For example in public restrooms the establishment of special children toilet position,Convenient self-care ability have children alone in a bathroom.Or the establishment of special baby area for parents give baby diapers.At the same time must also give parents a clear guidance,Guiding parents how to manage children toilet.Specific to a few years old of the following children must accompany by the parents to the bathroom toilet a region.(New express trainee reporter ZhengGuangLong)
