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1. Kua fu:Historic first schizophrenia patients,Like in the hot sun streaking.Toward the sun direction crazy run,His claim to go to the pursuit of light,Morning run east,The afternoon but found that the sun in the west.So back and forth reciprocating,Finally heatstroke and died.


2. The emperor shen nung:Morose work stubborn practitioners,In order to pursue their own complete,Collect medicine elixir everywhere,Reachcapture what to mouth plug??????,Finally died from food poisoning.


3. Jingwei:Don't listen to advice,Without permission in the area of swimming,Results drown.Death turns into a stay birds,Flying every day,Ongoing China the earliest history of the reclamation engineering.

  4.共工:跟人打架,打不过。一怒之下,拆了房子。结果天倾西北,地不满东南。造成了板快漂移和环太平洋——喜玛拉雅火山地震带的形成 ,对中国现代地质地貌的形成有重大影响。

4. Gong gong:To fight,Dozen however.In a rage,Down the house.The day pour northwest,With southeast.Caused the plate quickly drift and ring the Pacific - Himalayan volcanic seismic zone formation ,On the Chinese modern geological features that have a major impact on the formation of.

  5.尾生:一个有高度政治觉悟的知识分子。尾同志在谈恋爱过程中正好碰到了百年一遇的特大洪水。尾生同志为了保护国家财产——一座大桥 ,不惜跳入河中,用自己的身躯挡住洪峰。国家财产保住了,尾生同志却光荣的牺牲了。尾生同志的死是为了人民的利益而死,他的死比泰山还重 。

5. Born tail:A highly political consciousness of the intellectuals.Tail comrades in love process just met catastrophic floods.Tail was born in order to protect state property comrade - a bridge ,At a plunge in the river,With his own body blocking flood peak.State property saved,Tail born gay but glorious sacrifice.Tail born comrade's death is to the interests of the people and died,His death is weighter than mount tai .

  6.嫦娥:首次完成登月任务的中国女宇航员。面对摄影镜头,嫦娥同志激动的表白了自己的心声:“对于我个人来说,这是一小步,但是对于整个人类来说,却是一次巨大的飞跃。在这里我首先要感谢我的丈夫后弈 ,是他不远万里给我买来了瑶池牌补钙丸,瑶池牌补钙丸是中国宇航局的指定补钙丸,吃了瑶池牌补钙丸,你好我好,他也好。"

6. The goddess:Completed its first lunar missions of Chinese female astronaut.In the face of the camera,The goddess of the comrades excited told his voice:"For me personally,This is a small step,But for the whole human beings,It is a great leap.Here I come to the first want to thank my husband ground after ,Is he has to I bought jade pool brand filling calcium pills,Jade pool brand filling calcium pill is China's space agency designated filling calcium pills,Eat the jade pool brand filling calcium pills,Hello! I'm good,He or."

  7.柳下惠:反腐英雄,国家的好干部。某奸商为了拉拢腐蚀国家干部 ,使出了最卑鄙的手段——性贿赂。雇佣某三陪女为柳下惠同志进行按摩 ,被柳严辞拒绝。柳下惠同志据腐蚀永不沾,不愧为人民的好公仆,被授 予中国最正派的男人称号,并颁发了锦旗和奖状,被组织上委以重任。但是奸商们却卑鄙的造谣污蔑,说柳下惠同志患有严重的性功能障碍症。

7. LiuXiaHui:Anti-corruption heroes,National good cadre.A profiteer in order to gain corrosion national cadre ,Use the most despicable means - sexual bribery.Hire a escort female to LiuXiaHui comrades massage ,Be willow YanCi refused.Comrade LiuXiaHui according to corrosion never touch,Deserves to be the people's good public servant,Was awarded to China's most decent man title,And awarded the multicolored silk banner and testimonials,Be organization entrusts with an important task.But profiteer they mean rumormongering slander,Said LiuXiaHui comrades suffer from serious sexual dysfunction syndrome.


8. Meng jiangnu:China's historic terrorists.For a terrorist organization gang, her husband revenge.Use body bomb destroyed Chinese historic defense engineering - the Great Wall.

  9.花木兰:花木兰的父亲为了使自己和儿子逃避服兵役,受重男轻女思想影响,让花木兰同志冒名顶替服兵役。花木兰同志在战斗中勇敢顽强 ,一人击毙多名敌军官。由一名普通农村妇女成长为一名光荣的特级女战斗英雄,受到了党和国家领导人的光荣接见。

9. Hua mu LAN:Mulan's father in order to make his son and escape from military service,Led by the ideological influence,Let comrade hua mu LAN imposture military service.Comrade hua mu LAN in battle brave ,A man killed more than enemy officer.By an ordinary rural women grow up to be a glorious super female combat hero,By the party and state leaders met in the glorious.

  10.包公:开封市市长兼市局局长兼检察院院长兼开封市中级人民法院院长,中科院院士。被党X、国务院授权可以不报最高人民法院批准直接判处罪犯死刑,包公同志本着坦白从严,抗拒更从严的原则剥夺了所有罪犯的辩护权和上述权,将一大批罪大恶极的罪犯用特制的刑具—— 铡刀铡掉了脑袋。严厉的打击了一小撮罪犯的嚣张气焰,使敌人闻风丧胆 ,维护了国家经济建设的繁荣和稳定发展。

10. Bao zheng:Kaifeng city mayor and city bureau chief and President and procuratorate kaifeng city intermediate people's court President,Academician of Chinese academy of sciences.Be party X/The department authorized by the state council can not quote the supreme people's court sentenced to death penalty criminals approval directly,Comrade baogong involved in line with the honest strictly,Resist the principle of more severely deprived of the right to all the criminals and the above rights,A large number of the most criminals with special barnacles, Zha guillotine dropped a head.Severe hit a handful of criminal arrogance,The enemy struck fear ,Maintain the national economic construction's prosperity and stability development.
