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大学生重书本轻运动素质下降 体测雇人“代跑”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

大学生重书本轻运动素质下降 体测雇人“代跑”长跑向来对大学生的耐力是个挑战 IC供图 Always run on college students' endurance is a challenge IC for diagram

  晚报记者 钱钰 李征 张骞 报道

Evening news reporter QianYu li zheng ZhangQian reports


Recently held in the central China university of science and technology autumn sports meeting,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project"disappeared",Officials said,These two projects on students' physical demand is higher,Cancel is to avoid the students"injury".


In order to avoid"injury",Xian more than 30 universities has also cancel long distance running.College students' physical quality really fragile to be unable to participate in the extent of the long distance race?The university students' body quality how on earth?


yesterday,Reporters interviewed the city for a lot of universities,Found that students' body quality overall in the constant enhancement,But stamina and amount of exercise really dropped a lot,And lack the habit of physical exercise,Some people even spend money to employ people instead of yourself to participate in sports test.


自主决定取消或保留长跑 Independent decided to cancel or keep long distance running


In Shanghai very,Men's 5000 m/Women's 3000 m school athletic meet project in years ago has been cancelled,Not only that,In the final physical test,Men's 1500 m/Women's 800 m test project has been cancelled.

  “据我所知,上海不少高校现在也都是采取限时跑的测试办法。和以往的测试方式相比,限时跑的强度不大,但对学生也有耐力方面的要求,学生也相对认可和接受。 ”在财大原体育教育部主任陈晓教授看来,华中科技大学的做法是可以理解的,除非是专业运动员,普通学生平时很少有跑过5000米和3000米的经历,让他们为了校运会而临时参加高强度运动,对他们来说也是勉为其难,“前几年本市一所高校有名女生在参加800米测试时猝死,这也是平时缺乏体育锻炼的结果。 ”

"As far as I know,Shanghai many universities and now are also take time to run test method.And previous test way in,The strength of the run time is not,But for students also have endurance requirements,Students also relative recognized and accepted. "In the very original sports director of education ChenXiao prof,The practice of central China university of science and technology is understandable,Unless it is a professional athletes,Ordinary student who seldom have ran 5000 meters and 3000 meters of experience,Let them in order to sporting events and temporary to participate in high intensity exercise,For them is also difficult,"A few years ago this city a university famous girl in the 800 meters test sudden death,This is usually the result of lack of physical exercise. "


Donghua university sports teaching, deputy director of the charge/Shanghai college sports dance association secretary general LouXiaoJuan teacher told reporters,Can't for students' stamina diathesis decline and cancel the endurance project game,Donghua university a year now still retains games women's 3000 m and the movement of the men's 5000 m.


以“限时跑”代替千米测试 to"Time run"Instead of km test


ChenXiao professor told reporters,Now a very physical test project is running time,That boy must be within 20 minutes to run 3200 meters,The girl must be in 15 minutes to run the 2000 meters.ChenXiao professor says,If no exercise habits at ordinary times,Or in the test/Before the game did not accept the training system,And direct big strength strenuous exercise,Indeed may bring accident harm.This is also more and more colleges and universities to cancel 1500 m and 800 m testing project,And 3000 meters/The important reason for the test of 5000 meters.

  记者了解到,为了制止学生耐力素质下滑的现象,东华大学进行了体育教学改革。楼晓娟说,“我们在一年级学生中推出了一个‘12分钟跑’的测试项目。要求大一学生在每堂体育课中都要持续不断地慢跑12分钟,中间不能行走,女生至少要跑1600米,男生至少要跑2000米以上。这个项目推出后,学生的耐力得到了很大的提高。 80%至90%的学生都能够顺利达标。 ”

The reporter understands,In order to stop the phenomenon of students' endurance quality decline,Donghua university PE teaching reform.LouXiaoJuan said,"We are in grade one students launched a‘12 minutes to run’Test project.For a freshman students in each class in P.E. will continuously jogging 12 minutes,Intermediate can't walk,The girl ran 1600 meters at least,Boys run at least 2000 meters above.This project after launch,Students' endurance gets greatly improved. 80% to 90% of the students are to be able smoothly to amount to mark. "

  她同时指出,该校通过监测学生的体质情况发现,大学生的耐力素质与年级高低成反比现象。 “越是高年级学生,耐力素质越往下降。大二、大三、大四学生的耐力素质反而都不如大一学生好,这可能与学生体育锻炼的自觉性不够、生活方式改变等有关。 ”

She also points out that,The school through the monitoring students' physique condition found,College students' endurance quality and grade level is inversely proportional phenomenon. "The more the senior and junior students,The endurance quality to drop.sophomore/junior/Senior student endurance quality but all not equal to a freshman good,This may and student sports exercise consciousness is not enough/Lifestyle changes and so on. "


体育测试120元“跑”一次 Sports test is 120 yuan"run"a

  最近,沪上不少高校正在开展学生体质测试。本市西南片某高校大四学生小雯(化名)告诉记者,体质测试包括测量身高体重、肺活量、握力、立定跳远、女子800米和男子1000米等内容。 “测试下来,肺活量等多项指标均有所退步,真是一年不如一年。 ”小雯说,大一大二时,体育还是必修课,到了大三大四,除了参加几次规定的晨跑外,学生已经基本不上体育课了,锻炼身体的机会也越来越少。因此,这两年难得跑一次的800米,都成了小雯等女生们的“噩梦”。

recently,Shanghai many universities are carrying out students' physical test.This city southwest piece of a university senior student small CAM(alias)Told reporters,Physical tests including measuring height and weight/Lung capacity/Grip strength/Standing long/Women's 800 m and the men's 1000 m, etc. "Test down,Vital capacity and so on many indexes to downgrade,Is really a year as a year. "Small Vivian said,Big a sophomore,Sports is a required course,The junior and senior,In addition to the provisions of the morning outside running a few times,Students are not the basic physical education,To exercise also less and less.therefore,The two years rare run a 800 meters,Has become a little girls are the CAM etc"nightmare".

  体育测试结束后,小雯浑身像散了架一般,肩膀、后背、大腿和腰,每一块肌肉都酸痛无比,“我还以为这是个人问题,没想到,一圈问下来,大家都如此。 ”小雯告诉记者,有时“心地善良”的老师也会适时放点水,比如等学生起跑后,稍晚点再按下秒表计时。

Sports after the test,Small CAM was exhausted general,shoulder/back/Ham and waist,Each muscle all very ache,"I thought this is a personal problem,Didn't expect,A circle asked down,Everyone is so. "Small Vivian told reporters,sometimes"kind-hearted"Teacher will timely put some water,For example, etc students after starting,A little later press stopwatch.

  “老师还一直跟我们强调,身体吃不消的话,千万不要硬撑,避免发生运动伤害事故。 ”小雯说,有同学实在不愿意跑,就通过网上发帖等各种途径花钱雇人代跑,市场价已由去年的50元涨至120元。 “我们班共30人,有5位同学是请人代跑的,他们一般会找低年级的学生代跑。参加测试的人很多,因此,代跑也不容易被发现。 ”

"The teacher has to we emphasize,If the body be unable to stand,Don't go,Avoid sports injury. "Small Vivian said,Some students don't willing to run,Through online post various ways to spend money to employ people and run,The market price already by last year's 50 yuan rose to 120 yuan. "A total of 30 people in our class,Five students is please people and run,They usually find the younger students and run.Many people in the test,therefore,Generation run is not easy to be found. "

  小雯坦言,对于800米和1000米测试,多数同学还是能坚持下来的,请人代跑主要是因为他们不愿意去跑。“现在又不是中考体育测试成绩要计入总分,都考进大学了谁还愿意拼了老命跑步啊! ”

Vivian said small,For the 800 m and 1000 m test,The majority of students can still insist on down,Please people generation run mainly because they are not willing to run."Now it is not mid-term exam sports test scores to include the total score,All got into college who are willing to spell hard running ah! "


学生钻空子只刷卡不锻炼 Students only exploit an advantage card don't exercise


Reporters found that,In order to strengthen the students' physical quality/Help students form the good habit of exercise,Some colleges and universities also established physical education morning exercises/Extracurricular activities attendance provisions,forced"Charge exercise",According to the attendance record body forging times.Dissatisfaction with the number of provisions,Should be in sports in the total score points.But even so,Also have students lazy"Exploit an advantage"Escape exercise.


"Remember before,We always pay by credit card through a volleyball or basketball,Then sneaked back to the dormitory reading a book or see a disc,The ball is lying on the bedroom to sleep,A few hours later,To go back to brush time card return sports equipment,Also be attended a sports activities."Fresh from a university graduate xiao liu recalled,once,In order to complete"Charge exercise"index,They clearly in English class,Or go to borrow the sports equipment,Then in the class recess to in a hurry to return the ball,so,English class on edge easily finish a body forged attendance.


学生耐力素质下降比较明显 Student endurance quality obvious decline


Than ever before and,The college students' physique really variation?LouXiaoJuan teacher told reporters,The school each year, undertake to the student physical test,From the test results to see,Mainly is the student endurance quality obvious decline,This may and now living standards to improve/The other factors, such as lifestyle changes.if,Now the students run and walk less,Depend more on traffic tools.

  在陈晓教授看来,一方面就身高、体重、营养均衡程度来说,当下大学生的身体条件是要超过往届师兄师姐的,毕竟生活水平在不断提高,当然这也造成了不少“小胖墩”的出现,高校里肥胖学生远超以往;另一方面,现在的大学生从中小学起,由于应试教育的影响,接受的体育锻炼不够系统,运动量也远远不够,因此运动基础没有打好,锻炼的习惯也没有养成;再一方面,进了大学之后,不少学生也没有在休息时间锻炼的意识,而只是上网,有些同学甚至经常通宵熬夜,“因此,说大学生身体素质不如以往不够全面,但也有一定的道理。 ”

In ChenXiao prof,On the one hand is the height/weight/Balanced nutrition for degree,The college students' physical condition is more than go to the fellow students,After all, living standard continuously improved,Of course this also causes a lot of"Small overweight"appear,Students at colleges and universities in obesity far beyond the past;On the other hand,Now college students from the primary school,Due to the influence of the exam-oriented education,Accept physical exercise is not enough system,Exercise also not enough,Therefore sports foundation didn't play well,The habit of exercise is not acquired;Then, on the one hand,,Into the university later,Many students also not at rest time to exercise consciousness,But the Internet,Some students even often stay up all night,"therefore,Said that the students' physical qualities than ever is not comprehensive enough,But also have their reasons to a certain extent. "


应倡导学生参与长跑等耐力训练 We should advocate the students to participate in the long distance endurance training, etc

  “我个人认为,不能因为高校取消长跑,就武断地推断现在大学生的体质差,身体素质不如从前了。 ”上海交大体育系毛丽娟教授表示,“我们一般会在学生进校后,对他们进行体质测试,尽管大一新生的数据不太理想,但经过一年的锻炼后,发现学生的各项测试成绩均有所提升。 ”

"Personally, I think,Cannot because the cancel long distance running,Just arbitrarily infer now college students' physique difference,Physical quality as before. "Shanghai jiaotong university department of physical education MaoLiJuan professor said,"We usually in the student after school,The physical test,Although freshman's data is not too ideal,But after a year after exercise,Students found that the test scores are improved. "

  “长跑是一种非常简便易行的锻炼方法,可以使人身心愉悦,应该提倡。 ”毛教授说,现在不少高校的运动会中,竞技类的项目已经越来越少,取而代之的是一些趣味性活动,取消长跑可能会导致该项目更加弱化。“长跑是训练耐力的有效手段,还是应该让部分有兴趣、有能力的同学参与长跑比赛。 ”

"Long distance running is a very easy exercise methods,Can make people happy,Should advocate. "Said professor MAO,Now many university games,Competitive class project has been less and less,Instead some interesting activities,Cancel long distance may result in the project more weakening."Long distance endurance training is the effective means,Or should let the part interested/The ability of the students participating in long distance race. "
