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嫌爹丢人拒绝其进门 养儿抱孙何时变成一种奢望--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  11月12日晚10点多,下关警方接到报警,称大桥南路156路公交站前,有一老汉发酒疯,拿着扁担乱打人。这位张姓老汉大老远从湖北老家赶到南京,想看看孙子,儿子看到老父亲穿着旧夹克和脏兮兮的牛仔裤却不让他进家门。面对老泪纵横的父亲儿子什么都不肯解释,一直说“我眼镜找不到了”。(11月14日《现代快报》) November 12 evening 10 o 'clock,Where the police received alarm,Says bridge south road 156 road bus station,There is a old man be roaring drunk,Took the pole indiscriminately beating.The old man came all this way ZhangXing from hubei home to nanjing,Want to see the son of,Son see old father wore old jacket and dirty jeans did not let him into the house.In the face of the old man wept bitterly. Father,Son what all not explanation,Always say"My glasses can't find it".(On November 14[Modern express])


批评 criticism


人不自重他人必贱之 People don't dead weight of the others will base


Jump out of NongMen,Have a decent job,Have a happy family,Just think of yourself as a person in the city,Just want to and his hometown drawn,Even refuse to even his own father are not willing to the point of recognition.This kind of mentality and[A dream of red mansions]In TanChun keep on saying said his uncle is nine provinces WangZiTeng check,But refused to admit that zhao aunt brother is their close NianJiu can be exactly the same.perhaps,In the son in the heart,Her come a long way in rags father to bring his family is not touched,But cut his own face,So steeled don't let the door father.But an even his father all dare not take home and how people can get the respect that is due,And where to get the desired face?


When the different of social stratum of the gap between more and more evident,"Farming the second generation"/"Second generation peasant workers"Tags also more and more clear,The whole society call for these behind represent discrimination and even social strata curing also more and more alert.We call for a fair and just,but,If a"Farming the second generation"Own are put such a tag as a shame even leave no stone unturned refused to admit that time,So how can you attain the social respect?


Will future generations of weight and weight,The same,People don't respect yourself and others will be the base.As a farmer's offspring and is not what a thing.Deliberately hide my background exposure is skin vanity and confidence,Also because of this,Malicious her heart don't let father the son of the door not only failed to maintain the dignity of the poor,But contrary to public opinion hanging on moral shameful pole.Everybody had perhaps is only a unfilial son,But the real let us swirly is behind such behavior represents a group of self dwarf.Look down on his own,Are beginning to get used to his own"Farming the second generation"Identity as a kind of burden,This is the most sad thing.WenGuoPeng


理解 understand


换位思考相互体谅 Perspective-taking mutual understanding


Net friends is basically"lopsided"To criticize the son's practice.Think he"Forget this"/"No filial piety"/"Don't respect for their parents".Should admit,From the perspective of China's traditional ethics,Son practice must be wrong.but,The author thinks that,for"Don't let the poor father into the house"Might as well a rational view.


First of all,We look at the father's wardrobe.The father,Pick a woven bag and old bag,Woven bag zipper is broken.He wore old jacket and dirty jeans.In fact,We are a lot of people have such experience.A person's poverty and wearing clean are two different things.The father came all this way from the field to the city to visit our son,Dressed in clean should be at least requirements.Change a clean clothes,Should not be so difficult.way,Can give first met daughter-in-law to leave a good impression.secondly,Dressed in neat also to his grandson's health benefits.It is a pity that,The father's a wardrobe much let a person feel a bit disappointed.


secondly,Son may also have"Secret sorrow".It is understood,The old man's son after graduation,In nanjing to buy the house had a family.We know that,Nanjing home prices in countrywide,Is still in a relatively high level,Even in the suburbs house also want to sell 10000 yuan 1 square meters.Should say,A foreign college students,Working without a few years,In no parents funded cases,A family to buy a house in nanjing,It is a very not easy thing.For example,His son though in nanjing bought a house,The bank may be borrowed a lot of money,The pressure of life is certainly not light;May his son though in nanjing bought a house,But the area of the house is not very big.If father came,And they live together,Must be very inconvenient,Life will have a lot of embarrassment.We might as well transposition thinking about,Encountered this kind of situation,How will you deal with it?


Remember TV series[Double-sided adhesive]Give a lot of the audience left a deep impression.the,For many rural and city residents depict the contradiction between the astute,Caused a lot of resonance.


Every family has a skeleton.I think,A lot of family conflict it's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.If the parties can more transposition thinking,From the point of view of each other to problem,Some more mutual understanding feelings,So some conflicts and misunderstandings can avoid.so,To less"Don't let the poor father into the house"Such awkward.TaoChongYin


剖析 analysis


城乡差别造成歧视 The differences between town and country cause discrimination


As a metaphor,Do son looking around thinking he uttered a word"My glasses can't find it",Lets a person associate to his eyes also lost.In this,I don't want to go to condemn his unfilial,But want to explore how he discard to recognize the eyes of the father.I found,All such into the city children don't let rural parents into the house or school news have one thing in common,That made children's parents don't think farmers rustic/poverty,For fear that lost his face.so,Lead to son unfilial root cause is the widening gap between urban and rural areas from the class fracture and class discrimination.If his father comes not from poor rural areas of hubei province,But from affluent zhejiang in the country,Side farming,Side business and set up factories in,Food has fish,The car,Pockets bulging,This "is the drive to nanjing to visit grandson,High-grade purse had prepared a large red packets,You want to,The son will refuse to its into the house?Perhaps do son daughter-in-law already looking forward to this day.


Don't say a old man don't understand etiquette,For coming all this way to visit nanjing grandson,I do not want to dress up to bright point,Really because of poor,Can't afford to buy the clothes out,Also can't afford to buy a decent bag or something,Only with a piece of carrying pole green radish or salted vegetable crops, such as on the road.


I don't think the son completely no gratitude,Father didn't a little affection,But his father's appearance is dressed up and the image of the city/Family environment is out of tune,The contrast is too strong,This contrast reminded him to the poor rural and poor family painful memories,Vaguely also worries about the emergence of the father can aggravate the burden of the family(This is perhaps want him to come),His wife most afraid of is not it?people,Often because of interest calculation,Distorted the ethical relationship,Filial piety is so.


For the son of this piece of the old man,Single is the filial piety education,Or use"New 24 filial piety"Such standard to ask him,useless,To change the city children parents disown farmers phenomenon,The key is to promote realization comrade hu jintao in the eighteenth big report described about security and improving people's livelihood good vision,Reduce the differences between town and country,Raising farmers' income,To let farmers to live a good life,Live with dignity.Pretty pass,Zhang old man son throw in poor in eyes will be the common prosperity to pick up.


王学进 WangXueJin


教育缺位丧失荣辱 Education absence of honor or disgrace of loss


From the deep said,is"Regardless of beauty and ugliness"The concept will be out of the old man in the door.Son's heart is perhaps the pain,But he was afraid that the eyes of irony in society:Look at this guy born really don't zha of!Karma is the social supercilious look will surround the old man,There is always some eye will they"At death".From this perspective,Father and son two people are victims,Is our society does not give from bottom grassroots a more harmonious living environment,I think of a bottom character's legendary stories and his a classical discourse"Struggle for 20 years,I finally can you sit together and drink coffee!"The same came to earth,Why do we let some people drink a coffee will struggle 20 years,It's not worth thinking?


There is also a chance,That is the son of the family from now"Refused to"Let him the flinch.Age in the development,Social progress in,And our traditional virtue but inadvertently lost.Treat parents-in-law/Do good to parents' public order and good in slowly being broken.There is a folk called"The old woman daughter-in-law in cold water bubble bun",This sentence although biased,But also illustrates a social problem.Really want to say the daughter-in-law:A man who loved you will love you man's parents,Love your man had poor but warm home,Is this the poor home raised you love the man,Without this poor home is not you love the men and now you warm home.


"Too dad a"Behind the there is a problem worthy of our thinking:In our culture out of the highly educated talented person's time,Why can't cultivate more"Wed bred"crowd,It is the failure of the education,Failure in what place?The moral education is the lack of or is not in place.High score low ability/Highly educated low quality of the appeared,Is not in our education appeared on the orientation"unforgivable"Deviation?.In the beautiful in the construction of China,We need high degree/Personal character also good talent,In order to better build our beautiful China.


"Too dad a"Is not a new topic,What have since ancient times,In the future also will have,We need to do is how to reduce such an absurd,Should be more to think about the reasoning behind this,Find the crux,Heal up will medicine arrived a disease.GuoYuanPeng


In a few words


Son too father ugly to shame phase asked,Father afraid of electronics is inferior to a person.




This son must be have some of the difficulties,He may also is a just squeeze into city and haven't gain a firm foothold of young people,If he can play everything,How to have the heart to let his old father suffered this whack bitter?Old father if really want to blame,That's weird son's good for nothing,But don't easily doubt son did not conscience.




On the face of it,Don't think rural parents a disgrace,Is a values of the problem,Have a heart problem;But fundamentally to see,This is actually a gap between urban and rural areas of the problem.Is what reason,Caused by the poverty and backwardness of rural areas,Is what reason,Make most farmers so far still have no ability to melt into the city.




The so-called knowledge change destiny,Most can be limited to improve a little their own living environment.And stay on the parents,Don't say want children to put the city how much,Just want to went into town to visit a grandson,Also does not have the money,Or also hate to part with beautiful money stock up on a neat how much a wardrobe.




This kind of indifference from the son of behavior,Would you say that the son ingratitude/Heart of stone?There are more cruel than his more conscienceless son?I want to,Whether a father again how poor,Again how poor,He is all of your father,That's tear continuous blood,He bring you life,And beholden,Whatever you do in this life is difficult to repay.




In a utilitarian social environment,If as children we,Even his father come to city rural look at their grandson's rights are deprived of,That will be the social great sorrow and misfortune.This beyond love beloved utilitarian influence also too lethality now.The future,Don't say the and,He is a son embrace has become a luxury.


ZhaoMeng servant
