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继承传统与时俱进 Inheriting traditional keep pace with The Times


The host:Each netizen,hello everybody,Welcome to PRC video interview.today,PRC education channel very honored to invited to Beijing manager nylon high school principal ZhangDeQing guest,Talk about create personalized school.First of all, we welcome the arrival of a principal.


ZhangDeQing:Your network friendly.


The host:Zhang principal hello.First of all could you tell you first review the manager has a long history of nylon middle school running,Once formed which the fine tradition,And enter a new historical period in which the innovation of keeping pace with The Times in come in?


ZhangDeQing:Manager nylon 1921 high school school,There is the centennial celebration.In the long history of the development of the school in 90,The school formed a lot of fine tradition,Fostering the generation after generation.At present we manager nylon middle school not only is good to the original fine tradition inherited,And keep pace with The Times to give it to development and refining.


For example,We in the school motto of mention"honesty/Appropriate strong".Now we keep pace with The Times to come up"High-profile work/Low key personhood".In the running for the children/Do education this point,We don't spread out/Don't cheat/Down-to-earth on quality education,To promote the development of each child.


For many years in the education process,The teachers in our school teaching is very strict;Now we keep pace with The Times to become"I teach/I tube/I am responsible for",Becomes a kind of responsibility.By teaching rigorous into a teaching responsibility,This is also advancing with The Times development gives us education new requirements.


Another example of our school sports,For our school's physical education is very famous,We all know that we history culture after lang ping,She is our school graduate;It turned out that our sports research group leader ShenZhengDe the old man is the foundation of education only won the Olympic medal sports teacher,So the school sports very traditional.


Sports development today,We have put forward"Health first"School sports,In the sports teaching evolution process,In addition to continue to fostering compleat elite athletes,We also considered how to let the school sports promote students' physical health.For example we except to provide students with the menu type sports course,One day a PE lessons,Recently will also and medical experts in the field of joint has put forward some learning characteristics of physical education curriculum,Such as buffer students' psychological pressure new gymnastics,Reduce weight new gymnastics and organic combination of traditional exercise between classes,Let the students more love do exercises/More love activities,Body more healthy,Also reflects our manager nylon middle school sports work in advancing with The Times to move forward.

  1921年建校的时候我们学校有这么一句话“学而事人”,学校的办学、学生的学习和成长其实都是为了做人。这一句话激励我们学校一直重视学生的教育,也就是德育工作。目前我们德育工作提出“实施 做人 德育,创建青春校园”。陈经纶中学的德育工作一直是学校的首位工作,我们认为学生的全面发展中,人性、人品的健全和发展应该是第一要素。

Established in 1921 when our school has such a few words"Learn and it",The school/Students' learning and growth actually all is to behave.This words inspire us school has always attached great importance to students' education,Also is the moral education work.At present, we put forward the moral education work"Implementation person moral education,Create youth campus".Manager nylon secondary school moral education work is always the first school work,We think that the all-round development of students in,Human nature/The perfect personality and development should be the first element.


I want to,Above are our manager nylon middle school to keep pace with The Times in the school excellent school tradition,And keep pace with The Times in carry forward.


The manager nylon middle school is a old school,It is because it has years of school culture accumulation,And evolved into a kind of culture,Evolved into a kind of spirit,Incentive generation after generation,It itself is a kind of education.


The host:Listen to a principal introduction,Our manager nylon middle school and have a more in-depth understanding.According to what we know of the material,Manager nylon middle school have been on the scheme of the engineering construction,Can you please zhang the headmaster would this topic specifically introduce?


ZhangDeQing:The scheme of the construction should be manager nylon middle school in the new century caught a school construction and development opportunity.We around the scheme of the construction,Quality education was the norm,Pursue high quality education development,Around the scheme of the construction,We put forward"Nine years of three sections"The scheme of the construction plan.In this"Nine years of three sections"The scheme of the construction scheme of embodies the we"Manager nylon people"The scheme of the construction don't stop/There is no end in/Perseverance and the pursuit of the spirit,The manager for nylon middle school into people's the most satisfactory education,To chaoyang people provide more high quality students.


In the scheme of the scheme of the construction of our scheme is divided into three stages,Three years is a stage.The first stage,According to the national ministry of education and the Beijing municipal education commission issued the scheme of the construction scheme of the standard construction.Roughly from 2001 years beginning,Into the construction;The second stage is built after the scheme of,Standing in the scheme of the platform general manager nylon middle school into a veritable chaoyang school;The third stage is standing in chaoyang school and the scheme of the platform construction of general manager nylon middle school school into the capital.At present, we are in the capital construction stage of school,Also is the scheme of the construction of the third stage.This third stage we put forward the personalized/Teaching scientific/Campus digitalization/Collectivized scale/Learning internationalization such five goals and tasks.


These five goals and tasks,No matter the connotation of it,Or its quality,And its school-running features,It should be said that all certificate or manager nylon middle school to enter the capital in the ranks of the school.


Manager nylon 2002 high school is the first batch of the scheme of Beijing review,And in the first batch of 14 of the scheme,Manager nylon middle school is the only so ordinary middle school identity among the first batch of the scheme of the ranks.Manager nylon middle school construction scheme of why into such three parts,It should be said manager nylon secondary schools in their own school construction and development of even though it is a old school,But just because it is a old school,So it is very bumpy.


Manager nylon 1954 middle school is the key middle school,but,"Cultural revolution"Period it is a ChongZaiHu,"Cultural revolution"After review of the key middle school when it lost the opportunity.After lost the chance,Manager nylon middle school has been called themselves"Quasi key"In a ordinary school construction and development.Should say Beijing/Some of the chaoyang district school of intangible pulled open some gap,And some problems and their own school,Also once in a bust.


In such a starting point,We catch the scheme of the construction of the opportunity,In the scheme of such a high standard the teaching goal of guidance,teachers/Spirits between teachers and students,According to the scheme of the construction requirements,Make us among the first batch of the scheme of the construction of the ranks.And after the listing,We didn't stop,But according to the scheme of the standard,To the school the comprehensive construction and development of the overall planning.From 2001 to the present,Exactly nine years,We will complete the"Nine years of three sections"The construction scheme of the cross a full stop.Manager nylon middle school will stand on the platform of the school in the capital in 90 anniversary next year,And in 90 anniversary as a new starting point to promote the manager nylon middle school more long-term development.


The host:In the nine years,You have what deep feeling and profound experience?


ZhangDeQing:In the nine years of scheme of the construction,There are so three feeling:


The first,A school to do good,Absolutely not the headmaster a man,Although there is a famous saying now:"A good headmaster is a good school".but,A good President without a good education environment/School policies and all teaching and administrative staff,Including the support of teachers and students,It is a good President is also the"One cannot make bricks without straw",Also do well in school.In the nine years,My teachers and students and harmony together,And the teachers and students paid a hard together,For the school construction and development.At this point I am also very glad.


The second,Manager nylon middle school although is a old school,But as an old school,I feel to do not have how many capital to eat.In fact,Any one thing to want to keep pace with The Times are the new development,Should have the new planning and new pursuit.That is,We do education must use education ideal can be the ideal education.In the nine years of three sections of the scheme of the construction process,Is our"Economy people"To set up the education confidence and set up the education ideal process.We all"Economy people"Continuously pursue,Constantly keep pace with The Times,innovation,Constantly have our new educational ideal and idea.We constantly practice,Constantly development,Also constantly success.I want to,This is"Economy people"Education ideal of,and,The construction scheme of the Beijing time reached the long nine years,Because of the scheme of the construction long,To bring the manager nylon middle school comprehensive construction and development,Let the school changed the same.


The third,Education need to reform and innovation.The scheme of the building doesn't necessarily mean the country more money,School entrance quality suddenly improved much(Of course it is indispensable),but,The scheme of the construction of the focus should be in the full implementation of quality education and the promotion of students' all-round development.Manager nylon middle school clear out running for the children,For the development of children provide the most suitable education.We around the quality education to the ground to take root,Around the practice of quality education conducted a series of education reform and innovation.The education reform and innovation formed a a work platform,This one a work platform for our all the teacher found a new professional development direction and motivation,All the teacher's development and promote the development of all students.


Had run a school what is fundamental?In fact teachers' and students' development is the fundamental.Around the development of teachers and students,Seize the development of teachers and students,To carry out the profound education reform and innovation is the scheme of the construction of a fundamental.


The host:Zhang the headmaster just referred to the development of teachers and students,We also know that education for the teacher for this,Can you please share the construction of teachers' team above some experience?


ZhangDeQing:Manager nylon high school teachers team construction should speak and other schools,Because be"Cultural revolution"The influence of fault appeared.Teachers in talents chain appeared on the gap,In addition,In the teacher's age structure/The ability structure are then brought some problems.Manager nylon secondary schools in the scheme of the construction,Has always been to the construction of teachers as a fundamental,Our manager nylon middle school for each teacher commitment,The teacher professional development in how far,The school platform will take far.


A school really development,Depends on all the teachers' professional development.Teachers' professional development of the higher level,The school level is higher,Students' development level is higher.Based on such an idea,We in the teachers' team construction,Is one step at a time to do a lot of work,Such as around the teacher's ethics construction and teaching responsibility we inherit manager nylon old high school of traditional education,And out"I teach/I tube/I am responsible for"."I teach/I tube/I am responsible for"How to reflect?Is to make every student follow you long points/Long experience/Long ability.We also carry out cross-century new ethics in manager nylon teacher, he displayed properly"Mouth show/A hand/Hold's/Processing spare".We also make the teacher is a teacher by worthy example to help students build up new learning concept,Let every student in the teaching process training into a"Learning the teacher/Respect the teacher/Questioned the teacher/Beyond the teacher"The new study realm, and the pursuit of.


In the construction of teachers' virtue around democracy,Around the science teaching,Around the teacher's morality,Around the education teaching reform,We give the teachers take a and a platform,Promote the teachers professional development.For example,At present middle school teaching and administrative staff of nylon manager to nearly 400 people,More than 4000 students,There are 100 classes,It should be said for chaoyang people provide the most quality degree.Our school is a school three address,Covers elementary school/Middle school and high school,And all of our class are good,This excellent behind means that we in all class teaching teachers are excellent.


In the ten years,Around the teacher's professional development,Around the economy to improve teachers' teaching ability and level,Let all the teachers set up first-rate education first-class work attitude and virtue,We conducted a series of school-based training.Our school-based training or doing very early,In 2001,,Around the scheme of the construction,According to the scheme of construction of standard,Our education teaching from the normative began to set out to improve education teaching standard,Began to teacher training.Back in the national curriculum reform,Involving the school education teaching reform,We all regard it as some subject,As a new platform and a new training opportunity,For teacher to different angles/Different round training.


In this"Training and work",To the teacher and work/Pressure burden,Take platform of training system,Manager nylon middle school teachers' professional development is relatively successful.Manager nylon middle school now in the scale of chaoyang district is the first,Our teaching quality is also the first,Chaoyang district in the education teaching reform should be walking in the forefront.In fact,these"The first"/these"forefront"Is who created it?Is our teacher created,Is our teacher through their own professional development/Through their own education teaching practice/Reform and innovation of the creation,And for the manager in nylon middle school in the process of building to promote the school comprehensive construction and development.


The host:Specific these teachers probably degree have what kind of requirements?


ZhangDeQing:According to the requirements of the state/The requirements of the ministry of education,Our record of formal schooling is all of the standard.I am 2000 to the school,We were in the teacher,Not one of the highly educated,Education is the basic standard should be qualified,Now we are fully qualified.Now we have many highly educated teachers,master/Ph.D. In the school also has more than 30 the,They in the school curriculum reform/Education of teaching plays a unique role.We have a highly educated studio,These highly educated teacher put them to go to graduate school/When rich read the task of research into a school-based curriculum.Because the subject thoroughly/The original was studied,And formed a certain result,So this kind of course is very popular with the students,Into a highly educated BBS,Our school inquiry learning into a new level.This is the degree change/Highly educated teachers into,For school curriculum reform has brought about some changes.


Over the past few years,Our school teacher's ethics construction for the reform and innovation,The 100 teacher in charge as a team,In may this year won the chaoyang district labor certificate of merit.In fact, a school can do good,The teacher in charge level is very important.The 100 class teacher team won the chaoyang district labor certificate of merit,Become a model worker,Become a model type of collective means that manager nylon middle school class teacher team construction and reached a level.We recently after the meeting of the teacher in charge works,The meeting we summarize the school the teacher in charge and the moral education work characteristics.Every teacher in charge organization management/activities;Undertake to the student individual education;Catch between student's interpersonal;Implementation of personality education,We in the four aspects to form the effective manager nylon middle school moral education work characteristics.


This year,Chaoyang district, a total of 12 special-class teacher evaluation,Our school two ordinary young teacher the contestant,And was named the new super teacher,One of them is the geography teacher,One is the chemistry teacher.In the chaoyang district in the middle school,Two teachers can simultaneously on super school,Is this a.


Chaoyang district, including subject leaders/Backbone teachers,Outstanding young teachers' evaluation,Our school 68 teachers are on the list,Should also HuoJiangLv chaoyang district of the highest one school.So many young teachers to grow for subject leader and backbone teachers,I think this also can fully explain the school teachers' professional development.


Beijing today to 20 schools issue hover base school MEDALS,This 20 schools also have manager nylon middle school,Today I should go to that to bring the brand.Manager nylon middle school can hang this brand,Can also means we manager nylon middle school teachers' professional development and a level.


The host:Manager nylon middle school in the management platform of reform and innovation have done some beneficial attempt,Puts forward safety/harmonious/efficiency/cost/Quality goal,Would you please give us some details about it?


ZhangDeQing:Manager nylon school management is we do good school reform and innovation of a key.We propose to quality management,And let the school management this school of software become the hardware,In such a thought guidance,We carry out manager nylon middle school new age management connotation and elements,Is that we carry out safety/harmonious/efficiency/Cost and quality so that five goals.


I want to"safety"naturally,A school is a minor children,Even at least safety all have no,How do they health development?So we put safety first.


"harmonious"Is our pursuit of a new goal,Now the school democratic education is a very important foothold.In a democratic such a big background,How to promote the teachers and students between teaching and learning/Between subject/The teacher in charge and between the classmate,The relationship between moral education and teaching of harmony and democracy is very important.Education teaching two skins is the management of a long-term"psoriasis"problems,How to promote these can affect and decide the quality of school education and educational quality of all kinds of relationship,Make it harmonious development?I want to,Restrict school relationship between various factors the more harmonious,The school will do more good.


Including cost,Our countries have been running cost is regardless of the cost,Our manager nylon middle school from the point of view of management,Since 2004,We began to carry out to optimize the teaching cost,Including school running cost.Now proposes low carbon life,Actually this kind of low carbon life,In our manager nylon middle school is run a economical school,School in 2004 began to saving,Each class,Each of the teaching and research group has electric meter,Its power consumption to included in this class's and grade's cost expenditure.In addition,We give the teacher inspiring education teaching effectiveness.The teacher gave students endless make up a missed lesson will give 45 minutes of class quality can't give the guarantee.Students now why a heavy burden?Because after class bad circulation.The past to students make up a missed lesson teacher also often commended,but,It is not in our school by the commendation.We think first of all to ensure that 45 minutes validity of classroom teaching.Around this validity we have caught three years,We strive to improve all the teacher's teaching ability and level.Students in different age groups,According to the national outline learning certain knowledge,Each course has a certain hour to complete the teaching.I think it is a scientific connotation and defined.


How to scientifically teaching/Teach students in accordance with their aptitude,Including our manager nylon middle school recently also puts forward the teachers and students to pursue happy teaching.I and the teacher speak,If all the teachers and education than into candles,Students to growth and development,The teacher will destroy them,Who can still when the teacher??Who will learn it?Learning should be fun,Not to say that happiness is"Drought in a,Destroyed by with"the,This not.so,I think to have a kind of new learning idea for learning.According to the new concept,We to school education teaching cost/Fund investment of/Human input/The investment of time are calculation cost.Cost is it mean??Is not stingy.In fact is to pursue education teaching more effective,Let the teachers and students in the effective process can pursue bigger and faster/More comprehensive development.


The host:In the quality which is what kind of situation?


ZhangDeQing:In respect to quality,Our manager nylon middle school also have a great progress.Now manager nylon middle school to our own positioning,Manager of nylon education has three positioning:The first positioning,Manager nylon high school should be the best education platform in the school;The second positioning,We should promote the comprehensive development of the students,To provide education school;The third position,Manager nylon middle school should be to let the social from all walks of life especially let parents the most satisfied with the schools.


According to such a position,We still put the quality in the first row.In the quality,Can not be completely use bound index and performance to measure,Of course,This is a society/Parents see very heavy an index,But our school himself in the pursuit of quality target,Didn't put it on the first,We are in pursuit of the school comprehensive construction and development,In the comprehensive construction and development on the platform of the pursuit of the all-round development of students.In the students' overall development process,Quality can't be ignored,It is the lifeline of the school.


I give our school teacher played for example,Manager nylon middle school every year to twenty or thirty awards,If there is no junior entrance quality,These MEDALS hung on the wall is not shining,Perhaps a rusty.But in high school at the beginning of the entrance quality of the foundation,It is the medal,And the medal match on the first-class teaching quality can prove the all-round development of the school and students' development in an all-round way.


In the quality,Manager nylon middle school is unequivocal.Our junior middle school and high school is the largest chaoyang district.In the mid-term exam in,We are the most massive junior high school in the chaoyang district is a top.If you want to do a statistical word,Before the chaoyang district six schools,ChenZi head school accounted for four,Including the nylon manager at two branch schools,Of course also includes manager nylon secondary schools in the wangjing at.Our high school once entered the bust,But as these a few years the development of the school,With the development of the teachers' professional level,The quality of our senior high school also reached a high level.For example,Last year we the undergraduate course graduation rate reached 99%,A graduation rate reached 81%,More than 600 points on the students(Because we have a experimental class)More than 50 people,This is in our manager nylon middle school history education is one of the highest achievement.Immediately this year again want to face the new college entrance examination,This year the university entrance exam had just completed two mode,We are also in the established policy efforts.I'm from 2000 to carry out,Manager nylon secondary school education quality always climbing don't discount.I come to manager of black silk ribbon,From the college entrance examination liberal arts in the seventh/The ninth,Now has risen in chaoyang district of the first quality platform,Last year we won in ZhongGaoKao result of chaoyang district education commission shuangyou "award.


The host:Let's school moral education education is also very famous,The next President can please zhang talk about personality is distinct moral education mode is how to develop?

  张德庆:陈经纶中学重视育人,特别是重视德育工作这也是有传统的。刚才我讲的陈经纶中学1921年办崇祯学苑时就提出“学而事人”,那就是把学生的做人放在第一位。陈经纶中学继承这一传统,做好现代学校德育的工作当中,我们又提出来实施做人德育,创建精神校园,把德育工作放在首位。我们觉得学生的全面发展,首先就是让学生做一个有思想、有品德、正派的人,它应该是第一位的,再加上它的学术、它的创新,才能标志着一个人的全面成长和发展。围绕“实施 做人 德育,创建青春校园”,我们提出来“三构建一加强”的德育工作模式。

ZhangDeQing:Manager nylon middle school attaches great importance to the education,Especially pay attention to the moral education work that is also in the traditional.Just now I said manager nylon middle school in 1921 to do chongzhen when school is put forward"Learn and it",It is the student's person in the first place.Manager nylon inherit the traditional middle school,Do the modern school moral education work,We also carry out moral education implementation of person,Create campus spirit,The moral education work in the first place.We think the all-round development of students,The first is to make the students to do a thought/A character/Decent people,It should be the first,Plus it academic/Its innovation,To mark a man's all-round growth and development.around"Implementation person moral education,Create youth campus",We carry out"Three construction conditions"Moral education work mode.


"Three construction"Is the student strengthen self education and management,Strengthen the social practice,Strengthen the life hiking activity."conditions"Construction is conducive to students' overall growth of campus culture,To strengthen students' moral education.Over the years,We also played some of his own moral education brand,Such as students' self tube self fertile,Manager nylon middle school for children education,Let the children become the owner of the school,Moral education in school education and activities of the students will play a main role,Let the students actively participate in,And in the process to form a kind of self tube self fertile,This is a kind of our original intention.


It should be said manager nylon middle school now students' main body effect obviously.Such as cadres,We form ministries and commissions system,We are now a class according to the normal school set about 17 class committee duties,Account for almost a third of the class more,But also take turns the system,That is, the students each person has a chance to,All have show their talent and personality of the opportunity.You give him the chance to,His talent development,To grow.I think in such a setting,We students personality and the ability to get the most deep mining and play.


The students' participation/Students' autonomy input,Is to make moral education activities to vigorously carry out a very important starting point.In such a starting point,We are planning on the basis of school-based curriculum,Developing students' established 100 community.Right now to build a student club floor,Give students into a special school buildings,For the student community's development and use,This is the student individuality development of a new heaven and earth.

  我觉得在学生的课堂之外能够给学生交流学习构建一个新的平台或者多个平台,促成教育的多元灌入,这种多元的灌入促进学生多元发展,这也是我们办学的一个新的构思。包括我们的活动 人生远足,我们学校规划让学生利用寒暑假走遍北京的博物馆(所)。三年前我们就把学生的寒暑假给停了,变成学生的远足、旅游、阅读、制作和学科自修。那种传统的家庭作业、抄书,我们三年前就已经停了。

I think in the students' classroom besides can give students learn to construct a new platform or more platform,Education to multiple penetration,This kind of multiple penetration to promote the student multi-dimensional development,This is also our school a new idea.Including our activities life hiking,Our school is planning to let the students use summer and winter vacations throughout Beijing museum(have).Three years ago we took the students to stop the summer and winter vacation,Become a student's hiking/tourism/reading/Production and discipline self-education.The traditional homework/Copy book,We three years ago had stopped.


We think the student to participate in the healthy activities have muti_function education role,But the school take some risks,Such as security/Organization and so on risk.I want to pursue the President without a word,Can not organize these activities,No organization is no negligence,But you organize,May have fault,May also have the responsibility to.If we of,For fear that they have not fault to organize activities words,Students in junior high school or high school three years and even six years without a healthy meaningful activities,To his mind/For his all-round development/The improvement of quality of he is very terrible things.


Our manager nylon middle school win over and walked out of the circle,For students to build a life hiking activity platform.Immediately to the university entrance exam,Our higher grade are going to henan the red flag canal,A grade more than ten class gathered at more than ten coach to henan,We went to anyang there,There for us television programs,Interview with our students.Our characteristic activity or a lot of,The different grade of different characteristic activities,if:To tiananmen square to see the flag-raising,We students can see all night,In the evening the school bonfire/conversation/activities,Entire dinner,Also include from the school to walk to tiananmen square.We parents team are followed by a long,But who can't ride,Walk there,Students' physical strength is completely to be accepted.In fact the most critical is to the participation in the process.Read the flag-raising,Standing in the tian an men rostrum,And GuoQiBan panel,And then to visit the great hall of the people/History museum,The whole night one day.I think maybe this is in our school read book student life a memorable plot and activities.


In fact we are students from over,Life have so memorable scene,And the scene a little more,Person's life will stimulate growth and development.This is our pursuit of moral education.
