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看应试教育“后遗症”在大学爆发“新生综合征”调查 See exam-oriented education"sequela"In the university outbreak"New syndrome"survey


The university for two months,Many a freshman I'm afraid I haven't completely get rid of"New syndrome"


Someone still confused,Leave no stone unturned to the university,Now find motivation and direction;Some people feel"weightlessness",The original university life completely don't like high school teacher painted as wonderful;Also someone is depressive,,Because in the class"Cattle people"Too much,Overshadowed by his,Or and bedroom classmates very unpleasant,Is going to replace roommate put forward...


Almost every year,Almost all university,The new entrance total with a variety of problems and puzzles.


"New syndrome"Why are you so common?In east China normal university college of foreign language,A student team specialized subject to do the research,And take two years of the complexity of the problem,More than expected.


In the past,Educators regard"New syndrome"Due to a general summary,As if"Middle school play safe,University innovation",Different education mode to freshmen have a adapt to the environment of the process.


HuaShiDa this one student team of writing[Large middle school students learning life psychological activities research university and middle school based on the perspective of cohesive cooperation]Research report has said:"New syndrome"Is the root cause of the our country middle school and university education cohesion between exist obvious"fault".


Even high school excellent student,Many people also with difficulty in the university new starting point set sail smoothly.Let them"On the rocks"of,It is follow already a long time of exam-oriented education"sequela".


【学习篇】 “课题大王”,突然顿悟 [Learning article] "Subject king",All of a sudden insight


To students based on writing class old professor ZhuXiXiang have a nickname:"Subject king".A lot of the school of arts living want to do research,Application project,And suffer from does not have a task,Turns to his"Please subject".Time long,ZhuXiXiang be understand:The original students are not not writing,But no problem consciousness typical exam-oriented education"sequela"!


This year at the age of 60 HuaShiDa ZhuXiXiang professor,In foreign because open all the year round"Basic writing"Specialized course.the"New syndrome"research,It is ZhuXiXiang out questions.Although the subject in the national college students' innovative experiment program,But the research way,It is a pile not how glorious things.


Almost every year,ZhuXiXiang will review the new pay to homework.And a lot of university teacher,He to the newborn thesis writing level can't compliment.


Fresh is the year 2010,At that time held the world expo in Shanghai,ZhuXiXiang improvisational arrangement homework,Let the students to the expo site investigation,And in an area of the Chinese food issues,To write a report.Accept to come up on see,He was startled,Have students' articles have to"The weather is sunny today,It seems very busy..."beginning.


In college,The old professor to teach writing and a nickname"Subject king".Today's university,"Challenge cup"And so on aims to encourage college students engaged in creative practical activity and project a lot,Was popular.In front of these events,The students of science and engineering have obvious advantages,Topic in hand over piacenza;And to all day long bubble is in Chinese and foreign books for of liberal arts,Apply for innovation subject really difficult.


"Just began to,Have students said they can't think of a topic,But they don't want to miss this chance to exercise ability.I think it is good,Will help them make Suggestions."later,The students find the professor out ideas easily in schools and departments in the defense"pass",Apply to some project funds,To have"Please subject".


ZhuXiXiang suddenly insights:The original,Including freshmen,,Many college students writing level is not limited,But they have no idea,Don't explore problems!


Early visit to Japan to learn,ZhuXiXiang worked in local primary school class teacher assigned to see this topic:On the way from home to school,Will encounter many different inspection well cover,Study the problem and write a survey;There are a lot of different tofu,to"Bean curd culture"As the theme,Do some research...But participated in the middle school language teaching material compilation of ZhuXiXiang know,Similar training in domestic middle and primary school class so far are missing.


Two years ago,Have the students"Vomit tank",Says he is in high school stage is the top student in the class,But in the university performance go.This kind of complaints,ZhuXiXiang can hear every year.The time,He read smoothly said 1,"Your own problem when the subject study not to go".


so,Four girls began to draw up a research framework and research methods.


“表达障碍”,新生的通病 "Express obstacles",New common fault


University launched the tutorial system,Encounter many new"Vomit tank":A term only once,Talk a few minutes caocao end,Teacher seems to"Exist in name only".Did you ever expect,Tutorial system implementation of difficult,And the new expression disorder also have direct correlation?


Has read a graduate student of grade one LuLu,is"New syndrome"Subject research group one of the members.Hair when investigation questionnaire,She had and companions ran to the newborn dormitory,Please freshman the lower classwoman fit.behold,"Asked directly,Your research and I have what relation,Why do you want to cooperate with?""In the university the difficulty they have ever met be personal privacy,No comment."


Also have new reluctantly accepted questionnaire,A pile of off to choose soon finished.But to answer some open questions,For example,In a few words in the university in difficulties,Do a simple sort,LuLu get reply mostly"Learning difficulties""Life is not used to""Interpersonal difficulties"General vocabulary, etc.And the surveyed freshman tell LuLu,"Feel a lot problems,Just don't know how to speak out the problem"...


In ZhuXiXiang seems,Research found that new"Express obstacles",And the class situation be exactly the same."When I was in the classroom is a heap of material,Students please see after doing some generalization,Express your opinions and views,Few people will be active to speak.Even barely speak,Most of the students is nonsense,Language expression with poor sense of order."But if in a way,Let the students take materials back to think about,In writing about personal view,After some academic training students can also having substance in speech.


This is the cross in the middle school education and university education and a crack between students' perceptual expression fair,But based on logical thinking and the rational generalization ability is very weak!


Reason it is well known,The middle school teaching still with the teacher and the material as the center,The lack of interactive situation experience,Students in university,Can't adapt to college education of rhythm and class requirements.


Research in,LuLu team found a more serious problem:new"Express obstacles"Even eliminate a lot of freshman education bearing of some functions.


The most typical example is"Tutorial system".To help students get into the university life,To the university professional disciplines have in-depth understanding,Some universities not only equipped with counselor,For new equipped with professional teacher/Learning guide.But in fact,Most new saw the teacher after don't know oneself what to say.They even have a lot of confusion,Can't organized into rational language communicates to the teacher,But more willing to listen to the teacher's advice.A semester to see a,Talk a few minutes caocao end,This makes both teachers and students feel"Tutorial system"Like show,Exist in name only.


Some schools as"Learning guide"For more senior undergraduates students,Itself is still in growth stage of exploration,They for the university community/professional/Student organization and employment views vary widely,This makes the new students more at loose ends.


【心理篇】 男女新生,有不一样的入学问题 [Psychological article] New men and women,A different entrance problem


In the European and American countries,A lot of new psychological problems will focus on reflected in behavior and emotional.The boy will join dionysian ranks,And weight gain will let girls into eating disorders.


Built for the lack of middle school education,This research report puts forward a new expression:University education initial.


LuLu said,This is their team use their own professional advantage,In contrast with foreign students in secondary transition phase problem study concluded.


"Most of the domestic university of initial education content single,Basic military training in defense education beginning,There is no specific course introduces students to the professional/Teaching plan/Professional characteristics and students' development of closely related information."Research report pointed out then,Domestic university initial education still have a place obvious mechanical damage,There is no special courses or lecture to inform the new college entrance transition stage might have psychological problems and coping styles.


Some overseas psychology study,In the transition from high school to college,Due to the learning environment/Learning style and the change of the surrounding environment,New may produce a series of psychological problems.


In some European and American countries,Freshmen's behavior problems,Main show is binge drinking and eating disorders.The United States two psychology experts in 2007 issued by a survey,After entering the university,There will be more students especially boys,To join the ranks of the spree.New excessive drinking frequency is higher,The number of drinking will also increase.And girls after entering university,Weight gain is that they produce emotional issues"fuse".

  国外有一种说法叫做“Freshman 15”,意思是大学新生普遍会增肥15磅,而对体重增加的恐惧则可能诱发进食障碍。有研究报告证实,虽然“增肥15磅”的说法夸张,但女生进入大学后的体重确有显著增加,且进食障碍患者在新生中的比例确有上升。

Foreign countries have a kind of view is called"Freshman 15",Generally mean freshmen will add fertilizer 15 pounds,And to the fear of weight gain may induce eating disorders.Studies have confirmed the report,although"Fattening 15 pounds"Statement exaggerated,But the girl after entering university weight has increased significantly,And eating disorders in patients with the ratio of freshmen have rise.


Based on the different culture of different country,Environmental difference will make Chinese and foreign students in the university have different psychological changes and performance,Between the men and women also have obvious difference.But it's a pity,The domestic scholars in this field of research is very little.


LuLu introduced,According to their preliminary investigation,Domestic more than the psychological educational world will high school to university students transition stage is easy to appear the psychological problems summarized as roughly four aspects,Including interpersonal barriers/Learning anxiety/Ego identity crisis and depression, etc.But these research at present most still in the theoretical exploration stage,Only a few engaged in college psychological health work of teachers and psychological consultants have conditions to do empirical study.


表面很开朗,其实缺乏安全感 Surface is very cheerful,In fact the lack of a sense of security


This is a college counselor observation:class"After 90"Students' individual character make public,versatile,Row a program without extra trouble will come.But many new real side is lonely"molecular",The lack of a sense of security...


In fact,New psychology to bear ability is weak,Have already made a college counselor feel difficult.


In HuaShiDa,WangLiYu perennial as a counselor,Facing now in universities"After 90"Freshman group,Her first feeling is,They than the past"After 80"Students active/cheerful,Personality is more make public,Self-expression desire more strong.


In earlier years,The king Li jade belt class and grade to rehearsal a literature evening party,The show must scrape together.But now it is different,Four or five students in the class can play the guzheng,And the violin ten level/Piano ten level/Erhu ten level...Each to literature and art joint performance,Everyone scrambled on stage.


But such a lively group,It is by a lot of loneliness"molecular"Composed of.WangLiYu found,More and more"After 90"New lacking a sense of security,This and students' family structure closely related."From two or three years ago,I find the class from the children of single-parent families suddenly more up,A lot of students and parents to family problems in communication is inevitable,The students don't want to talk about."


According to the LuLu team's research,Family environment is caused by the college students' depression is an important reason.According to analysis,Not only child's depression level than only children,This is mainly due to the singleton female students often students from rural areas,Parents cultural level is low,Family economic condition is poor,Such students can get very little support from their parents,And are more likely to produce inferiority and social setbacks.


In addition,After entering the university,The diversification of interpersonal relationship/Utilitarian and individual differences in background to interpersonal caused more obstacles.Some freshmen can't handle interpersonal relationships,After setbacks prone to social withdrawal/isolation,Becomes eccentric,Thus induced depressive symptoms.


"University and middle school connection between education should not stay in the academic and research level,More important is,To freshman mental health to give enough attention."

  在调研报告中,卢璐团队建议大学应在学生入校初期,对新生的学习生活和心理状况开展调查,进而开设补偿教育课程。对于缺乏必要大学学习能力的新生、有意向转专业的学生以及情绪低落的学生,即心理状况还没有出现问题的普通学生,也要给予关注。(记者 樊丽萍)

In the survey report,LuLu team suggest university should be in the early students had been offered admission,The new study life and mental status survey,Then set up compensation education course.For lack of necessary university learning ability of the new life/Have a mind turn professional students and depressed student,Namely the psychological situation had still not appeared problems of ordinary students,Also give attention.(Reporter FanLiPing)


