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考试辅导机构高峰论坛 寻找考试好帮手--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


November 13,Sohu education channel by the round table on Tuesday[Looking for a good helper exam]BBS seminar sohu education network selection start ceremony in Beijing grand opening.From a nationwide more than 20 well-known test counselling organization marketing director gathered here,The exam is training industry industry development/Teaching research/"The craze for graduate school""Countries take an examination of heat"And makes a further discussion on the hot issues,and"0 TouSuLv is myth"The topic of the high-end dialogue,The following is a BBS memoir:


搜狐教育《寻找考试好帮手》大型网络评选启动 Sohu education[Looking for a good helper exam]Large network selection start 点击进入>> Click into the>>

  PART1 建设分享 为本次评选活动献言献策 PART1 construction share for the selection activities offer advice said


 郑文照【华图教育市场运营中心总监】: ZhengWenZhao[China map education market operation center director]:评选的时间长度是否可以拉长?现在不仅仅是考研季,公考也是很热门。第一,11月25号这天可能有很高的网民关注度,也可以做一定的文章。第二,做服务的重视差异化,纯粹的五佳或者十佳不足以表现出每家的特色,可能会有一些服务差异化的东西。

The length of time the whether can spin?Now is not only one's deceased father grind season,Male exam is also very popular.The first,November 25th day may have a high Internet users attention,Also can do some articles.The second,Do service attention differentiation,Pure five or ten good enough to show the characteristics of each,There may be some service differentiation things.


 张铁铮【新东方在线市场总监】: zhang[New Oriental online marketing director]:刚才介绍的非常详细细致,搜狐教育有一个非常大的平台有非常大的访问量。现在评选的内容很多都是各家辅导机构来推荐的学员或者推荐内容,有没有可能在里面增加一些与学员互动的内容,比如学员主动上传真实经历感受,通过有奖或者其他方式,增加真实评选案例,在这个平台上做互动。

Just introduce very detailed meticulous,Sohu education has a very big platform have very big traffic.Now the content many are each counselling agencies to recommend the students or recommend content,Is it possible to increase the students in some and interactive content,Such as active participants upload real experience feelings,Through the premium or other ways,Increase the real case,In this platform do interaction.


 顾昕昕【启政教育市场部策划主管】: GuXin xin[Rev. Political education marketing planning supervisor]:说到让学员真实,学员接受一个服务的时候第一看品牌,第二是某位老师的吸引力。假如有一个招生咨询师给人一定的信心一定的力量,给人鼓励,,把企业理念融入到个人,建议把个人奖项这块加上去,比如“最佳咨询师”。

Say to let students real,Students receive a service the first see a brand,The second is the appeal of a teacher.If have a recruitment consultants give a person a certain confidence certain strength,To encourage,,The enterprise idea into the individual,Suggested that the individual awards this added,For example"Best consultants".


何玓【中公教育全国市场总监】: What Di[Public education in the national marketing director]:我们结合的话有一点问题,我们做的网络教育很多服务辅导功能由网络解决,不是纯人工的。我们也强调标准化。

Combining with our words have a little problem,We do a lot of network education service guidance function by the network to solve,Not pure artificial.We also emphasize standardization.


 顾昕昕【启政教育市场部策划主管】: GuXin xin[Rev. Political education marketing planning supervisor]:就培训而言,主要的对象或者目标消费群是学生,作为最终消费者的目的是考上公务员考上研究生,怎么样考过。对于考生来说,有用的就是马上提高分数。考生成功经验的分享很重要,有些稿件有各家培训机构提供,比如看完有一些老师推荐四篇文章,马上就考上了外交部的公务员,考上北大研究生,这样对他而言意义更重大,学员可能更关注,可能搜狐的教育频道会更关注。

Just for training,The main object or target consumer group is a student,As a final consumer purpose is to take an examination of civil servants take an examination of graduate students,How to pass.For candidates for,Useful is to improve fraction.The successful experience of the share is very important,Some articles have each training institutions to provide,Such as watching some teacher recommend four articles,'ll take an examination of the foreign ministry of civil servants,Admitted to Peking University graduate student,So for him more important significance,Students may be more attention,May sohu's education channel will be more attention.


李永胜【北京勤思培训学校主任】: LiYongSheng[Beijing often think training school director]:我们起步比较晚,我们只做专业课培训,集中在几个小专业,心理学、教育学、历史学、汉语这四个专业,其它的涉猎比较少,我们推广宣传上的力度比较小,每年培训的人数也没法跟这些大机构大品牌比。但是我们的升学率、成功率还是比较高的。通过这样一个评选活动能让我们不太大的培训机构也能积极参与到活动中来,把这个工作做得越来越好,我们通过在专业知识上的努力,服务上的提高以及专业水平上的提高,也能够发展成为大的教育平台。希望搜狐这个平台能给我们这样一个机会,到时候我们也能把这些工作做好。

We started quite late,We only do professional course training,Focus on a few small professional,psychology/pedagogy/history/Chinese the four professional,Other dabble in less,We promote publicity efforts on the relatively small,Each year the number of trainees can't with these organizations than big brands.But our graduation rates/The success rate is relatively high.Through such a selection activities can let us not too big training institutions can also participate in the activities,The work is getting better and better,We through the professional knowledge in the effort,The improvement of service and professional level improved,Can also become big education platform.Hope sohu this platform can give us such a chance,Then we can put these work well.


赵兴华【北京勤思培训学校网络总监】: ZhaoXingHua[Beijing often think training school director of network]:刚才大家已经说得很好,我主要是做网络,现在一般学生都在看书学习,怎么让更多的学生来关注这个活动,通过什么途径能吸引更多的人?我是基于这个方向考虑。

Just now, you have said well,I mainly do network,Now the general students are reading a book learning,How to let more students to pay attention to this activity,Through what way can attract more people?I am based on the direction to consider.


 方铭洋【万学教育研发管理高级经理】: FangMingYang[All science education development management senior manager]:我提供两个建议,投票时间周期延长,很多考生没有到那个节点没有开始关注,刚开始关注的时候投票结束,我们搜集到的有效信息减少。第二,我们的投票人群是不是要进行分类?大多数学生可能没参加考试,可能是明年考后年考提前来学,这些学生的票数到底是有效还是没效,没有到那个节点考核,也没办法去权衡或者说衡量我们教育的质量或者服务质量好不好。

I offer two Suggestions,Voting time period extend,Many candidates to come the node does not begin to pay close attention to,Just begin to pay close attention to when the polls close,We collect the effective information to reduce.The second,Our votes crowd is to carry out classification?Most of the students may not take an exam,May be the next exam test to learn in advance,These students votes exactly is effective or not effect,No to the node assessment,Didn't also the way to weigh or the measure of our education quality or service quality is good.


李中其【好学教育市场总监】: The lee[Academic education marketing director]:实际上考研、公务员这帮学生都是刚毕业的学生有的时间在网上,我们做职业教育的建造师、注册会计师考试人群是上班族,搜狐教育搞了公开公正公平的阳光的平台,应该多宣传,让职业类的人士通过我们阳光的平台。搜狐教育频道给顶尖的品牌和新秀企业一个展示机会、成长的平台,希望得到领导同仁的提携,希望大家共同成长。

In fact one's deceased father grind/Civil servants this help students are just graduated students some time on the Internet,We do vocational education construction division/Certified public accountant examination the crowd is an office worker,Sohu education make open and fair fair sunshine platform,Should have more publicity,Let the professional class people through our sun platform.Sohu education channel to top brand and rookie enterprise a chance to display/Growth platform,Hope to get up leadership colleagues,Hope you grow together.


蔡美玉【海天教育集团企划总监】: CaiMeiYu[The Haitian education group project director]:好帮手给人感觉很亲民,这个事情还挺好的,但是评选过程当中仅靠线上投票或者供稿似乎这个评选的力度不是很够。是否可以加进去媒体走进我们的现实课堂或者去体验服务,以媒体的角度真正去走进真实学生能够体验的过程,再对这个体验的过程进行评价,这是一个方面。另外一方面,可以在考试结束的时候,每一类考试都有考试结束公布成绩的时间,对于海天来讲最大的项目是考研,司法考试、公务员我们也都在做,考研1月份考试结束之后复试结束之后,最后我们会去统计。每个机构有每个机构自己统计的情况,比如他对成功率包括升学率有一个自己的统计。我们会不会从第三方的角度有一个评估,很多时候都是机构自己在说自己,能否有一个第三方的平台去做这样的事情,看一下客观事实是什么样的,学员的参与度更真实一些范围更大一些。另外从考上的学员当中毕竟有通过我们的辅导会有一些学生有很大的变化,比如起初成绩很差很基础或者基础成绩很差的,通过一定的辅导达到什么样的效果,这种跨度的,我们评选考生里面的明星,这种明星并不一定是我考上多好的学校或者考上多好的职位,而说我们多维度考虑这个问题,它有可能是考试的跨度很大困难性也很大。考研里面分跨地域跨专业,是否有这样的角度,这样的话学生的参与度更高,觉得在整个考试过程当中通过个人的身体力行的案例去说明这个机构是不是足够能够证明这个机构比较好。还有一种方式,能不能通过这个平台去做一个基础的调研,如果我考研首选的机构是哪个机构,考研机构分学术型专硕型的,如果选专硕型的话优先选哪几个辅导机构,增加评选的可信度。

Good helper give a person the feeling is very close to people,This thing is good,But the selection process only on online vote or crisis seems to the selection of the strength is not very enough.If you can add media into our real classroom or to experience service,In the point of view of the media really go into the real process of students can experience,Again to the experience of the process of appraisal,This is an aspect.On the other hand,In the end of the exam,Every kind of exam have the end of the exam announcement of results of time,Will tell to the biggest project is one's deceased father grind,Judicial examination/Civil servants we also are doing,One's deceased father grind in January after the end of the exam after the retrial,Finally, we will go to statistics.Each agency has each institution of their statistics,Such as his success rate including graduation rates have a own statistics.We will not from the point of view of the third party has an assessment,Most of the time are institutions themselves in said he,If there is a third party platform to do such a thing,Look at the objective fact is what kind of,The students' participation more true range of some more.Other students from take an examination of, after all, through our edition some students have changed a lot,For example at first poor grades very basic or foundation of poor grades,Through the certain guidance to achieve what kind of effect,This kind of span,"We looked the examinee the inside of the star,This star is not necessarily I take an examination of what a good school or take an examination of what a good position,And say we multidimensional consider this problem,It may be the exam span great difficulty is very big also.One's deceased father grind inside points cross-domain cross major,Whether such point of view,So students' participation higher,Think in the whole test process through the personal practice what one preaches case to illustrate the mechanism is enough to prove the agency is better.There is a way,Can you through this platform to do a basic research,If I one's deceased father grind preferred agency is which institution,One's deceased father grind institutions points academic type designed following type,If choose designed following type words first choose which a few counselling organization,Increase the credibility of the selection.


邝金武【跨考教育市场运营中心总监】: KuangJinWu[Cross examination education market operation center director]:中公跟华图肯定各自特色不一样,把这个特色纬度划清楚。全国唯一做考研全日制的就是跨考教育,划一个纬度,绝对的细分。

With China in public figure sure their different characteristics,The characteristics of latitude row clear.The only do one's deceased father grind full-time is cross examination education,Row a latitude,Absolute segmentation.
