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高校“考试季”:学子发帖求买考研自习座位 高校“考试季”:学子发帖求买考研自习座位 临近考试季,高校上演“占座大战” Near the exam season,On the"Accounted for a war"


发帖子高价求座留纸条宣示“主权” High post for a leave note to pledge"sovereignty"


recently,Wuhan university of science and technology of the two news related with room for individual study.A is a senior student LiuZhiZhe,In the study room to put this just bought[One's deceased father grind cloze test simulation test]Accounted for a,Didn't expect,He go to the study room,This XiTiCe in most of the questions have to be done.Net friends big call to learn the reappearance;The other one is the school appear"Charge study room",Provide heating/Boiled water/WIFI Internet/Material printing, etc,Rate is each every months 180-200 yuan,But the opening two days was turned down.


the,Universities will usher in a new round"Exam season",Take an examination of grinding/Take an examination of civil servants/Go abroad,plus"Play soy sauce"of,The school library and study room is"It is difficult to find a".The yangcheng evening news reporters found,Compared to the mainland university self-study of the seat of aggressive behavior,Guangdong college students is calm,Self-study of seat phenomenon and not so fierce,But all kinds of accounts for a plan or little not.


占位 occupied


水壶、毯子都用上 kettle/Blanket use


The reporter understands,The present universities accounted for a cent two kinds of,One is"stationary",Students in the library or study room occupied a seats,Put on their own goods,Is acquiescence to sit"master",Can use for a long time until the next time of seat;One is"Flow type",The school regulations don't allow for a long term,Items must be clear on the day,The next day to reconsider the students of seat.


In different school has different"Accounted for a culture".A university students liu told reporters,Now besides books,Many students will use kettle/Blankets and even electric rice cooker to account for seat,"The more you put things,The more people don't move your things,You share bit more firmly."Liu classmate say.Especially close to the fan and power socket seat is everybody rushed to rob a paradise.


Liu students also said,Even if is fixed accounts for the seat,There will also be a few times a year"shuffle",Like his school buildings study room,Every year the end of one's deceased father grind that night,Many ready to take an examination of grinding students began to account for the seat,But put the winter vacation after come back,Seat and will have to account for a time,If you meet some large test,The classroom was the requisition,Need to account for.

  据了解,很多学生在占座后都会贴上纸条,写着“××系×× 号考研占位”等字样,宣示自己的所有权。有被访的学生告诉记者,一般座位的“主人”回来,他们都会让出座位,大家也都默许“主人”的所属权。

It is understood,Many students in the accounts for the seat will be labeled as note,written"Xx system x number one's deceased father grind occupied"Such words,Declare their ownership.Has been to visit the students told reporters,General seat"master"back,They will make seat,Everybody also acquiescence"master"Belongs to a right.


求购 We are looking for


有人发帖买考研座位 Someone post buy one's deceased father grind seat

  网上曾流传着各种最牛占座方式,近日记者也了解到,放狠话是同学们占座常用方式,有的座位上甚至写着带有挑衅和诅咒的话,让人看了不禁心惊。有学生在桌子上用红笔写着“2013考研占座,重占必死!” 而在对应的桌子上则写着“此处有毒”。

Internet has spread to various most cow accounted for a way,Recently reporter also learned,Put the malicious words are the students of a common way,Some seat even write with aggressive and curse words,Let a person see the can not help lose.Have the students on the table with a red pen to write with"2013 one's deceased father grind of seat,Weight will die of!" And in the corresponding table is written"This toxic".


A university ShuTongXue expressed mind don't blame,"Methods though not,In fact, there was no malicious intent,Everyone is chart a mind it!"At the same time,ShuTongXue leaks to the reporter,Put the malicious words of a rare,Even sell seat is not rare.ShuTong theory,She had seen in the study room"Transfer seat,Price negotiable"advertising,Many students accounted for after seat,May no longer need to seats,And a lot of people but accounts for less than seat,truthfully"Business opportunities"appeared.

  记者随后在各大校园贴吧浏览发现,求购考研座位的人还真不少。“高价求购自习座位一个,实习回来的孩子伤不起呀!” 还有不少人在下面跟帖,表示同求。该贴吧也有人匿名发布转让座位的帖子,并在帖子中留下了自己的QQ号码。

Reporter then in each big campus stick browse found,We are looking for one's deceased father grind seat of person return true not a few."High prices for self-study seat a,Practice back child injury not ah!" There are many people in the following reply,Said; with.If it is anonymous Posting transfer seat post,And the posts left his QQ number.


排队 queue


排个通宵只为抢个座 Exhaust all night for grab a seat


There have been media have reported,Shandong some colleges have college students in order to early of seat,From 3 floor climb window into the building,Dangerous act is be left speechless with wonder or fear.Have the students said,The reason of seat getting worse is due to the school to study room resources in short supply.With school officials but said,Students self-study didn't plan,Classroom resources waste,Not study room in short supply.


Guangdong a university graduate student HuangTongXue calls himself when one's deceased father grind like of"war"as.She said,Beginning in the school library opened up a layer study room,September,Study room open the night before someone once all night long queue,Just to grab a seat.Some have even tried to from elsewhere desks and chairs,In the study room.HuangTongXue said,Some people just like to have a permanent seat,Don't like to carry the books to move to,But not every day will go to."Our school is open,There is always a lot of foreign personnel take study room."HuangTongXue think,This is also one of the reasons for the seat nervous.


Reporter in guangdong a university study room to see,The classroom most seats were students,Very few empty seats,Also was books show that the seat have"The Lord".this,The school teacher said,The classroom teaching of give attention to two or morethings and self-study function, etc,All open every day,Can meet the students' needs.Hope that the students in a planned way arrange self-study,Improve the utilization rate of the classroom,Otherwise, more than the classroom is not enough use.


Guangdong a university LiTongXue said,Their school occupy a phenomenon and not so fierce,One is the many students choose self-study in the dormitory,The second is the school provide seat more,Especially during the final review,The library will increase seat.

  李同学说,他们学校的图书馆有一个小妙招,期末自习期间,每位同学都有一张小纸条,如果离开,需要在小纸条上写明离开的时间,如果一个小时后,人还没有回来,管理员就会拿走课桌上的书籍,把座位清理出来,避免了占座却不使用的现象。(文/图 记者 陈晓璇 实习生 喻澍)

LiTongXue said,They school library has a small coup,During the final self-study,Each student has a small note,If leave,Need on small pieces of the departure time of the,If an hour later,People are still not back,The administrator will take away the books on the desk,Sort out my seat,Avoid the use of seat but not the phenomenon.(Wen/diagram reporter ChenXiaoXuan interns YuShu)
