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90后最美老师火了 不能忽视背后的才华--亲稳网络舆情监控室


a,South China agricultural university institute of foreign languages young beautiful English teacher zhang Xiao a set of sweet private photos in micro bo crazy preach,Be net friend as"After the 90 best teacher".Have students humorously said:"Since in the English teacher,Class does not escape the,Sleep not sleep,Breath back ten pages words,Not laborious."


Reporters learned that many bug,Micro bo rife beauty teacher,Is the foreign language college of China farming practice English teacher zhang Xiao.College related person in charge told reporters yesterday,Zhang Xiao teacher is jinan university graduate student grade two,September farmers in China as a student teacher,Current practice is not over yet.

  据调查数据显示,高校专业课逃课率在20% 左右,基础课的逃课率在25%以上,在学生逃课现象严重的大学课堂只有几个学生听课;90后美女教师为何能使学生出勤率激增?

According to the survey data show,The professional course cut class rate at about 20%,The basic course of cut class rate in more than 25%,Students skip classes in serious university classroom only a few students to attend a lecture;After 90 beauty teacher why can make student attendance surge?


After 90 beauty teacher can attract students,This and teacher's age and interest have very close.After 90 teachers and 90 students is a novel combination,This is an attraction;Although as a university teacher,But the beauty teacher in life but with a lot of"After 90"students,Love cartoon,Love sprout things,Or home female……,so,In 90 the beauty between both teachers and students,Not only does not exist"Generation gap"problems,And there are many after 90"With generation"Tacit understanding.

  其次,90后美女教师能吸引学生,和她的外形出众有很大关系。爱美之心,人皆有之,学生喜欢上美女教师的课很正常。这方面的例子除张骁之外,还有广东外语外贸商学院的一位名叫林雪薇的女老师,她天生丽质,被学生称为“神仙姐姐”, 为了上好她的课,很多广外南国商学院的学生都不再逃课了。

secondly,After 90 beauty teacher can attract students,And her appearance has a lot to do with outstanding.Love beautiful heart,The person all has,Students like teachers on the beauty of the lesson is very normal.This example of a Xiao except outside,And guangdong foreign language foreign trade business school a man named LinXueWei of female teacher,She is a born beauty,Students have been called"Immortal sister", In order to best her class,A lot of this austral business school students are no longer cut class.


This is the efficiency of the beauty and charm?This is just the efficiency of beauty and charm?If after 90 beauty teacher class a monkey,Only on beauty and charm to attract students yao?


Don't only beauty and charm to efficient?Some teachers not outstanding appearance,Why they teaching also can attract students,Can make the class crowded?

  学生逃课的因素很多,单方面对学生加强纪律约束并不能完全解决学生的逃课问题。有的逃课学生并非不好学,有学生直言,上有的教师的课根本没有知识收获,即使不逃课,上课时也是看其它学科的书籍;有的教师知识积累不够,在课堂上经常被学生问得张目结舌,只好环四顾而言其它,有学生认为,上这样老师的课还不如到图书馆自学;有些课堂,甚至是“老师混课时,学生混学分”, 一些博士、硕士教学课程,也存在大量走过场的现象,一位在读研究生称,他们院校的某教授,上课时主要是闲扯自己的生活琐事,或见闻,甚至家里养猫养狗的事情也经常津津有味地拿到课堂上讲。

There are many factors of students skip classes,To strengthen the unilateral students discipline and can not solve the problem students skip classes.Some of students skip classes to learn is not bad,Have the students to,On some teachers class no knowledge harvest,Even if don't skip classes,When the class is also see other disciplines of books;Some teachers knowledge accumulation is not enough,In the classroom is often student asked to open one's eyes wide and tongue,Had to ring in four attend other,Have the students thought,So the teacher's lesson as well to the library self-study;Some of the lecture,even"The teacher mixed class,Students mix credits", Dr. Some/Master's teaching course,There are also a lot of go through the motions of the phenomenon,A graduate students said,They MouJiaoShou colleges,When the class is mainly shoot the breeze own life trivia,Or knowledge,Even home keep cat dog things often with relish to the class.

  美女教师张骁和林雪薇受学生的热捧,她们的先天优势固然占有很大成分;但不能忽视她们“有貌”背后的“有才”可以想象,若她们像有的教师那样“混教”,学生可能会一样的吐槽。 Beauty teacher zhang Xiao and LinXueWei by students' hot holds,Their innate advantage is have a large composition;But can't ignore them"Have appearance"Behind the"Have to"Can imagine,If they like that some teachers"Mixed teach",Students may the same vomit tank.
