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父亲特训4岁儿子每天跑3公里 称方法不极端--亲稳舆论引导监测室


During the Spring Festival this year,Nanjing 4 years old boy in the United States HeYiDe blizzard weather bare ran to meet New Year's video detonation red network,"Eagle dad"HeLie - limit education mode draws extensive discussion.


recently,In wuhan evergreen garden third community organization of walking in the game,4 years old boy's WangDingSen breath through 1 will be many adults left behind,Accompanied mother also find humbling.Local media after the interview that,The little boy in the father prior next,Running every day 3000 meters,Day after day never delay,And often cold shower,18 km hike is just started."6-under education"Once again aroused widespread concern.


The day before yesterday,This dialogue wuhan"Eagle dad"WangShaoYan.He thinks,His education mode is not extreme is not special,It is relatively general for parents to their children's education concerned,Appear more tough.He only hope children become an ordinary happy person,Understand the meaning of life.


□谈理念 - talk about concept

  教育书籍启发很大 Education books inspired great


Jinghua times:Why do you want to training children?


WangShaoYan:The child just was born,We also very confused.I peers to education children more traditional ideas,But the traditional is not necessarily correct,I've been thinking how to education child.Some education books and material,For now I education idea and the formation of the method of a lot of enlightenment.


Jinghua times:Include what books?


WangShaoYan:To me is the greatest impact[Karl Witt's education],It took my ideas completely change,Has guiding significance.In addition[Harvard girl LiuYiTing]And yau wu of[Children's senior education].


Jinghua times:The book which idea influence you?


WangShaoYan:Every child is a genius,Only adult education mode and lead in a different way,Some children become the ordinary people,Some children become genius.Education children to the sooner, the better,Including the child's body/Intellectual development,How to develop children's intelligence,Carl book very detailed.I think can do 50% of the book,My child is very great.


Jinghua times:Your child's education have the detailed plan?


WangShaoYan:some,Cold shower/running/Riding a bicycle,Including development intelligence all in a planned way.Of course,With children get along,Will feel the world of children with adult is opposite,And not all adults ideas can get it implemented into his body.so,Only the concept penetration to the behavior,Again behavior implementation to children,According to working with children in the process of behavior to strain,So some more practical.


□谈生活 - talk about the life

  洗冷水澡不是蛮干 Cold shower is not act rashly


Jinghua times:What time to start training children cold shower?


WangShaoYan:In April 2009,Children 1 years and 3 months.


Jinghua times:Why is this time?


WangShaoYan:Children age too hours,The body can't reach a certain capacity before can't implement.1 years ago,Children often catch a cold have a fever,But a fever before 3 days we don't go to the hospital,But through the physical cooling,Give full play to the child body resistance.In addition,Give your child to wear clothes less.After preparation,The child to 1 years and 3 months,I think he's resistance has been accumulated to a certain degree,Can try to cold shower.


Jinghua times:How long did the first wash?


WangShaoYan:10 minutes.The beginning is not quite the cold water,But with the for children with low water temperature of warm water,About 33 to 36 degrees.From high to low temperature,After a few days transition into the cold water.A cold shower is not ice water bath,Also not directly use tap water,That's too extreme.


Jinghua times:A child began to cry?What do you do?


WangShaoYan:Of course,Parents with children get along with way is very important.If adults feel this is a very strain of things,And the tension brought him,He will feel very afraid.I'll tell him,You and the other children is not the same,You're good,Your body is better than general child good,So build up his confidence.Although the first time he felt can't stand,But he insisted on down.The first,The second third is easy.


Jinghua times:You had the heart not sick?


WangShaoYan:Very uncomfortable.But afflictive be uncomfortable,I know this is scientific,Not act rashly.In the western included in Japan cold shower is a common thing,Only in our traditional education idea it difficult to accept.


□谈运动 - talk about sports

  跑步是锻炼意志力 Running is exercise will power


Jinghua times:Why let the child practice run?


WangShaoYan:The child body more flexible,Reaction ability and balance ability is better,Just want to take his movement,Try to let him adventure.1-3 months,I have to encourage himself on flood control dam to go back,No one helped him.He succeeded,I'm really happy.I think he can well protect themselves,Will often bring him go out to play,Brought him running.


Jinghua times:For a start to run 3000 meters?


WangShaoYan:Of course not,Is gradual.


Jinghua times:Children hold down how to do?


WangShaoYan:Would encourage him,Sometimes also can give a certain pressure.Just started to hold down,Let him intermediate go to rest,Now the basic need not.


Jinghua times:More than two years down,Children and how different peers?


WangShaoYan:Physical reaction more apparent,Don't get sick,Will power is strong,In the kindergarten never called in sick.


Jinghua times:In addition to the body,In intellectual education how to education child?


WangShaoYan:Weekly will please a college students to him in biology class,Because the creature is natural science,Direct teaching college or high school courses.Not let him to master the course content,But for the future do foreshadowing,I want to let him from the biological transition into the physical/chemical,To transition into the mathematical olympiad.I don't give children to English training class,But English I never relax over,On every day to give him play[Throughout the United States]Half an hour to an hour,You play with your,I put my,Let him play in the middle school.This is me from[Children's senior education]For inspiration.


□谈质疑 - talk about question

  我的方法不极端 My method is not extreme


Jinghua times:Media on your education way after reports,The network mixed.Online commentary on you have affected?


WangShaoYan:Won't.I would like to discuss with all the parents the child's education problem,Even if the opposite me as teaching material is fine,There is debate will have progress.


Jinghua times:Netizens question training children without considering the children accept ability,How to respond to this?


WangShaoYan:This question is very normal.Let children do what he himself would do,What will be the result?Children must be made to help his things.The child is no discrimination ability,Adults should put him off to the right direction guide.


Jinghua times:Let the children early on such physical training,Whether consulting relevant experts?


WangShaoYan:no,But I had access to a lot of material.Running it completely don't have to worry about,Look at the child's adaptability,Never forced.Cold shower too,I don't go to extremes,Achieve fitness effect can.


Jinghua times:Some think you to the child's education is too cruel.


WangShaoYan:I to the child's exercise is a gradual process,This is he the willpower to hone,Less cruel.Cruelty is force their child to do what he don't want to do,I have no.Just my method may be rare,Relatively speaking is strictly.


Jinghua times:Your online and nanjing"Eagle dad"Compared with,You to wuhan"Eagle dad"What name?


WangShaoYan:My approach is more hawkish,To the child is really a little tough.I think,The real"Eagle dad"Should a child education very successful man,I am not able to bear,I am a common father,In the education of children in the process,I also in constant mistakes,Continuously improve.


Jinghua times:Hoping your child will become what kind of person?


WangShaoYan:Be a ordinary happy person.The happiness is generalized,Is to let him know that the meaning of life,Be good to yourself,Do good to his family,Love everything in life,He can do this,I think he will be accomplished.


 ■专家说法 S experts saying

  适度锻炼有助健康 Moderate exercise will help health


Beijing sports university sports biochemistry head of the teaching and research section CaoJianMin professor thinks,4 years old children still in the infant stage,The immune system is not perfect,According to the normal growth and development,Does not advocate for excessive physical exercise.Children between the ages of 3 to 4,Can undertake some flexibility training and appropriate physical training,Moderate physical exercise to help children with physical health,High strength, may cause negative effect on growth and development.


CaoJianMin said,Children don't like adults have self control ability,"A child excited,Adult a clap,May cover a lot of feeling of fatigue,Which leads to excessive training/The phenomenon of excessive fatigue."


教育动机应该纯粹 Education motivation should be pure


Beijing youth law and psychological consultation service ZongChunShan, director of the center said,in"Eagle dad"Education in the,Parents should of her childhood have very good understanding and analysis,Can really aware of education child's behavior and motivation,What is pure or about her past compensation."If it is compensatory,Parents will not too much to consider the feelings of children,To the child's physical and mental health are not favorable.If starting point is purely training children,So some groundbreaking education way is worth a try."


Our reporter LiuXiaoXu
