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大四生轮流照顾患重病同学 病房内准备求职考研--亲稳舆论引导监测室

昨日,西南医院同学在为午餐后的叶光星擦脸。重庆晨报见习记者 苑铁力 摄 yesterday,Southwest hospital,Students in for lunch after the YeGuangXing face.Chongqing morning trainee reporter yuan tie perturbation


叶光星,生日快乐!我们不会放弃你 YeGuangXing,Happy birthday!We won't give up you


In the major read senior he found got uremia;Schoolmate four years of students are busy one's deceased father grind to apply for a job,Still scheduling in turn in the hospital to take care of him


Wang looked at the desk opposite put[Strategic management],Paused for a few seconds think this book looks too serious,They turned back to his table,Take a book[The Da Vinci code].2 o 'clock yesterday afternoon,Wang about a interview,But at noon he still take the time to run technically a trip southwest hospital,Is to take this book to the sick YeGuangXing.


YeGuangXing is his students in chongqing university,Now because of uremia are southwest hospital treatment.


通宵陪护错过心仪单位 All night the right to miss unit


And wang as,The two day side busy one's deceased father grind to apply for a job,Side busy southwest hospital running,And chongqing university economy and the college of business administration to human resources management in class one a lot of students.


On November 5, morning a interview,It's very important to monitor JiaHaiYang."This is so much home unit I most the right one,treatment/To my personal future development is very ideal."JiaHaiYang said,He is going to in 4 days afternoon with teacher finished after the project,Prepare for the interview time,With the best state scored the interview.


however,The plan is a phone call upset.4 half past five in the afternoon,Classmate wang to call JiaHaiYang,Inform school hospital has given YeGuangXing notice under the terminally ill,And ask YeGuangXing hospital immediately.At this time,Distance YeGuangXing to school hospital was less than 3 hours.JiaHaiYang immediately ran to the school gate took 3500 yuan,And students to southwest hospital.In order to take care of YeGuangXing,JiaHaiYang and wang yi in ward care in a night,Until the second day morning classmates have come to relay that he hurried back to the bedroom with a resume to interview the classroom cast.


Since there is no ready to,And in the ward in cold catch cold catch cold JiaHaiYang play not ideal,Not be admitted.But he said:"Work has a lot of,This can't have that.But star elder brother's condition can not delay,The whole class is only one YeGuangXing."


看护同学实行“三班倒” Nursing students practice"Three shifts"


The hospital diagnosed,YeGuangXing have a chronic renal failure(End-stage namely for uremia).Under the cover of YeGuangXing do dialysis,Wang yi with JiaHaiYang said that afternoon situation.4,Bedroom suspended hot water supply,YeGuangXing downstairs raised a bucket of hot water.Went upstairs,YeGuangXing has been gasping for breath,And felt dizzy.after,He oneself to the school hospital,Learned that he want to school after the hospital,He didn't give a roommate wang make a phone call,Let wang yi help put the things that wash gargle and some clothes belt to the hospital.Wang yi knew that YeGuangXing ill.


immediately,He gave the whole class mass a message,Inform leaf students condition.soon,The students in the class have call or reply message.A few minutes later,A temporary to a schedule:2 PM Monday to 8 PM,ZhangHuaiRui/Weeks unity;At 8 am on Tuesday,TuLiPeng/Of primitive simplicity;2 p.m. on Tuesday,Often city/GaoKaiYuan;Night all night,JiaHaiYang/LiuYiLong.


These students,In addition to JiaHaiYang,It has the inquiry or find a job of the students.Each group of rotation,Every day"Three shifts".meanwhile,YeGuangXing father YeSongShun also from jiangxi shangrao their hometown to chongqing cast.


Four days later,Students will YeGuangXing told the counselor TanShunXia,TanShunXia promptly and college students workstation two teacher drive to the hospital,YeGuangXing on account of the 30000 yuan treatment is three teachers of the advance payment.Yesterday to,The medical treatment cost 30000 yuan only thousands of yuan.


全班同学捐了7000多元 The whole class donated 7000 yuan


On the afternoon of December 6 nov.,Gao kai away YeGuangXing care,As a result of graduate student entrance examination day by day is near,He put the mathematics and political recitations are brought to the ward.And YeGuangXing night after the break,GaoKaiYuan began to review,Every now and then a few eyes looked up YeGuangXing lying in bed."Although in the hospital ward review the effect is not very good,But at least can look at star elder brother,To ease some."GaoKaiYuan didn't want belt material to review,But he also don't want to lose valuable review time.


Girls tend to be more careful,They checked on the Internet some material,On paper to write down what to YeGuangXing can eat,What can't eat.


When YeSongShun to arrive at chongqing,The class also use expense to he bought two sets of shirt and a pair of cotton slippers.YeGuangXing don't know is,The class students have donated 7000 yuan to give him.At the same time,The class commissary in charge of organization LiuYuanDong will YeGuangXing situation sorting into text,To online,And in micro blog request school most institutions/community/The teacher forward.College is also apply for a serious illness to school fund.


今天,同学为他过生日 today,Students for his birthday


Three years ago today,It is YeGuangXing and GuoYaRong two person's birthday,The whole class in the huxi campus reckoned the top of the mountain on the pavilion,Buy the cake and snack,For the two students celebrate birthday.


In the class YeGuangXing age calculate partial small,But the classmate all call him"Star elder brother".GuoYaRong said,YeGuangXing grades are good,Won the country pursues a scholarship,Basic skills and special solid,Also special love reading.If not because of body reason,hisense/TCL, and other well-known company interview he must go to.


Everyone knows that,YeGuangXing is the only one in the class obtains.Father farming,A year to earn a four or yuan.To chongqing took 2000 yuan,To borrow or relatives.


now,YeGuangXing lying in bed,22 years old birthday can only spend in bed.The whole class planning,In the ward to YeGuangXing birthday."Before we discuss for a long time,Want to several solutions,They were afraid star elder brother too excited,Control mood."After consultation,The whole class decided to,The class every students bought writing paper,Write to encourage YeGuangXing words,Then fold it into a paper,Installed in the bottle for him.


"birthday,The whole class may not go at the same time,After all, will also affect other patients.But each student will go to,We want to make star elder brother feel the warmth of the collective."Monitor JiaHaiYang said.


Yesterday afternoon,JiaHaiYang YeGuangXing from the attending physician understanding arrives over there,Today is YeGuangXing father blood test results out of the day.If blood type does not match,His father can't put the kidney shift to YeGuangXing."We hope,Not only a blood test pass,Other relevant renal transplantation conditions were satisfied,This is to star elder brother the best birthday present."

  叶光星也想尽快出院,他说:“我要赶快找工作,减轻家里的负担。”(见习记者 王鑫)

YeGuangXing also want to hospital as soon as possible,He said:"I want to hurry to find a job,Reduce the burden of the family."(Trainee reporter nature conservancy council)


链接>供体短缺是肾移植的瓶颈 link>Donor shortage is the bottleneck of renal transplantation


Chronic renal failure is to point to all kinds of kidney disease caused kidney function progressive irreversible decline,Until the function is lost in a series of symptoms and metabolic disorder of clinical syndrome,Referred to as chronic renal failure,The end-stage as people often say uremia.


Renal transplantation is the most reasonable uremia patients/The most effective treatment method.At present the national kidney transplants each year to accept only more than 5000 cases,About every 150 waiting for patients,Only one person may get the chance to kidney transplantation,While donor shortage has become a limit organ transplantation of a bottleneck.therefore,The vast majority of uremia patients need long-term hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis treatment.
