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  上午,周女士一到办公室便打开了电脑,登录QQ,一时间多个QQ群的头像跳动起来,她来不及坐下,便一一点开查看。“武昌区一年级新生群”“××小学一年级新生群”“×小学一年级×班群”……周女士的儿子今年刚上小学一年级,在“过来人”的指导下,她一口气加了七八个家长群,期待借助网络的力量,给孩子最前沿的教育。 morning,Weeks a lady to the office will open the computer,QQ login,At that time many QQ group head is beating up,She sat down to,Then a little open view."A freshman group of wuchang district""Xx primary school a freshman group""× × grade primary school class group"...The son of lady week this year just elementary school grade one,in"A n experienced person"Under the guidance of the,She added a 7 or 8 parents group,Looking forward to with the power of the web,Give the child to the forefront of education.


Not long ago,Weeks in lady son primary school held a test,The child took an examination of 88 minutes,Grade of parents"kept":"The teacher said the,Below 90 points is not pass the exam,Try to......"All day,Weeks lady mood with the information in the QQ group ups and downs,"How to say,Be QQ group kidnapped it,Although such days in very,But can not do without the."


Communication technology rapid development,Small and medium-sized river students' parents hold common goal,Have been in all kinds of parents QQ group/Education BBS in,Sharing eleven-plus/Family education information,BaoTuan heating/Have a"Network social"life,Share the parents of the sweets and bitters of life.recently,The reporter interviewed these"Network social"parents.


加群发帖 Add group of post


家长“网络群居”成常态 parents"Network social"Into normal


September this year,ChenXiang daughter fulfill a wish to enter the wuhan city a famous junior middle school,because"success",She was a wuhan education BBS appointed"another"The moderator,Continue to stay in"another"Parents of"Transmitting scriptures and delivering treasures".ChenXiang teaching experiences in particular emphasis on,Her daughter can waltz through"another"Autonomous enrollment selection,Thanks to her to join five parents group.


"The child elementary school five grade,I added a five‘another’Parents group,Five group has nearly 1000 parents,I inside the bubble,Collect information as much as possible.In the group of changing information,Near the selection,I just moment all dare not leave,For fear that useful information is flooded."ChenXiang said,Through a year"latent",She is famous for"another"The selection of a comprehensive understanding.daughter"another"when,She followed her"A n experienced person"experience,Leisurely daughter arrangement of the pew,For her daughter caught a another chance.


In the kaidi electric power work xugong,The first thing every day after work,Is the login education BBS post/irrigation,This is the habit of his years,"One day is not online say a point what,Is not comfortable".Xugong child elementary school grade six,Three years ago he in this education in the BBS,And some parents lived a"Social life".He is reputed BBS in quite some gas,Member, nearly 2 million people.Xugong active degree is high,Regularly upload son's education story,In the BBS a little famous,Has a lot of"fans".


The reporter understands,The current river most elementary and middle schools have set up their own parents QQ group/Stick or BBS,Some still refining to grade/Class's and grade's clique.Estimate about sixty percent of the parents through the network"Social life"Control of the child's learning/education,This is their normal life,"Also province old to run schools".The parents little criterion with 1-2 a parent group or BBS,Many unlimited,net.in"Network social"Parents looks,A parent is responsible,There is a important index:That is to see him to join a few group.


The most keen on a"Network social"Life's parents,When several children face"Young rise small"/"another"/ZhongGaoKao major turning point of the parents,Their keen degree closer to madness,A sigh of relief and twenty or thirty group is not unusual.They are all kinds of studies in the group,Fretfully bug/search,examination/score/bound/Schools and other key words scratch moving their hearts.


考试升学 Entrance exam


共同的压力令家长抱团 Common pressure to BaoTuan parents


"Xx elementary school entrance test to pay attention to""have‘566’registration/Examination information""Heard that xx secondary schools in the school began to touch bottom""September adjustable exam ChongDianXian stroke out"...A education BBS person in charge told reporters,In many parents group/BBS in,And bound/The exam related information is the most popular,All reveal a useful eleven-plus information group and BBS,Soon going/Ten preach the ground temperature,A seating capacity of 500 people super group in half a day time will be able to fill up,And BBS in a day and so on can add several thousand/Even tens of thousands of members."If not has the common troubles and demand,Parents are not together;Children don't study experience,When parents can't realize that anxiety and suffering!""A n experienced person"CengLin said,Parents are not so much on the Internet dig take information,Rather than in the BaoTuan heating.CengLin children attended this year's mid-term exam,Now, he is studying second wuhan."This year the Spring Festival a,Until July,It is the examinee parents in the life most anxious days,Key high school all kinds of recruitment information through little by little,Adjustment test/Autonomous enrolment/Distribution was born/Quote volunteer...Online every day there are new information,A little‘happens’,Will have to rush to verify,Otherwise the child may be less chance..."CengLin describe this day"wretched",The pressure,Group of parents assumed jointly,Shi yafeng describes some not unable to realize.


CengLin said,The more the heart unavoidable,Parents of mixing time is longer,Sometimes to 1 or 2 o 'clock,200 people in the group of parents,More than half of all head on.Listen to someone and you have the same anxiety,At least can find some comfort,"Parents in the group big beefing,Usually can't to the family/Colleagues complain that the words say that come out,You have to give comfort.Social network is that good,Everybody because common demand together,But don't know each other,No scruple,Instead, provide the perfect psychological massage platform."


but,Such soak sometimes derived deeper anxiety.Taking the daughter of Mr Will face"another",From the teacher there,He knows about the importance of the information.He has joined the multiple"another"Parents group,Do get a lot of useful information.But as the group image kept flashing,Mr. Taking began to fear,Dare not to point to open it,"More looks is more anxiety,A lot of information to know no solution,Also constantly add trouble,As from."


酸甜苦辣 Sour, sweet, bitter, hot


“群居生活”左右家长情绪 "Social life"Parents about emotions


for"Network social"life,Parents feel the taste is multiple,acid/sweet/bitter/Spicy flavor is.


酸:人家孩子总得表扬 acid:Somebody else's children have to praise


SongLou is a housewife,Daughter in the wuchang a high-quality elementary school is in the third grade,In order to reference to other parents' education experience,She joined the two parents QQ group,Early in the morning every day she was turned on the computer receiving information.While doing the housework while vertical the ears to hear information comes the action,"Now the teacher evaluation children/Arrangement task,Are all through the parent group of release,This kind of scary is not a good feeling,But have to stare at."SongLou said the daughter result in class medium,Every time the teacher in the group published in children's school,Commentaries on who put up a good show/Who do bad.See other children were praised,Parents speak frequently,Yourself because of the child's mediocre embarrassed appeared,Heart in addition to acid or acid.


甜:教育孩子小有成就 sweet:Education child small achievements


Because the child to go to school,Last September,Mr. Chu registered as a member of the education BBS,And join the parents group,began"Network social".Every day into the office first thing is turned on the computer,Open BBS,Just look at the beginning,Then learn to reply,When the first time someone give yourself when score and flowers,Feel very fresh.Then a post of the impulse,Post a,flowers,Send gold have,Feel the great inspiration.soon,Mr. Chu identity from beginner to intermediate registered/senior,With the increased amount of post,He quickly rushed to the gold medal member.


"BBS is introduced in the good education method I will practice,Education child more and more capable."Mr Zhu said,Himself in the unit has been no promotion opportunities,BBS in performance let his little with a sense of accomplishment,This feeling is good.In addition,He also through the BBS met more than"NiuWa"parents,A lot of self-improvement.


苦:攀比的滋味真难受 bitter:"Keep up with the joneses" taste really uncomfortable


Speaking of"Network social"life,Liu feel is bitter.end,She joined a"another"Parents group.It was"another"The tension,In every group by whose is"NiuWa"And the school received the advance record notice.The son of liu mediocre,According to the information indicating,At several selection examination are inconclusive.


"Group of the last time when announcement of examination result,My son is still no.See some parents began to shout when,My heart very uncomfortable.Combined with work pressure,That day my mood special difference."Returned home,Liu saw the child watching cartoons,Finally broke out,She pushing children,Children don't stand,Hit the furniture,The arm stroke a big cut...


now,Liu's son attends a common middle schools,The last time because of both mother and child tension,"I am not add the group,Also don't want to follow the crowd go,Comparisons of bitter taste really terrible."


辣:被人耻笑出言不逊 hot:Be sneer at by the person fling out


Live under one roof,Quarrel inevitable."Network social"life,Also avoid the quarrel.Parents told reporters,Group often have parents because different opinions,And big play saliva battle,Scroll rapidly,Very lively."In the group mix for a long time,If his children be sneer at by the person or the,Also don't mixed up?"The parents agree with such a state of mind,If the other parent speech directly pointing to his,That kind of feeling really terrible,In order to face often fling out,Make not still will be"play"A group of,Even if things calm is still"MaoJiao hot".Parents also revealed,A group will have smaller groups,They in order to their own interests,Useful information not willing publicly,With such parents social a"nest".


择校风盛、信息封闭 ZeJiaoFeng filled/Information closed


“群居生活”多了悲哀色彩 "Social life"Much sorrow colour


"choose‘Network social’parents,There is no more than what way/Relationship of parents!"interview,A education BBS blue-eyed boy"tianxiang027"said,Most parents choose social,Is because there is no way to obtain valuable information studies,In social and look forward to achieve"gossip",In the final analysis is a river so select one school competition,The second is bound information is not enough transparent.


For this statement,"Network social"Parents agree more,They say,The river is filled ZeJiaoFeng,Parents if there is no way,So the child to the olympiad/The pew class selection/ZhongGaoKao into school is not 2 channel.therefore,Some external the pew institutions looking to establish parents group,Don't regularly publicize the"useful"information,To want to add group/Got the information,We must make money to children sign up for a class."social"Parents in taste"sugarplum"after,Often very careful,Don't easily announced information,For fear that the child much competition.


"tianxiang027"think,"Network social"Parents mind is panic,Because the current compulsory education is still far from achieving equilibrium state,There is a large gap between schools,Parents hope that children superior school,The competition will tend to be tragic.Although education administrative department repeated orders,Don't let primary school/Junior high school in selection of the exam,But selection examination or in the black case work,Parents can make, heart,A child will promote the pew class"duck",side"Network social"beagle,If a ban on school can be put in place,End live"Hit and"source,"Network social"Parents will be less panic.

  此外,一些学校发布的招考信息严重与事实不符,比如说是×日报名,但家长按着那个日子过去时,才发现人家的录取都已经结束了。信息的不透明、学校的违规操作,令家长们摸不着北,只有顺了学校的思维,“旁门左道”地打探,“网络群居”生活由此多了悲哀的色彩。(楚天金报 记者赵莉 通讯员魏波)

In addition,Some schools admit by examination issued by the serious information with the facts,For instance, the name × daily,But parents according to the day when the past,Found that people admit all is over.Information is not transparent/The school illegal operation,Make the parents can't reach the north,Only shun the school thinking,"heterodoxy"To find out,"Network social"The life which the colour of mourning.(Chutian 27 reporters ZhaoLi correspondent WeiBo)
