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留学生安全引发国人关注 留学遇险如何紧急处置--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  近来,加拿大西海岸发生地震,飓风“桑迪”袭击美国东部地区……在异国求学的中国留学生的安全问题再次引发国人关注。面对这些事件,留学生该如何应对?自然灾害 多向外界求帮助

recently,Canada's west coast of an earthquake,hurricane"sandy"Attacks on parts of the eastern us……Study abroad the security problem of Chinese students has renewed a national concern.In the face of these events,Students how to deal with it?Natural disasters multidirectional outside for help


"Students went to abroad,Because of the differences of environment,Often meet unexpected danger.I suggest all pay attention to the prevention,When anything crops up change outside for help."Kai tak education group consultants to study the LiWeiWei said.


T(alias)Students in the United States is a Chinese student,"sandy"Attacks on the United States of America,She is New York city Manhattan the worst-hit city.Because the hurricane before coming,The school and apartments are issued a warning notice,T students have long purchasing a large number of candles and food,But also the electronic equipment imitation good electric.Although do enough preparation,After hurricane coming caused by the power for a long time/Stop hot water still make her feel depressed,"Three days after hurricane comes in the morning,We are told that restore hot water and 36 hours,Power still need three days or so.I had decided not to wait,She took a simple baggage,Run to live with hot water refuge at a friend's house."After the disaster,She is a very rewarding:"I think in the face of any potential danger will be ready,Otherwise the dangerous really happened will panic."


In the United States Iowa state university have MinRui because of natural disasters have been at the scene,Almost lose life."Last winter day,Iowa from under the snow.In southwest China as a child growing up,I'm not snow day driving experience.At that time,I'm disapprovingly on the motorway.The results,In a corner car suddenly slipped,And rapid guy.I was a scare,Fortunately, hold the steering wheel immediately fall speed,Just saved their lives."Memories that experience,He suggested that:"Snow day,Try not to drive.If you must drive,He must very carefully,Speed must be slow,Control steering wheel,Best friend to accompany."

  偷抢事件 不能舍命不舍财

Steal rob event can't give up his wealth


"If got robbed/Stealing events,Students should the decision to give up the money,Don't for property and struggle with criminals.Money is worldly possessions,Bits of money not to lay down,You have only one life!alert,Set up good awareness,Encounter robbery can be avoided."Rev. DE study group advisor li high Fen remind students to prevent stealing rob event.


Rev. DE study group consultant besmear that climbing,As a foreign student,Want to have a good habit."Try not to come home late,Don't linger in recreational place.Try to walk together,Don't go to public security high-risk area,So that we can guarantee our personal life and property safety."


Now, he is studying in the university of Sydney's Angela study in four months,But encountered two looting.The first,She because and friends about to eat,Then go to KTV to sing,So go home when he was late into the night.Fast got home when a corner,A group of riding a motorcycle youth suddenly appeared and surrounded by her.One of the men to get off rob her bag,The rest of the youth has been press the flash light."I was frightened line,Cold hands and feet.But I think the bag contained a lot of important items,So I try very hard to cover your bag,Then the initiative into mobile phone to give them.They saw something in,Also afraid of too secret,Drove away from the scene."


The second,Also because the cause of friends,Time later.Angela was car is waiting at the train station,suddenly,The platform of a group of young man jumped out of the platform straight run to come over to her."At first I had no reaction to come over,Also in this dangerous behavior worry,But then I realized that was a bag.Fortunately bag haven't installed the computer,Mobile phones are also pants pocket,Bag only a small amount of cash.so,I didn't resist took the bag to them,They didn't leave."


For the two experiences,Angela concluded:"I still need to strengthen the safety consciousness,Not because it is in the downtown area/The railway station the public,Reduces alert.and,Try not to go out after dark,Should and friends went along with,You should understand how to bits of money life."

  生活意外 加倍细心是关键

Life accident double careful is the key


Out alone,International students in life will encounter many difficulties.In li high Fen looks,More and more students tend to be young,Safety awareness is relatively weak."Students' self-care ability/Communication skills/Adaptive capacity is low,This led directly to the students in the problem,Easy a dispute between with others.therefore,Students before going abroad best can consciously learn how to communicate with people,To improve their foreign life and problem solving skills."

  曾留学于英国威斯敏斯特大学的张虹林在留学期间就曾遇到过棘手的问题。她当时租住在当地一位老太太家。有一天,放学回家后,她开始准备晚餐红烧排骨。调味之后,她就开着火让排骨继续在锅里闷着,自己便去客厅边看电视边等待。结果,她把排骨的事忘得一干二净。“大约一个小时后,我就闻到一股特别大的烧焦味。等回过神的时候,我发现灶台已经着火了,并且抽油烟机也跟着烧了起来,噼里啪啦的火星到处乱窜,我吓得抱头就走。后来,那位英国老太太很生气地要让我负责任。由于在国内没有使用过灭火器,我便硬着头皮去打开灭火器想扑灭火焰,结果死活打不开,最后还是老太太完成了灭火。”这次火的教训让张虹林记忆深刻,她说:“我当时太粗心了,如果细心一点完全能避免那次危险。另外,留学前一定要提高自己解决危险的能力。当然,做任何事情都要有始有终,不能害怕承担责任,而要勇敢面对。否则,自己独立生活能力不能提高,还会和当地人产生不必要的矛盾。” Had to study abroad in the British Westminster university in ZhangHongLin during my study had met thorny issue.She was lodges in a local old lady's house.One day,Go home after school,She began to prepare dinner to braise in soy sauce sparerib.After flavorring,She open fire let ribs to continue in a pot with boring,He may go to the sitting room watching TV while waiting for.The results,She put the chops forgot all about."About an hour later,I caught a whiff of special big scorched taste.And when god back,I found the hearth has caught fire,And smoke lampblack machine also follow burned up,The villager their scampering about Mars,I'm scared to go to walk.later,The British the old lady is very angry to let me be responsible.Because the domestic haven't used fire extinguisher,I will bite the bullet and go to open fire extinguisher to put out the flame,Results life and death can't open,Finally the old lady finished fire."The fire teaching let ZhangHongLin memory deep,She said:"I was too careless,If more careful completely can avoid the danger.In addition,Before the study abroad must improve their ability to solve the danger.Of course,All that you do, never do things by halves,Can't be frightened bear the responsibility,And must be brave.otherwise,Their own independent living skills can't improve,Will also produce needless contradiction with the local people."
