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异地高考政策暂无高门槛 京沪年底出台公众期待--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

异地高考政策暂无高门槛 京沪年底出台公众期待 6月7日,在东直门考点外,一名家长手举高考的小旗子迎接孩子。本报记者王苡萱摄 June 7,In the examination site dongzhimen,A parents hand raise the university entrance exam flags to meet the children.Our reporter WangYi xuan perturbation


Last week,Beijing not Beijing parents received by the Beijing municipal education commission's[Government information public notice].The clear reply,Those migrant workers SuiQian children compulsory education plan issued before the end of the year.after,The whole nation has had 13 provinces commitment will be announced before the end of the year plan.


The state council has requires all out before the end of the year"Different college entrance examination"Specific policy,Now distance cut-off time only more than a month,First launched policy more provinces for population outflow big province or examination province,implementation"Different college entrance examination"Policy pressure is lighter,Setting threshold were lower,And into the province such as Beijing/Shanghai expressed that the end of the year introduced,The detailed rules for the implementation of these provinces public more looking forward to.

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异地高考新政盘点 Different college entrance examination the New Deal inventory


特点:2013年立即执行代表:黑龙江、江苏、安徽 characteristics:In 2013 on behalf of the immediate execution:heilongjiang/jiangsu/anhui


黑龙江对学生设低门槛 Heilongjiang on students' set low threshold


November,Each province has entered the 2013 college entrance examination application stage,Next year SuiQian children can local college entrance examination,Become a pressing problem.Earlier this month,Heilongjiang province has become the first clear the college entrance examination in 2013 the specific conditions of different provinces,Than before 2014 with clear"Different college entrance examination"The shandong province and fujian province a step more early.


Contrast to the ministry of education recently"Different college entrance examination"Three aspects"Access conditions"(parents/students/Urban conditions),The heilongjiang announced conditions simplified a lot.if"Parents conditions"Is limited to"Have a legal professional and stable residence"two,And does not include"Made all kinds of insurance"Social conditions,But to"Students conditions"Also only request"In continuous 3 years".As for"Urban conditions"Is not covered completely.


Heilongjiang established"threshold"Is considered to be a relatively loose scale.Some scholars said:"Such a request to appear in the reality the possibility of the college entrance examination immigration is small."


In addition,Jiangsu and anhui province also have said 2013 executive different college entrance examination policy.


特点:2014年缓冲执行代表:山东、福建 characteristics:In 2014 on behalf of the buffer execution:shandong/fujian


考试大省生源快速下降 Big province exam students falling fast


February 29,,Shandong open the first national,The first breakthrough the university entrance exam census register restrictions,Allow foreign students participate in college entrance examination in shandong province.According to the shandong province planning,Different college entrance examination in 2014 up formal execution.Shandong province an ice immediately became the focus of attention,Also makes"Different college entrance examination"The topic of this year became the hottest topic in one of the CPPCC.


Shandong province issued a[Ordinary university examination enrollment system reform implementation opinions].[opinion]provisions,"Since 2014 steadily college examination enrollment system reform……And in our province high school section has complete learning experience of the census register examinee all can in our province in situ(The study of high school period of the school is located)Register to attend the university entrance exam,And with our province examinee enjoy the same admission policy."


Examinee more/Less resources/Admission score high,This is a great characteristic of shandong province college entrance examination,But on the other hand, students in shandong province in recent years rapid decline,Since 2010,The actual average admission ratio is more than 80%,In 2011, more than 85%.According to the shandong province education commission prediction,From 2013 to 2014,Shandong college entrance examination from the highest students 800000 people fell to 400000 people.


In addition to shandong,Fujian also clearly will be implemented time set for 2014 years.


特点:人口输出大省代表:安徽、湖北、江西 characteristics:Population output province representative:anhui/hubei/jiangxi


通过录取办法留住生源 Through the admission ways to keep students


Anhui province belong to population output province,Once the national let go of different college entrance examination's census register restrictions,Anhui may become germ output province,Provincial won't have a great number of students in anhui."If the overall,May policy after let go,Anhui students out of the more than than came in,So in fact is to alleviate the pressure of the silver bullet in anhui province."Hefei the examination yuan LiuChangYun said.


The same,Hubei is a big province population output,The college entrance examination will be less affected different policy.The relevant departments of hubei province has SuiQian children's distribution/Education situation by/Family living condition and parents working/tax/Attend social insurance situation to conduct a comprehensive investigation,Base number of,Comprehensive consideration of the economic and social development/Social resources carrying capacity,Especially the education resources carrying capacity,Adjust measures to local conditions,Conditionally accept SuiQian children in hubei in the entrance exam.


Jiangxi education examination yuan tome recruit place ShenHuaJin division chief said,Jiangxi college entrance examination scheme will be different according to the requirements to come before the end of December,But when implementing the is impossible to predict.It is important to note that,Jiangxi although are not yet available specific enter oneself for an examination policy,But the way to take the lead in clear admitted.There are two main types of different college entrance examination way,One is"Different college entrance examination/In situ admission",One is"Different JieKao,Reduced fraction admit home".Jiangxi province is almost certain practice"Different college entrance examination/In situ admission"way,That is SuiQian provincial children in jiangxi province to participate in college entrance examination in jiangxi province directly after wise move admitted.


特点:人口输入大省代表:北京、上海、广东、天津 characteristics:Population input province representative:Beijing/Shanghai/guangdong/tianjin


解决与城市承载力矛盾 Solutions to the contradiction between the bearing capacity of city


And population output big province"Without pressure"State compared with,Input a big province in making policy options,Because Beijing/Shanghai these population input province(city)At the same time is also"College entrance examination depression",More than any other provinces and cities enjoy higher rates of the university entrance exam,So different college entrance examination after let go,How to prevent"College entrance examination immigrant",To prevent the urban population excessive expansion,And maintain the local census register examinee's interests,Has become a let related departments to consider problems.At present,These population input province has not yet issued a clear policy,But Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou has successively introduced policy statement before the end of the year.


Shanghai scheme will use JiFenZhi,Comprehensive consideration of the migrant workers who work in Shanghai professional situation with its SuiQian children attend fixed number of year;Guangdong provincial director LuoWei its when being interviewed by the media revealed,Guangdong college entrance examination different specific scheme is developing process,Temporary inconvenience revealed that content;Beijing also has put forward on plan before the end of the year;Tianjin also puts forward,And in tianjin have a legal stable occupation/Domicile and pay tax in accordance with law/Turn over to the social security of migrant workers,And SuiQian children learn in tianjin reaches a certain fixed number of year,Can be in tianjin different to participate in the entrance exam,Specific plan before the end of the year introduced.


观点 view


各省招生计划分配考虑各地异地高考政策因素 The provinces to recruit students to plan distribution considering different policy factors around the university entrance exam


China's education scientific research institute President/National education system reform leading group deputy director of the office of the YuanZhenGuo think,At present there are 13 provinces public actively declare to launch"Different college entrance examination"policy,And put forward some direction.This suggests that everywhere actively promote the state council document,"Everywhere in the process of policy making,Are serious research/Prudential requirements,So also believe that the policy is all science,The feasibility."


For now, though, and most of provinces not policy appearing clear statement,YuanZhenGuo explicitly pointed out that the state council document is a binding,Even if is pressure great population input big provinces also need to give clear statement before the end of the year."From the various provinces reaction to see,The situation are positive and optimistic,Even Beijing/Shanghai is also being expansion work."


implement"Different college entrance examination"Policy after,The number of students in the provinces will change,Parents and the examinee the most attention this will not affect the difficulty of the ideal university,Universities in distribution provinces when students does make corresponding adjustment.Tsinghua university manages director YuHan said,College is also pay close attention on the introduction of the provinces"Different college entrance examination"policy,Especially for students will bring great influence on the number of input province policy.In the distribution of the provinces to recruit students to plan,Will consider the impact of the policy.He said,This recruit students to plan adjustment and not and students is increased"One size fits all"Complete positive correlation.The university admissions to at the same time pay attention to fair chance and select material quality two factors.Need according to the specific circumstances of all,And the examination yuan all together with concrete research,Arranged to recruit students to plan.


对话望低门槛方案在90%地区推广 Dialogue at low threshold scheme in 90% area promotion


Peking University law school professor ZhangQianFan to express way to have submitted under the state council"Different college entrance examination"proposals,This consists of 30 experts and scholars put forward signed joint scheme SuiQian children should have three or more years of schooling,And the fixed number of year as a different the university entrance exam qualification that the main conditions,Not in social security should be fixed on the problems such as high threshold Settings.And on the introduction of the heilongjiang province"Different college entrance examination"Policy and his suggestion happen to coincide,The reporter interviewed the proposal ZhangQianFan draftsmen.


reporter:The heilongjiang province college entrance examination by different implementation plan,For the scheme you how evaluation?


ZhangQianFan:Very good,This is by far one of the best scheme.First of all,This scheme is in 2013 implement,Implementation of time is very timely.Project content again good,If the delay,There will be a lot of SuiQian children affected by the university entrance exam.


reporter:Heilongjiang this scheme have significance for popularization?


ZhangQianFan:At present has a heilongjiang/shandong,Including jiangsu, coastal provinces,I think there is no reason to threshold puts forward strict requirements.The contradiction between the provinces is not actually that fierce,There is no reason not to implement as soon as possible"Different college entrance examination"policy,So heilongjiang plan can in addition to north wide this several contradictions inhabited areas outside the other 90% of the area promotion.


For the beijing-shanghai and floating population is concentrated area,Can consider to gain a year and compulsory education of cohesion.


reporter:At present on most of the scheme is a policy pressure smaller areas,They policy appearing,For the beijing-shanghai and other regions of the policy will have what kind of impact?


ZhangQianFan:Most of the provinces have introduced policies,Will promote north widely launch policy as soon as possible,They have no reason not to solve this problem.


reporter:At present in pressure great area,There have been some local residents and residents nonlocal census register because different college entrance examination the contradiction problems,This kind of contradiction this how to solve?


ZhangQianFan:This kind of contradiction is expected,This locality census register of parents think that the implementation of the policy will affect their interests,In fact, this is no conflicts of interest,National policy has been clear will increase population input big province to recruit students to plan,As long as the admission scale invariant,Will not affect the interests of local students.For the government, too,Need in the policy to take into account the influence of the policy to local interests,Scientific coordination.


This ZhouYiMei concludes our reporter


The author:ZhouYiMei


【各地动态】 [Dynamic around]

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湖北异地高考政策年底前出台 高考强省有自信 Hubei college entrance examination before the end of different policy on strong province college entrance examination have confidence


广东异地高考方案年底出台 方案将具广东特色 Guangdong college entrance examination at the end of different scheme on scheme will have guangdong characteristic


江苏异地高考方案初稿已形成 望年底出台 Jiangsu college entrance examination has formed different scheme draft looking out at the end of the year


安徽省异地高考方案已进入专家论证阶段 Different in anhui province college entrance examination scheme has entered the stage on the expert's demonstration


云南将开放异地高考 担心影响本地孩子教育资源 Yunnan will open different the university entrance exam worry influence local children education resources


【特别策划】:异地高考一小步 教育公平一大步 [Special planning]:Different college entrance examination education fair one step one step


异地高考依然是“拼爹时代”的缩影 Different college entrance examination is still"Spell dad age"The epitome of

:原本期待的异地高考,一句“有条件的准入”让很多人止步在“条件”之外。就眼下的几个条件,某种意义上,还是拼爹时代的一个缩影。父母没有房子,没有固定工作,没有上保险,没有待在一个被需要的城市,随迁子女的权利就随之被剥夺。现今出台的关于“异地高考”的政策,虽然不乏良好初衷和善意,但其实依然以父辈们占有资源的多寡作为子女能否参加高考的“硬杠杠”…[ Originally the university entrance exam to different places,a"Conditional access"Let many people walking in"conditions"outside.Is now a few conditions,A sense,Or spell dad a miniature of the era.Parents have no house,,No regular work,No insurance,No stay in a city of need,SuiQian children's rights will then be deprived of.Now come about"Different college entrance examination"policy,Although there is no lack of good original intention and kindness,But it still to the parents of the amount of resources as children can attend the university entrance exam"Hard underlined"…[详细 detailed]

