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ATA CFO曾坤鸿:CPA预计Q3带来¥5000万营收--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  北京时间11月7日,ATA周一盘后公布2013财年二季度财报,由于证券从业人员资格考试的考量下滑,公司季度营收不及预期。证券从业考试 (SAC)对ATA影响有多大,托业和选才项目能否改变公司目前主要营收依赖政府类考试的格局,注册会计师全国统一考试(CPA)的合同能为公司带来多少收益...就上述疑问i美股对ATA 公司CFO曾坤鸿先生 (BensonTsang) 进行了专访,以下为专访内容: Beijing time on November 7,ATA Monday announced after plate in fiscal year 2013 second quarter earnings,Because the examination for the qualifications of securities practitioners consideration glide,Company's quarterly revenue less than expected.Securities from the exam (SAC)How much impact of ATA,Holds industry and choose to project can be changed at the moment the main revenue rely on government exams pattern,The unified national examination certified public accountants(CPA)Contract can bring many benefits...The question I us stocks to ATA company CFO CengKunHong sir (BensonTsang) A live interview,The following is an interview with content:


二季度SAC考量较预期下降10万次 The second quarter is expected to decline SAC considerations 100000 times


I us stocks:In the second quarter of the company's total revenue 4,6.75 million yuan,Less than the 25th quarterly report 5,000-6,0 million expected,Reason is what?

  Benson: 原因主要分两个方面,一是证券从业资格考试(SAC)考量较预估减少了10万次,共减少营收约450万元人民币;二是Q1财报给出的预期中包含一个已经签署的合同,但是企业最后决定将考试推迟到Q4进行,这部分影响了750万元的营收。这两部分合计影响约1,200万元人民币的营收。

Benson: Reason mainly includes two aspects,One is the securities practice qualification examination(SAC)Consideration is estimated to reduce 100000 times,Common reduce revenue of about 4.5 million yuan RMB;The second is the 25th earnings are expected to contain a have signed the contract,But the enterprise the final decision will be postponed to the exam for Q4 is prevented,This part of the affecting 7.5 million yuan revenue.This two part of the total influence about 1,2 million yuan ($) revenue.


Delay test contract belongs to choose to project,Because this part of the business ATA is and enterprise clients to sign a contract,So we have faced a similar challenge:Because enterprise customer business smaller and decision to change,So the customer will be according to their own needs adjust exam date.The past two years this kind of situation happen from time to tome,But the impact of the exam is only delay.This and the type of large test such as securities/The bank/Customs...The beginning of fixed good annual examination plan is different,The government exams time once sure won't change.


不计CPA影响 毛利率仍在50%以上 Regardless of the CPA influence gross profit margin is still in more than 50%


I us stocks:Q2 gross profit rate down to 46.1%,The same period last year 56.9%,Gross profit margin decline reason is what?


Benson:Mainly is two reasons:Part of it is from the securities practice qualification examination(SAC)aspects,The test on the company gross profit margin influence in roughly 6%.On the one hand this quarter SAC considerations for revenue decline caused by certain influence;In addition,SAC continued education business also give ATA cause certain influence.The securities industry association in 2012 to this part of the business evaluation to determine whether can do it by myself,This caused from continue education business into decline.


Another part of the reason is the preparation for the CPA exam(CPA)In the second quarter began to increase 200 test station work,This increases the cost of about 2.5 million yuan.Note that these new examination site development cost is one-off,The future won't happen again.But the cost of CPA are included in Q2,Income will be included in the percentile.

  【注:ATA的直接考试服务成本 (costof services) 包含固定成本与浮动成本两部分:浮动成本是与考试直接相关的考场租金、监考人工费等;公司有一个为考试服务、考点跟进的营运团队,与其相关的费用会计入固定成本】

[note:ATA direct testing service cost (Costof services) Contains fixed cost and floating cost two parts:Floating cost is directly related with the examination of the examination room rent/Invigilation labor, etc;Company has a service for the exam/The examination site follow-up operations team,The relevant expenses accounting into fixed cost]


CPA预计给公司增加5,000万元人民币营收 CPA to the company is expected to increase 5,0 million yuan RMB revenue


I us stocks:ATA cut in fiscal year 2013 annual revenue is expected,Revised securities industry association is due to the relevant examination considerations to reduce,Certified public accountant examination(CPA)Related costs,Part holds industry and choose to customer contract delayed execution, etc,The influence of the number of how much is respectively?


Benson:Securities from the exam considerations drop in annual revenue is expected to influence about 4,5 million yuan RMB;Certified public accountant examination about can give the company increased 5,0 million yuan revenue;Initial budget contained in the security contract of guangdong province,Originally expected can give the company + 2,000 WanYuanYing accept,In the immediate term security test contract talks very hard,It is difficult to accomplish short-term intensive exam.Integrated above the influence of three parts,The company cut as 1,5 million yuan.Cut another 1,5 million yuan and bank to continue education and enterprise service related.The company before the fiscal year 2013 revenue expectations is 4.2-440 million RMB,Now come down to 3.9-410 million RMB.


Earlier this year the company the original plan and bank to carry out a new continue education cooperation,But with the security contract similar,The bank is relatively slow progress,So the project revenue cut 5 million yuan;finally,Enterprise first is expected to choose just and holds industry project can achieve 40% growth,But the actual situation shows that these business finally confirmed the test time often changes,So from the point of view of steady down to 1,0 million yuan.


In fiscal year 2013 net profit from 7,000-8,0 million yuan down to four,000-5,0 million yuan,About down by 50%.The main reason is the SAC considerations decline.Although the CPA to company revenue has made the contribution,But all of its input in this fiscal year happen,Plus talent selection and holds industry project investment,All these lead to the company cut this fiscal year net profit expectations.


未来希望SAC考量保持180万次的水平 The future hope SAC considerations maintain 1.8 million times the level


I us stocks:The largest contribution to ATA revenue securities from exam concerns continue to decline,The management how to deal with?This quarter securities practice qualification exam concerns how many,How much is the same period last year?


Benson:Company had given the expected time has considered the SAC consider the possibility of falling,In fiscal year 2012 Q2 securities practice qualification(SAC)The exam considerations have more than 70 times,Q2 this year only 400000 times or so.


At present ATA performance is greatly influenced SAC examination,In fiscal year 2012 SAC considerations in a total of 2.8 million times or so,Is by far the highest annual consideration.In fiscal year 2013 considerations have turn down to 1.8 million times,The end of the fiscal year first half has twice exam concerns add up to 1 million times or so.


At present for securities from test the company hope in fiscal year 2013 to keep 1.8 million times the level of consideration.Our investigation shows that the exam and financial securities market overall environment of high correlation,A lot of securities companies in Q2 is no longer recruit students even begun to layoffs.In consideration of the enrollment situation shows that the securities practice qualification exam examinee is the most main among three - students/A securities company employees/Considering the securities industry into other industry personnel.Because of the stock market in cold environment,Securities related enterprises in the benefits and recruitment scale sell at a discount greatly,This makes the other industry to enter oneself for an examination personnel fell sharply,Students and securities companies enter oneself for an examination personnel number also declined.


I us stocks:The second quarter ATA common provide paid exam 1.4 million times,There are 400000 times from the examination for the qualifications of securities practitioners,The other 1 million is from where?


Benson:Their source is very much,Such as AFP and other test item.Every year ATA will carry on the more than 400 kinds of different examination.Some test on every day,Also have once a year/Once a month test.In fiscal year 2013 2 quarter the company also undertake the bank of China in 2012 outstanding leasing employees hiring examination,The bank of China is responsible for choose target employees to participate in the exam.


金融市场疲软 银行从业人员资格考试考量增长 Financial market is weakening bank employees concerns the examination for the qualifications of growth


I us stocks:The 25th you mentioned that has been completed and include Shanghai, the six provinces/City national security examination negotiations,This quarter are you making progress?Would you please elaborate security examination and bank employed the qualifications test progress and growth potential in,Company has a specific target/Steps??


Benson:Security test is not a one-off,Because the test itself the examinee large stock,Also kept there will be XinBaoAn into this industry,So the 25th mentioned six cities are still continue to provide services.Due to the need for and one city negotiations,Time point and attention of domestic of leadership,Relevant personnel hope that in all of these after the completion of the contract to determine,So Q2 company no new contract come in.Q2 company in guangxi nanning/Inner Mongolia chifeng two cities on the test,Most of the test is a city in the exam will only and sign the contract.We think that the two cities in the percentile sign a contract chance is very high.


And securities exam performance declining situation instead,In the current financial market under the condition of the weak,Bank from the exam is growing rapidly.Every year in the past only about 1 million times considerations,This year it is forecast to can reach 1.5 million times.Reason may be that there are about 3 million bank employees,Of which only 40% - 50% through the bank employed the qualifications test.When the overall economic environment bad time,Many Banks employees hope to pass the exam as soon as possible to improve their qualifications.The company hopes the business next two annual growth of 5% - 10%.


Last year the security examination of revenue of about 2 million yuan RMB,This year is expected to double can reach 4 million.Expected future increase of 25% a year.Finish the growth expected difficulty is not great,Because the company each quarter will make some test,Test is completed basic representative next quarter can sign a new contract.The quite optimistic situation is if test held earlier in the quarter,General season can sign a contract.


In addition from last year companies and government departments to discuss,Hope every year to have a normal pen examination into machine tests.Last year we played host to the customs declarants examination,This year the unified national examination certified public accountants.At present some other projects are also in the coming negotiation,Under the expected fiscal year will have new project sign,Of course not all items can bring like registered accountant exam 5,0 million the topline of the scale.


 积极拓展选才和托业业务 Actively expand choose just and holds industry business


I us stocks:Currently holds industry project development?


Benson:Holds industry in the 25th/Q2 performance and the company is expected to close,The first half of the year and the same from the same period last year.At present, the company has been identified and are negotiate contract is more,The key is in what time can finally signed and the performance of the contract.


ATA third quarter revenue estimate is 1.7-200 million RMB.3,0 million yuan of space is because there are a lot of contract has not yet been finalized,They can sign and return and ATA if there is enough time to finish will be three,0 million yuan space effect.At present already determined un-drained is expected to contract can bring 145 million yuan revenue,Among them like CPA exam we have completed.


I us stocks:Q2 market cost increase year-on-year to 1,4 million yuan,Specific increased which projects in it?This kind of investment how long it will last?

  Benson:市场费用大部分都用在在选才和托业项目上。由于大部分校园招聘会在每年的12月以前进行,只有一小部分会延迟至1月,所以Q3对这2个项目是至关重要的,公司投入会在Q2及Q3发生。公司对这2个业务施行"重要顾客" 的销售理念,即销售团队会有专人负责固定的顾客,从Q1的拜访沟通到Q2谈判协商直至Q3、Q4迎来收获季。

Benson:Market cost mostly used in choosing to and holds industry project.Since most campus recruitment in every 12 months ago for,Only a small fraction of these will delay to 1 month,So the percentile for these two projects is very important,Companies invest in Q2 and percentile happen.Company for these two and business"Important customer" Sales idea,Namely sales team will have specialist is responsible fixed customers,From the 25th visit communication to Q2 consultation talks until the percentile/Harvest season in Q4 is prevented.


The company decided to choose just and holds industry project increasing investment,That is in fiscal year 2013 is a"radical"Try to,The results have to wait until after the percentile can appear more clearly.Due to invest more,In fiscal year 2013 this part of the business is expected to increase 40%.But if you want to keep every year 40% growth really great pressure,The company will adjust according to the circumstance this year,Conservative estimate that over the next two years the 15% increase in turnover is relatively reasonable.
