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体育入高考如何搞更好 学生需读书好更需身体好--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  社会发展需要体魄强健的综合素质人才,而不是只会读书的“秀才”。身体好,学习会更好。CFP供图 Social development needs strong comprehensive quality talents,Not only can reading"scholar".Body good,Learning better.CFP for map

  特邀嘉宾 毛振明教授(北京师范大学体育学院院长、博士生导师)

Special guest MaoZhenMing professor(Beijing normal university sports institute director/Doctoral tutor)


FengZhaoJiang(Guangzhou student sports art education vice chairman of the association)


Just the past weekend,Central China university of science and technology autumn games.Different with previous years,In this year's events,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project"gone".Sports chief said,These two projects on students' physical demand is higher,Cancel is to avoid the students"injury".The school sports, deputy director of the ShenYueJin is introduced,Every year the new entrance will fitness/Physical test,The result is not too ideal.So it,Nowadays college students' physique really variation?


a,The general office of the state council forwarding the ministry of education/General administration of sport and so on four ministries and commissions[On further strengthening school sports work certain opinions]notice.The requirements"Active exploration in the high school level exam increase the practice of sports course,Promote the university entrance exam comprehensive evaluation system construction,Effective play its to the enhancement of students' physical guidance role".Popularly says,The means to promote sports into the college entrance examination.Junior high school in sports has increased in all parts of the country, general basic popularization,And the university entrance exam content why want to join the sports?Whether it will increase in workload was heavy students' pressure?Sports to participate in college entrance examination is a threshold or score?This three words two pat invited Beijing normal university sports institute director/MaoZhenMing doctoral tutor professor,Guangzhou student sports art education association, vice chairman of FengZhaoJiang,Trying to from different perspectives to talk about sports entering the university entrance exam,How to make better.


高考考体育实际上是 College entrance examination examination sports is actually


体育地位、体育意识的“考试” Sports status/Sports consciousness"examination"


Although the national ministry of education compulsory primary and middle school students daily exercise at least an hour,But the real can do this school is not much.


MaoZhenMing:Use the university entrance exam to cause the attention of people in sports,This is a sad thing,Because we should not in this way.We want to toward sports power,Our country construction need strong people,But many college students physical deterioration,Some teenagers poor physique.Use the university entrance exam this way to let you pay attention to sports,Really shouldn't be such.In the current this kind of situation,Use the university entrance exam promoting people's sports consciousness and habit,It is necessary,But again, it might be very effective a method.so,In view of the existing youth physique the truth,I am very much behind in the present this kind of circumstance can only walk in the university entrance exam content to add sports this road.In addition,We know that,The purpose of sports is not only enhanced physique,So light by the university entrance exam impossible to attain the purpose of all sports,College entrance examination examination sports is not degree examination/Curriculum evaluation test,Fundamental is physical status of the exam/Sports consciousness exam.


FengZhaoJiang:now,If a student in high school,Not only is the teacher,Including the student to the physical exercise all don't pay attention to.In addition to the physical extracurricular,To conscientiously exercise person is not much,After all, more homework,Exercise time and learning time conflict,Afraid of poorly on the,So lack of exercise.therefore,Many teachers say,Students in poor health,Sometimes found in syncope.so,Have the principal said,The university entrance exam is actually take an examination of students' body,Poor health examination is not good.therefore,If the university entrance exam content to join in the sports,Indeed for students have certain promote.After all, a exam sports,The school/Students and parents will pay attention to the,In fact as long as the attention,Even if not test,Students will also take an active part in physical exercise,It is because it is not pay attention to,So we had to take the exam practice,exam,Than do not take an examination of well.


BaiZhiBiao:Everyone knows that,In recent years the national physique monitoring,The younster health is not ideal,Although the ministry of education compulsory primary and middle school students daily exercise at least an hour,But the real can do this school is not much.In 2000 the constitution monitoring,Teenagers speed quality/Endurance quality/Flexibility quality/Explosion quality/The strength quality - 1995 with an average annual overall decline.And in early 2010 published a set of the latest national constitution report shows,Compared with 2000,Our country young people's constitution to fall again.Be like again in 2000,Our country middle school students height/Weight and east Asian neighbours than their peers in students,In addition to high school 17 years old girl slightly high besides,The rest is lower than the other.By 2005,bigger/in/Elementary student's grip strength and 50 m running performance,Chinese students are at a low level.


In addition,In 2010, Japanese teenagers in the institute of/day/Beauty the early three kingdoms/High school students extracurricular sports activities of the questionnaire survey,To participate in extracurricular sports activities of junior middle school students,China is 8%,Japan is 65.4%,The United States is 62.8%;High school students,China is 10.5%,Japan is 34.5%,The United States is 53.3%.Be worth what carry is,South Korea even in kindergarten to strengthen children's constitution,As for the winter cold bath,Running naked upper body,Parents every day is to let the children themselves carrying a heavy small bag.


“体育高考”内容和标准 "Sports college entrance examination"Content and standard


广东还在研究具体措施 Guangdong is still in research specific measures


Sports such as become part of the college entrance examination,Best to assessment by a third party,Appraisal content need to listen to the opinion.


MaoZhenMing:In fact,With the aid of the university entrance exam pay attention to"sports",The sports is not normally we understand the contents of physical education,But a quality evaluation,A movement quality or physical exam.We now require not the students to learn what kind of skills,Such as basketball or volleyball,We are students to pay attention to their physical cannot too poor,Terrible we will in the college entrance examination in the link some evaluation,Let them to have some influence,therefore,Ask them to take a little time to take part in physical exercise.so,Don't worry about whether the exam-oriented education,For students' physical enhancement will has the promotion,Is to make the students can go running or jumping,Is to let the children can participate in physical exercise,In order to enhance the purpose of the constitution.


FengZhaoJiang:Now tests have add try the sports,But how to join the university entrance exam sports appraisal?The content and the way is not clear,Is calculate points or threshold sex examination?If is only"threshold",Sports may or may not valued.If you count points,I'm afraid I can't test the schools alone,Because if a literacy class very good student sports examination unqualified words,The principal or other substitute teacher likely to come"Say "hello"".so,If sports have become part of the college entrance examination,Must by a third party to appraisal,So or unified examination relatively fair.Of course,As for the specific sports college entrance examination what content to take an examination of appropriate,What is the standard?This need to solicit views from all sides,Including student/parents/The opinions of the school and so on.Guangdong haven't out specific measures,All also in the dark.


BaiZhiBiao:According to this year guangzhou mid-term exam sports examination content,Study project for 1000 meters(man)/800 meters(woman);Choose test project has jump project the standing long jump/Level 3 leapfrog/One rope skipping;Throwing project full sphere/One shot.The university entrance exam sports whether this is true? Content?At present still unknown.No matter how to,Appraisal content and standard need to relevant departments serious discussion,What is important to sports interest or score important?I think,The future of the university entrance exam sports content can still take will choose and voluntary project,Especially the optional items may be any one of the students like and good at sports,Even if it is football and gorgeous ball/Basketball shooting or dribbling, etc,As long as the guarantee can exercise every day.


体育入高考增压还是减压? Sports into the university entrance exam booster or decompression?


需要谨防“应试教育”误区 Need to beware of"Exam-oriented education"error


Often exercise let the body become strong will make learning more efficient,More won't appear the body frail/Syncope phenomenon.


MaoZhenMing:Sports into the university entrance exam does not increase any academic pressure,Don't let the students to remember more knowledge,Do more homework,Say have pressure not in school,But in the exercise of pressure,These two kinds of stress is the offset each other.We often say,8-1 more than 8,So we increased pressure and previous study pressure/Memory pressure/Do the topic the pressure is completely different,On the contrary, it is reduced pressure,Active rest/Exercise can promote students' physique,And to learn more effectively.


We look at the mid-term exam sports,95% of the students can get will choose three common 30 points in total 27 points,Most of the students in the gap between the three points inside,So take an examination of sports is not hard for students,As long as exercise can get high scores,But no exercise will want to get high scores or full marks that must be impossible,I think the university entrance exam sports must let our students after their physical exercise to get 80% or more than 90% of the high score,Even full marks,State education department to decide the standard will be so appointed.


FengZhaoJiang:Countries issued the notice was made clear a way,If the ministry of education has issued detailed sports college entrance examination regulations,All must be to be executed.In fact aim is simple,Is the request students can out activities,So I think it will not increase students' pressure,After all to participate in physical activities is also a kind of relaxation,Let students better psychotic,Perhaps some people worry that take part in physical exercise can reduce the learning time,But often exercise let the body become strong it will make learning more efficient,More won't appear the body frail/Syncope phenomenon,These truly will affect the student's future.


BaiZhiBiao:Sports into the university entrance exam,Beware of"Exam-oriented education"error.Once the physical education into the university entrance exam achievement assessment,If strengthen students' physical quality change of the original intention to increase studies achievement chip,Students' pressure can be increased.I checked the examination of all over the country to join the sports evaluation information,Many places from 2004 years later gradually started mid-term exam sports add try,But the students physical exercise consciousness and habit needs to be improved,Therefore as von President said,It is important to the parties especially school/Parents know to sports for students the importance of body,Physical exercise does not become a burden and pressure.

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