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  我们 —— 在朝阳的互联网产业中,这里充满了挑战,我们永远称之为“机遇”;

We - in chaoyang Internet industry,Here is full of challenges,We never called"opportunities";
  我们 —— 在优秀的企业中,这里还有很多未知,那留给我们“无限空间”;

We - in outstanding enterprises,There are many unknown,That leaves us"Infinite space";
  我们 —— 在年轻的团队中,活力激昂、创意无穷,工作成为一种“快乐”;

We - in young team,Vitality boil/creativity,Work become a"happy";
  我们 —— 在人性化舒适的工作环境中,为你提供具有竞争力的薪酬体系以及完善的福利待遇; 搜狐独家:TOP热新闻(第七期)性

We - in human comfortable working environment,To provide you with competitive salary system and perfect welfare treatment; Sohu exclusive:TOP hot news(The 7th period)sex? ?? ?[相关] 搜狐教育独家专访:人大.. 

[related] Sohu education exclusive interview:National People's Congress.. 
  我们 —— 永远向上,“证明”是团队中永恒的主题,在这里我们付出辛勤与智慧,一次又一次的辉煌证明我们是不可忽视的生力军!

We, forever upward,"proof"The team is an eternal theme,Here we pay hard and wisdom,One after another brilliant prove that we are the main force of the can not be ignored!


新一轮扩张邀你加入!搜狐教育频道招聘新闻编辑、培训编辑! A new round of expansion invite you to join!Sohu education channel recruitment editor/Training editor!

a/Sohu education channel recruitment post:News editor

Recruitment post:News editor

Recruitment number:a

The nature of the work:full-time

Work site:Beijing


任职资格: qualifications:
  1. 本科及本科以上学历,熟悉网络新闻传播特点,具有新闻高度敏感性,具有良好的网络新闻感觉;

1 bachelor degree or bachelor degree or above,Familiar with network news propagation characteristics,The news has high sensitivity,Has a good network news feeling;
  2. 文字功底扎实,有较好的中文写作能力,对新闻资讯运营全面了解,对教育领域有独到见解;

2. Solid writing foundation of basic skills,Have a good Chinese writing ability,The news information operation fully understand,In education field have unique insights;
  3. 有大型报道经验,熟悉相关报道策划流程;

3. Large report experience,Familiar with relevant report planning process;
  4. 熟悉并热爱微博、博客等相关互联网产品,能够熟练使用HTML,Dreamweaver,Photoshop等常用办公软件;

4. Familiar with and love micro bo/The Internet blog and other related products,Familiar with HTML,Dreamweaver,Photoshop etc common office software;
  5. 工作积极主动,责任心强,具有较强的沟通能力与执行力,能够承受较大工作压力;

5. Work actively,The sense of responsibility is strong,Strong communication skills and execution,Able to work under great pressure;
  6. 有志于从事网络媒体传播业,并具有相应专业能力与良好的发展潜质。

6. Interested in is engaged in the network media gradually,And have corresponding professional ability and good development potential.


工作职责: Job responsibilities:
  1. 思想性、批判性教育内容策划;

1. The ideological content/Critical education content planning;
  2. 品牌栏目运营建设;

2. Brand column operation construction;
  3. 教育专家关系维护、平台发声;

3. Education experts relationship maintenance/Platform voice;


two/搜狐教育频道招聘岗位:培训编辑 Sohu education channel recruitment post:Training editor

Recruitment post:Training editor

Recruitment number:a

The nature of the work:full-time


任职资格: qualifications:
  1. 本科及本科以上学历,关注职业教育及网络教育领域,有行业相关工作经验者优先;

1 bachelor degree or bachelor degree or above,Focus on vocational education and Internet education field,Have related working experience is preferred;
  2. 热爱策划,对教育培训热点话题敏感,能够站在用户服务角度、产业推动角度想问题;

2. Love planning,To education training hot topic sensitive,Can stand in user service Angle/Industry promote Angle want to question;
  3. 熟悉互联网资讯产品,能熟练使用Dreamweaver,Photoshop等常用办公软件;

3. Familiar with Internet information product,Able to skillfully use Dreamweaver,Photoshop etc common office software;
  4. 热爱新媒体平台,熟悉网友互动,工作积极主动,责任心强,具有较强沟通能力与执行力,能够承受较大工作压力,同时希望你思维敏捷,善于接触新生事物。

4. Love new media platform,Familiar with net friend interaction,proactive,The sense of responsibility is strong,Strong communication skills and execution,Able to work under great pressure,At the same time hope you quick thinking,Good at contact new things.


工作职责: Job responsibilities:
  1. 教育培训类内容策划;

1. Education training content planning;
  2. 品牌栏目运营建设;

2. Brand column operation construction;
  3. 跟进大项目、活动合作;

3. Follow up the big project/Activities cooperation;


If you match above condition,Please in your resume, reflected as far as possible.Once employ,Sohu company will offer good salary welfare benefits and wide development space.

申请方式:有意者请将简历发至:irisxu#sohu-inc.com(请将#改为@),并在邮件标题中注明"某某某应聘搜狐教育XX编辑"字样。 Application methods:Interested candidates please send your resume to:Irisxu#sohu-inc.com(Please send to @ #),And in the mail the title"XXX for sohu education XX editor"".


搜狐教育频道 Sohu education channel
  中国互联网首席教育人才媒体 China's Internet chief education talent media

Sohu education channel(http://learning.sohu.com)From starting to now has 13 years of history,Has been committed to concern and promote the development of education and training industry,To provide comprehensive authority education information;Sohu education at the same time are dedicated to create the Chinese training examination first website,Provide professional comprehensive examination/training/Learning information,For each person's learning charging/Life in order to provide effective help.


媒体特色 教育矩阵 Media characteristic education matrix
  ·强势传播力 媒体平台:作为教育产业的观察者与教育改革的推动者,搜狐教育准确把握行业的脉搏,全面、快速播报教育动态,全方位剖析教育现象,第一时间解读政策改革,第一手提供辛辣评论。

· strong propagation force media platform:As the education industry observer and education reform agents,Sohu education accurately grasp the pulse of the industry,comprehensive/Rapid announce education dynamic,Comprehensive analysis of education phenomenon,The first time reading policy reform,First-hand provide spicy comments.

  ·高人气互动 学习平台:作为全民教育和终身教育的普及者,搜狐教育着眼于大教育体系,通过互联网打造一个知识传承与知识创新的大平台,提供最专业的考试培训资讯,成为互联网最大的学习交流中心。

· high popularity interactive learning platform:As the education and lifelong education of popularizer,Sohu education focus on big education system,Through the Internet makes a knowledge inheritance and knowledge innovation platform,To provide the most professional examination training information,As the Internet's largest learning exchange center.

  ·影响力深远 活动平台:搜狐教育连续六年主办"中国教育年度总评榜",连续三年主办"商学院与中国"商学院院长圆桌论坛,成为包括中国国际教育巡回展、北京国际教育博览会、中国国际教育展三大教育展在内等多项教育界顶级盛事的独家合作伙伴。

· influence far-reaching movable platform:Sohu education continuous six years host"China's education annual overall rating list",The three years in a row"Business school and China"BBS round table, dean of school of business,Become including China international education exhibition/Beijing international education expo/China international education exhibition three exhibition, education and so on many top event sole partner.

搜狐门户招聘:教育新闻编辑、教育培训编辑 品牌栏目 意见领袖 Brand column opinion leaders

  《教育观察》:教育新闻评论专栏 [Education to observe]:Education news commentary column

  教育无小事 嬉笑怒骂谈

Education no small talk and cursing angrily

  《培训大视野》:培训行业风向标 [Training large field of view]:Training industry wind vane


Wide Angle to see the world,Master now can control the future.

  《致青年》:教育精英人物品牌栏目 [To youth]:Education elites brand columns


In the changeable era,We send you the same life insist on.

  《教育会客厅》:视频互动直播间 [Education saloon]:Video interaction could not


Invited brow functions,Have a point of view have foreseen.

  《圆桌星期二》:独树一帜的教育产业论坛 [Round table on Tuesday]:Unique education industry BBS


Industry machine,The round table,Take potential/md/Optimal operation.

  《微观察》:集结来自微博的声音 [Micro observation]:Rally from micro bo voice


coming,All see gnosis

  《职场一言堂》:职场顶级专家的锦囊教室 [Workplace YiYanTang]:Workplace top experts classroom kits


A period for a while,Make the workplace competitiveness

搜狐门户招聘:教育新闻编辑、教育培训编辑 多项殊荣 全面领先 Many award overall lead

  中国互联网产业品牌50强: China's Internet industry brand top 50:2005年12月,搜狐教育频道荣膺中国互联网协会颁发的“中国互联网产业品牌50强教育第一名”称号。

In December of 2005,Sohu education channel of China's Internet issued by the association"China's Internet industry brand top 50 education first"title.

  教育类网站第一名: Education sites first:2008年9月4日,《互联网周刊》公布了每年一度的“中国商业网站分类排行榜”榜单,搜狐教育频道荣膺2008年度"中国商业网站分类排行榜"教育类网站第一名。

On September 4, 2008,[The Internet weekly]Released the annual"Chinese commercial websites classification list"list,Sohu education channel of 2008 year"Chinese commercial websites classification list"Education sites first.

  中国网站流量排名-教育职业类第一名: China web site traffic rank - education professional class first:2009年3月5日,尼尔森发布7个领域流量排行榜,教育及职业类搜狐教育位居第一。

On March 5, 2009,Nelson issued seven field flow charts,Education and vocational education class sohu ranked first.

搜狐门户招聘:教育新闻编辑、教育培训编辑 教育大家庭 创意型团队 Education family creative team


they,Use your own ideas affect the world


they,With their own creation moves the world

  给力青春,由你创造!期待你的加入! To force the youth,By you create!Looking forward to your join!


搜狐教育频道 Sohu education channel


2012年11月20日 On November 20, 2012
