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诗人向教育部长发实名信吁改革 称女儿作业太多--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  原标题 [帮写作业 多名作家呼吁教育改革] The original title [help writing homework more writer called for education reform]


The blog in micro launched the current education system whether to need to reform after the survey,The poet LanLan yesterday and to the ministry of education minister sent an open letter mailbox rule,In the letter she proposed including the legislation safeguard primary and middle school students, eight hours of sleep time about education reform opinions at ten o 'clock,And hope that the ministry of education to these problems on research and to respond.In reporter interviews found,Because the student work too much,Including LanLan/The sentence/Gunn accounted for spring/ZouJingZhi/CuiWeiPing, the writers have help children written assignments,And writers write composition but low scores.

  公开信提出十点改革意见 Open letter puts forward reform Suggestions at ten o 'clock


Yesterday morning 10 32 points,LanLan in their own micro blog synchronous stick out the open letter.In the letter,LanLan from his friend only 14 years old for holiday work unfinished,Afraid of being the teacher criticized and suicide things about,Says 30 years,Exam-oriented education bring serious consequence,Including education resources can't fair distribution,High quality education resources to become interest groups and real estate bound,Education management part for schools and teachers' evaluation mechanism and scores are for such problems.And it also lead to the students live"Non-human life",A lot of people sleep six hours,Sometimes only four/Five hours.In it she cited data display,Beijing last year of high school graduates to participate in silver bullet experience in students,Only ten percent fully qualified."Isn't that the current education system brings evil consequence?"LanLan in the open letter rhetorical question.


In the letter,LanLan also mentioned her in this month 2, in micro bo on the launch"Called on cancel exam-oriented education/The abolition of school entrance exam/12 years of compulsory education system"Related to vote,One week,There are more than seven thousand online voting,Only 3% thought that this continue to support the existing education mode.

  曾帮女儿写作文但得分很低 Once help daughter write a composition but low scores


Yesterday morning,LanLan will this letter to the ministry of education published on the website of the minister mailbox,Because mail have every seal 2000 words alphanumeric limit,She had three times before he finished hair,It left her address and telephone number.And in her letter in micro bo posted four hours,Forward has been one thousand times,Most of the comments are think that China's education system needs reform,Hope that the ministry of education leadership can treat the letter content.But some critics say LanLan letter perceptual more than rational.


LanLan said in the interview,Because daughter too much homework,The children at school she once wrote a composition for my daughter,But interesting,She and CuiWeiPing including/A fishing/The sentence, several writers help my child to write composition scores are very low."Usually they write their own can get optimal,I carefully write becomes the,I still think to write well."


Why are writers write composition but score low?"Because of our Chinese education standardization,But literature is not standardized,Emphasize personal expression.Standardization becomes a slogan and ideology,Eight-part essay writing is a new."LanLan said.


Sometimes see children homework really wrote too late,LanLan will also help two daughters write school,Let them special sleeping at home.She also mentioned,Now the daughter of middle school teachers have more homework problems have adjustment,A while back to parents sent a text,Said that if the child too trapped let them sleep first,The next day the parents to write a can explain.


And this open letter in the implementation process,LanLan also got many school teachers and education experts move,There is a teacher also suggested that she will this letter to the education commission also send a,But these teachers because there was in the education system,LanLan don't want to"compromised"they,So I can't put their names public.


Reporters then call the office of ministry of education,Answer the phone personnel and didn't answer whether have received blue open letter,Said only if you need to fax interview interview outline.Reporter interview will provide fax to the ministry of education after the information office,At the time when the other party has not received the reply.

  作家呼应 Writer echo

  邹静之 现在的教育不教“道”,只教“术” ZouJingZhi present education is not taught"way",Taught only"operation"

  新京报:你帮孩子写过作业吗? The Beijing news:You help children written homework?


ZouJingZhi(The poet/writers):Such as copy word,Of course also wrote a small composition,Topic but do good people and good deeds,Some thoughts composition,Portion is not high,My daughter will refuse to let me the ghost.I think that work is too big,We all helped the couple,Such as a word to write one hundred times,Anything to copy.When I was a kid all the teacher leave work is ventilation each other,My daughter go to school when the teacher is whether these,I think this is the school special irresponsible one thing,I don't know what now,Estimated also bad not where the.


The Beijing news:Do you think we education of fundamental issues in where?


ZouJingZhi:I feel to should try education you have been to put forward objection,But never change,This is a little.And the original so-called to preach/lesson/To reassure,But now these three almost all have no,Now I think education is not taught way,Taught only operation.Now the education not way,Don't teach children to this world thinking/idea/Pursue goal,Spiritual things.

  崔卫平 不要在没有改革之前就一个劲骂

CuiWeiPing don't not before the reform strength scold


The Beijing news:Are you help daughter wrote a composition?


CuiWeiPing(writer/scholars):I will help her to write a composition,Should be she just time to go to school,She usually composition can play 5 points,I help her to write composition may be played four points or 3 points,Results the daughter won't I wrote her,What homework is not to show me.


The Beijing news:You are looking forward to our children have a what kind of foundation education environment?


CuiWeiPing:One thing I and friends a little different.I emphasize in letting nature take its course at the same time,Man was to be trained.Learn also is kind of ability training,Let nature take its course is let slide is bad.


Don't in the education without reform strength before they scold,I think it is bad for their children.My nephew was born and raised in Hong Kong,Now 14 years old,The child doesn't want to do what,Is playing,Watching TV,I have not seen such a child,For my own children are very active,He was very passive.Too loose is bad.This I hope you convey the,I object to education system to criticism and lead to advocate the least amount of effort in the best interests of,Or become something for nothing,By fair means or foul success will do,This I'm against.What are double,Education system has been a problem,This can completely don't ask me,Everyone can see,But I also don't want this criticism lead to everyone to scoreless,All drop out of school to,Be an idiot to,I do not advocate such.

  王小妮 不能空荡荡地去反对某些东西

The sentence can't empty to against something


The Beijing news:You help children written homework?


The sentence(The poet):It seems that each parents help children wrote your homework,Don't help children couldn't sleep ah,Time is too long.We because the child is big,Recall is far away,But it is to help children written assignments.


The Beijing news:This kind of education system to the child you think, that bring the most influence is what?


The sentence:No individual or complete lie.Actually I just guess,The parents for the child to write this itself is a process,You all have no basic bottom line,Because you use a lying behavior to resist a behavior.


The Beijing news:So what do you think the blue this initiative?


The sentence:I felt a kind of Angle to try must be correct,Always from the details and perspective,Total can't empty to against something.

  耿占春 不应把竞争压到儿童、少年阶段

Gunn accounted for spring should not put the competition pressure that children/Young stage


The Beijing news:You help children written homework?


Gunn accounted for spring(The poet/University professor):Elementary school children when I will help written assignments,Such as a word copy five times,Copy ten times,The child is very sleepy,It was late,Haven't finish copy,I'll help her copied.This kind of situation actually very common.


The Beijing news:What do you think of this the root cause of the problem?


Gunn accounted for spring:I think the most important thing is we really shouldn't be the person's life competition pressure to children/Young stage.A child,pupils/Middle school students,He in the very great degree or a natural person,Is still not fully become a social person.But in his whole natural person stage enjoy less than a child natural happiness,Soon into the harsh/Competition in the education system.Actually this kind of competition results it and can't train qualified personnel,Is only adult intelligence labor,To the children to torture him.


The Beijing news:Do you think can do what rational adjustment?


Gunn accounted for spring:Such as school,Choose the area such as.As China's children,Where study should be equal.Is originally should have equal right to education,But now but whether parents or children to desperately to find a possible superior school,Better city.This should be abolished.Another is not necessary to put the education content from high school to the junior middle school/From junior middle school to the primary school.


Opinion excerpts from


LanLan puts forward opinions at ten o 'clock,Hope that the ministry of education to research and to respond.Including the legislation safeguard primary and middle school students eight hours of sleep/In primary and secondary schools to establish the general meeting system,Supervision school teaching/Students living arrangements/Room and board transportation operation;Reduce the difficulty of the course,Credit system and,Students can independently choose like course;Education is a free and fair distribution;Set up reasonable teachers' teaching evaluation mechanism;The real folk do open education;Education to security administration, etc.

  采写/新京报记者 姜妍 见习记者 江楠

Collection &composition/Beijing news reporter JiangYan trainee reporter JiangNan
