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  上世纪末,英语学习和英语培训呈井喷式增长,催生了很多有影响力的老师和英语培训学校。这股热潮一直延伸到今天。 The end of last century,English learning and English training a blowout type growth,Led many influential teacher and an English training school.The mania has been extended to today.


In this article the small articles,Wisdom kang 1 on 1 English teacher king tried to return to English learning fundamental train of thought,Let students little take some curve road.The idea is that the vocabulary first,Grammar knowledge sentence,Comprehensive writing.


Before the exam,School teachers will decorate N set of papers,Extracurricular tutor will also give N recite index,That how to effectively use the material?

  "词汇先行"---- 中高考、大学四六级、托福雅思中的大半壁江山是阅读。怎么才能做好这个部分?依靠那些讲得已经泛滥的阅读技巧?依靠自己疯狂做题,然后终有一日"得道成仙"?十年前,有人告诉你英语阅读要看段首句,要细看第一段,要排除干扰选项…… 这很是新鲜。可十年后的今天,当学校老师和课外辅导老师依旧"重复昨天的故事"时,相信你已经味同嚼蜡,眼睛里还是充满着种种问号,因为关键问题是很多词你都不认识啊!这时候再给你分析阅读技巧就是无用功。同学们,去回归词汇。它们是你阅读的最大障碍。每份练习中的完形填空选项你都认识吗?你能准确说出部分单词的搭配用法吗?ABCD篇的常用生词你在整理吗?

"Vocabulary first"- ZhongGaoKao/University band 4 and band 6/The toefl ielts deodorants is reading.How to do a good job in this part?Depend on those who speak has flood reading skills?Depend on yourself crazy become a problem,Then will one day"Immortality feel"?Ten years ago,Someone told you English reading to see section first sentence,To scrutinize the first paragraph,To eliminate interference options…… This is very fresh.But ten years later,When the school teachers and extracurricular tutor still"Repeat the story of yesterday"when,Believe that you have as dry as dust,Eyes or full of all sorts of question marks,Because the key problem is a lot of words you don't know!At this time give you analysis reading skills is idle work.The students,To regression vocabulary.They are the biggest obstacle you read.Each practice of cloze test options you know?You can accurately tell part of the collocation of word usage?ABCD article commonly used words you finish?


"wow,His reading right,His clever!".students,He is not intelligent.When you put exercise once caocao plug into the bag,He was sorting those small new words,May be just starting see effect,But one day,,He will break cocoon into a butterfly.


Do you know what to do.You are not reading no,You are not words.

  "语法识句"---- 英语考试的语法正面考察渐渐减弱,可它的延伸性很广。不要再有这种心理"不怎么考还学它干嘛?"。语法对你们最实在的作用就是"识句"。搞定了词汇关,你要读句子。可很多情况是,这个句子里的词你都认识,可意思你怎么就搞不清楚。这是语法的问题,你没有把语法用好。

"Grammar knowledge sentence"- English exam grammar positive investigation gradually weakened,May be it's extensibility is very wide.Don't have the mental"Don't take an examination of also learn it?".Grammar to you the most real role is"General sentence".Fix the vocabulary related,You have to read the sentences.But many situation is,In this sentence the words you know,Can mean you how don't know.This is the problem of grammar,You don't have to use good grammar.

  完型填空和ABCD篇势必有些你怎么都不懂的长难句,找个阅读高手,一起把这些句子庖丁解牛,看看它们是怎么叠加的。看看定语从句、状语从句、被动语态和非谓语动词是怎么"联姻"的。 整理两类长难句,一是单个语法知识的长难句,比如定语从句。二是多个语法知识叠加构成的长难句。找一些英语水平相当的同学一起来练习,再找一位英语高手做顾问,开始锻炼长难句吧。

Cloze test and ABCD article will inevitably some how you don't understand the long and difficult sentences,Find a reading master,Together these sentences skilled and magical craftsmanship,See how they are stack.Look at the attributive clause/Adverbial clause/The passive voice and the predicate verb is how"marriage"of. Finishing two kinds of the long and difficult sentences,One is single grammar knowledge of the long and difficult sentences,Such as attributive clause.The second is more grammar knowledge constitutes a superposition of the long and difficult sentences.Look for some English level is quite classmates to practice,Then find an English player as a consultant,To start an exercise long, difficult sentence.

  "综合作文"---- 词汇搞定,语法能用了,还愁作文?原先辛辛苦苦地整理生词、呕心沥血地整理长难句,已经为作文积累了素材。希望各位同学能踏实地使用上面的方法,未来一定会在英语学习上获得突破。

"Comprehensive composition"- vocabulary fix,Grammar can be used,Also sorrow composition?The original hard to finish the new words/Painstaking fashion finishing the long and difficult sentences,Have accumulated the material composition.Hope the classmate can steadfastly using the method above,The future will be in English learning to obtain a breakthrough.


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