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男生捅伤人后一言不发 心理辅导3个月终开口--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  年仅16岁的朱某在水塘洗澡时,与别人发生争吵,掏出随身携带的匕首将3人捅伤。随后案件侦破,朱某被高密市警方刑事拘留,现处于高密市看守所。进入看守所后,朱某情绪非常低落 ,除了接受民警对案件的问询外,拒绝与任何人交谈。近日,在高密市看守所心理咨询室里,心理咨询师王晓芬又一次与朱某促膝长谈,对其进行了针对性的心理疏导,帮助其打开心结,积极面对自己所犯的错误。

Was only 16 years old ZhuMou in pool while taking a bath,A quarrel broke out with others,Take out your carry-on dagger will three tong injury.Then the case broke,ZhuMou be gaomi city police criminal detention,Now in gaomi city house of detention.Enter the house of detention after,ZhuMou mood is very low ,In addition to accept the case police of the information,Refused to talk to anyone.recently,In gaomi city jail in counseling,Psychological consultants WangXiaoFen again with ZhuMou conversations,The specific psychological counseling,Help them to open the heart,Positive face he made a mistake.


16岁男生争执后捅伤人 16 years old boy after an argument tong hurt


It is understood,In August of this year,Was only 16 years old ZhuMou and partners to bath pond.Just began to everyone talking and laughing,Later because the words don't,ZhuMou and the other a group of similar age launching take a shower of a dispute over,Then happen cuff.In the process of the cuff,ZhuMou use carry folding dagger,Will the other three friends tong(row)injury.


According to handle a case police said,At the age of 16 ZhuMou gaomi city is a middle school student in grade two,Usually there is no bad record.And stabbed injury by forensic identification of three people,One man constitute a serious injury/Two people slight injury.After the case broke,ZhuMou be gaomi city police criminal detention,Now in gaomi city house of detention.


情绪低落不跟人交流 Depressed mood not to exchange

  “进入看守所后,他的情绪非常低落 ,有自暴自弃的念头。”看守所管教民警告诉记者,朱某表现出对前途灰心丧气,除了接受民警对案件的问询外,拒绝与任何人交谈,一句话都不说。“不能因一时的过错而影响到孩子的一生!”管教民警将这一情况向看守所领导汇报,并启动心理疏导机制对朱某进行“一对一”心理疏导,启发和引导朱某明辨是非、感恩家人和社会。

"Enter the house of detention after,His emotions are very low ,Have the idea of giving up."House of detention discipline police told reporters,ZhuMou displayed on future discouraged,In addition to accept the case police of the information,Refused to talk to anyone,Words all don't say."Not because of a fault and affect the child's life!"The police discipline to house of detention leadership reporting,And start to ZhuMou for psychological counseling mechanism"one-on-one"Psychological counseling,Inspiration and guidance ZhuMou right from wrong/Thanksgiving family and society.


It is reported,After 3 months of psychological counseling,ZhuMou multiple discipline to police and psychological consultant sincere confession,And exposes his own palpitations:"Usually don't listen to the father mother and teacher's advice,Do not pay attention to study law knowledge,Results broke the law."ZhuMou told reporters,He regret failed to live up to the expectations of parents and school,If there is a chance,He will become a useful person in society,Returns the family and social concern/help.


经常与未成年人谈心 Often with minor commune

  据了解,从2010年起,高密市看守所创新监管方法,探索建立了在押人员心理干预机制,与专业心理咨询公司开展合作 ,邀请3名专业心理咨询师每周不定期到看守所对在押人员进行心理测评、健康评估、疏导干预,尤其密切关注未成年在押人员的心理变化。

It is understood,Since 2010,Gaomi city house of detention innovation supervision methods,Explore established the prisoners' psychological intervention mechanism,And professional psychological consulting company cooperation ,Invite three professional psychology consultant weekly tramp to house of detention for prisoners to take a psychological evaluation/Health assessment/Counseling intervention,Especially paying close attention to minor prisoners' psychological change.

  据看守所管教民警称,三年来,管教民警写劝诫励志书信160余封,与在押人员谈心1200余次。“未成年在押人员有18名,我们会经常和他们谈心 ,关注他们的心理变化。”民警告诉记者,经过他们和心理咨询师的心理疏导,200多名在押人员的心理压力有了较大的缓解和改善,同时也提升了看守所的安稳系数,收到了良好的管理效益和社会效益。

According to the house of detention discipline police said,Three years,Police discipline write exhort inspiring letters more than 160 seal,And the prisoners' speaking more than 1200 times."Minor prisoners of 18,We will often and they commune ,Pay attention to their psychological changes."Police told reporters,After they and psychological consultants' psychological counseling,More than 200 prisoners' psychological pressure have greater ease and improve,At the same time it also has promoted the jail safe coefficient,Received a good management efficiency and the social efficiency.

  本报见习记者 薛琳 通讯员 柳栋 黄启先

The trainee reporter correspondent Kim h d LiuDong HuangQiXian
