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The new toefl listening test questions can be roughly divided into theme problem/Detail problem/Hard of hearing question three categories,and three questions in each hearing paragraph(Lecture or dialogue)The distribution of all present obvious rule:generally,Purpose problem in the first topic posItion appeared,Hard of hearing problem may appear in the last question or the posItion of the two questions(But does not necessarily every paragraph have hard of hearing problem),The middle of the topic is detail problem.


Careful students may find,There is a detail problem appear so frequently,They question form is generally such:

  (1)Why does the professor mention…?

(1)Why does the professor mention…?

  (2)Why does the man/woman talk about…?

(2)Why does the man/woman talk about…?

  (3)The professor talks about…. What points does he/she want to make?

(3)The professor talks about…. What points does he/she want to make?


This subject exam?General examination of the lecture professor mentioned some things or for the purpose of the a example.When We open the listening text,To find the topic sentence corresponding,Often found that such topic corresponding sets the topic the sentence is in commonly the teacher in the example before and after.Can ask questions usually is not a teacher in all cases of the specific details,But for example purpose.This topic(Hereinafter called"For example objective problem")Easy to cause you lose points,We analyse It sets the topic the mentalIty/Investigation ways/Problem solving skills.


First of all,For example objective topic's appearance and teachers in general in the lecture speaking habIts.

  老师在讲话中提出一个观点时,为避免说话内容的空洞抽象,经常会用不少细节、例证对观点作进一步佐证及阐释。这其实是好的习惯,能让说话内容具体详实,同时也解释了为什么好的托福独立口语答案一定是有“specific details and examples”的。但请记住,老师举例也好,罗列细节也好,其目的并非仅仅是举例及罗列细节而已,而是要为说明观点服务,即说话的重心永远在举例之前所提出的观点上。细节和例证只是supporting information。

The teacher in the speech put forward a view,In order to avoid the empty and abstract content to speak,always use a lot of details/Example for ideas for further evidence and interpretation.It is a good habIt,Can make full and accurate say specific,at the same time also explains why good toefl independent oral ansWer must have"Specific details and examples"of.But please remember,The teacher for example or,List details or,Its purpose is not just for example and list just details,But to illustrate ideas service,That is the center of gravIty of the talk forever before for example proposed viewpoint.Details and example just supporting information.


But because the details and example in speech content which accounts for the larger,and rich in content,Filled wIth all sorts of detail and even story,So are relatively easy to cause our audItory attention.The most intuItionistic feeling is a lot of the examinee after hearing a"View + example"Segment behind,Mind and rough is full of example mentioned in all kinds of information,Such as a thing of time/site/characters/cause/after/The results,Or is the name of the things/color/PosItion and so on trivial information,But as for the teacher previous point of view,But only a vague impression.and the examination questions generally to just is the purpose of the teacher, for example,So everybody then easy omission of important information.


When examinee see topic can't remember the ansWer,The general practice is to watch carefully each option,Trying to help wIth the options,In the fuzzy memory looking for seemed to hear words.But a wily old fox sets the topic the people,Often use of examinee's this habIt,In the wrong option in setting the examinee obvious heard the word or phrase,To attract candidates choose wrong ansWers.so,a lot of the examinee then easy in example purpose on problem points.


The solution to this problem is,When the lecture to hear the teacher for example or list details,Immediately based on Its next speech content expected,Not in the speaker details listed in the process of concentrate on the recording trivial details.When the speech content appear wrap-up when statement,Concentrate on understand sUMmative statement,and properly make notes.


Toefl hearing academic lectures are carefully designed/wrIte/Reading articles.Based on a large nUMber of long endavors of hearing of the text analysis and sUMmary,We find that in many cases,To be revieWed for example objective problem corresponding to the original often has certain characteristics:The speaker will be put forward in view for example,after the example in some way tend to cause the attention of the audience,This paper sUMmarized the next.and lecture"The teacher tried to cause the attention of the audience"To some extent can be understood as"On people trying to attract the attention of the examinee",Equivalent to give a set signal.When We trained,SensItive enough to capture the signal,Reduces the chance of missing important information.


common"On signal"have:

  well, now, you know等语气词;

Well, Now, You kNow modal particle, etc;


obvious/Deliberately pause;


The teacher ask ourselves from the ansWer(The ansWer is the sUMmary of contents, for example);


Other said cause the audience's attention to voice signal.


[an example of a•TPO12 - Lecture1 - Q9]


Hearing the original:

  Now a telomere is a highly repetitious and genetically meaningless sequence of DNA, what we were calling junk DNA. But it does have an important purpose. It’s sort of like the plastic tip on each end of a shoelace. It may not help you tie your shoe but that little plastic tip keeps the rest of the shoelace, the shoe string from unraveling into weak and useless threads. Well, the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes seem to do about the same thing—protect the genes, the genetically functional parts of the chromosome from being damaged.

Now a telomere is a highly repetItious and genetically meaningless sequence of DNa, What We Were calling junk DNa. But It does have an important purpose. It’S sort of like the plastic tip on each end of a shoelace. It may not help you tie your shoe but that lIttle plastic tip keeps the rest of the shoelace, The shoe string from unraveling into Weak and useless threads. Well, The telomeres at the ends of chromosomes seem to do about the same thing - protect the genes, The genetically functional parts of the chromosome from being damaged.




Well…,Telomere is a highly repetItive/No inherItance significance of DNa sequence,Namely what We say normally"Junk DNa".But It has a very important role - like lace two head plastic sheet,May be they can't help you tie your shoes,But other parts of the shoes can keep not scattered into soft useless silk.……well,Chromosome both ends of the telomere seems to have the same effect,also is to protect the genetic function of the gene,In order to prevent Its damaged.


Just this period of listening to the original is the introduction of telomeres,We can see,The teacher through the lift a shoelace example to show that the function of telomere.There Were a lot of details in the original,Such as plastic/shoelace/Silk and so on,If the hearing reaction quickly enough or not fully understand,Will probably make clouds in the fog.But in the hearing can be clearly heard a table pause and adjustment of modal particles"Well",The back of the sentence is sUMmed up for example:Telomere is to protect the function of DNa.In the whole paragraph,The examinee only need to many details have a general impression can,Don't need detailed records,But need to fully understand sUMmary sentence,and proper records.according to this section examination questions as follows:

  9. Why does the professor mention shoelaces?

9. Why does the professor mention shoelaces?

  A. To point out that chromosomes are arranged in pairs.

a. To point out that chromosomes are arranged in pairs.

  B. To describe the coiled shape of a chromosome.

B. To describe the coiled shape of a chromosome.

  C. To illustrate how chromosomes are protected from damage.

C. To illustrate how chromosomes are protected from damage.

  D. To explain how chromosomes are joined before dividing.

D. To explain how chromosomes are joined before dividing.

  答案选C,to illustrate how chromosomes are protected from damage,是对原文protect the genes, the genetically functional parts of the chromosome from being damaged的同义改写。这符合听力考题正确选项的特征——对应原文,并且一般对原文进行适当改写或同义转述。

The ansWer choose C,To illustrate how chromosomes are protected from damage,The original is to protect the genes, The genetically functional parts of the chromosome from being damaged the synonymy rewrIte.This conforms to the hearing examination questions correct option characteristics - corresponding to the original,and general in the original appropriate rewrIte or synonymous relays.


[Two cases•TPO5 - Lecture1 Q7 -]


Hearing the original:

  Have you ever heard the one about alligators living in New York sewers? The story goes like this: a family went on vacation in Florida and bought a couple of baby alligators as presents for their children, then returned from vacation to New York, bringing the alligators home with them as pets. But the alligators would escape and find their way into the New York sewer system where they started reproducing, grew to huge sizes and now strike fear into sewer workers. Have you heard this story? Well, it isn’t true and it never happened. But despite that, the story has been around since the 1930s. Or how about the song “Twinkle, twinkle little star”, you know, “twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.” Well, we’ve all heard this song. Where am I going with this? Well, both the song and the story are examples of memes. And that’s what we would talk about, the theory of memes.

Have you ever heard the one about alligators living in New York seWers? The story goes like this: a family Went on vacation in Florida and bought a couple of baby alligators as presents for their children, Then returned from vacation to New York, Bringing the alligators home wIth them as pets. But the alligators would escape and find their way into the New York seWer system where they started reproducing, Grew to huge sizes and Now strike fear into seWer workers. Have you heard this story? Well, It isn’T true and It never happened. But despIte that, The story has been around since the 1930 s. Or how about the song "Twinkle, Twinkle LIttle star", You kNow, "Twinkle, Twinkle, LIttle star, How I wonder what you are." Well, We’Ve all heard this song. Where am I going wIth this? Well, Both the song and the story are examples of memes. and that’S what We would talk about, The theory of memes.




You have heard of that about living in New York alligators in the seWers of the story?The story is about this:The family go on vacation in Florida,Give children brought back a few crocodile do baby gift,and then wIth a few crocodile returned to New York home as a pet.But then the crocodiles away,Got into the New York's underground pipeline system,Begins to grow multiply,Grown colossus,The plUMber are spooked.Listen to the story?Ha ha,Of course this is not true,It's never been tried.But even so,The story from the 1930 s and has been spread.well,so,You have heard of[starlet]This song??--"Twinkle Twinkle lIttle star,all over the sky is lIttle star……"We've all heard this song……What I want to say……?This song and this story is mihm(meme,Can reproduce the spread of cultural gene)example,Today We'll discuss mihm theory.

  但愿在考生们听鳄鱼的故事和老师唱歌的时候,不要奋笔疾书!冗长的例子之后,老师居然还唱了起来(在讲座听力中,老师真的有唱歌哦),真是天雷滚滚。这些例子占据大量篇幅,但只是为后面的总结句——“今天我们来探讨米姆理论”做铺垫,它们作为supporting information,对我们解题并不重要。在老师一句自问自答“我今天要说什么来着”(明显是出题方引起考生注意的信号)之后,大家一定要打起精神,听清后面这句话。虽然同所举例子相比篇幅实在太小——只有一句话而已,但它才是解题的关键。针对本段的考题如下:

I wish in the students listen to the story of the crocodile and teacher sing,Don't wrIte swiftly!Long after the example,The teacher incredibly still sing up(In the lecture in the hearing,The teacher really have to sing oh),It the day thunder rolling.These examples occupy a lot of space,But just for the sUMmary sentence --"Today We discuss mihm theory"groundwork,Them as supporting information,Problem solving is not important to us.The teacher ask a since the ansWer"Today I what to say"(Was obviously on party cause the attention of the signal)after,You must keep up your spirIts,Hear behind this sentence.although compared wIth an example That is too small a word length - only just,But It is the key to problem solving.according to this section examination questions as follows:

  7. Why does the professor tell the story about alligators?

7. Why does the professor tell the story about alligators?

  A. To explain the difference between true and false stories

a. To explain the difference betWeen true and false stories

  B. To draw an analogy between alligator reproduction and cultural transmission

B. To draw an analogy betWeen alligator reproduction and cultural transmission

  C. To give an example of a piece of information that functions as a meme

C. To give an example of a piece of information that functions as a meme

  D. To show how a story can gradually change into a song

D. To show how a story can gradually change into a song

  答案选C,to give an example of a piece of information that functions as a meme,是对原文both the song and the story are examples of memes. And that’s what we would talk about, the theory of memes.的同义改写。

The ansWer choose C,To give an example of a piece of information that functions as a meme,In the original is Both the song and the story are examples of memes. and that’S what We would talk about, The theory of memes. RewrIte the synonymous.


again to see the following several road examples("Examination questions signal"Use bold Italic mark):


[Three cases of•TPO6 - Lecture3 Q8 -]


Hearing the original:

  Say you have three friends, their car runs out of gas on the highway. John gets upset. Mary remains calm. Teresa takes charge of handling the situation. And let’s say, both John and Mary defer to her leadership. They call you to explain what happen. And when John tells you he got mad, you’re not surprised, because he always gets frustrated when things go wrong. Then he tells you how Teresa took charge, calmed him down, assigned tasks for each person and got them on their way.

Say you have three friends, Their car runs out of gas on the highway. John gets upset. Mary remains calm. Teresa takes charge of handling the sItuation. and let’S say, Both John and Mary defer to her leadership. They call you to explain what happen. and when John tells you he got mad, you’Re not surprised, Because he always gets frustrated when things go wrong. Then he tells you how Teresa took charge, Calmed him down, assigned tasks for each person and got them on their way.

  Again, you’re not surprised. It’s exactly what you’d expect.

again, you’Re not surprised. It’S exactly what you’D expect.

  Well, you need to know your characters, like you know your friends.

Well, You need to kNow your characters, Like You kNow your friends.



  8. The professor discusses an example of three friends who run out of gas. What point does he use the example to illustrate?

8. The professor discusses an example of three friends who run out of gas. What point does he use The example to illustrate?

  A. Writers should know their characters as well as they know their friends.

a. WrIters should kNow their characters as Well as they kNow their friends.

  B. Writers should create characters that interact in complex ways.

B. WrIters should create characters that interact in complex ways.

  C. Friends do not always behave the way we expect them to behave.

C. Friends do not always behave rationally and place We expect them to behave.

  D. Friends’ behavior is often more predictable than fictional characters’ behavior.

D. Friends’ Behavior is often more predictable than fictional characters’ Behavior.


The ansWer:a

  点评:“say”有“比方说”的意思,之后所举的例子可谓情节跌宕起伏、一波三折、满是细节。但考生只需要有印象“讲座中提到过一个修车的例子”即可,对答题有帮助的句子只有 “well”一词之后的这句“you need to know you characters, like you know your friends”,答案是对它的同义改写:Writers should know their characters as well as they know their friends.

Comment on:"say"have"For example"mean,after an example is plot ups and downs/Full of twists and turns/Is full of detail.But the examinee only need to have the impression"Lecture mentioned a garage example"can,To help ansWer the sentence only "Well"after a word of this sentence"You need to kNow you characters, Like You kNow your friends",The ansWer is to Its synonymy rewrIte:WrIters should kNow their characters as Well as they kNow their friends.


[Cases of four•TPO4 - Lecture1 - Q10]


Hearing the original:

  What’s interesting is that studies have been done that suggest that the animal’s environment may play a part in determining what kind of behavior it displays.

What’S interesting is that studies have been done that suggest that the animal’S environment may play a part in determining what kind of behavior It displays.

  For example, there’s a bird, the “wood thrush,” anyway, when the “wood thrush” is in an attack-escape conflict, that is, it’s caught between the two urges to escape from or to attack an enemy, if it’s sitting on a horizontal branch, it’ll wipe its beak on its perch. If it’s sitting on a vertical branch, it’ll groom its breast feathers.

For example, there’S a bird, the "Wood thrush," anyway, When the "Wood thrush" Is in an attack - escape conflict, That is, It’S caught betWeen the two urges to escape from or to attack an enemy, If It’S sItting on a horizontal branch, It’Ll wipe Its beak on Its perch. If It’S sItting on a vertical branch, It’Ll groom Its breast feathers.

  The immediate environment of the bird, its immediate, um, its relationship to its immediate environment seems to play a part in which behavior will display.

The immediate environment of The bird, Its immediate, UM, Its relationship to Its immediate environment seems to play a part in which behavior will display.



  10. Why does the professor mention the wood thrush?

10. Why does the professor mention the Wood thrush?

  A. To contrast its displacement activities with those of other animals species

a. To contrast Its displacement activIties wIth those of other animals species

  B. To explain that some animals display displacement activities other than grooming

B. To explain that some animals display displacement activIties other than grooming

  C. To point out how displacement activities are influenced by the environment

C. To point out how displacement activIties are influenced by the environment

  D. To give an example of an animal that does not display displacement activities

D. To give an example of an animal that does not display displacement activIties


The ansWer:C

  点评:for example后提到的两种鸟均为举例中的supporting details,不需要重点做笔记。考生应关注的是举完例子之后的总结句。答案即是对总结句的改写。考试时听力原文无法像阅读文章那样给人直观的分段的视觉印象,但能通过信号词等感觉出语意的转折。

Comment on:For example mentioned after two birds are the supporting details, for example,Don't need key notes.The examinee should pay attention to is an example of a sUMmary sentence after finish.The ansWer is to rewrIte a sUMmary sentence.When the exam listening text can't like reading articles that give a person intuItive section of visual impression,But can through the signal words and feel the semantic turning point.


This paper introduces the specific topic listening skills,Requests the examinee has certain listening basic skills.Hoped later will have the opportunIty to share ideas and enhance the hearing of basic skills"Dictation - and read - listen to read"Three-stage method to.


Choose better,Of course is the new east teacher accommodation class!
