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父亲为省钱发短信与寄宿孩子交流 3年发10万字--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


拇指上的父爱 Father on the thumb


10万字短信陪儿子走过高中 100000 words message with his son through high school

  郑银林的儿子从孝感市云梦县考入华中师大一附中读高中,他每天发手机短信与儿子交流。三年下来,短信有10万多字,内容包罗万象,既有文学典故,也有家长里短,还有天气预报等等。今秋,儿子考入对外经济贸易大学,他整理出部分短信发到了网上。他的“拇指上的父爱”感动了很多人。日前,记者采访了郑先生。记者 王文杰如今,很多父亲为了家庭、为了事业,全力在职场上打拼,无暇顾及孩子的教育。郑先生认为,一般来说,与母亲相比,父亲往往更理性、胸怀更宽广一些。因此,儿子出生后,他就和爱人分工:妻子负责后勤,他主抓儿子的教育。至于时间问题,他觉得如果你重视这个事情,就一定能找到时间。

ZhengYinLin son from central China normal university XiaoGanShi the yunmeng county was admitted to a school of high school,Every day he send SMS communication with son.Three years down,SMS has more than 100000 words,Content comprehensive,Both literary allusions,Also have small household affairs,And the weather forecast and so on.This autumn,Son was admitted to foreign economic and trade university,He sort out part of the message to send to online.his"Father on the thumb"Moved many people.a,The reporter interviewed zheng.Reporter the bidding was fast now,A lot of the father for the family/In order to cause,To fight in the workplace,Too busy to attend to children's education.Zheng think,Generally speaking,Compared with mother,Father tend to be more rational/Mind broader some.therefore,After the birth of his son,He and lover division of labor:The wife is responsible for the logistics,His son vice-governor of education.As for the question of time,He thought if you pay attention to this matter,We will be able to find time.


学前 驮着孩子满地爬 Preschool children carried the climb


"Every good student back has its unique side,I have been in touch with a few China a student,There is no lack of among them genius type,But most of our students are still apanage to type,Culture is to say it,A social culture up,Have parents culture up,Have the students themselves to their culture up,My children belong to me the parents hand culture up"Zheng said.indeed,This virtual,because,From a son was born,He began to the heart.


The son was born,Look at NenShengSheng powder doodle little lives,Zheng think this is the gift of god,"To love the little life"Emotion arises spontaneously.But what exactly how to love child?He carried out in-depth thinking."In the face of the children,Some people take in hand is afraid of flying,In the mouth with fear changed,Love and the;Some people in the heart very love children,And fear of children's milk smells fishy smell and SAO,Love far and the;Some people will not express love,Think dozen is close to scold is love,Even to the children play with scold,Love and pollution.I think,Baby is a thinking have emotional need,They say the mouth can't hand not means,But on the skin is kin quite sensitive and performance.They smell parents' body smell hear the voice of the parents is excited,Into the arms of parents is mind.When I was a child of the skin with their parents kiss child,Grow up heel his parents' feelings deep some.so,The child when some larger,I took him back hold carry carry,Often a home in indoor and outdoor.Children like span on my back riding,I carried him the climb.Enhance the father and son as feelings,2 will exercise his balance ability.One more thing I noticed,A study result good children,Children with their parents at least one side of the special relationship harmony".so,Zheng started to father/And son grow up together life.


In the son preschool stage,Zheng mainly is with him"Playing well"."35 years old,Should fully respect the nature to play!Let the child to play,Seemingly useless to play,In fact there are two big advantage,One is to exercise,The second is to exercise the brain.Such as hide-and-seek,On the one hand to run fast,On the one hand to rapid analysis hide where don't easy to find.For this stage,Children can learn some knowledge of representation,These knowledge through the play this way to gain is the best.Children playing time,The parents should be"connected"Have to go out,Just don't afraid dirty.Some parents,A child contact the earth will hoot,That child is clean,But also the lack of spirituality.On the one hand,Have medical research shows that,Normal delivery children,The body has a material,Can withstand general bacteria invasion.On the other hand,Personally, I think,The earth is the source of all life,Including people!Long-term touched not land,Will look nothing.The ancient Greek have a legend,When the son of the earth in the air and people struggle when exhausted,As long as he contact the earth,He immediately power multiplication.visible,The earth gives person's power is infinite.Afraid of children dirty parents,solution,Left is the heart of baggage,Rest assured to let their children to the ground me.but,And then to wash their hands often face often change clothes line."Zheng said.


For some parents think some"useful"knowledge,Such as pinyin/literacy/Calculation, etc,Zheng think through the game/Toys and other forms let children have a basic understanding can,Is not the focus of this period.


小学 让儿子自己“挣”零花钱 Primary school let the son himself"earn"Pocket money

  郑先生认为,小学阶段是孩子性格初步定型的关键时期,首先,要重视对孩子性格的培养,注意观察孩子和同学以及邻居、亲友中小伙伴交往,教给他善于为他人着想、爱护幼小,学会善良、宽容、负责;其次,要培养好的行为习惯。这一点需要父母用点智慧和耐心。郑先生讲了儿子要零花钱的故事。“儿子上小学没几天,开始天天缠着我要钱,要钱的理由是:某某同学一天花多少,某某同学爸爸妈妈给了,爷爷奶奶还要给。没办法,我就今天5角明天1元地对付了一学期。一年级下学期开始,我跟孩子商量:从这一学期起,零花钱不能再要,靠自己赚怎样?儿子问怎样赚?我说:每天做完作业后,写一篇日记,不会写的字就用拼音,日记由爸爸批改,日记的好坏分六个等次,‘好、很好、很很好’,‘较好、阅、差’。如果日记得了个‘好’,得5角钱,‘很好’1块钱,‘很很好’1块5角钱,‘较好、阅、差’就没有钱,也不罚。如果再跟爷爷奶奶要钱的话,要一罚二。孩子同意了。”于是,郑先生成了儿子的“日记”专业老师。“我每天端坐桌前,改错别字,改标点符号,改不通顺的句子,然后写评语,再给等次。有时我手里没零钱,孩子就写张欠条:爸爸欠我一个‘好’钱。有时我多给了钱,也写张条子给他:儿子欠我一个‘好’。有时一连几天等次在‘好’以下,我改日记的时候,孩子就急了:为了我的财富,求求你,求求你,给一个‘好’吧!我适时地给他一个‘好’,并在当天的评语中写着:今天的‘好’是勉强给你的,今后你再求我也没有用,批改的权力在我,写得好不好的权力在你,请相信我是公平的。”就这样,儿子改掉了要零花钱的毛病,也养成了记日记的习惯。郑先生认为,小学阶段的孩子充满 了对外部世界的好奇,求知欲望强,家长要把握这一特点,利用“司空见惯”法来学习。儿子小学时,他家里有一黑一白两块板子,一个放在客厅,一个放在书房。一块把孩子记不牢的字注音组词写在上面,让他天天顺便看一下,增加感性认识,另一块把一些天文地理历史等知识写在上面,估计儿子不懂的先跟他讲一次再写。比如黑板上写着英语单词,白板上写着回文对联“仙居阁内阁居仙,月映湖中湖映月”。“这就是司空见惯法,效果很好。孩子后来的知识面较广,应该与两块板子有很大关系。”郑先生说。“小学阶段,每学期翻来覆去地就语文数学两本书,你的孩子会,别的孩子也会。要想初中以后在学习方面表现突出,必须在小学时用孩子易于接受的方法,开拓其视野,多掌握一些课本以外的东西。”

Zheng think,Primary school children's character is the key period of preliminary finalize the design,First of all,We should attach importance to the cultivation of the children's character,Attention to the observation of children and students as well as neighbors/Friends and relatives small and medium-sized partner contacts,Teach him be good for others/Take good care of the young,Learn good/tolerance/Responsible for;secondly,To develop good behavior habits.This need parents use point wisdom and patience.Zheng told his son to the story of the pocket money."The son of a few days in elementary school,Beginning every day over me for money,Want money reason is:So-and-so classmate day spend how many,So-and-so classmate mom and dad gave,My grandparents have to.Can't,I will today 5 Angle tomorrow 1 yuan to deal with a semester.The spring semester of the first year began,I discuss with children:From this semester up,Pocket money won't be able to,Depend on oneself earn?The son asked how to earn?I said:After we finished our homework every day,Write a diary,Won't write word use pinyin,Diary by correcting the father,The stand or fall of diary six points after the order of melchizedek,‘good/Very good/Very good’,‘better/read/difference’.If got a diary‘good’,Five cents,‘Very good’1 yuan,‘Very good’A piece of 5 cents,‘better/read/difference’There is no money,Also don't punish.If you want money words with my grandparents,A penalty two.The children agreed."so,Zheng became the son"diary"Professional teachers."Every day I sit up table,Change wrong character,Change punctuation,Change not smooth sentence,Then write comments,Give order.Sometimes I don't have any change in his hand,Children will write a bill:Dad owes me a‘good’money.Sometimes I gave the money,Also write a note to him:Son owe me one‘good’.Sometimes for days in after the order of melchizedek‘good’The following,I've changed my diary,The child is nasty:For the sake of my wealth,Beg you,Beg you,Give a‘good’it!I duly to give him a‘good’,And on the day of the comments in writing:Today's‘good’Is forced to you,In the future you again and I also was not used,The power of the correct in me,Write very good power in you,Please believe me is fair."so,Son get rid of the pocket money problems,Also has developed the habit of keeping a diary.Zheng think,Primary school children of the outside world full of curiosity,Seeking knowledge desire strong,The parents want to hold this characteristic,use"commonplace"Method to study.Son elementary school,His house has one black and one white two bat,A put in sitting room,One on the study.A piece of the child can't remember the words prison phonetic group of words written on it,Let him see the way every day,Increase perceptual knowledge,Another piece of put some astronomical geography knowledge of history written in it,Estimate son don't understand to speak to him once to write.Such as written on the blackboard are English words,White board written palindromes couplet"Xianju cabinet cabinet in xian,Reflect on the lake lake reflecting the moon"."This is the common method,Effect is very good.The child later a wide range of knowledge,With two pieces of board should have very big concern."Zheng said."Primary school,Each semester toss and turn to Chinese mathematics two books,Your children will,Other children will also.If you want to study in junior high school after stands out,Must be used when in elementary school children tend to accept method,Exploit its vision,To learn some things outside textbooks."


中学10万字短信陪儿子走过高中 Middle school 100000 words message with his son through high school


Junior high school children start their nervous,Time also nervous,Primary school and junior high school still exist/identity of the cohesion and knowledge of cohesion,Zheng think,This period,Parents should pay attention to help my child to adjust.


"My child into junior middle school first mid-term exam,Is the fourth grade class name 25.See the results,In fact my in the mind be very cold,See children more cold heart.I said:‘The county's outstanding student together,You cannot place,It's normal.But you see,With your classmate in front of you,Fraction gaps,And you have a few questions not won't do,But careless buckle the points,This will give you left a great progress space.We two people together to reflect on it.’so,My house of the study on the white board wrote three composing:life:Neat and orderly/learning:Deep and detailed/target:Gradually catch up with the advanced.Then after a month of junior high school eight school entrance exam,My child's achievement is a school the class two."I've always thought the child the importance of a greater than adults,And the sign of adult should be health/happy.Some say,Now the middle school students got up earlier than chicken,Sleep later than a dog,Do better than cow more.indeed,Children after junior high school,Time is very tight,I'm worried about the child's body can't stand,In every Saturday or Sunday smoke half a day,With your child to exercise running,Or ride a bike to the countryside trips.I suggest parents active responsibility,Looking for some time,Find some free,Took the children,To outdoor walk."And general parents just grab the child's study result different,Zheng also pay attention to the child's physical and mental health development.


In May 2009,Son attended the no.1 in the attached special county life test,Nearly five:1 admit proportion,He admitted to the!Zheng very excited,But also very ravel:What read don't read the no1 middle school?Because read,To deliver more than twenty thousand tuition!Be a big spending.Don't read,And heart are unwilling."One evening,I wash,Its children to XiShuJian the door,Timidly with almost inaudible voice told me that he wanted to read the no1 middle school.I suddenly feel very incompetent,The somebody else so many rich children want to read exam did not take,My children are eligible for the still calculate the problem of money,A decision when suddenly the,I suppress the SOB to the child:‘So for many years,Rely on your own hard work,Finally achieved a good result,We are proud of.You want to read it in,Don't you worry about the problem of money,Mom and dad income support you read a high school or no problem.’So the child in the school of no.1."Just to China a,I have something like children make a phone call.Once the boy said,Then something can send SMS it,Make a phone call is very time-consuming,The school also tube very tightly.So I agreed with children:Every Saturday night after 10 hit a telephone,The rest of the text every day.As for the content of the text messages,At first I focus on the exchange of learning with children,Once the boy said,You send a text message again much chat about life here,Especially the life at home,I look at the benignity.I would like to also,Just add some life content,Let children feel the warmth of home.I usually half a month to wuhan see him once.In senior 3,Grandma to wuhan or relatives can apply for 1 year.so,Son smoothly through high school three years."Zheng said.


Zheng and his wife were civil servants and nurse,Income is not high,The child read high school three years expe ive,They don't love.Life is very economical.Two adults never wear expensive clothes.The child's clothes rarely have more than 100 dollars one.The whole family shoes no more than 100 yuan a pair of.
