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10岁男童初一拟申请退学 称不想葬送理想于考试--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  南方日报记者 吴敏 实习生 张天赦

Southern daily reporter intern zhang day users to forgive


recently,In the domestic first designed for children's design creation share community sky city children creation in the community,A man named feng shao a ten-year-old boy published an article[application]says,"I apply for drop out of school,I don't want to ruin my ideal in this boring test".This article not only shows the 10 years old for children"ideal"The problems such as thinking/Also expressed his dissatisfaction with the school all kinds of rigid system.His expression immediately cause the sky city children/Teachers and parents' concern and discussion.


And past"cynic"different,He is not exclusive"sin"College entrance examination system,Is not love of learning,But his hope is that"More comfortable/The more free to read".


in"Tiger mother"/"The Wolf dad"After the agitation of,This time the attention of people leads directly to the school education subject - children really want some??????/Need what."Can make our school education system more soft and some,For different children leave some‘Free choice space’?"It is a school/Parents and children need common thinking and discussion.


缘起??“除了考试排名次,我们还剩下什么?” origin??"In addition to test order,We left?"


"My ideal is and beloved girl living together,Even if to cut wood/JianPoLan for a living.""Dozens of young spring flower on the way to school,Finally is just to find a high salary a little work,Meaningful??""Numerous war,How many tears of blood and family broken up,What kind of damage is not has great ideal dry?""Everyday is the class/homework/examination/order,In addition to these,What have we?"These look some deviant discourse from feng shao a dropout application,This article feng shao a talk about ideal/Talk about ambition,and"Broad ideal with a skeptical."


Surprisingly,Feng shao together is not a teacher eyes"kids",It is not a cynical man.instead,He is a standard all-round development"Top student":He in elementary school because the result is outstanding even jump level 3,Only 10 years old have read the junior middle school freshman class.In his spare time,He also made the host/Taken the film and television play,Earlier in the mathematical/piano/Calligraphy competition award many times.He is good at writing,was[Growth weekly]As the small column writer small reporter.


"He wants to life is have time to practice/painting,To observe and he likes animals and insects specimen,Can have time to climb mountains,When I want to study while you study,Tired when can rest",Feng shao a father FengYinGang told reporters.And in the interview,Feng shao a more directly expressed his dissatisfaction:"Now the end of high school education is the college entrance examination,If I can achieve this goal through other means,Why every day to stay in school to accept this kind of rigid education?"


In FengYinGang seems,"He's not happy should start from the top junior high school",FengYinGang memories,During the primary school of feng shao a with his clever"A few days a textbook should be finished,And can you take an examination of a good results",So spend in study time is not much;And extracurricular he took part in the film and television play shooting/painting/Writing and so on the many kinds of activities,"Life is colorful/Excellent results"."But after the junior high school,The school's teaching is quite boring,Most of the time are the class/Doing his homework/examination/ranking,Children are just not used to it.And for the first time after the entrance exam,Feng shao a 9 class/Grade more than 100 ranking also can't make their children/Teachers and parents satisfaction,Shock environment and psychological gap are made him feel suddenly difficult to adapt to."FengYinGang said.


In addition,In FengYinGang seems,Different teaching methods will affect children to school awareness and sense of identity."Shao a primary school teacher's teaching more gentle,Will also encourage students to take part in the debate and other extracurricular activities,Even give students a little sweet taste as a little encouragement."FengYinGang introduces to the reporter.


进展??达成《父子谅解备忘录》 可申请休学 progress??reach[Father and son memorandum] Can apply for the suspension


Feng shao a dropout application in the sky city community has caused a lot of attention,Although not a few net friend said"Few children can so openly discuss your own ideas",But feng shao a still have to face some clap brick and questioned.According to really want to drop out from school this key problem,Feng shao a subsequent editorial to clarify the purpose of his move:"Open to express their point of view,Then look at everyone's opinion";"Show that he is a point of view";and"Through the dialogue choose a everyone acceptable way,Cause mom and dad and the teacher's attention".In this article,He clear response,"To read/To learn,Just can let us more comfortable to reading?"In his view,What his writing is not a person's attitude,Is your final choice a method to express.


As he had let,This letter[application]Successfully touched FengYinGang."Love dearly",FengYinGang memories,His first through the micro bo see when the application did not react as a child to worry about"Roar like flash floods","Because think can also understand the child's pressure;Every time after the exam,Our parents are able to receive from school the child achievement the information,For a long time will also feel the pressure,Besides the child,Considering the exam every day/ranking,Hard to avoid can feel dull monotone."He seems to,Feng shao a rebel is controlled within the scope of the.


"Although I don't agree with the education mode,But as parents also have no other way,"FengYinGang said,As parents more tendency YuZhongXi combination of education,Is hope study result can and personal other ability comprehensive development,"But the current study mode will inevitably lead to the present to result the highest education mode,As parents we are passive."


Feng shao said,After negotiation compromise,He and FengYinGang reach[Father and son memorandum],There are important four resolution:"I don't betray their sovereignty,Dad only enjoys custody.I continue to go to school,Also can apply for the suspension,But learning can't stop.Allow me to protest,To carry out family two tickets through the protest effective.Refuse to parents for a long time in my side in the three meters cruise."


争论??“能不能让孩子更舒服地读书?” debate??"Can let the child more comfortable to reading?"


Feng shao a of this letter[application]In the sky city published after coming out,Immediately triggered children their age and as"Angel guardian group"writer/The attention of teachers."See you this letter confessions a little shocked?.Although sometimes I also don't like learning/class/examination,But my boat sister has been told me,Reading is not in order to find a good job,That is a very secular thoughts.People alive,Should have a curiosity to know more about them to live in this world,For their own,Is also a continuously improve the process of self."Net is"Iraq in a smile"Pupils said.Books editor/Book review people/Angel guardian group teacher MaBoXian says:"At least you this letter application has let teachers and parents have the reflection,This is a good beginning.Life is still a long way to go,With the future look now,May have different ideas."


Young writer/Angel guardian group members"Good if water"Argue that children should respect the rights of expression,"Good if water"explain:"Thanks to the sky city have a let the child out of the channel,Believe that children had vent,This why still have to why."This article is a message to get von shao a reply"thank you!You know what I".


In the relevant"Freedom space"debate,Let the grown-up surprised not only is the children's idea,The more important thing is their expression.Feng shao a independent thinking ability to many teachers and parents brought shock,writer/Angel guardian group teacher ZhengFeng calls feng shao one for von little teacher,because"Call your child obviously wrong".Based on this,These teachers/Parents' guidance gentle but also showed more equal dialogue attitude.


But the reporter discovers,To parents obsequious or negative have been out of date,Like feng shao a such attempts through a debate consultative way to solve the problem has become the new trend in children.In feng shao after a,Jiangsu xuzhou ents middle school students first/Small writer as Qiang feather makes his parents' and"Democratic debate"For the process of the Internet rights with a space.In the simulation of the court debate,Not only both sides stated his reason,Also draws up the"announcement",As a family member must abide by the rules.


校方??初一新生需要一定的适应期 school??First new need certain period of adjustment


Reporter then interview von shao a school zhuhai gongbei middle school.An academic administration teacher said,Because in elementary school,Middle school subjects increased/Difficulty bigger/Their pressure improved,At the same time students due to the environmental changes also need a certain period of adjustment,So first-year students generally will produce some does not adapt.But most of the students not only to maintain a month or so.In view of this situation,She says,The school admission of the first month as an adjustment period,From the subject/Moral education/Family communication, etc to help students adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.


"And primary school different,Middle school must face pressures upon their schoolwork,This is unavoidable objective problem,But we emphasize fair education,Try to guide students to desalination rankings,More important to cultivate students' autonomous learning ability."The teacher said,School for the rich extracurricular activities for students to choose,"But some students may be in interests attached to a hand,Our activity can't satisfy him,This situation also inevitable,Still need to strengthen communication."


In the students' psychological pressure on the problem,The teacher said,The students have a problem with the teacher in charge shall strengthen the communication,"Our teachers are studied education psychology and participate in related training,Can give students to guide;but,Because the class a more difficult to give attention to two or morethings,Some students psychological pressure if performance is not obvious teacher may have ignored,So also need to the teacher/parents/Students strengthen communication."
