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部分地方暂停撤点并校 恢复保留必要小规模学校--亲稳舆论引导监测室

   上学远、校车差、大班额面对问题各地推出措施 School far/School bus differential/Executive frontal face problems introduced measures all over


消解盲目撤点并校后遗症(政策聚焦·关注撤点并校) Eliminate blind from point BingJiao sequela(Policy focus · attention from point BingJiao)


At present,Started in 2001 rural compulsory education school should have been suspended.The ministry of education related person in charge in an interview with our reporter said,In the school layout adjustment work,Many local existed too urgent situation,Leads to the some nots allow to ignore/Must solve practical problems:School generally become far journey,Their children to school traffic safety hidden danger increases;There are some residential school condition is poor;Other schools merged into large amount of problems;Part of the economic burden on increasing.


Blind from point BingJiao bring sequela how to eliminate?recently,Reporter in the more survey found,Some provinces have come to realize that blind merger brings outstanding problems,At the same time began to take corresponding measures.


暂停撤点并校 Suspended from point BingJiao


部分地方恢复保留必要的小规模学校 Some local recovery keep necessary small schools


Zhejiang provincial department of relevant person in charge told reporters,Zhejiang relevant departments are formulated[2013-2017 rural compulsory education in middle and primary schools of special planning layout].


And early in April this year,Chongqing requires the district this year the county government suspended revoked or merge elementary school and teaching school.Merger of future school must hear the opinions of the concerned,Especially to listen to the opinions of the local people,At the same time required to pass through area county government and the municipal education commission two stage with the examination and approval.

  也是在几个月前,福建教育厅下发文件,要求各地审慎从严控制学校撤并,现有的农村小学和教学点原则上不再撤并:“严禁通过行政手段强行撤并学校,也不得通过减少教育教学资源投入的形式人为造成学校自然消亡。” 如确有特殊原因需撤并的,需经过一系列严格的程序。

Is in a few months ago,Fujian provincial issued documents,Requires all prudent strictly controlling the merger of the school,The existing rural elementary school and teaching school in principle should no longer:"It is strictly prohibited to through administrative means forcibly merger of the school,Nor by reducing the education teaching resources input form man-made school natural death." If indeed the special reasons to the merger,Required to pass through a series of strict procedures.


In addition to stop blind merger of rural compulsory education school,Some place to start recovery keep necessary small schools.For example, in yunnan province,Nujiang river plans to restore 50 has reversed school and teaching school.In jiangsu,Xuzhou has also beginning to recover part of the revoked school stationing,This year the whole year is expected to invest 570 million yuan,change(expansion)Built and new rural 121 primary and secondary schools,Solve nearly 13000 students to go to school far problem,The children's house school more than 5 kilometers distance.


确定走读距离 Sure day distance


考虑学生体力、道路条件、自然环境等因素 Consider student physical/Road conditions/Natural environmental factors


Not long ago,Issued by the general office of the state council[Rural compulsory education on regulating the school layout adjustment opinion](Hereinafter referred to as[opinion])According to different age paragraph requires all students' physical characteristics/Road conditions/remote/Natural environmental factors,To reasonably determine the school service radius,Try to shorten the students ShangXiaXue journey time.


The school service radius should be how much is appropriate?In fact,Also in all to explore.Anhui early know to withdraw point BingJiao policy execution the existing simplification and one size fits all situation.Department of education foundation education director MiaoFuGuo introduce anhui policy:"Primary school teaching network service radius is about 2 kilometers.Rural primary school lower grade one day on his way to school for no more than 30 minutes,The elementary school higher grades and junior high school on his way to school day one-way time general with no more than 45 minutes advisable."


What kind of school service radius is reasonable,There are still differences around.Xinjiang provisions earlier this year,Primary school teaching network service radius generally not more than 3 km,Rural primary school lower grade one day on his way to school for no more than 30 minutes,The elementary school higher grades one way to school for no more than 45 minutes.But fujian this year issued documents,Rural extern one-way walk to school time general with within 20 minutes advisable,As no more than 30 minutes.


保障交通安全 Ensure traffic safety


制止采用低速货车、三轮汽车等车辆接送学生 Stop using low-speed truck/Tricar vehicles, such as shuttle students


For those who home far away from the school children,How to safeguard their ShangXiaXue traffic safety,For social concerns.so,What new move around recently?


Zhejiang provincial said,Strive to use three years time to resolve the school and the family distance plain region more than 3 km/Mountain 2 kilometers or more children ShangXiaXue traffic problems.According to zhejiang actual,At present the main public transport capacity by strengthening the opening students bus line mode/The company was established in the school bus"Special specializes in"way/Weekend bus transportation mode/Hire social vehicles way and student own car transportation way to safeguard the students ShangXiaXue traffic safety.In addition,Public transportation can't meet the need of students to go to school,According to the[Zhejiang students traffic safety guarantee measures for the implementation of the project]regulations,Group provides school bus service responsibility to implement the county government.


In anhui,By adding a rural passenger transport and site/Increase bus divisions/Shorten departure interval/Set such students, etc,Meet the students' needs to ride.MiaoFuGuo said,Anhui will have been investigated and severely transportation vehicles speeding students/Prices and fatigue driving and illegal behavior,Resolutely put a stop to the low-speed truck/tricar/Tractor and car assembly/Scrap car transport vehicles, such as students.


超大班分流 Large class shunt


班额超标学校不再接收其他学校并入的学生 Class size exceeds bid schools are no longer receive other schools merge into students


[opinion]Pointed out that,High attention and solved step by step school merger brings"Executive frontal"problems.Class amount shall not exceed the school to receive other schools merge into students.


Anhui hefei chengdu have been struck elementary school September this year just put into use,School director of teaching and WangFa told reporters:"At present,We keep each class less than 46 people principle,Small class can effectively guarantee the teacher and children communication between."Chengdu have been struck by the original primary school two migrant children fixed-point school merge and become,In the school at the beginning of the planning,District and school students for the future are estimated.


Anhui province through the new expansion and schools and reasonable shunt measures such as students,Make primary school class amount does not exceed 46 people,Junior high school class amount not more than 50 people.At the same time requirements class amount shall not exceed the school to receive other schools merge into students.To education resources is a good school"Executive frontal"problems,Through the implementation of the school district management/Establishing schools alliance/To explore the collectivization measures such as reasonable shunt students.


Henan requirements,In principle system of rural primary school every grade 1 to 4 class,Town primary school every grade 2 to 6 class,Class size no more than 45 people;Junior high school every grade 4 to 12 class,Class size not more than 50 people;Nine construct school every grade for 2 to 4 class.More than 66 people prohibited appear the phenomenon of large class.


留住优秀教师 Keep excellent teachers


职称晋升和绩效工资向农村教师倾斜 Title promotion and merit pay to teachers in rural tilt


Some education experts in looks,Solve the problem of rural education,Will need to attract more excellent teachers to stay.Reporter noticed,[opinion]Put forward,On the one hand to improve public funds standard,On the other hand we should stabilize the rural teachers,Through the title promotion and performance salary tilting, way,Make the rural teachers stay live,Excellent teachers have to go under.


Jiangxi provincial finance department director wu jun introduces to the reporter,In 2011,,The rural compulsory education finance funds in the province accounted for 38.5% of the finance education funds.In addition to increasing investment,Jiangxi province has started to improve rural teachers' working and living conditions.Since 2008 to establish the rural remote areas teachers' special allowance system,The provincial public finance arrangement 100 million yuan each year,For the province rural teacher issue special allowance.Since 2011,Jiangxi provincial public finance increase arranged 50 million yuan,In rural areas to improve teachers' special tianjin subsidies standards.Meanwhile jiangxi province has launched the rural teacher turnover dormitory construction work,From 2010 to 2012,For 659 rural schools teachers construction turnover dormitory 8192 sets.


"In the title appraisal/Superfine teacher selection/Salary welfare treatment, etc,Rural teachers to tilt,Wages in performance,Single set of rural teachers allowance,Stable rural teachers."MiaoFuGuo said,This is the policy of anhui province.

  据悉,安徽还制定了全省统一的教师编制标准。缪富国建议,国家尽快出台城乡统一的中小学教师编制标准,加大对中西部省份中小学“特岗计划”、“国培计划”的支持力度,切实提高农村教师待遇,稳定农村教师队伍,提升农村教师队伍整体素质。本报记者 钱 伟 江 南 任江华

It is reported,Anhui has also made the province unified teacher establishment standard.MiaoFuGuo Suggestions,Countries on the unity of urban and rural areas as soon as possible the establishment standard primary and secondary school teachers,Increase to the central and western provinces elementary and middle schools"Special duty plan"/"Countries culture plan"support,In order to improve the rural teacher treatment,Stable rural teachers,Upgrade rural whole quality of teachers' team.Our reporter money wei river south RenJiangHua
