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男孩体育课跑1000米脑梗 家长称学校送医后不管--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


事发南通,家长和校方在救治是否及时等方面分歧严重 The nantong,Parents and the school in the aspects of whether treatment in serious differences


Guangzhou college students run the marathon sudden death events aftermath outstanding,A similar tragedy will happen again.


On November 14,Under 17 years old sunshine big boy small gu,From the south connect body to set the playground who was sent to the hospital severe ward,The diagnosis of cerebral infarction.


The original,In the afternoon of P.E. class,Small to run 1000 meters lay on the grass to rest,Then unconscious.His classmates and teachers found wrong,Hurriedly sent him to the hospital.


悲剧追踪 Tragedy tracking


孩子有没有得到及时救治? Does a child get timely treatment?


Small gu uncle CongJing more than 30 years,Heard that after the nephew,His first time to the place,Understand the detail.According to its introduction,Small in the second group of test,Time at about 2 PM,About 2 point 08 points go back to the starting point,With two other boys together lay on the grass.2 o 'clock 40 points,The other students found that small gu is wrong,3 point about 20 points,The teacher in charge rushed,But until 3 PM around 50 points to send their children to the hospital.


this,Sports teacher ZhouQiQi says,The first group of open running time is 2 point 5 points,"Meter good finish of the number,There are other class in the examination,Order of merit two groups ready to test has nearly two o 'clock."


"I has emphasized many times that,Run don't immediately sat down to relax."ZhouQiQi think,Before and after run run,Small gu are not mentioned appear discomfort,"3 o 'clock,The playground scattered much here,I saw he hasn't up."Miss zhou said,When she noticed that the lips of hair white,Then shout two boys to buy water buy sugar,The results showed that root hello don't go down,Then the teacher in charge drive to the playground will children hospital.


事后学校有没有过问孩子? Afterwards the school have a voice in children?


Small gu's mother said,When she arrived at the hospital,Found that the school teacher didn't even timely help children registered capture to expend,"They sent to the hospital is no matter,The registration fee is such as to the family to pay."


"Good children at the school out of such a big accident,A bit of the responsibility the school don't bear?"Small the parents say,A few days after the children,In addition to the teacher in charge often to visit,School leaders to no one,Until the nineteenth day go to school make,The school said to the child's rescue cost by them to bear,And in the morning hit 30000 yuan to students' medical account.


Small to the teacher in charge teacher liang said,When they just to intensive care,The child mother and aunt is arrived,So parents with the son's medical records to register,"If the child's parents didn't get there in time,As a teacher in charge,I absolutely can't wait to register of the family."


South connect body to minister in charge of the gold set student work principal said,School secretary of the party committee specially have a meeting,And with the hospital communicating,Require the best resources rescue.Students after hospital,The school contact again hospital organization expert consultation.


医疗费用到底该谁来承担? Medical expenses exactly who will bear the?


South connect body to minister in charge of the gold set student work President says,The school has promised take children in hospital during the rescue cost,Parents buy at one's own drug also can look for the school to submit an expense account.


The parents of the students to the school still skeptical attitude,"School out money require us to write receipt,Also is the‘Mat endowment’."


Small gu families also said,Children early treatment of 70000 yuan fee is mostly parents borrowed,Now everyday treatment costs 10000 yuan,Schools should bear the cost,"School for children playing medical account twice cost,Have a conversation by writing good twenty thousand yuan first aid cost arrives too late."


"Previously, there had been no similar example,Schools in this one also does not have the special funds."Gold principal said,Small gu's condition has the unpredictability,Future treatment may be a very huge cost.At present,School teachers and students launched the donation,And coordinate the municipal government/education/health/Red Cross, and other institutions and departments,Has raised more than 60000.


律师观点 Lawyers view


学校应该承担相应责任 Schools should bear corresponding responsibility


I set the south the headmaster of ginger ShengYang said,At present the school focus on the rescue of the child,Temporary don't talk about responsibility problem.

  昨天,江苏圣典律师事务所律师李艳丽在接受现代快报 记者采访时表示,未成年人在学校进行体育锻炼,学校应该代为履行监护职责。在目前高校体育长跑项目事故频发的状况下,体育老师更应当履行好自己的监管责任。

yesterday,Jiangsu Canon law firm lawyers LiYanLi in accept modern express a reporter to interview said,Minors are in school sports exercise,Schools should be to fulfill their duties of guardianship.In the current college physical education run project under the condition of frequent accidents,Sports teacher more shall perform their supervision responsibility.


LiYanLi says,In the event,Small of physical exercise appears after the different shape,But sports teacher is not able to discover in time,The first child will be sent to hospital for treatment,Belong to"Failure to perform their duties",So schools should bear corresponding legal responsibility.


焦点话题 Focus topic


跑还是不跑,这是个问题 Run or don't run,This is a question


Similar YuXiaoGu such"Wounds of long distance",Is not the first time this will happen.Close at hand,College students in guangzhou is ChenJie after the marathon race sudden death.With the corresponding,Is the school cancel long distance running project news.Netizens exclamation:This shouldn't running unexpectedly became the focal point topic,Now the students' constitution and education environment isn't what's the problem?

  现代快报记者 刘峻

Modern express reporter it


先来看看这些新闻 Let's look at the news


This year's central China university of science and technology autumn sports meeting,Women's 3000 m and the men's 5000 m project was suspended.Sports chief said,This is to avoid the students"injury".


Xian more than 30 universities sports meeting are cancelled long distance running project,The deterioration of student's physical quality and fear of sudden death happened is the school the biggest reason to do so.


Hubei college track and field games men's 5000 metres in the project,Only four sports special immortal to participate in,Women's 3000 m nine sports special immortal to participate in.it,Only for sports in life is for safety.


Nanjing university/Southeast university/Nanjing university of science and technology/Nanjing agricultural university,Men's 5000 m and the women's 3000 m project several years ago has been cancelled,Last year the south of the project into the men's 3000 m and women's 1500 m.


Beijing university of science and technology/Beijing normal university/The capital economic and trade university, Beijing university,More than 3000 meters long distance has been cancelled,Substitutes is 400 m steeplechase/"tornado"Fun project such as.


Beijing part of the middle school also has been cancelled or with other project to replace the 3000 metres,But with other local middle school"Physical decline"Reason different,Beijing these middle school gives reason is mostly field or the time limited.

   专家很着急: Experts worried:废除长跑是因噎废食 Abolition of long distance is


South YiDa establishing affiliated hospital emergency department, deputy director of the two jin said,The most easy to run out of the accident has two kinds,One is the sudden cardiac death,The second is cerebral hemorrhage.Like little of such long distance to cerebral infarction example is very rare.


Jin said,Now the younster health is not very good,On a large amount of exercise might succumb,But accident can't exactly blame long distance running,One size fits all cancelled run of more.


Nanjing physical education college 孙飚 human movement science professor also think,Long distance running is a good way to exercise,Can improve the cardiopulmonary function,Can enhance the immune system.But one should pay attention to gradually,Second, we need to know oneself can have much.If the family have congenital heart disease, etc,Suggest exercise don't even exercise.The third,When a ailments such as colds,The proposal does not run,Easy infection pneumonia and even myocarditis.


孙飚 introduced,People quiet time,Heartbeat for 75 beats per minute,Exercise every minute 150-160 times heartbeat,Normal person can bear.If you don't know how much exercise intensity,Might as well use this formula to calculate,with"170"minus"age".


For example a 30 year old young man,The long heart rate should be controlled in 140 beats per minute(170-30 = 140).For a congenital disease person,Especially with the metabolic diseases,Heart rate should be normal heart quiet and 20 to 40 for appropriate.


学生不在乎:南京3成孩子从不锻炼 Students don't care:Nanjing 3 into child never exercise


Nanjing have survey,38% of teenagers never exercise,11.7% and 9.2% of teenagers take exercise every week 3 ~ 4 times and above 5 times,Only 8.4% of the people continuous consciously take part in physical exercise more than a year.And the relative,Youth spent in the Internet and playing online games time obviously partial long,Surf the Internet every day more than 4.5 hours is reached 7.4%.


If you don't exercise,Don't run,So human lung capacity will be reduced.Investigation shows that,In 2010, nanjing 7 to 17 students lung capacity is 2005 years significantly reduced,The greatest reduction achieved more than 1 into.Experts say,Lung capacity decline said the body oxygen uptake ability and discharge exhaust ability drop,Can lead to such as headache/dizziness/Bosom is frowsty,cachexia/The attention is not centralized, etc.


Media reports said,Parents are not positive,Would rather use sports time to make up a missed lesson,Long this vicious cycle,Natural consequences is self-evident."The deterioration of student's physical quality is the formation of accumulated for a long time,Now the primary and middle school students is facing the huge pressures upon their schoolwork,Physical exercise time is greatly compressed.An ordinary middle school students,From eight a.m. until evening sleeping,Is reading,Even the double cease day are used to make up missed lesson",Education experts RenHong told reporters.In fact,children"diligently"review/preview/Remediation is most parents want to see.As for physical exercise,For parents is secondary.


悲剧发生 tragedy


他跑完步躺地上 He ran step lying on the ground


随后就不省人事 Then unconscious


yesterday,Modern express reporter toss contact the little of the class commissary in charge of sports small weeks.


It is understood,On November 14 at 1:30 this afternoon,Is two even on physical education.Commissary in charge of sports xiao zhou said,This class of boys to girls are tested 1000 m and 800 m run,Sports teacher ZhouQiQi arranged volleyball warming up,She took a few students to bring the equipment,"About half of class,We just end warming up,People shout together ready to test."


A total of 57 students were divided into four groups,Small gu and two other boys were arranged in the second group,Xiao Yang is one of them."Is about more than 2 points,We three people together test."Xiao Yang recalled,He is three boys in the last past the post,See small gu lie in not far positioned on the lawn.


Find small gu is wrong,Is around 3 PM next class.When a girl ran spit on the playground,Miss zhou is called the boy to clean,"We cleaned ready to class is over,The playground has few people,Weeks the teacher found that small gu still lying on the ground not up,Then to call."


According to xiao Yang memories,Weeks before the teacher shouted students find sugar water feeding of small,"Hello where,His head is down to where,Has not the perception."then,Miss zhou hurriedly call present students find the teacher in charge teacher liang.Not and in a short while,Beam teacher took another a nursing professional qualifications teacher came,"Heard that 120 is still in development zone,Beam teacher took his car,The small to send to the third people's hospital."


yesterday,Modern express reporter in nantong university affiliated hospital in-patient department see small gu family,The child turned to after they entered the neurology department intensie care unit,"Family one day can go to see it once,The children went into a coma,And appeared fever/leukemia/The symptom such as lung infection."Small the uncle said.


According to pass big establishing affiliated hospital of cranial nerve medicine ko director is introduced,Small the left hemisphere of the brain appear infarction,But blood vessels is connected.They made the check to see,Temporary also don't start out to find disease reason.At present,Small the illness is continuously deterioration,"Can you keep life is hard to say,Even though life is also very likely to become hemiplegia/Vegetable and so on."


On November 20, 2009 at noon,Henan zhengzhou and middle school students in school when WeiYongBin play death.That's family with three van will grind the school gate,Don't let the teachers and students in and out.


On December 13, 2010,Jiangmen city, guangdong province XinHuiOu junior middle school students LiHaoBin innovation in physical education classes 1000 metres test suddenly fall in a faint,After the rescue invalid death after that day afternoon.


November 13,,Guangzhou zengcheng a vocational and technical college students dormitory XiaoLian with two girls go to ground track field running.Run more than 800 meters XiaoLian suddenly fell down,Then the ambulance arrived.


This year on November 18,,Guangzhou the marathon race,Participate in 10 km of 21 game players in college students ChenJie after finished the race,Fall in the finishing line in a coma.After 20 hours of rescue,ChenJie not died.
