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  33岁,就被评上特级教师,34岁,被授予全国模范教师称号,教学设计在全国中学生物学年会评比中荣获一等奖……无论从哪一方面看,她都是别人效仿的典范、学习的榜样,与以往的典型不同,她是以高尚的师德,更是以出色的教学技艺赢得了学生的好评, “听她的课,是一种享受,行云流水,如饮甘泉”,在学校里,你可以听到学生们发自内心的赞美。可是,就是这样一位以“讲”而出名的优秀教师,最近上课却不讲了!

33,Is the "super teacher,34,Was granted the title of model teacher,Teaching design in the national high school biology annual meeting and competitions won the first prize……No matter from which point,She is all other people follow the example of model/An example of the study,With the previous typical different,She is a noble virtue,Is more excellent teaching skills won the students' high praise, "Listen to her class,Is a kind of enjoy,flowing,Such as drinking water",In school,You can hear the students from the heart praise.but,Is such a to"speak"A good teacher,Recent class but not told!


In 2008,,Beijing eleven school superfine teacher WangChunYi met his teaching a KanEr.At this time,Distance she 1999 on ""super"Have nine years.


ordinarily,Such a teacher,Should be to teach discipline by chest,KanEr come from?The original,In 2008,,Beijing eleven school put forward"Classroom growth year"concept,One of the most important point is to change the traditional teaching mode,Put forward the classroom is the student place of study,Not the teacher self show place,Reduce peace to listen to,Increase saying and doing,Put more time back to the students.


moment,WangChunYi have a little to receive.Biological teaching for so many years,She has already can't remember how many times do public class,And every open class,She especially"proud"In his wonderful introduction/Smooth transition,The difficulty of clever breakthrough,Especially the complete/Clear blackboard writing design is"Wang a special skill".


In fact,these"skill"Is WangChunYi so young judge on"super"reason.


"I was in tianjin city middle school 57 any living creature teacher,Just entered the school gate,Special want to good lesson,Special for someone older,I and the master often together grinding class,In order to how to import,How to deal with the teaching material,How to do aid,How to design case,Is really exhausted mind."WangChunYi told reporters.


Is the hard and attentively,Let WangChunYi in the open class and various teaching competition,One of the tianjin most young superfine teacher.Her biological also become tianjin 57 middle school - this ordinary middle schools signboard class.


In July 2003,Mr. Because come to Beijing for work,WangChunYi also transferred to Beijing eleven school,Continue with the old,As a senior high school and high school grade biology teaching.


Everything is follow/logical.but,How suddenly now,Class is about to begin to say little and don't even speak now?


 “不讲了,要自主学习,有问题来问老师” "Do not speak the,To autonomous learning,Have questions to ask the teacher"


Beijing eleven school reform and the principal LiXiGui have very big concern,It is he proposed,The classroom is the student place of study,Not the teacher self show place.And the education reform famous famous educator,This time the reform stage on the 11 school.And the background of the reform is advocate give full play to the student main body function of the new curriculum reform.


In a super teacher concentrated in the school advocated reform,Pressure cans be imagined.How many years the heights of teaching plan,How many sleepless night boil out of the courseware,How many years of teaching material,How can you say you lost lost?Say do not speak will not speak?


But the discovery of a chance to WangChunYi heart not the taste.Once her to watch your disciple class,Found that the teachers' job for 4 years,Blackboard writing even in are not changed."Or the most traditional that pattern,I teach him what kind of,What he,This is not inbreeding?"


WangChunYi feel,The approach can't walk,Must put down"speak"This kind of traditional teaching ways."To tell you the truth,I am in class for many years,also‘excited’For many years,But I can't guarantee from each student‘excited’,the,Must let go."


After the initial don't understand,WangChunYi determined to become the pioneer of reform.


so,Many students have experienced a time"Notebook events".

  “没上高二之前,我专门请教学长,该怎么学生物,高考不拉分。学长跟我说,很简单,就是记住老师教的每一个知识点。” 听到这句“金玉良言”,高二9班的王言很兴奋,王老师是老教师,她说的话每句都是知识点,把她讲的记在笔记本上,不就是现成的考试答案吗?

"Not before in the New Year,I specially consulted senior,How to students content,College entrance examination don't pull a points.Senior say with me,Very simple,Is to remember the teacher teaches each knowledge." Hear this sentence"Golden saying",9 high class WangYan very excited,Teacher wang is an old teacher,Her words every sentence is knowledge,She said written in the notebook,Is not ready-made exam answer?


therefore,Before the start of WangYan in special bought a thick notebook,Ready to take to remember the key.


Like WangYan so to buy thick notebook students,there.But let them levels is,Opening two class,WangChunYi tell them,Do not speak the,To autonomous learning,Have questions to ask the teacher.


Just a few words in class created quite a stir.


"At that moment,Not only I collapsed,My notebook is collapsed."


"yes,The teacher save trouble the,Do not speak the,The us has affected!"


Students' jeu,Have fun,Have the exaggerating,But there is no lack of faint protest.


soon,Autonomous learning"disadvantages"appeared.Some students don't know how to learn,Some students in the class should watch fell asleep,Some students books draw very flower,The workbook is well done,But one to the exam is not……


WangChunYi is very clear,These students,Since the childhood of gradually became accustomed to the lecture,Suddenly do not speak,Not only the teacher not used to,Students more not used to.


"In fact,I do not speak not‘Graph save trouble’,As a living creature teacher,I want to let you can like the green plants,Actively absorb sunlight and water."WangChunYi told students.


How to do,To let the students move,Active absorb sunlight and water?

  生物教室诞生了,单元模块教学有了 Biological the classroom was born,Unit module teaching have


In 2010,,The birth of WangChunYi biological the classroom to the biology classroom reform greatly push forward.


The so-called biological classroom,In fact more like a small natural science museum.The classroom on the wall of corridor,All the students make the panel,Have students' special reports,There is life scientific discovery ShiJieShao,There are nearly 10 years the Nobel Prize for physiology prize winners and their research results,Full of beautiful things in eyes,There is a lot of content has been far beyond the high school biology textbook content.


The classroom for students to have special special desk,Very wide,At ordinary times is the student desk,And need group discussion,As long as the front of a DiaoGuoEr chair,Return overdo to,Do not need to splice,Immediately become a small"Conference table";Need to do experiment,Place instrument can students experiment.Around the classroom of the cabinet,Storage of a student at ordinary times all kinds of experimental instruments and material 'book.


Worker, who wishes to do his work,Must first sharpen his apparatus.With this the classroom,Whether learning or experiment,Or group discussion,Are much more convenient.


Can see,This class,Was the student's warmly welcome.But the question also followed,Have a lot of students' activities,If the class or step by step,Class certainly will be very nervous.


do?WangChunYi want to,The unit can integrate the content,USES the original class quantity for overall planning?


2010 September 26,,WangChunYi formally started unit teaching reform,That is in the same module,The content of the different chapters together for teaching.For example,As the cell proliferation,Cell differentiation,Cell aging/apoptosis,Cells canceration,Can be integrated into"Cells of the life course".then,The contents of the related to integration for biological variation content,This further expand the scope of the integration,Between the different modules and integration.The results,WangChunYi found,In the biological sciences,Whether required or elective,There are a lot of combining site,Can be integrated to study together.


Classroom change the best verifier is a mark.After the end of the first unit,Because adopted a new teaching mode,WangChunYi thought student's result may have obvious decline,Actual situation is,Compared with previous almost no change.The big unit teaching not only completed the teaching content,It also saves a lot of time.


 “自主学习,绝对不是自己学习,教师要学会为学生搭建一个学习平台” "Autonomous learning,Absolutely not to learn on your own,The teacher wants to learn for students to build a learning platform"


A biological classroom is just the first step in the long march,Real change is to change students' learning idea,Let the students to experience the fun of learning.


"Don't think that students naturally/Spontaneously will autonomous learning,Can autonomous learning."A major unit teaching initial,WangChunYi is faced with students discuss not up dilemma.


"The students you push me,I pushed you,Do not want to active speech,Let them discuss,We looked at each other,Don't know this discussion??????,At that time, I was the nasty!"


"Autonomous learning,Absolutely not to learn on your own,The teacher wants to learn for students to create a learning situation,Build a good learning platform."WangChunYi said.


therefore,WangChunYi special pull banners in the class,"Tell other people listening is the best way to learn!""Let thinking become a habit!""Keep the discussion become a normal!"


As a biology teacher,WangChunYi also and teacher in charge teacher consultation,In each class to study the cooperation team was established,Through the group study,The promotion of students' autonomous learning.


WangChunYi requirements,Before the group discussion,Each student must take out his plan and problems,To communicate with you,At the same time the training group leader/Combined evaluation and a series of methods,Stimulate students' enthusiasm,Especially stimulate those indrawn child the initiative to communicate with people.


9 high class ZhangXuan personally experienced no questions to dare to discuss transformation.The boy smiled and said that his former always hesitate,Very ravel,Afraid of their own problems stupid,Dare not say.But now after after exercise,"Stupid question no,Valuable problem more and more".


In order to let the students have words to say,A topic can discussion,WangChunYi and"invention"the"Learning planning book",In this planning book,Contains the topic of this unit/target/The content such as key,Also have unit planning/Unit evaluation and unit test.before,Teacher speak this week,This month speak what,Students don't know.And in this planning book,WangChunYi will tell the students all of the plan,Including the unit plans to use a few hour finish,Every day KeKe do??????,Class do,Let the students do have heart.


"do,Avoid some students to finally have finished the job yet,For those who walk fast students finish the task ahead,Prepared in advance."


Now class,The content of the WangChunYi speak little,But advance to the"Learning planning book"To students,Let the student self-learning inquiry,The classroom,Students will be under the guidance of the teacher group experiment and explore.so,More students' experiment and group discussion empty out a lot of valuable time.


At the same time,originally"On the shelf"Notebook and to play a role.The students took the notebook,Make a note of their carding process of knowledge,Make a note of their summary of the knowledge frame diagram.They no longer passively accept knowledge,Record knowledge,But actively started learning and thinking.

  “收获的不仅仅是知识,还有反思精神” "The harvest is not only knowledge,And reflection spirit"


The active learning and thinking,The students ebullition of problem consciousness,Let WangChunYi pleasantly surprised unceasingly.


doing"Cuttings rooting branches"Biological experiment,The students have some questions:Leaves how to deal with,Bud to or not.WangChunYi caught this scene,In class on these issues are discussed,Because it is the students themselves and the cause of the problem,Discussion was very bitter,Finally reached consensus:Branches should get rid of the leaves,Keep bud,Because this is a new starting point.


But then,A new problem has arisen.One student asked,Bud and the root and have what relation?A bud is the more the better?Why do you want to get rid of some bud?


At this time,Have the students answer,Bud can produce auxin,Can downward transport,Promote root.But again, the students on a whim,If I DaoCha the branches,That it will not take root?


Right now there is a group of students came out and said that,good,Our team just not to take care to put down branches,We'll do the experiment,See above can take root.


The students wonderful speech/You ask me a,Let WangChunYi was walking on air,Also happy.The problem of directed at root physiological mechanism,Has been far beyond the textbook content.


More let WangChunYi heart"click"a,Is the student experiment consciousness.In fact,As early as in the second/The third question asked out,WangChunYi already very want to"for"Students to solve the,But she held back the,Now that the children the author puts forward his own assumption experiment,Why not just wait for the experimental results?DaoCha branches,President out what kind of thing,Not only the students looking forward to,WangChunYi also looking forward to,Because this kind of experiment,Not only not described in books,She also have done.


"This class down,I believe that,Our students the harvest is not only knowledge/methods/skills,More important is a kind of reflection spirit.before,The students with a head knowledge and conclusion left,And in the classroom now,They often with a problem and come,And with the problem and to."


if,Before the class,Culture is a group of scholar,Now class,Culture is a group of small scientists.


JiangSiYao students on the playground when roaming,Find the playground fence of Chinese rose open special"interesting"."I found,Chinese rose flower sunny side and not exposed to the side,Color is different,Light is caused by the change of the plant color??"


With a problem,JiangSiYao go and ask the teacher,This time,WangChunYi still did not give the answer,But let JiangSiYao diy experiment,To find out the influence of light on the plant.


 “学生成长的每一点小事都能让我兴奋得不行” "Students grow every bit of little things can let me excited to no"

  两种课堂,两重天。 Two kind of class,between.


The past students finish listen to lesson to reading materials,Now because learning first link is reading,Students have basic form active reading habits,To don't understand of the contents of active Internet inquiries,Or group communication,And reading class can not only complete the reading test question,Still can put forward new problems.


The past class,The teacher was writing on the blackboard,The students took notes.Now the teacher provide allow students to outline your notes,The process of finishing note is finishing train of thought/The process of forming systematic knowledge.Just began to students finishing note headache,The outstanding,Then after guidance,Students more do well.A list of/A drawing of/There's excellent pictures and texts,way,Each shows special prowess……


The past is the school purchase or teachers make your own AIDS,But now unit after teaching,Had the time,The students began to try to make cell ultrastructure three-dimensional model.These models,Useful plasticine do,Have made of paper,Useful fruit,But no matter what kind of form,The variety of cell structure a presented out.


Learning biology is a pleasure,This class of bring us happiness,We feel,Life is so magical,Life is so gorgeous."A student so told reporters,Now he,Can fluently speak school each plant name,Can tell their growth process,with"Infatuated with biological"These four words to describe it is no exaggeration.


Now the biology classroom,Not only the students excited,Also let the WangChunYi excited.


"I think,I finally jump out of himself,Changed his,From the classroom finally show my own stage,Into the students' learning stage."


"From my own experience and practice to see,Not the students not to hear class to change,Not bad grades teacher to change,It is a self-centered teachers to reform their classroom,Especially those who loves to tell/The teacher can speak more to change."WangChunYi said.


Now the WangChunYi,Emphasis is on"such"fuss,Submitted by students from problems,Looking for the show how such breakthrough point.This feeling WangChunYi feel"Restricting cocoon",There is a new"sailing"feeling.


"Students grow every bit of little things can let me excited to no."And in change of the Beijing eleven school,Change in the biology,This kind of growth and change it happen every day,Thus any time see WangChunYi,Is always a pair of the spirit glows appearance.


"Teacher wang is can give in the desert die to live a student to bring oasis teacher."This is a naughty students to WangChunYi summary.When we asked teacher wang this sentence behind the story,WangChunYi joy,These lovely children ah!


"This work!,Late retirement to also go."WangChunYi ying ying smile.
