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网曝老师体罚学生后微博喊爽 学校称不存在体罚--亲稳舆论引导监测室


On September 28,Wuxi a website to expose the news,Says jiangnan film academy of art a teacher in class for the students during the corporal punishment,Abuse students are"bitch",Even with an iron rod"education"students.After class,A male teacher also in micro blog update content:"The whole class four college,Ha ha!!Great ah!!"The school to make a response to say,Is the teacher teach strict to lead to the students' complaints.Reports in the network and the society caused a strong reaction,And derivation several different versions of the statement.It the truth?Express reporters yesterday that the reexamination.

  事件起因: Events cause:

  一堂受不了的形体课 One can't stand form class

  无锡的这家网络媒体的报道以《老师上课“整”学生 课后发微博:哈哈,爽啊!》为标题,报道中说:9月27日,接到江南影视艺术学院学生的哭诉,事情起因是学生顶嘴惹怒了老师。

Wuxi the network media reports to[The teacher"whole"Students after class FaWei bo:Ha ha,Great ah!]For the title,The report says:On September 27,,Received jiangnan movie and TV arts college student's sobbing,Things cause is the student answer back angered the teacher.


The day morning,Air cabin college junior college students of class four classes on the form,Teacher let the students hand over mobile phone unity in the corridor outside the classroom on the table,The students develop,No camera outside the classroom,No one watch,unsafe,A boy and a teacher a dispute on the spot,After the teacher penalty do push-ups.


The teacher asked the student continuous do 5 groups of each group for 50 push-ups,The boy finished after a group of slam the door and go,The boy left behind,The whole class collective punished.Teacher shouted to a WeiXing male teacher,About 20 s.Afterwards just know,,This name is not WeiXing teacher college class four class form teacher.He comes after,Immediately require students to do high leg/Vertical fork/The splits and other kinds of difficult flexibility training.


It is for this name male teacher's arrival,A storm, and so on.


A girl said:"We haven't warm up,He was asked to do these movements,Although also learned before,But continuous made two classes,Intermediate no rest,Such a high intensity training,Who can't stand ah!"Class girls cry,And ask the teacher let everybody,But the teacher ignored.Learn the the complaint said,Half way through the class,Wei teacher seek to come to a thumb thick square opening iron bar,Is leg pressing to students knock chuo chuo."Several students skin were poke out of the red mark,There are people on the spot is bleeding."period,The teacher even use"bitch""fool"And so on words and expressions abuse students.

  事件升温: Event warming:

  老师发微博大呼“爽啊” The teacher FaWei broad and call"Great ah"


After class,More unexpected situation appeared.A micro bo called"Wei small base _wei"Account said:"The whole class four college,Ha ha!!Great ah!!!""mom,Later you class I tidy up la."This article in micro bo,Also @ the"@ dance take ba door"and"@ xi _ miss portion of the time machine"Two micro bo account.


According to the film and television art school students has revealed,"Wei small base _wei"Micro bo is WeiXing male teacher's micro bo,And the other two people's micro bo were college class four form a female teacher and class teacher micro bo account.This article micro bo was soon the students find,And a large number of forward,Some impatient parents even reply the micro bo,Warned the teacher,If students problems,He should take full responsibility for,It wasn't long before,This article micro bo be deleted.

  学校调查: School survey:

  学生有红肿但并无体罚 Students have red but not corporal punishment


Reports out,In wuxi local caused a great sensation.Yesterday morning,Express the reporter comes to jiangnan film academy of art,Executive director of institute LiuJian/Vice President ZhangBingSheng respectively introduces related cases.


LiuJian said,On September 26,,The school really happened so one thing,But not online speaks like that.


College four class form teacher when last name,Another FaWei bo male teachers name is wei,Afterwards the school were looking for two teachers had talked to,Two teachers also made a profound review,And write down written self criticism.


ZhangBingSheng introduced,WeiXing teacher this year through the recruitment came to the school,As a dancing college teacher,At the same time concurrently physique lesson the teacher."Routinely said,The teacher if the body is not to change substitute teacher,Need to apply for the school."ZhangBingSheng said,Wei teacher and not college four class teacher,When the teacher in the school without the consent of the miss wei to substitute,It is wrong.


School survey found that,Miss wei in the high strength training next,Students do have discomfort,Some students has come out in red,But does not exist the corporal punishment student's situation.The teacher has the students and a communication.The night,Wei teachers and college students of class four meet,apologized.LiuJian said,Wei teacher temporarily haven't obtain the relevant qualifications of teachers,Schools are to help him to declare.Surely the school don't allow the corporal punishment student,This time is between students and teachers of misunderstanding,But in the future teaching,Will pay more attention to work method.

  当事老师: Parties teacher:

  “喊爽”微博是手误 "Shout great"Micro bo is a hand error


Wei teacher in written self criticism admits,In the speech on some extreme behavior,In the treatment of the problem has no more thinking,Teaching methods some radical,Failed to take account of comprehensive,In some form action on some requirements for too tough,Not considering the students' adaptability.


For the FaWei bo,Wei teacher explains,Meant FaWei bo expression"Today the great physiological load of exercise training,Didn't expect students to complete"."Results cell phone keyboard is not particularly sensitive,Word above some mistakes,Hand error is an immediate went to."I later found out that sent wrong,And immediately he will micro bo deleted.


Air cabin institute college four class of a student to things after also don't want to talk about."We all have seen online reports,The affair and reports said."

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