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重点小学设“关系户指标” 校长谙熟条子潜规则--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  领导那么多,孩子都想上好学校,该给哪些孩子留位置,是当好校长的大本事。 Leadership so much,Children want to good schools,This to which children leave position,Is being a good the headmaster's big skill.

  中国周刊记者  刘畅 北京报道

The China weekly reporter  Liu chang Beijing


As a key primary school principals,Every year old strict take small half energy,Treatment of leadership to blade.Striped more/Position less,screening/Judgment ability a bit negligence,Would be a mistake.


一张"条子"的诞生 a"striped"birth


School has been for more than a month,Just finish those normally strictly the headmaster,But it could not relaxed a little - the next year"striped"Has arrived for eight months in advance.


In guangdong province a key primary school when the headmaster for more than ten years,Old yan also calculate experience,See the CuiMing of more than ten pieces,He still gasped.


"The world should not have a note,But walk of person many relations……"Old yan would like to open a joke,But he open not bottom go to.In his words,Things look both sides score,Note much will bring a toss-up/Against the principle problems,But also explains the school strength,and"School is good,Striped more".


Old strict in primary school,The city is located in the most prosperous area,From municipal key junior high school is very near,All around are high-grade residential area.Although it is primary school,But covers an area of more than the average high school much larger,Like a big garden.Teachers are all excellent teacher from the transfer.The general elementary school can only open a foreign music/art/Art classes,And here the light art class is divided into oil painting/sketch/Watercolor class multiple categories;There are special wind band,Quality education in the forefront of the city.


"Generally a rich man is expensive,Will try every possible means to,Let children read here."Said to his school,Old strict or quite proud,"school,Is still school."


Speak in principle,All have local registered permanent residence kindergarten graduates,All according to the principle of computer 1 school places allocation,In free entrance examination of the situation,According to the residence divided area,Nearby to nearby elementary school.Old strict school,At least every year more than 90% of the students can through the normal way entrance.


For that which areas of the population liquidity big,The primary school will also for migrant workers children reserve a small amount of quota,Can free admission.But the number,The general school won't really used in migrant children body.


"We can't make index to."Old yan said,The index will continue to employ for various leadership relations.


At the end of every 5 to 6 month,All education commission began to release the young rise small recruitment of students information.The name JiaoHui set a"Relative family index",Regulations limit the number,This is far from enough use.


Old yan in the elementary school recruitment of students about 400 people a year,Their relative family index cap is 46,And for this dozens of quota relative family,There are 1000 to one.The more than 1000 people,have"striped".


They form different:Some is a conveniently tear off,The seal of letter-head paper,Direct pencilled the leaders's handwriting;Some is installed in the envelope,Wu jammed/solid;Have a plenty of ink printed,Look more like higher level units issued notice file;There are some,Is a mobile phone short message or E-mail,Even a sudden call……


Get the note,You have the opportunity to participate in the competition,To fight for become ZeJiaoSheng qualifications.


ZeJiaoSheng to need to pay ZeJiaoFei,But in this competition,Money doesn't matter - can pay too many people.


Striped behind the hard power,Become the most help pass.


局中局 Bureau midgame


And note the shadow,Is dinner party.


Active scare up of,Is generally superior leadership or old yan's friend.The water here"Unlike officialdom meals shallow".Whatever you find which department leadership relations,Positions again big,The final note,Also to implement the education system of officials will work out.


"Old strict ah,Long time no see,Come and have dinner with it."In the system of education or leadership would inform him.


The hotel is commonly local best,The table is strewn with the most expensive food and drink.Present in addition to leadership,Sure there will be a"A good friend of leadership".Prologue is basically"Are all my friends,'ll introduce you".Toast each other between,Is rarely say"Is business"of.To the end of the dinner party,Chat about,The leader can or serious or humor site a:"Recently the school degree tight don't tense ah,If there is a spare,he(Leadership friends)children,Same conditions,Can preferred ah."Of course,Also added that:"If really nervous,Don't have the thought pressure,According to the principles will have to do!"


This sentence,Old yan heard many times,but"do",Difference is big."Leadership is very smart,Will not leave the upper hand."After dinner party,Leadership usually come to make a phone call.If the telephone the head again and again strong off"Not in violation of the principle",This business can temporarily down.If the last sentence is"Have to carefully deal with ah",That it will have to grasp done.


Don't even contact later,The dinner party movements can judgement.


If the leadership to his friends are very enthusiastic,Constantly toast food,And respectful manner,That is very important friend.Said to"Is business"when,Old strict will directly take out a book,Face to face down,To attach importance to.


If leaders speak although at all,But played not very affectionate,A bureaucratic tone to speak,Food did not move a few mouth,The dinner party is just deal with the job"Face engineering".Old strict will be bitter face is very difficult to inform:"oh,Now degree is full,I am also very hard to figure out……"


Some leaders are very busy,Eat half of the time have to advance the walk out.Go before he certainly will charge the last two sentences,For example"Make so much contribution to the taxpayer,Must do something".But know the way of sense motive of the old strict,Basically have heart,know"According to the specification of what do"the.


If to lead a serve will come straight to the point,Direct said"Is business",That not only explain this is own,And it may be better than"Leadership and face"Friends -- things will have on the done.


Old strict hollow laugh a sound:"All this is the table can see it.There is the two of us a duet."


These fine point,Such as tone/expression/Action as well as the degree of intimacy and friends……Couldn't examples one,are"Years of experience accumulation and become"of.


Old strict to the numerous house.i,The lot of qing blade.


The first received note,Is 2004 years,A bureau leadership to his,At the same time also to have a meal,In his words,This is"Double insurance"the.The old strict,The heart quite a struggle.Although reluctant to,Things or done.If the local administrative department with the relationship between the bad treatment,Old strict and school will be endless trouble."The school organizes teacher tourism,Need to related departments awarded to your training and visit the cost of their study;Some good teacher wants to mobilize come over,Tube personnel department will spite you,Even adjustable level difference teacher come over;Need to update teaching equipment,Application group of funds,Also can not to you."


Ten years down,Joe relations department countless:Bureau of finance/Tax official/Social security bureau/Personnel bureau/Public security bureau/Hair change bureau/Tourism administration/Auditing bureau/Bureau of statistics/Urban management bureau/Tourism administration/National People's Congress and the CPPCC and health bureau……The end he complement 1:"Even JiShengBan."


But the way to deal with these blade can be very different.Like finance bureau/Hair change bureau and tax official such"God of fortune",Social security bureau/Personnel bureau this tube of unit,Immediate boss education bureau - these tube money/Tube people/Tube's"Work unit",Absolutely can't have sinned against.


But like bureau of statistics/Bureau of culture such cold yamen,School affairs with no direct interest relationship,Can excuse a ha ha refuse to go back.


Of course also depends on the specific situation,If the school some super living,Even if JiShengBan such departments,Also get to help people to do business.


Old strict several classmates,In Beijing's junior high school when the headmaster,Talked in private education ministry, the real power department,Such as basic education department and the two company,Direct management in middle and primary schools;Teachers' work company,Vice-governor in teacher's training and transfer,These departments with stripe"As the decree".And GaoJiaoSi also is real power department,But and primary school education eight beams play no relationship,Can be ignored.And edge department is more don't say,Such as the national language work committee/Veteran cadre department,Even as the city education system to speak straight department work,Very easy to prevaricate.


 "规矩" "rules"


before,The people of drink.examination there is a latent rules:If word to use a ball-point pen write,It is"But do not do";If you use black carbon pen or pen write,That is"Try to do";If striped cover the leadership personal stamp,That is"Must do"the.


The two old strict physical striped impressive.The first kind of,Parents find leadership,Leadership can't,Had to write a note,Like the same document:So-and-so principal,Now this is the case,Please according to education policy within the scope of the principle,In the permitted conditions,Give handles the.


The second kind of striped,Content will clear asked to solve a problem,Also puts forward"Other aspects"care.This is generally relationship is very iron leadership,Between words won't scruple,Similar to the form of personal letters,Letter is the seal.The beginning and do not let the President,Call old yan's name.


"General write 'deal with',Basic are not dealt with.'care",Is not the same."He explained the.


And now,Old strict received entity striped less and less,Even text messages are very few,"It is black paper ",The thing that is the evidence!Now leadership can't stupid."


If it is"Very large"leadership,The child's parents not only to need not pay sponsor fee,After signing up, even the computer 1 school places allocation program is saved,Census register/The relationship between student has already been dealt with now.


Once had a child,A penny didn't spend,One pace reachs the designated position,Is policy"Returnees high-end introduce talents children"In the form of learning.It is a call,Is a layer of a layer of earth pressure down,Drives to do."Actually did it,I can't say."Old strict depressed tone,"To be sure,Your home is a provincial leadership."


But some real material of returnees talent children,Will not have this kind of treatment.A just returned/Graduated from the famous American university doctor,The time a bitter,Brought the thick a dozen policy documents,Also consultation with the lawyer,Of course also look for a relation.The table,Lead a business appearance,Old strict side with smile,Side back up"No seat".


保险柜里的"条子笔记" In safe"Striped notes"


Received entity note,Old strict will destroy,But he will put these content down in a notebook;As for various telephone/Face to face all kinds of greeting"Invisible note",He is more to record down,One is the convenient access for yourself;The second is spare good relationships.


Old yan have a 32 format cowhide notebook,Special note records of the relationship.


Turn over this small book,Basically three children to write a page,A year on want to remember 400 or so children.Each child will indicate two information:One is the child's personal information;One is the child's parents and entrust party information.


The notebook,The old YanSuo in the headmaster's office safety deposit box.


May each year/June,The local young rise small recruitment of students information began to release.In the middle of August,The notebook and write down has one more than 400 waiting for admission children.According to each other's conditions and energy,Through layer upon layer filtration,Old strict selection will be the final dozens of people.This time want to cut in line have been late,Old yan would have to these relationships from the order,Don't move the.He will tell these cram for people:Don't have to talk about,Seat full.


In this year, for example,August 17 night 12 o 'clock,Everything ready,Old strict will all come down surely name,Quickly fill record in school registration system of list - all this must be completed within two hours,For is smooth and clean,Leave no trace.The next day,Old strict will personally to entrust leadership and the children's parents make a phone call past:"It completed the."Most of the people were washed out,He also sending someone to make a phone call it.Those who failed to be entrusted business leadership,Old strict will also spoke lose a not.


Even if careful to this top,Old strict or see go one eye.


2010 years time,Introduce a friend"In the authority to drive"Connections of.Because no see what background,Old strict directly made the judgment:Not be a key to take care of the object.He don't written in the notebook.


After a week,Education bureau leadership gave him the phone call:"The driver of the business,Did not."He truthfully answer:"His condition is not in conformity with the,First priority or someone else."


The other party is not making a turn now,Tear window paper:"He is on the city of driver,It don't drag the!"


"Ten years,My only a miscarriage of justice."Old yan said.


The quota of people have been used up,He had to take out bottom box number:Three including superior leadership is not clear quota.This is his specially in order to avoid in the critical moment appear sudden situation and prepared.


"If you don't meet an emergency,That the three places not wasted?"[The China weekly]A reporter then asked him.


"That is waste it."He said,"This is life with."


Those who have no relation of parents,Can only play the family brand,Find the old yan's relatives/Friends intercession."Even someone find my child's classmate!"A quick when recruit students,Old yan's cell phone will set number screening,Strange, all don't pick,Also will follow the play called,Find the headmaster's are not.Even so,The village will squat down several intercede parents.


There are a pair of ordinary families sisters,Sister in his school,Wait until sister want to go to the elementary school,Because school district division change,Can't go to the school the.Sister had to the headmaster's office intercession,Then he cried.He had to comfort the elder sister:"later,The school venues and campus to open your sister,So that you can play together."


Although total want to deal with stripe,Old yan also to note is very antipathetic."I am out of the rural people,Is a foreigner,Conscience feel sorry - why ordinary people there is no chance?With what they have a chance?"


But not always.


Old strictly speaking a principal in the circle of the very popular a true story.


An ordinary family want to let their children focuses on junior middle school,Can the child's parents are migrant worker,They have a relative in the district education work,Level didn't big enough to write a note.Relatives oneself know this school of striped born made a list,Give the child's parents.Parents take this list every day to keep waiting at the school gate the headmaster.


Not too long time,The child successfully into the key junior middle school.


Finished the story,Old strict smiling good a.


