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老师频繁给家长发短信“布置”作业 家长多不满--亲稳舆论引导监测室

EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:刚入学两个多月,家住朝阳区的小学一年级学生晶晶就哭了好几次鼻子,“欺负”她的不是别的,而是过多的家庭作业。“孩子才上一年级,每天做作业就要2个小时,今天更是达4个小时!没时间和父母一起感受亲情,没时间玩耍”爸爸李力忍不住抱怨…… First-year more than two months,Chaoyang district in the primary school grade one students jingjing wept several times nose,"bullying"She is not the other,But too much homework."A child is in the first grade,Doing homework every day is 2 hours,Today is up to four hours!Don't have the time and parents feel love,No time to play"Dad LiLi could not help but complain……更多精彩>> More wonderful>>


School children haven't,The teacher hair of mobile phone short message came,Content is children after school today need to finish homework,And ask parents supervision and complete.Reporter recently interviewed found,For a child to do homework"supervisory"and"counselor",Many parents have dissatisfaction.

  新闻线索 News clues

  家长致电本报反映 Parents call our reflect

  老师把作业布置给家长 一年级学生晚上写作业4小时 The teacher put the homework assignments give parents a year students homework in the evening 4 hours


First-year more than two months,Chaoyang district in the primary school grade one students jingjing wept several times nose,"bullying"She is not the other,But too much homework.a,Her father LiLi call our newspaper,Said too much homework not only let the child be unable to stand,Parents also follow suffer.


"A child is in the first grade,Doing homework every day is 2 hours,Today is up to four hours!Don't have the time and parents feel love,Don't have time for children to play together.Now the school is to teach out what kind of child?!"


LiLi told reporters,September this year,Jingjing in chaoyang district, a well-known primary school reading a grade.The results,The just three weeks or so,The teacher began to give the child arrangement homework,"Every child still let bought a[Huanggang small number one scholar]".But more let he felt they tiandu is,Every day after school children haven't,The teacher will take the children to do homework in the form of text messages sent to their mobile phones,And let us know must supervise children completed in time/Handed in on time."The teacher is the mass,Each class parents will receive."He said.


Xicheng district north LiShiLu a principal ShiLiWei told reporters,The school was the choice of the student's work account to the parents,Is worry about the children age is too small,Lack of self-discipline,"At that time had rise,If it can do homework to forget."He further explained:"The child will forget,But parents won't forget,The school to do so also from reality to consider."


According to LiLi introduced,Jingjing every day in grandpa's grandmother care next after supper,Will wait for mom and dad come back counselling write their own homework.Once upon LiLi and lover are in unit to work overtime,Results children until 9 PM many also dare not sleep,"For homework haven't finished,I haven't signed in the notebook."LiLi said.More let he felt dissatisfied is,Parents have signed,Children in your homework up,Is often"Appeal remained a dead letter","The teacher can't reply,No other form of feedback."

  记者调查 Reporter investigation

  小学生平均每天做作业1-2小时 初中生2-3小时 Elementary school students do homework on an average day 1-2 hours junior high school student 2-3 hours

  明显超过北京市教委有关规定 Significantly more than the Beijing municipal education commission relevant provisions


"Chinese 45 minutes,Mathematical 30 minutes,English 40 minutes……"Live in haidian district ChenShuYuan lady bye to finger the calculation,"Almost every day for nearly two hours",She refers to is the elementary school sixth grade daughter doing homework every day of the required time.ChenShuYuan said,Every night seven to nine,Is his own accompany children do homework time,Because some problem children not solve,His had to act as counselor,What is more,Some homework is a teacher designated requirements parents to help children completed,"Now some teacher homework is to give parents feel layout."


"In the first two days,Her daughter's homework all finished print them out,Results with the whole six pages A4 paper."She said.


ChenShuYuan said,Although not every teacher likes to students arrangement"mass"homework,But there is no doubt that,This kind of phenomenon is common,"A lot of friends around me/Colleagues are like me,As long as it is day,Almost every night for children in homework."


Reporter recently interviewed east side/wl/chaoyang/Haidian area, such as more than 20 elementary school and junior high school students' parents,The results showed that:Elementary school students do homework on an average day 1-2 hours,Junior high school student 2-3 hours.Although only a small range of statistics,But parents give answer to be more consistent."I don't understand now teacher why want to decorate so much homework,Suggest the teacher to give me homework before you do about those who question,See how long it takes to complete,Then think about children bear ability."ChenShuYuan tone appearing in the discontent.


In fact,About primary and middle school students' homework burden problem,As early as in 2008,The Beijing municipal education commission is released[On further raise the primary and middle school teaching quality to reduce the opinions of the primary and secondary school schoolwork burden],Strictly control the small and medium-sized school extracurricular work:Primary school 1 to 2 grade not arrangement written work,3 to 6 grade Chinese and mathematics appropriate arrangement written work,But amount shall not exceed 1 hour,Other subjects don't usually arrangement written work;Junior high school interdisciplinary written work amount shall not be longer than 1.5 hours;High school interdisciplinary written work not more than 2 hours.obviously,Now a lot of primary and secondary school teachers give students the assignment is the overweight.

  教师回应 Teachers' response

  多布置作业体现责任心 Much homework to reflect the sense of responsibility


Xicheng district one does not wish to disclose the name of the elementary school mathematics teacher told reporters,Most of the time,Teachers also very helpless,"If I leave no homework,Parents do not allow,The headmaster doesn't promise,School academic administration there pass."He further explained,If leave no homework,The learning effect is not consolidated,Student's result will unavoidably affected,"Besides the,Even if I leave,Other teachers will also leave work."


Some teachers think,To students and their parents homework is the embodiment of the sense of responsibility,"If I fold up no matter,Don't give students homework,Parents and how to see me?"


The reporter understands,Many teachers in the homework,Is not without considering the problem of production,But they tend to think they decorate the work is not big,"It won't 1 hours can finish".but,Many teachers did not think of,Chinese/mathematics/English a few teachers work QuanJia up,The burden of the students is very heavy.

  教委表态 Education commission said

  不支持老师给家长布置作业 Does not support the teacher give parents the homework


The reporter understands,Give parents the homework widely exist in each district and county of Beijing primary school,But wait for students in junior high school,The teacher gave the parents homework phenomenon is greatly reduced.

  针对一些小学存在课业负担过重、老师给家长布置作业的现象,海淀区教委近日面向该区小学下发了《关于进一步加强小学规范管理 落实减负增效的意见》,在倡导家长与学校相互配合教育学生的同时,不主张给家长布置作业。

In view of some existing primary school heavy schoolwork burdens/The teacher gave the parents homework phenomenon,Haidian district education commission recently issued a circular to the primary school[On further strengthening primary school management implement and alleviate the burden on the opinion],In advocate parents and school education students cooperate with each other at the same time,Don't claim to give parents homework.


Haidian district education commission also said,The elementary school students' differences at the,Careful selection and design work,At the same time to strengthen the correct operation and timely feedback.For children with learning difficulties students must carry on the surface batch,Timely understand the student's learning effect,There are some pointed operation guidance.

  专家声音 Experts voice

  老师不应把责任甩给家长 The teacher should not be the responsibility to jilt to parents


For the teacher to give parents homework this phenomenon,First of all must be explicitly pointed out that,Family education is important,School education also really need family education of actively cooperate with,but,The teacher can't leave school education must take the responsibility to jilt to parents,Command or require parents become the child's"Extracurricular tutor".


secondly,The child is not finish the homework robot.The teacher or not to give pupils arrangement homework after class,Either the assignment should be selected/A small amount of.otherwise,Will let students finish the homework to the robot,And let the parents also involved.


blindly/Without choice is poor to homework,Let the children not happy,And let the parents with pain"Chinese homework",Must do as soon as possible, Hugh!Education departments/School principals/Teachers should change education idea together,To set up the correct education values,The biggest degree ground to reduce the students' academic burden and mental pressure,Let the children grow up happy.- education scholars/China ocean university lecturer hu le le

  作业应在课堂上完成 Work should be finished in class


For primary school students, especially junior students,The key is not to accept education to learn cultural knowledge,But game.Through their peers and play games together,Or contact with nature,Stimulate a child's creativity and imagination,Training children to develop good way of thinking and living habits,This to a child's growth is very meaningful.


now,Some school begins from one grade let children learn cultural knowledge,This obviously is not scientific.Even if the child to learn cultural knowledge,The teacher also should be based on training children the interest in learning,Give children more inspiration,And should not be premature to children is putting too much burden,Give children a mental pressure.


As for primary school students,A lot of knowledge can complete in class learning process.Teachers must be based on improving education teaching methods,To improve the class efficiency,In the classroom to let children fully grasp the related knowledge,So after school they can enjoy their own time.- education scholars/China international friendly city association secretary general LiLiGuo

  记者手记 Reporter notes

  学校能否彻底取消家庭作业? The school can completely cancel the homework?


In the interview process,A parents told reporters,His own childhood,After school every day he ran into the yard,And friends to play together.now,Decades past,To live or the courtyard,But every evening,After school the children back schoolbag hurriedly catch one home with homework,"So big yard was silent,See the children pillow fight figure,Hear their cries of joy",All these let him feel very sad.


We can then calculate the primary and middle school students' schedules:At half past six in the morning get up about,About PM arrived at the school,Four o 'clock in the afternoon after school.Returned home,After dinner,Was almost 7 PM.And then started to write operation,According to an average of two hours calculation,Nine o 'clock to finish the homework.If intermediate wait for a while,Sleep time will be delayed until the evening 10 o 'clock.then,The next morning at 6:30,Children and to get up to start a day of learning.A complex one day,For years,Such strength,Even adults will have the pressure,For the physical and mental development still is not mature of primary school children/For junior high school students,They're under too much pressure cans be imagined.


The children eat dinner,Immediately began to write operation,It is difficult to make time for exercise/Activities bones and muscles,As the years go by,How may not become a"Small overweight"?From the age of seven or eight onwards,Will regularly sit up all night writing assignments,Damage eyesight slowly,How could one not to become"Small glasses"?


Is that what we want education?Such education,The children will eventually be"education"Into what kind?


now,Some primary and secondary schools of Beijing,Such as yuying school primary school/Haidian district red ying elementary school/Shijingshan foreign language experimental school, etc,Has made the all or partial cancellation students homework the beneficial attempt.Practice has proved,The students grades unaffected,And the children's physical and mental health, has been a marked improvement.

  取消学生家庭作业,期待更多的学校行动起来!文/本报记者 杨国营

Cancel the students' homework,Looking forward to more schools into action!Wen/our reporter YangGuoYing

  链接 link

  某小学一年级学生的家庭作业 A primary school grade one students' homework


1、语文作业: 1/Chinese homework:语文课需要背诵的古诗篇目已经发到公共邮箱,请各位家长打印出来,监督孩子背诵。

Chinese classes need to recite ancient contents have been sent to public mailbox,Please print out your parents,Supervision and child to recite.


2、数学作业: 2/Math homework:今天数学课学习了11—20各个数字的认识,为了让孩子对“十进制”这一难点有更好的了解,今天特意留了看书作业,看书第74页到75页的例1和例3。家长一定要重视这个问题,一定要认真带孩子把这两页内容看看、读读。

Today math learning 11-20 each digital understanding,In order to let the children to"decimal"The difficulties have a better understanding,Today have left a reading assignments,Reading page 74 to 75 pages of an example 1 and 3 cases.Parents must lay emphasis on this problem,Children must be seriously this two page to see/read.


[Help you learn]56-57 children are now learning content,And it is a difficulty,Hope that parents pay much attention to,Must remember use of this two days the children do wrong topic are corrected.


3、英语作业: 3/English homework:读书第22页,请家长签字。

Reading on page 22,Parents please sign.
