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你从哪里来聚焦青少年性教育:尴尬挥之不去你从哪里来聚焦青少年性教育:尴尬挥之不去“你从哪里来”聚焦青少年性教育 "Where do you come from"Focusing teenage sex education


央视谈“性”,启蒙还是破冰? CCTV talk about"sex",Enlightenment or ice?

  我是谁?我从哪里来?我到哪里去?这可能是哲学世界里的三个终极问题。不过作为孩子来说,或许他们问的最多的就是“我从哪里来?”在“你幸福吗?”这一调查之后,央视又推出了“我从哪里来”的新闻调查。 这也在网上引发了网友们的极大兴趣,各种神一样的回复充满了网络。除了这些神一样的回复,也有不少网友专家开始反思我们的教育制度。事实上,有一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆雷特。在央视谈性事件的背后,我们又该如何去解读?

Who am I?I come from??Where do I go to?This may be philosophy world three ultimate problem.But as for the children,They may ask the most is"I come from??"in"You happiness??"After the survey,CCTV and introduced"I come from?"News survey. It also on the Internet caused a net friends of great interest,All kinds of god reply filled with network.In addition to these god reply,There are many netizens experts began to reflect on our education system.In fact,There are one thousand readers,There are one thousand Hamlet.In the CCTV talk about sex thing back,And how to read?


A 央视又现“神回复” A CCTV again now"God reply"


"You happiness??""My name is had."Mid-Autumn festival this year National Day double preganglionic,In the CCTV launched special survey program[What is happiness?]in,This section of the net friend called"God reply"Dialogue fire all over the Internet.


recently,CCTV again launched a special kind of interview survey[I come from?].


According to reporter understanding,the[I come from?]and[What is happiness]Taken as"Mass type interview",The participants' age was born from 1940 to 1990 years,The total of more than 200 people.


And broad[What is happiness]Compared with,[I come from?]The question is the focus of the polymerization"Children's sex education"on,But careful net friends once again found"God reply":"Flood come over"/"Fall out of armpit"/"Ask your mother to go home"...


No chance to accept an interview of net friends also unwilling lonely,On the Internet started all kinds of reply:Imitation telephone sent/Online download/Taobao bought on...


But in most people therefore understanding smile,Perhaps we should think about such a question,CCTV the bold talked about"Children's sex education"What does that mean?"Children's sex education"Whether it should cause our enough attention?Since the beginning of this year,CCTV appeared in all kinds of changes,And what has profound?This change,For the general public,And the meaning of what is?


B 少儿性教育,挥之不去的尴尬 B children's sex education,Lingering embarrassed


"My daughter at the age of three or four,To his body and heterosexual body very curious,Sometimes even want to see my body."Province city locates in the east(alias)This year has been the daughter of the breath,But remember daughter when I was a child,Built east or some awkward:"She also asked me such a question,namely‘I am from where come’?"


Built east memories,His daughter asked the question is only five years old,This let him with his wife very embarrassed:"Can't clear with children,But I thought that if I his past the deceive bad also,After all these thing she sooner or later want to know."So built east can only very vague to his daughter explained,Daughter is born out of the mother belly."Also good at that time she was small,Not to ask."


In the CCTV broadcast to see"I come from?"After the project survey,Built east is basically read with a smile:"The answer is very interesting,Basically all is that year, I the parents of my answer that a set of."But after laugh built east began to reflect on:"This question everybody is generation cheat generation,Basically all is so flicker in the past,But after my daughter has the child ask again,And how can she say?Total can't always so awkward flicker down."


In fact is not only built east,Most of the CCTV respondents to the child asked out"I come from?"After the problems,Are taken"flicker"Or fence way to answer these questions,According to the survey data show,The CCTV's"I come from?"project,A total of interviewed more than 200 ordinary citizens,Respondents age covers the 1940 to 1990,But 85% of the respondents said,When a child asked out this problem,Himself will use"To pick up"As answer,Most respondents said,When they were children asked about the problem,Will feel very awkward,Can't answer.


C 与其遮掩,不如直说 C and its cover,Not say out


More than a year ago,Shandong sexology will secretary general MengYan have encountered this kind of awkward,When four year old son suddenly one day asked MengYan said:"dad,I am from where come?""In fact the child asked this question I'm not surprised,Because there are data display,General children in 3 to 5 years old,Is a knowledge explosion period,In the outside world a lot of knowledge to let he began to produce the world curiosity,Especially for their own body produces curiosity."But MengYan or slightly hesitated,Then come to the boy said:"You are the crystallization of father and mother love,Mom and dad fell in love,Have you.As you grow up constantly,After a lot of things dad will slowly tell you."


Young MengYan,Also had asked parents this problem,When parents answer is"To pick up":"I vaguely remember to this the answer is not satisfied,Then ask,They will not answer,This let me the more curious."therefore,When the son asked the question later,MengYan very understand,If you like like their parents play vague answer this question,Can let the child more curious:"So I have told him,You are the crystallization of parents love,As for love why there are crystal,Love is what,I also will slowly tell you."


In MengYan seems,Now into people use"To pick up"A kind of answer to deceive children,For children are likely to be caused by a kind of spiritual trauma:"The more you cover these problems,It will arouse their curiosity,Even if this age can suppress curiosity,But the question will always buried in his heart,And he grew up,Instead of‘sex’More curious,So now as you tell him,You are the crystallization of love,Let them gradually understand they should know what."


If we recall his childhood,Maybe there's some silly confused:Why are to go to the toilet,The boy can pee standing up,And girls will squat to urinate??Why do girls can wear skirt,While the boys but can't it?Why boys and girls body is not the same?These puzzles also often plagued by the children.


In MengYan seems,CCTV now"I come from?"reports,In fact is giving parents do a reminder:"Let more people begin to pay attention to children's sex education,A material said,Children when they were born,To sex have a kind of curious,But these years,Our sex education,Especially children's sex education,Is basically a blank."


It is understood,In fact in many countries,Has started for children's progressive education,Such as the Netherlands,The child was six years old can accept to sex education,Britain has published for five years old children reading sexual education comic books,The degree of hot compares pornographic literature.


"Most of the time we are all in the said,Adolescent children‘sex’Very curious,Actually I think this kind of curious also from time to time in our children's children's a vague,If children grew up with the right of sex education,May the adolescence they for sex won't like now so curious."MengYan said.


MengYan views are not were eyewitnesses,There have been material shows that,The Dutch law,12 years old of adolescents can legal sexual behavior,But in European countries,The Dutch young unmarried pregnant rate is the lowest,Adolescent sex for the first time the average age is also the most late."I think that with the Netherlands children grew up with the right of sex education about,Sex for them no mystery,They also didn't need to try."And in the domestic,The lack of correct sex education children in recent years often appear all sorts of astounding sexual behavior,Even in the network top explode young sex door/Yanzhao events such as door.


D 第一传媒悄然变身 D first media quietly Cinderella


If MengYan explained from the Angle of science"CCTV talk about sex"significance,So shandong normal university news and propagation theory professional professor ChangQing is through"I come from?"This column see China's first big media platform are quietly change their style."No matter‘I come from?’,or‘You happiness??’The survey of the columns appear,In fact is telling us a fact,As China's first big media platform of CCTV,Are quietly put down the shelves,The real close to common people's life."ChangQing this says to the reporter.


In fact,No matter"You happiness?"or"I come from?",The survey class column in CCTV responded with a debut,He caught the attention of most of the net friend,Many of the net friend think,CCTV practice"Very unexpected","For example‘You happiness?’,Respondents said they will answer‘My name is had’.If the answer to put before,May be will not be broadcast,But now to the broadcast,This is a kind of change."In ChangQing seems,Today CCTV is quietly change their style:"Before we say the CCTV news broadcast,CCTV news reports,Will feel it is in the sermon,But now these programs have made us feel,CCTV no longer anymore,It is gradually close to common people's ordinary life,To perform a and a living‘people’.At least it mass inner feelings,Is gradually into the news to."


And this kind of change in many media seems to researchers,It is imperative to also seems to be,"Now the social media types,Mainly network is given priority to,Network media has rise,And CCTV has held the situation,And this may be let CCTV take the initiative to change one of the reasons,Because if you don't change the words,May gradually lose audience."Although in ChangQing looks,"You happiness?"/"I come from?"Perhaps such topics on the design there are some problems,But it have the effect of attracting audience:"At least you are willing to because of your this topic,See for a while your show."


In fact,Is not only is the change in a program,In the interview with CCTV also form the bold reform.It is understood,No matter"You happiness?"or"I come from?",Are adopted"Mass interview"form,Namely the CCTV reporter and from all the provinces and cities TV reporter,To public a lot of interviews,Then the CCTV unity to interview content overall arrangement.


But CCTV for mass interviews demands is"real",A participated in the"You happiness?"The CCTV reporter in their own small bo wrote:"The program may not have taken all broadcast content,But broadcast is true.Whether family name was,Or deaf,Is authentic.""In fact I think,this‘Sea mining’To highlight is from individual Angle to reading problem."In view of"You happiness?"Interview after,ChangQing association in the s and s to some of the pioneer documentary:"For example[Beijing's windy],In the streets of Beijing random interviewed many people,Let them talk about Beijing's how windy.Today CCTV also in reference to this style of interview,Can let the news more objective and accurate."At the same time,This is also in CCTV in another way to expand the expression of public space:"Learn from the media terms,Mass interview do not usually use some hard news event to,Just as a topic of news events added.But now it seems,CCTV to do so,In fact is the prominent public opinion and the content richness,Present different views,Give people the space of expression,Reflect the public participation.It is very rare."(Reporter li solution)
