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  2012年11月8日,大学生村官合同期满流动后成长情况座谈会在北京外企人力资源服务有限公司(FESCO)举行,中国政法大学政法研究所负责此项工作的专题调研。 On November 8, 2012,College students' village official contract expires after flow conditions for growing symposium in Beijing foreign enterprises human resources service co., LTD(FESCO)held,China university of politics and law institute of politics and law in the work of the special investigation.


With the development of our country's higher education,The college expansion,Each year the number of college graduates rapid growth,University students' employment problem most outstanding,College students' employment difficult phenomenon become one of the hot spots of society.College students after graduation,Choose when village official in a certain extent, ease the university graduates employment pressure,At the same time, college students village official for the new rural construction injected new vitality.


The contract expires village official reemployment work,Is the focus of government work,To cope with the work well,FESCO every year to participate in the government department organization village official job fair,And the positive publicity organization clients to recruitment,And in many excellent expiration of contract village official select appropriate personnel recruitment.University student village officer graduates than the advantage,Have certain social work experience,In handling interpersonal and communication coordination aspects relative mature.We understand that there is a,Village official work with more people,The trivial things more.And we do personnel service characteristics has a similar place.


FESCO a year to participate in the government department organization village official job fair,Respectively in 2009/2010/2011 fair,It is to be in commonly 6 - July complete village official recruitment.FESCO selection conditions for:Professional unlimited but related is preferred;Comprehensive quality is good(Communication skills/Image temperament/Professional sense of strong/Good affinity);A data processing experience or good at;sureness;There is a will in the human resource service industry long-term development.


In recent years, a total of recruitment to FESCO six good contract expires in the village official,2009 years of recruiting 1 person working time 2 years,2011 years of recruiting come in 3 people to work in one time,This recruit come in two time half a year.Everyone in their respective jobs are growing and progress,Belong to the department's feedback,Are more satisfied with.


一年前,李育昕还是延庆县康庄镇榆林堡村支部书记助理,而他现在的身份是一位公司白领--FESCO业务10部的人力资源服务专员。像李育昕一样在FESCO工作的大学生村官还有5名,他们都是近两年在村官工作任期结束后应聘到这里工作的。 A year ago,LiYuXin or yanqing county KangZhuangZhen fort yulin of assistant secretary of the counting,And now he's identity is a company white-collar FESCO business - 10 of the department of human resources service commissioner.Like in LiYuXin FESCO work of college students village official and five,They are nearly two years in the village official work after the term for the work here.

  合同期满村官的再就业工作,是政府相关部门的大学生就业工作中的重点工作,为配合做好此项工作,FESCO每年参加政府部门组织的村官招聘会,并积极宣传组织客户参加招聘会,在众多优秀的合同期满村官中挑选合适的人员进行招聘。据了解,FESCO的选拔条件是专业不限,但与人力资源相关专业优先考虑;综合素质较好,主要体现在沟通表达能力、形象气质、职业感强、亲和力佳,做事踏实等,并且有意愿在人力资源服务行业长期发展。近年FESCO招聘到6名合同期满的优秀大学生村官,他们中最长的已经干了两年,最短的干了半年。 The contract expires village official reemployment work,Is the government related department to the employment of the graduates of the key work,To cope with the work well,FESCO every year to participate in the government department organization village official job fair,And the positive publicity organization clients to recruitment,In many outstanding contract expires village official select appropriate personnel recruitment.It is understood,FESCO selection condition is specialized in the no,But with the human resources related is preferred;Comprehensive quality is good,Mainly manifests in the communication skills/Image temperament/Professional sense of strong/Good affinity,Practical work, etc,And will in the human resource service industry long-term development.In recent years, FESCO recruitment to six expiration of contract of excellent university student village officer,The longest of them has been dry for two years,The shortest dry for half a year.

  从与村民打交道的村官,到现在的公司白领,这样一个大跨度的环境和职业转换,他们是如何完成的?村官经历对他们后来的职业发展有着怎样的影响?李育昕说,村官经历锻炼了自己的耐力和思考问题的能力,让自己不再浮躁。外企的工作紧张有序,很有流程。在客户端,在on-site更意识到客户在诸多问题上对外企的依赖与信任。我一直想从事人力资源的工作,现在工作正好与自己的职业规划相符。 With the villagers from dealing village official,To the present company white-collar,Such a big span environment and occupational conversion,They are how to do?Village official experience they later career development has what kind of impact?LiYuXin said,Village official experience exercise their stamina and thinking ability,Let oneself no longer fickleness.Foreign company work strain and orderly,Is a process.On the client side,In the on - site more aware of customers in many problems on foreign dependence and trust.I've always wanted to in the human resources work,Now just work with their own career planning consistent.

  刘晓宇从2009年7月起在门头沟区王平镇吕家坡村担任党支部书记助理,今年应聘到FESCO。她表示,三年村官生活,接触了方方面面的工作,在与村民、领导的沟通交流中,让我明确自己更喜欢从事人事方面的工作,更愿意和形形色色的人打交道,也更愿意用自己的一点微薄之力,去帮助他人,为员工服务。合同期满后,觉得自己在基层工作、锻炼了三年,是该走出去看看的时候了。从事人力资源方面的工作可以更开阔自己的视野,更能锻炼自己与人沟通、交流的能力。而且FESCO是人力资源行业的领跑者,能够进入这样一家公司,更能锻炼自己。 LiuXiaoYu from July 2009 in mentougou district WangPingZhen LvGuPo village as a party branch secretary assistant,This year to apply for to FESCO.She says,Three years village official life,Contact with the aspects of work,With the villagers in/In the leadership of the communication,Let me clear more like personnel engaged in the work,More willing to and all kinds of people,And more are willing to use their own a little poor power,To help others,The service employee for.After the expiration of the contract,Feel at the grass-roots level/Exercise for three years,Is the go out at the time.In the human resources work can be more widen your horizon,More exercise myself to communicate with people/Ability to communicate.FESCO and human resources is the industry leader,To enter this company,More exercise myself.

  王逊来到 FESCO业务5部已经一年多了,从2008年起他在丰台区王佐镇西庄店村委会任村书记助理三年;他表示,能来到FESCO其中有一部分原因是因为政府对大学生村官就业方面的政策,很感谢这三年来丰台区各级政府领导和同事对我工作和生活的关怀,给了我很多锻炼的机会。人力资源是王逊大学进修的专业,他说,能有幸来到北京外企人力资源服务有限公司更是一种缘分。外企服务岗位感受到人力资源工作很繁琐很辛苦,也很充实,能够很好地提升职业素质和专业精神。      WangXun came to FESCO business 5 department for more than a year,Since 2008 he in the mid-ming, fengtai district, town west zhuang village shop of assistant secretary of the village for three years;He said,Can come to FESCO is partly because the government on college students' village official employment policy,Thank you very much for the past three years, fengtai district, at all levels of the government leadership and my colleagues on work and life care,Give me a lot of training opportunities.Human resources are WangXun university study professional,He said,I am fortunate to come to Beijing foreign enterprises human resources service co., LTD. Is a kind of fate.Foreign enterprise service post feel human resources work a lot hard work,Is full,It is able to improve professional quality and professional spirit.     


FESCO人力资源总监温沁山介绍说,大学生村官与应届毕业生比有了一定社会工作经验,在处理人际关系和沟通协调方面相对成熟。村官的工作与人打交道多,琐碎的事情较多,这与我们做人事服务的工作特点有类似的地方。招聘的6名大学生村官目前在各自的工作岗位上都不断成长和进步,所属的用人部门对他们的反馈都比较满意。 FESCO human resources director WenQinShan said,College students' village official and fresh graduates than a certain social work experience,In handling interpersonal and communication coordination aspects relative mature.Village official work with more people,The trivial things more,This and we do personnel service characteristics has a similar place.Recruitment of 6 college students village official at present in their respective jobs are growing and progress,Belong to the employing department to their feedback are satisfied.


今后,FESCO仍将继续支持政府部门的工作,响应号召,大力在各外资企业等的客户范围宣传此项工作,积极参与招聘会,招聘合适的大学生村官。 In the future,FESCO will continue to support the work of government departments,Respond to the call to,Vigorously in the foreign investment enterprise range of clients propaganda the job,Actively participate in recruitment,Recruiting the right university student village officer.
