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中国年轻人的编制纠结症:学而优则仕?为一只铁饭碗奋斗的国考考生 For a iron rice bowl struggle kingdom exam candidates


Twenty years ago,A large number of people throw away in the system"Iron rice bowl",Ran to the sea cleave through the waves,Form the mammoth"Down the",Many of them have a career,And the young man on a pedestal.In deepening reform/The market economy fast development today,Many young people but for employment in the system,Keep a safe day prepare as a realistic choice.


To cause,Or to prepare?Young people"Prepare ravel disease"What kind of social mentality refraction?Prepare aura how dazzling?Institution reform can fade and eliminate"Prepare complex"?We should establish the ShiYeGuan what how?Xinhua reporters topic recently carried out in-depth interviews and discussed.

  新华网记者 姜春媛 陈元 韩元俊

Xinhua reporter JiangChunYuan ChenYuan HanYuanJun


(一)透视年轻人的“编制纠结症” (a)Perspective of young people"Prepare ravel disease"

  在私营外贸企业做了六年业务员的张倩倩最近作出一个重要决定:重拾书本,报名参加老家温州市某县城一个事业单位招聘考试。在她看来,过了30 岁,就一定要有稳定的工作和优越的生活保障。挤进体制内,成为有“编制”的人,被张倩倩认为是获得这种保障最直接最有效的路径之一。

In the private foreign trade enterprise make six years of sales ZhangQianQian recently made an important decision:To regain the book,Sign up for a home county of a business unit recruitment exam.In her eyes,30 years old,Must have a steady job and a good living security.Packed into system in,Become a"prepare"people,Be ZhangQianQian think is to acquire the security is the most direct one of the most effective path.


recently,Xinhua reporters in Beijing zhongguancun various ways/The two universities/Sogo department store at different locations,Random selection fifty people do small survey:31 people choose"To prepare",62%;Eight people choose"To cause",16%;11 people in the career choice and staffing between"Very ravel",22%.


In fact,ZhangQianQian and many subjects together,Constitute the economic transformation of the current development/Reform deepening/Social thought under the background of multiple, etc"System establishment ravel disorder"The epitome of.To cause,Or to prepare?In a market economy rapid development/Institution reform steadily today,Once again become a traction parties concerned an important topic.


For making"stroke":"I want to have a good future"


Career and prepare not can have your cake and eat it?If asked ZhangQianQian this problem,She will tell you more,"can,But that is like as in the lottery,It is difficult to turn yourself."


Have ZhangQianQian 30 years for current location situation is very clear.According to the existing 126 institutions,A total of more than 30 million regular staff calculation,"prepare"For the huge demand for employment is still"Scarce goods",And according to the national institution reform progress and trend,Will be more and more scarce."If not now to beat a,Later will be more difficult."


ZhangQianQian even regret"Consciousness too late".There is no lack of around her a graduation or even just into university is to get into the work within the system for the goal of the struggle of good people to work/Pay well/Welfare good/Endowment health care,These labels constitute a gold-lettered signboard,Gives the holder in interpersonal communication/A marriage is the absolute advantage.


"When I finished didn't enter system inside/There is a paper how important preparation,Think that as long as the work and university of professional,Can make your knowledge court/It is good with director.But now, if can choose,I'm sure I choose establishment."ZhangQianQian said.

  张倩倩大学专业是外贸英语,毕业后虽经历过两次跳槽,但也一直没离开过私营外贸企业这个圈子。“做外贸行业收入虽然可观,但跟付出成正比,而且 不稳定,业务好时一次挣得可能比别人一年挣得还多,但也会有连续几个月拿基本生活费的时候,这时候你还要担着随时被老板辞退的风险。”此外,张倩倩还发 现,诸如养老保险、住房公积金、过节福利等与她在事业单位工作的朋友相比,差别很大。

ZhangQianQian university major is foreign trade English,After the graduation is experienced two job-hopping,But it hasn't been left private foreign trade enterprise this circle."Do the foreign trade industry although considerable income,But with proportional to pay,And unstable,Business is good at a time may earn a year than others earns,But it also has a basic living allowance for months and when,This time you have to bear the risk of dismissal at any time by the boss."In addition,ZhangQianQian also hair now,Such as endowment insurance/Housing accumulation fund/The feast with her welfare institutions work than friends,Difference is very big.

  作为大龄未婚女性,几次相亲经历也愈发坚定了张倩倩挤进体制内的决心。“相亲的时候,男方,特别是男方家长,坐下来根本不关心你的经历、视野、 生活情趣等,首先问你做什么工作,是不是正式工,有没有编制。像我这样在私营企业做业务的,在对方眼里就是一个没有稳定工作和收入保障的‘打工妹’。”虽 然不满,但张倩倩却无处发作。

As older unmarried women,A few times to experience also increasingly strengthened ZhangQianQian packed into system within the determination."When dating,The man,Especially the man parents,Sit down and don't care about your experience/vision/ Life interest, etc,First ask what kind of work do you do,Is the regular employees,Have compiled.Be like me so in the private enterprise to do business,In each other's eyes is a no stable job and income security‘migrant’."Though but dissatisfaction,But ZhangQianQian but nowhere attack.


From institutions retirement grandfather has become the ZhangQianQian"Positive materials".Grandpa is a month will bring nearly 4000 yuan pension,Chinese New Year festival and subsidies.Every time back,Look at my grandfather retired life need not,ZhangQianQian will think of his future."The only hope is to pass the exam,Let the future more competitive,Can be more safe."ZhangQianQian said.


拥有编制:“对我来说,编制如鸡肋” Have compiled:"For me,Establishment such as chicken ribs"


In ZhangQianQian for"prepare"When fighting,The civil engineering department of anhui province a university teacher LiuLei is for making ravel.To have to work for seven years of his,The teacher has been compiled as"tasteless,Abandon a pity"Without the.


School work at leisure,But the income is relatively low.Two years ago after a friend introduced,LiuLei in the city housing and urban and rural construction committee subordinate quality test center to find a part-time job.part-time,Because business ability outstanding,LiuLei quality control center in every monthly wages than in school more than full-time.


Take two salary,To improve the family income,But LiuLei but not happy."School work have professional evaluation of pressure,Quality inspection center shall not be more careless,The shadow of gap can lead to a lot of people's safety damage."busy,LiuLei describe their"Too tired to fall like a bull".


LiuLei wanted to quit teaching work,Quality inspection center is also intended to leadership"worker",But negotiations but for establishment and standoff down,Quality control center is a condition:"Salary and formal employee,But don't solve the establishment."


in"System in"Has been working for seven years of LiuLei very clear"Have made"and"No knitting"What does that mean.The difference in the Chinese New Year when the feast is most obvious:In staff personnel will enjoy all kinds of high-grade edible oil/coupons/Card and so on welfare,And irregular people can only silently looking at and pretend don't care.


The most let LiuLei unbearable is not the MingMian gap,but"In the same unit,‘In staff’and‘knitted’Between as if never separated by a invisible line.But no matter how well you work,It seems that you will never be able to enter the unit in the inner circle,Work can,But most of the ascension of without you."LiuLei reluctantly said.


"Although the school low income,But, after all, establishment.Let me suddenly from‘Have made’to‘No knitting’,Always feel unreal,Also unwilling."Weigh over and over again,LiuLei still daily on the run in the classroom and between the construction site,"Two head busy,Two head are like‘Marginal man’as."


放弃编制:“父母和亲戚朋友摇头,我想多看看外面天空” Give up establishment:"Parents and friends and relatives shook his head,I want to look at the sky outside"


Compared with LiuLei,As ever for making swirly JinXiaoNing now a relaxed.Early November day,Reporter saw JinXiaoNing,A pink coat hit her,In cold weather is full of vitality.


At the age of 31 JinXiaoNing was once home city in hebei province, a primary school logistics staff,Post called"Coordinate the school administrative affairs/Do logistics",In fact to her job is responsible for monthly staff meal card top up,Usually some form/Charge to remember.


Though the job monotone,But there is one of the biggest advantage is a formal establishment,With JinXiaoNing mother's words say:"Drought or waterlogging,Every day is to send and receive the newspaper is to government work."

  一开始,金晓宁很享受这种生活,工作之余上网购物、看小说不亦乐乎。时间久了金晓宁开始觉得无趣。“下了班同事朋友约着打麻将、斗地主,没人讨 论看了什么新书、新电影,以前和同学去逛上海外滩,看‘东方明珠’的场景就更不会有了。”更重要的是,在这里,自己大学四年、研究生学了三年的心理学专业 毫无用武之地。

The beginning,JinXiaoNing enjoy this kind of life,Work more than the Internet shopping/Reading a novel extremely.Time is long JinXiaoNing began to feel bored."The class colleague friend around playing mahjong/Dou landlord,No one please see the new theory of what/The new movie,Before and students going to the bund,see‘Oriental pearl’Scene more can't have."More important is,here,Their four years in the university/Graduate students learned three years of professional psychology is useful.

  金晓宁试图和一些留在一线大城市或者出国留学的同学取得联系,发现他们有的已经读完了博士,有的已经在当地心理咨询界“小有名气”了。相比之 下,金晓宁愈发怀念上学时的自己和曾经的理想:读研、出国留学、回国创办自己的心理咨询室,并把中国的心理学研究成果推向世界……

JinXiaoNing trying to and some big cities in a line or study abroad students get in touch,Found that they have already finished reading the doctor,Some are in the local ZiXunJie psychology"A minor celebrity"the.Compared under the,JinXiaoNing increasingly miss when I go to school and once the ideal:To go to graduate school/Study abroad/Return to start their own counseling,And the Chinese psychology research achievements to the world...


"In order to a compilation,You will learn to give up so many years of professional,For your personal and social is waste,With your qualification,If you continue to stick to it,It is now the most successful among us."A classmate words"Point up"her.

  2010年3月,金晓宁毅然报考了北京一所著名高校的心理学博士并顺利被录取,离开了她纠结了近三年的“体制内工作”,为此,父母“把很难听的 话都骂出来了”,一些亲戚朋友更是连连摇头。但金晓宁已坚定了决心,“我再也不想过数着时间等下班的生活,想趁年轻多看看外面的天空。”

In march of 2010,JinXiaoNing resolutely to enter oneself for an examination the Beijing a famous university psychology doctor and the smooth be accepted,Left her ravel for nearly three years"Work within the system",therefore,parents"The very bad words are called out",Some friends and relatives is repeatedly shook his head.But JinXiaoNing has established the determination,"I don't want to counting the time of work life,To take advantage of young looking out at the sky."


"I have just received a foreign famous psychological counseling agencies employ notice."JinXiaoNing excitedly told reporters,Although it was designed and the study abroad/Again the path of the venture is not the same,But JinXiaoNing know,Ideal will be realized.


附:新华网记者随机问卷调查情况 attached:Xinhua reporter random questionnaire investigation


time:November 15, and 30 points


site:Beijing,Zhongguancun square/The two universities/Sogo department store at the door


Survey method:The random issue paper questionnaire


The content:1/Prepare for business and between how would you choose?Option for"To prepare""To cause""Very ravel".


2/Looking for a job you value most???????Option for"stable,Social security good""Value compensation""A development prospect".


The results of the survey:Fifty valid questionnaires collected.The enterprise employees 32 people,College students' reading nine people,Teacher 2 people,Business unit staff 7 people,Aged 22 to and between age.


According to the results of the survey:31 people choose"To prepare",62%;Eight people choose"To cause",16%;11 people in the career choice and staffing between"Very ravel",22%.


According to the"Looking for a job you value most???????"The problem,Choose value"stable,Social security good"32 people,Account for 64% of the total number;14 people choose"Value compensation",Account for 28% of the total number;4 people choose"A development prospect",8%.


(二)“我为编制搏”折射三种心态 (two)"I for making stroke"Refraction three kind of mentality

  近日,有这样两则新闻引发社会广泛关注:一是刚刚结束的2013年国家公务员招考报名人数达到破记录的150万人,竞争最激烈的一个岗位达到 9470:1。二是本月初,在哈尔滨首次面向社会公开招聘的事业单位编制环卫工中,457个招聘岗位引来了11539名报名者,其中还有29名硕士生。

recently,Have such two news caused wide public concern:One is just the end of the 2013 national civil servant recruitment enrollment is a record 1.5 million people,The most competitive position reached 9470:1.The second is the beginning of this month,For the first time in Harbin recruits the institution establishment in dustbinman,457 recruitment post attracted 11539 applicants,With a name and master.


The young man"Sharpening head"Looking for a compilation,Reflects what kind of attitude?recently,Xinhua reporters invited experts to this kind of social phenomenon, the author discusses the and analysis.


"Play it safe"mentality:"Little rich"can"That Ann"?


[case]Originally in an advertising company work. Washington in 2010 through the civil service examination city become a city tube players,Although revenues plunged,But he still joy this not 1 pet/Brimming with confidence.


"Now work is very easy,Hardly the brain can deal with,Every day is a step-by-step out patrol laps,Any further need not contemplate write scheme,Humble about advertising."Washington think,Into the civil service,Means that a lifetime don't have to worry about the work,Old also have security,In the enterprise work at present looks like income is high,But after all is not stable.


[analytical]Beijing university professor of department of society/Doctoral tutor XiaXueLuan analysis,This phenomenon reflects the young man heavy"Iron rice bowl"light"venture"of"Planned economy mentality",, or"Others guide"mentality.


"This and I 2000 compared to a survey,in‘Self guide’and‘Others guide’On the choice of,The young man has a certain degree of setback."XiaXueLuan said,The young man's establishment if the circumstances are not only comes from fear of competition,Eager to seek a worry-free haven,Also from rely on thought and XiaoFuJiAn psychological,This and family education and overall social inert relevant.


The current society,Does exist unconscionability/Security weakness situation,At present our country social security coverage in the urban labor force is still very low,Plus economy brought down the employment pressure,The stability of the system to reduce employment,The young man to development space and future security expected also began to decline.In the system of natural benefits to the young employment has great allure.


XiaXueLuan Suggestions,The young or to his own loving career more.Career development is the fundamental power,Is defining the long-term factors.To prepare may be restricted the shackles of personal development,For countries to,Is also a waste of talent.


“为官”心态:学而优则仕? "officer"mentality:He who excels in learning?


[case]Have two consecutive years in the national civil service ZhaoLu defeated in the examination of college students village official WangZhaoSheng still attended the 2013 civil servants ZhaoLu test.In WangZhaoSheng seems,"Take an examination of civil servants is a top priority".


WangZhaoSheng shandong heze is a small village out of college students.In 2005 the college entrance examination,For their families,WangZhaoSheng complete"Succeed in the"Leap of,Means that the family have had the capital,Will be a"National cadre"The family is supreme glory.


During college,My family always remind WangZhaoSheng,The future must go"Eat the public food",At first he didn't think it,To work this two years,He grew feel system in employment is a good choice,"stable,Income also good,And in others to enter the system after will be transferred in one eye,Even to have increased the advantage."

  【解析】“大量的人才涌向体制内,如果是出于为公众服务、最大限度地实现公众利益,这是一件好事。但如果只是因为进了体制内就能获得种种他人无 法比拟的‘好处’,就值得人们深思。”山东财经大学经济学院教授李永刚说,学而优则仕的观念根深蒂固,当了官就是光宗耀祖,而且中国当前是一个熟人社会, 一旦遇到什么事情,总是先找熟人帮忙,当官掌控资源,就显示出其优越性来了。

[analytical]"A lot of people flocked to the system inside,If it is out of service for the public/Maximizing the interests of the public,This is a good thing.But if just because into the system can get in a variety of others without method match‘benefits’,Is worth thinking deeply."Shandong university of finance and economics school of economics professor LiYongGang said,He who excels in learning in the notion of,When the officer who is,And China is currently a acquaintances society, Once meet what things,Always look for help acquaintances,Officer control resources,It shows its superiority to the.

  国家行政学院公共管理教研部教授竹立家在接受新华网记者采访时表示,“官本位”思想本身就是对社会创新、结构优化演变的一种体制性抑制,优秀人 才进入体制内以后,由于激励机制、晋升机制的不健全,其创新能力必然受到抑制。“‘学而优’者如果选择在自己擅长的领域里发挥作用,会更容易出成绩。如果 都选择进入仕途,明显不利于国家人才资源的合理分配,会弱化社会创富能力。”

National school of administration public management professor MSS bamboo house made in an interview with xinhua reporter said,"ranking"Thought itself is to social innovation/Evolution of structure optimization is a kind of systematic suppression,Good people to enter the system after within,Due to the incentive mechanism/Promotion mechanism is not sound,Its innovation ability will inevitably suffer inhibition."‘Learning and optimal’If choose the excel in their field play a role,It will be easier to the result.If you choose to enter the official career,Obviously against national human resources reasonable allocation,Will weaken the social capital investment ability."


"drone"mentality:"mixed"A what kind of future?

  【案例】网友“牛心似箭”在新华网发展论坛发帖说:“我所工作的事业单位,许多人以‘工作不多,挣钱不少’为傲。换个角度说,就是工作干多干少 一个样,职务只上不下,报酬只升不降。我身边很多人羡慕我,也就在于这一点。‘混日子’就像‘懒羊羊’在草料充足的地方只会‘越吃越胖,越胖越懒’。”

[case]Net friend"Beef heart like an arrow"In the development of xinhua BBS post said:"I work institution,Many people in‘Work much,Earn a lot of’pride.Another way,Is work do more less the same,Not only the position,Only pay rise not to drop.My side many people envy me,Is to this point.‘drone’as‘A lazy sheep sheep’In forage enough place will only‘The more you have, the more fat,Fatter more lazy’."


[analytical]An institution is a survey,72% of the respondents think,institutions"mixed"phenomenon"Very serious"or"serious".Many netizens have expressed concern,Net friend"joy"said:"If muddle along/Conservative become a social future elite group of collective feelings,Will only make the society lose innovation and progress of power,senility,No energy."

  国家行政学院教授、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长汪玉凯表示介绍说,目前中央正在稳步推进事业单位改革,这就导致了很多人想赶在改革真正来临 前,搭上最后一班车,享受“老办法”“老待遇”。但是,未来中国必然会沿着改革开放、发展市场经济、构建社会公平正义的方向前进,深化行政体制改革,精兵 简政,进一步解放生产力已是当下社会共识。年轻人如果抱着在体制内“混”的心态,一味追求所谓的稳定与安逸,不但抑制了自身潜能,而且可能被时代所淘汰。

The state administrative college professor/China's administrative system reform research board vice-chairman WangYuKai said said,At present the central is steadily institution reform,This led to a lot of people want to catch in the reform comes before a real,Catch the last bus,enjoy"Old way""Old treatment".but,The future China will along the reform and opening up/Development of market economy/Constructing social fairness and justice direction,Deepening the reform of the administrative system,downsizing,Further liberate the productive forces is the social consensus.The young man if hold within the system"mixed"mentality,Devotion to the stability and comfort,Not only suppresses their own potential,And may be out of time.


(三)对话专家:附在“编制”上的“光环”终将褪色 (three)Dialogue experts:Attached to the"prepare"on"aura"Will fade

  提起编制这个词汇,很多人会产生 “收入稳定”“高福利”之类的联想。现阶段“编制”两字究竟意味着什么?随着事业单位改革的推进,未来“编制”这个特殊词汇会出现怎样的变化?带着这些问 题,新华网记者专访了国家行政学院教授、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长汪玉凯,北京大学社会学教授夏学銮。

To prepare the vocabulary,A lot of people will produce "Stable income""Gao fuli"Association and so on.At present"prepare"What two words mean?With the reform of institutions,The future"prepare"The special vocabulary will appear what kind of change?With these questions asked,Xinhua reporter interviews with the national administrative institute professor/China's administrative system reform research board vice-chairman WangYuKai,Beijing university XiaXueLuan sociology professor.


旧的体制惰性造成年轻人对“编制”趋之若鹜 The old system inertia cause for young people"prepare"Scramble for


Xinhua reporters:On the one hand institution reform in national steadily,On the other hand, many young people to institutions/To prepare still scramble for.Why will appear this kind of phenomenon?

  汪玉凯:针对事业单位改革,中央提出总体设计、分类指导、因地制宜、先行先试、稳步推进的指导思想,其中重要的一点就是通常人们讲的“老人老办 法,新人新办法。”一些单位转企改制后,新进人员就没有“铁饭碗”了,但老人依然还有。这就导致了很多人产生一种“搭末班车”的心态,就是赶在改革真正来 临前,搭上体制的最后一班车,成为事业单位的老人,进而享受“老办法”“老待遇”。这实际上一种旧的体制惰性,这种体制惰性造成了普遍的社会惰性,年轻人 求稳,求保障。

WangYuKai:According to the institution reform,The overall design is put forward/Classification guidance/Adjust measures to local conditions/First try first/Steadily guiding ideology,The important point is usually people speak"The old man old do method,New way to new."Some units turn enterprises after restructuring,The researchers did not"Iron rice bowl"the,But the old man still have.This led to a lot of people to produce a"Take the last bus"mentality,Is in the reform drive real to the former,Catch the last bus system,As institutions of the old man,Then enjoy"Old way""Old treatment".This is actually a kind of old system inert,The system inertia caused widespread social inert,Young people play safe,For security.


改革淡化编制色彩 Prepare the reform fade color


Xinhua reporters:"prepare"A word in our country has special historical background and the current context.At present,A preparation and not prepare their mean?How much difference?With the reform of related,Do you think the future"prepare"A word can appear what kind of change?


WangYuKai:At present in some units,A preparation and no preparation in income and recessive welfare are of great difference.This is also a lot of people prefer to prepare and give up the cause of the business.

  关于事业单位改革,从各地情况来看,尽管山东、上海、浙江、广东、重庆五省市在2008年成为事业单位养老保险改革试点地区。另一项改革是去年 开始推行的事业单位绩效工资改革。2011年《中共中央国务院关于分类推进事业单位改革的指导意见》出台后,我国事业单位改革全面开闸,从今年开始到 2015年基本完成分类改革,将其分为行政性事业单位、经营性事业单位、公益性事业单位三类。让行政性事业单位回到行政机关,经营性事业单位变成企业,剥 离两头,留下公益性事业单位。这个改革涉及126万家不同类型的事业单位大约4000万人,如何能归好类,而且归得合理有序,公平公正,具有一定的挑战 性。

About the institution reform,From all around the situation,Although shandong/Shanghai/zhejiang/guangdong/Chongqing five provinces and cities in 2008 to become institution endowment insurance reform pilot area.Another reform is last year by the business unit performance wage reform.In 2011,[The CPC central committee of the state council on the classification of public institutions reform direction]Issued after,Comprehensive breaking institution reform in China,From the beginning of this year to 2015 completed classification reform,It is divided into administrative institutions/Business institutions/Three kinds of public welfare enterprises.Let the administrative institutions back to administrative organs,Business institutions into enterprises,Peel away from the two ends,Leave public welfare institutions.This reform involving 126 different types of institutions about 40 million people,How to be a good class,And to have a reasonable and orderly,fair,Have certain challenges sex.

  完成事业单位分类是第一步,下一步的剥离才是动真格的,直接涉及到众多人的切身利益。在剥离中,国家政策设计做了充分的考虑,如“老人老办 法”、“新人新办法”,并制定出明确的政策界限,但真正实施起来,要面对的是一个个具体的人,而不是抽象的制度。如何化阻力为动力,是一篇大文章。

Complete institution classification is the first step,The next stripping is the real,Related to the vital interests of many people.In the stripping of,National policy design fully consideration,if"The old man old do method"/"New way to new",And lay out a clear policy limit,But the real implementation up,To face is a specific person,Rather than abstract system.How to turn resistance for power,Is a great article.


XiaXueLuan:Thanks to state that a policy of equal public services,From the current individual units implement policies to see,In staff irregular personnel difference will be more and more small,With the further promotion of the relevant reform,"In staff"and"knitted"A distinction will disappear,Adhere to the"prepare"on"aura"Will fade.


进一步推进改革离不开政府自身的变革 To further its reform without government own change


Xinhua reporters:The further reform of the institutions of the key and difficult point in where?


WangYuKai:Classification of public institutions reform success,There are multiple factors,One of the important factors,Is government itself.Whether institutions classification reform,Or public service system reconstruction,Are inseparable from the support of the government,Even the government's reform of itself.


Look from the whole,The government for institution classification reform to create conditions,Promote the construction of service government,At least should be embodied in the following three aspects:


One is to speed up the pace of the transformation of government functions,For institutions and social organizations to take more public service to provide security.Governments at all levels should strengthen the strength of the transformation of government functions,Further simplify decentralization,To reduce or cancel the administrative examination and approval items,Will the government shouldn't tube and tube bad things out,Reduce the institutions for micro management activity intervention.

  二是赋予事业单位更多的自主权。按照分类改革的指导意见,事业单位要强化公益属性,创新体制机制,深化人事制度改革,由传统的身份管理转向岗位 管理,打破铁饭碗,实施绩效工资制,建立健全法人治理结构,取消行政级别,实现社会化等。这些改革的重要前提,就是上级主管部门要改变以往对事业单位的管 理方式和管理手段,进一步落实事业单位法人自主权。

The second is to institutions more autonomy.According to the reform of classification guidance,Institutions to strengthen public attribute,Innovation system mechanism,Deepening the reform of personnel system,From the traditional identity management to post management,Break iron rice bowl,Implementation of the performance wage system,Establish and perfect the corporate governance structure,Cancel the administrative level,Realize socialization, etc.These reform important premise,Is the competent department to change in the past to institutions of the pipe bedding mode and management means,To further implement the institution legal person autonomy.

  三是树立购买服务的新理念。在现代公共管理中,政府向社会、市场购买服务,已经成为公共治理的一种普遍现象。之所以如此,一方面在于政府面临的 公共事务范围越来越广,新的公共事务不断出现;另一方面政府不可能无限度膨胀自身的机构和人员,政府要把一些事务性的公共事务,通过委托代理或者购买服务 的方式予以解决。

The third is to set up the new concept of buying services.In the modern public management,The government to the/Market purchase service,Public management has become a kind of common phenomenon.so,On the one hand the government is facing the public affairs of the more widely,New public affairs appear constantly;On the other hand, the government could not liable expansion their own institutions and personnel,The government should take some transactional public affairs,Through the entrusted agency or buying service mode to solve.

  地方政府这些年来在这方面也做了许多有益的尝试,积累了一些好的做法。目前主要面临两个突出问题,一是有些政府工作人员的管理理念还比较陈旧, 不愿意接受新的服务模式和做法;二是事业单位和社会组织管理和运作还不够规范,有些事业单位在提供服务时,往往忽视自身应承担的公共服务责任而忙于创收, 严重损害了事业单位作为公共服务提供者的形象。从长远来看,以政府主导、事业单位、社会组织、市场多元参与的公共服务治理模式,代表了一种新的发展方向。

The local government over the years in this respect also did many beneficial attempt,Accumulated some good practice.At present the main face two outstanding problems,One is some government officials management concept is still relatively old, Not willing to accept new service mode and practice;The second is, institutions and social organizations management and operation also is not standard,Some institutions in the service,Often neglect their own should bear the responsibility for public service revenue and busy, Serious damage to the institution as a public service provider image.In the long run,government-leading/institutions/Social organizations/The market multiple participation in the public service management mode,Represents a new development direction.


(四)述评:别把“编制”编织为束缚创新的樊笼 (four)review:Don't"prepare"Woven for bound innovation net


The young man rushed to enter in the system,The cut-up is ambition,Or the choice of personal utility?A lot of people flocked to the system inside,If it is out of service for the public/Maximizing the interests of the public,This is a good thing.But if just because can get into the system of"benefits",Is worth thinking deeply.

  其实,不管是体制内就业,还是体制外就业,只要为了实现自我价值的理性选择,都是值得尊重的。无论是有编制还是没编制,只要努力,都能成就一番 事业。但是记者在采访中发现,渴望进入体制内的许多年轻人将体制内视为“稳定”“保障”的代名词,把对美好生活的渴望寄托在拥有编制,而不是自我奋斗上, 这无论如何都是不正常的。当更多的年轻人认同求稳思想,则可能扭曲国家激励机制,削弱社会创新意识。

In fact,Whether in the system of employment,Or the employment system,As long as in order to realize self value of the rational choice,Is is worth respecting.Whether have compiled or didn't prepare,As long as you work hard,Can a career.But the reporter in the interview found,Eager to enter system inside many of the young people in the system as"stable""security"The pronoun of,The desire for a better life on have compiled,And is not the ego in the struggle, This however is not normal.When more and more young people identity play safe thought,The state may distort the incentive mechanism,Weaken the social innovation consciousness.

  首先,求稳思想会扭曲社会激励机制。按照经济学的观点,人们之所以热衷于挤进体制内,是因为预期当前及未来的很长一段时间里,体制内获得抵补风 险后的净收益要远高于其他职业。这种净收益甚至包括人脉广、办事方便等便利条件在内。湖南科技大学国民经济研究所所长、经济学博士唐志军说,在体制内能获 得较高的净收益,就会极大地鼓励人们热衷于追逐权力,进而导致权力寻租,打击人们创造财富的积极性。

First of all,Play it safe thoughts will be distorted social incentive mechanism.According to the point of view of economics,People are keen to squeeze into in the system,Because of the expected at present and in the future for a long time,Within the system get coverage wind risks after the net income is much higher than any other profession.The net income even wide connections/Easy work, convenient conditions.Hunan university of science and technology research institute of the national economy/Economics Ph.D. TangZhiJun said,In the system of the internal energy to higher net income,Will greatly encourage people to pursuit of power,Which led to the power rent-seeking,Blow the enthusiasm of people to create wealth.

  公职人员应该有为人民服务的觉悟,最起码要有“职业精神”,而非“当官意识”。国家行政学院公共管理教研部教授竹立家也认为,官本位思想本身就 是对社会结构优化演变的一种体制性抑制,优秀人才进入体制内以后,由于现行激励机制、晋升机制等不健全,年轻人的创新能力必然受到抑制。而且当着眼于个人 利益的价值观成为主流,将依靠权力及制度获利视为创造财富的路径,其示范效应就会在更大程度上扭曲社会激励机制,偏离“劳动创造财富”的价值取向。

Office workers should have the consciousness of serving the people,Should at least have"Professional spirit",Rather than"Officer consciousness".National school of administration public management professor MSS bamboo made home also think,Ranking of thought itself is the evolution of the social structure optimization a systematic suppression,Talents into the system after within,As a result of the present incentive mechanism/Promotion mechanism is not sound,Young people's innovation ability will inevitably suffer inhibition.And when focusing on personal interests values become mainstream,Will rely on the power and the system profit as the path of creating wealth,The demonstration effect will be in a large extent distorted social incentive mechanism,deviation"Labor to create wealth"The value orientation of.

  其次,求稳思想会削弱社会创新意识。一般来说,政府及事业单位是分配性而非生产性部门,当人们热衷于挤进体制内,尤其是那些具有企业家才能的人 不去创业、不去创新,而是去竞争公职时,人的才能和创造力被配置在非生产性的再分配领域而不是生产性领域,热衷于“分蛋糕”而非“做蛋糕”,就会弱化社会 的创新能力乃至影响未来的经济增长。

secondly,Play it safe thought will weaken the social innovation consciousness.Generally speaking,The government and business unit is divided and unproductive department,When people are keen to squeeze into in the system,But especially those who have entrepreneurs to people not to venture/Don't go to innovation,But to compete in office,People's talent and creativity configured in unproductive redistribution field rather than productive areas,Keen on"Points cake"Rather than"Making a cake",Will weaken the social innovation ability and influence the future economic growth.


TangZhiJun think,In the economic society,Enterprise creating wealth for the society,The government through the tax for utilities and transfer payment to distribution of wealth,And through the wage and welfare to share the wealth.Will the most advanced knowledge/The most outstanding talents/The most agile mechanism is used to create wealth,Such a society can have vitality and creativity,Will do great society development of the cake.


The development of the country not only rely on the government to improve the service level,More important still is to improve the country's comprehensive strength and core competitiveness.A country's competitiveness lies in talents,And talent is limited,This needs the reasonable configuration,Let people reasonably distributed in all walks of life,being,People do their.

  体制内的吸引力远远大于社会其他行业,也反映了当下收入分配、社会保障等方面的存在深层次问题,比如体制外行业解除劳动合同的随意性、部分行业 缺乏职业尊严等等。再加上经济下行带来的就业压力,年轻人选择体制外就业的稳定性降低,对发展空间以及未来保障的预期也开始下降。体制内的种种好处自然对 年轻人就业具有极大诱惑力。

In the system of attractive than other social industry,Also reflects the current income distribution/Social security of deep problems exist,Such as the industry system of arbitrary remove labor contract/Part of the industry lack of professional dignity and so on.Plus economy brought down the employment pressure,Young people choose the stability of employment system to reduce,To development space and future security expected also began to decline.In the system of natural benefits to the young employment has great allure.

  山东财经大学经济学院教授李永刚认为,要想让各类人才在不同的岗位百舸争流,这不但需要淡化、消解官本位意识,解除人才职位樊篱、发挥人才创新 活力,还需要确立符合社会永久秩序的法律制度,牢固树立制度至上的法治观念。稳步推进政治体制改革,实行精兵简政,打造服务性政府,使权力在阳光下运转, 让各行各业的杰出人才“术业有专攻”。

Shandong university of finance and economics school of economics professor LiYongGang think,To make all kinds of talents in different position to win,This not only need to fade/Eliminate ranking of consciousness,Remove talent position barriers/Play talent innovation vitality,Also need to establish social permanent order legal system,Firmly set up the system of the supremacy of the rule of law concept.Steady advance reform in the political system,A downsizing,Make service government,Enable the power in the sunshine operation, Let people from all walks of life outstanding talents"Specialize in one subject".


(five)Reporter notes:Never die out for a better life yearning and creation


To cause,Or to prepare?Now it seems to become a problem.

  对于一门心思追求编制的人来说,“体制内的饭好吃”是他们最直接的理由。编制的好处自然不言而喻,但编制的束缚效用也在不断放大。也正因此,国 家在逐步地推行人事制度改革;对更看重事业前景价值的人来说,除了勇气,资本、智慧、勤劳、坚持外,良好的创业环境也不可或缺。

To prepare for the pursuit of the heart,"In the system of food delicious"They are the most direct reason.The advantage of preparation is self-evident naturally,But designed bound utility is also in constant amplification.Are so,Home countries in step by step implementation of the personnel system reform;To pay more attention to the value of the career prospects for people,In addition to the courage,capital/wisdom/diligence/Adhere to the,Good business environment is indispensable.


In our thrown"To cause,Or to prepare?"After the proposition,We found that although everyone's answer is different,Ravel reason and degree are different,But there is one thing in common,That is:In the future,We are all with good expectations and aspirations.

  风物长宜放眼量。每一种选择,都是为了将来能够生活的更加美好,如果把这种选择放在人生的旅程中来思考,这种纠结也就不成为纠结。路在脚下,梦 在手中。对于每个还在路上的年轻人来说,不妨把生活定义成多选题,除了稳定与保障外,不妨重拾为了理想而打拼的精神、张力和胸怀,永不泯灭对美好生活的向 往和创造,这样在困难面前就会甘之如饴,人生的路也必然会越走越宽。

Custom long appropriate looking quantity.Each option,All is for the sake of the future will be able to live more beautiful,If this choice in life's journey to think,This ravel also will not be ravel.At the foot of the road in the,Dream in your hand.For each is in the way of the young people,Might as well take life definition into multiple-choice questions,In addition to the stability and security,Might as well in order to regain ideal and the spirit of the fight/Tension and mind,Never die out for a better life and to go to create,In the face of difficulty will gladly accept hardship,The way of life also will more walk more wide.

  于国家而言,则需要继续深化事业单位编制改革进程,创造自由而公平的选择与竞争机会,公正、公平的奋斗环境,让更多的人以自己的努力来赢得光明 的未来,让能力与勤奋来决定财富和前途,而不是靠关系和编制来保障人生;更需要打造公平、公正的制度环境与可期的未来,畅通阶层流通渠道。如此之下,相信 把“编制”当“中国梦”的人将会少很多。

In countries,The need to continue to deepen reform of the institutions establishment process,Create a free and fair choice and competition opportunity,justice/Fair struggle environment,Let more people to their own efforts to win a bright future,Let ability and hard to decide wealth and future,And not on the relationship and prepare to protect life;More need to build fair/Justice system environment and the future of the period,Clear class circulation channel.Under such,Believe that the"prepare"when"China dream"People will be a lot less.
