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女大学生反对“公务员妇检” 官方:是执行政策--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  南都讯 实习生 王银超 记者占才强近日发生在武汉的女大学生举牌反对“公务员妇检门”事件又有新进展,昨日南都记者获知,活动组织者已向湖北省人社厅递交信息公开申请表,要求对公务员招录中带“歧视性”的“妇检”等条款作出解释,并表示下一步将根据情况,向人社部、卫生部等申请信息公开

SMW (intern reporter to WangYinChao of strong recently took place in wuhan female college students for brand against"Civil servant woman inspection door"Events have a new progress,Reporters learned yesterday SMW,Organizers have to hubei province people club hall submit information openness application form,Required to ZhaoLu with civil servants"discriminatory"of"Woman inspection"To explain the clause,And said the next step will be according to the situation,To club department/The ministry of health information for the public.


湖北省人社厅:15个工作日内回复 Hubei province people club hall:Reply within 15 working days


"Refuse to take off pants inspection"/"Ask menstrual history,How close civil servants",26th of this month,Wuhan 10 female college students in hubei province human resources and social security hall door staged a against"Civil servant woman inspection door"Behavior art.


yesterday,According to initiate and participate in this"flash"The action of two female college students in wuhan"Pig and"and"Small 2"(Are net)introduce,They already in the afternoon in hubei province, and to submit one club hall information public application form,Required to"Civil servant woman inspection"The formulation of related terms to explain the basis and purpose.In the information publicity in the application form,They also require hubei people club hall to the civil servants women check this link will selection/Screening and the proportion of the specific number,And in the process of inspection and test results of the privacy protection of the reply.


this,Hubei province people club hall office is responsible for the reception of the SongXinRan to SMW reporter response said,According to related regulations,Will be given reply within 15 working days.It also said,Hubei province in the civil servants in ZhaoLu check-up is strictly implement the provisions of the state,"We are the executor of the policy,Not makers."


组织者:或将向人社部提交申请 organizers:Or will to club department submit the application


According to GaiTing introduced related personnel,At present the country civil servants in the ZhaoLu still apply introduced in 2007[Civil servants employed medical operation manual(trial)].Check the history contained in the collection,Content for the"Asking age at menarche/cycle/Amount of bleeding/duration/Last menstrual period of time,For dysmenorrhea,Leucorrhea character,With symptoms have(Such as pruritus vulvae/Lower quadrant abdominal pain/Micturition anomaly, etc),Without abdominal pain,Baby is a history/surgeries/Tumor past history, etc".At the same time according to married,Needs to check the vulva/vaginal/cervical/corpus/Accessories and secretion character;For singles do anal clinical inspection,Check the vulva/corpus/Accessories, etc.


"The inspection way is very deep into the woman's nakedness,Female body will feel discomfort."After submitting this application"Pig and"Tell SMW reporter,"Women are not active seek medical advice,to‘induction’for‘coerce’,Bare the body parts of privacy,This is the female privacy and dignity of the infringement.moreover,Medical environment is the half open,Women's privacy is not guaranteed."


In the current[manual]in,Men only stipulate the external genital check,in"Pig and"It seems this is applicable"Double standard","Why do men only request inspection genitalia,While women have to accept such a thorough check?"She thinks it is recessive improved women's employment threshold."In this process may appear two kinds of circumstances,One is the women because extreme rejection and give up;The second is may have girls because women inspection didn't pass without being employed."


According to the female college students to understand,Women inspection purpose is to check whether suffering from disease and malignant tumor."First of all,The tumor is not infectious,This does not affect work;secondly,strictly,Venereal disease only will spread through sexual contact,Normal working way is not infectious.So it is necessary to check the woman?""Pig and"said,"I think the investigation of unit of choose and employ persons the consistency of the applicant's personal quality and work ability,Has no right to know individual privacy.And government departments for medical standard has the demonstration effect,If institutions and enterprises also follow,It may cause the female injured enlargement."


Organizers said,Then they plan to launch the net friend to the provinces to submit information to make public application,The next step they will according to the situation,To the formulation and promulgation and implementation of the provisions of the current national people club department/The ministry of health information to make public application submitted.
