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女童被体罚致嘴出血 老师称不听话就会用棍子打--亲稳网络舆情监控室

女童被体罚致嘴出血 老师称不听话就会用棍子打 被打小学生陈丽嘴唇上的伤痕 A pupil Chen lips wound

女童被体罚致嘴出血 老师称不听话就会用棍子打 三亚市红郊小学二年级教室一角放着数根棍子 Sanya red rural elementary school second grade classroom corner put backward stick


因用棍子敲打电脑,学生被老师责令换座位无果,被老师打手、拉扯 With a stick for beating the computer,Students shall be ordered by the teacher without change the seat,Hatchet man by the teacher/pull


7岁女童被老师体罚致嘴唇出血 7 years old girl was the teacher corporal punishment to lips bleeding


The sanya red rural primary school,More than the school students are said to have suffered from corporal punishment - party teachers have admitted it,said"Sometimes students not obedient will use a stick beater"

体罚4岁女童摔成重伤 女老师被提起
The corporal punishment 4 years old girl fall off into severely wounded female teacher was mentioned? ?? ?


Sanya reappearance students was the teacher corporal punishment event December 5,Sanya red sand residents ms dong to the south island evening news reporter reflect says,The enrolled in sanya red rural elementary school second grade daughter Chen(alias)During the class by the school teachers ChenJianHua corporal punishment,The lips of bleeding,ears/His left knee and elbow arm body, such as sedimentation in parts of the swollen.this,ChenJianHua said,Yesterday during the class,Because Chen naughty,She asked the exchange seats,But refused.therefore,She was playing with a stick for the child's hand,Then by hand pull,But the accident,Make the students fell to the ground the lips blood.At the same time,This student has reflected by the corporal punishment,ChenJianHua expressed"Sometimes students not obedient,Will use a stick beater".


家长投诉 7岁女儿上课期间遭老师体罚摔倒在地致嘴唇破裂 Parents complained 7 years old daughter during the class by the teacher corporal punishment fell to the ground to lips rupture


5,,Ms dong told reporters,Their daughter Chen seven years old this year,Enrolled in red rural middle school second grade.Corporal punishment ChenJianHua teacher for her daughter in class the teacher in charge/Mathematical sciences teachers.Ms dong said,Yesterday morning the third session,Daughter sat in the first row to attend a lecture,Because of class daughter has some little tricks,Touch the classroom teaching equipment ahead.so,The teacher ChenJianHua asked Chen exchange seats,But was refused.And then it happened corporal punishment event."Daughter said,The teacher gave her hand,Also took her ears drag,Made her fall to the ground,The lips are hurt."Ms dong said,In addition to the lips rupture bleeding,Daughter ears/arm/In his left knee and elbow on the silt swollen.Yesterday afternoon,Reporter in the red rural primary school met ms dong's daughter,The upper lip obvious fracture swollen purple,School uniforms bore the impress of wipe the blood.In addition,Double ear clear red.Chen also to the reporters about his teacher a corporal punishment,And ms dong mentioned consistent.


记者走访 教室内放着多根木棍 多名学生表示均遭木棍打手 Reporter visited the classroom put more wood more students are said by thugs stick


A girl's Chen said,ChenJianHua teachers corporal punishment student is not rare."Before the teacher hit me,Other students also suffer through play."Also said,During class,ChenJianHua teacher often students corporal punishment,To use a stick beater.


yesterday,The reporter comes to a girl in the class and grade classroom found,In the classroom the platform put the two pieces of wood,But in front of the classroom in the corner,Also put the other a few pieces of wood,These sticks each have length.Some of the students in the class also told reporters,Once was the teacher used a stick beater.Ms dong told reporters,Yesterday was the daughter corporal punishment,The teacher ChenJianHua only through the phone to her about some of the situation,And said a sentence"I'm sorry".But for her daughter was teachers corporal punishment bleeding,She says she is very angry."Schools should teach children well,How can you just play?One thousand hit crashed head?"


校方回应 Response to the


负责人在外学习 Person in charge on learning


教师称“有时候不听话就会用棍子打” Teachers said"Sometimes not obedient will play with a stick"


Yesterday afternoon,Reporters came to sanya red rural primary school.ChenJianHua due to study abroad,Not in the,The principal and the teaching and learning are out.


In a girl's in the classroom,Reporters found their Chinese teacher.She said,After receiving the corporal punishment student teacher did not reflect.As for the classroom podium why put more wood,The teacher said not informed.


then,Reporter through the telephone to ChenJianHua.The corporal punishment for yesterday,She says the historicity."class,she(Chen)Play computer with a stick,Then I will change her position,Chen is not,So I will smite the her hand,Then pulled her hand,carelessly,She fell to the ground,The scraped his lips."ChenJianHua said.


For students reflect was often the corporal punishment,ChenJianHua, said"Sometimes students not obedient,Will use a stick beater".So the corporal punishment student teacher,Schools and education department what is attitude?And will make what kind of treatment?This will continue to focus on.(South island evening news reporter ZhangHongBo/wen ShaXiaoFeng/diagram)
