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海南一中学8女生群殴同学 打人视频上网(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

定安县城南中学一女生被几名同学带到附近一小学校园殴打,事后将打人视频传到网上 DingAnXian city middle school girls were a few students to a nearby elementary school campus beating,Afterwards will hit video on Internet
本报定安12月5日电(记者聂元剑 姚传伟摄影报道)11月24日,一段在网上传播的视频引起网民的共愤,该视频拍摄地点位于定安县第三小学校园内,内容主要是8名女中学生围攻殴打一名女同学,被打女生全身多处被打伤。定安县教育局接到举报并进行调查后,于近日对这起打人事件进行了严肃认真地处理。
Our DingAn December 5,(Reporter nie yuan jian YaoChuanWei photojournalism)On November 24,,A video on the Internet caused by the spread of the Internet users were indignant,The video shooting DingAnXian site is located on the third elementary school campus,The content is mainly eight female students lay siege to the beating of a female classmate,A girl in the whole body was wounded.DingAnXian education bureau receives reports and after investigation,In the recent events for the hit seriously processing.
网民报料:一女中学生遭8同学群殴 Netizens are attempting:A female student was eight students ou
More than net friend to our blog news hotline,They found out from the Internet a ou's video,The video shooting site is DingAnXian third elementary school campus,The main content of the video is eight female students WeiOu a female classmate,They were playing for a girl to use a variety of means an abusive,Have smoke a slap in the face of/Useful stick dozen/With a kick...Black-and-blue junior high school girls in the whole body was wounded.
This section of video object for forty minutes,The net friend to expressed great indignation.
Net friend Mr. Chen said:"Look from the video,The eight hitting girls and girls playing,Age is not big,Only 16 years old.But these DaRenZhe behavior is very hateful,Properties is harsh.If these words or students,We don't know what school education in the students heart up what kind of role?We don't know the children's parents see after the video,How will the feeling?In a word,This video let a person to students' education and future now feel very concern!"
Net friend miss zhang said:"As far as I know,A girl in DingAnXian city middle school read the junior middle school second grade.The eight female students hit people,Still dare to put this period of video on the Internet to show off,Properties is harsh,We hope that the media this survey,This section of the video of the truth."
记者调查:被打学生不敢吭声 Journalists to investigate:A student can't utter a word
Reporters attempting to surf the net to get this period when an video,Video web site has been deleted.Reporter then after investigation and confirmation,Eight DaRenZhe did and is reading the middle school students.The six DaRenZhe is DingAn city middle school girls,Is one of the two 3:00 dongshan district middle school girls.Did DingAn city middle school is a read girls there.
Reporters on the matter today to DingAn city middle school for interview,The school is more security serious obstruct.Reporters then call the DingAn city middle school principal WuYouDing interview.That is a reporter to interview,President ng to on a business trip for don't want to introduce to the reporter situation.The reporter repeated after advice,President ng just simply said the incident.
Wu said the principal:Video record in an event occurred in 2012 November 16(Friday)ShiSanShi around noon.Is there did south high school female students Lin.Lin is in haikou before 3:00 dongshan district of middle school,This semester to turn to DingAn south of the middle school.
Lin in dongshan school and the school two girls contradiction happened,On November 16, ShiSanShi around noon,The two girls and city middle school a six girls,Lin will be near to DingAnXian third elementary school campus and beating them,Hit the scene was made into a video,And on the network communication.
The reporter asked:"Have net friend say,The eight DaRenZhe off on the girl's clothes,And take video on the Internet."
Wu said the principal:"Take off,The eight DaRenZhe do the action,Want to take off the clothes did,But didn't take off."
The reporter asked:"School when I found this situation?"
Wu said the principal:"An event is November 16 happen,A student always dare not to the school or the public security departments to report.A student goes on November 24 in the Internet to see this period after the video,JiaoJiao whose report to police after,The school has to know this matter of investigation."
打人的学生受到学校批评教育 At a student was school criticism education
The school found immediately after DingAnXian education bureau to reflect the situation.This bureau held a meeting right now,Instruct city middle school to decommission in time.City middle school immediately send a student to the hospital inspection treatment,The hospital inspection happen,A student body in soft tissue injury.The students have to go back to school to class this week.
City middle school leadership in under the leadership of President ng,When facing on students and parents offer an apology.The school to participate in an event of a few students severely criticized education,And the parents call to coordinate together,Resolve the contradiction between both parties.City middle school also holds the student assembly,Aims to learn from,Carefully to find the existing problems in the management of the school,Earnestly pays special attention to the improvement.
Reporter then in DingAnXian bureau that interview,That DingAnXian education bureau:This event fully exposed to the south of the middle school student management work does not reach the designated position.Fight place in the county school,School campus management are neutral,The headmaster as school safety first responsible persons,To the school management and student management bears unshirkable responsibility.therefore,Decided to city middle school principal wu and DingAnXian third primary school principal king are criticized,And ordered the two schools of education in five working days, submit to strengthen the management of students and campus management countermeasures.At the same time for the primary and secondary schools to learn from this incident,Strengthen students' social responsibility education/Moral education/Legal education work,Maintain good school daily teaching order and students' personal safety.
According to wu President introduced:On students and their parents to the county education bureau and school processing result is satisfactory.President ng don't agree with reporters on students,Be afraid influence students' future study and life.
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