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FanLuYan,The current Beijing jingshan school principal and general party branch secretary.In January 1977,Began to teach in Beijing jingshan school,Served as a political teacher/Teacher in charge/Grade group leader/Youth corps committee secretary/Vice President/Deputy secretary of the party branch.In May 1997,As general party branch secretary of the.In April 2001,As the principal.The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization concurrently in the asia-pacific region, deputy director of the contact center project/The national education master degree education steering committee members/Beijing normal university education college part-time supervisors/China's middle school students sports association volleyball club President/China association for science and education experts committee, deputy director of the foundation education research,Has won"Beijing outstanding education workers",Published many papers and several monographs.


成长的坎坷,锻造了范禄燕吃苦耐劳、甘于奉献、追求完美的品质。范禄燕的青少年时代,经历了家境突变,但磨难是最好的人生教育,年轻气盛的范禄燕相信,自己干什么都能干出样来。 Growing difficulties,The forging FanLuYan bear hardships and stand hard work/Willing to devote/The pursuit of the perfect quality.The FanLuYan teens,Through the family circumstances mutation,But suffering is the best life education,To accelerate FanLuYan believe the young,His do do a sample.


After to work,FanLuYan and jingshan school Shared the common experiences of the 1977-1982 five years from the educational reform,Through the 1983-1997 school comprehensive reform test stage,Personal gradually mature.With the further development of school education reform,He in the role of school is changed.


In September 1978,FanLuYan as school youth corps committee secretary.In July 1984,The 29-year-old FanLuYan jingshan school become the new leadership of the youngest vice President,Beijing is also the primary and secondary schools the youngest President.In office on the speech,FanLuYan said:"I XiaoFan,Or XiaoFan."He hope that we can continue to treat him,At the same time also remind yourself still young,To keep young people's momentum,Also want to overcome the young man's not mature.Until now,Peers also affectionately call him"XiaoFan",He also used to himself"XiaoFan".


the"XiaoFan",Because young and confident,There is a"Now the move from the beginning"Courageous and resolute with bold and unconstrained,Has a kwan tai of heroism;Today's"XiaoFan",Because confidence and young,After many difficulties/Complicated after the contradiction,To the society/life/Education and the relationship between the basic understanding,Make him in dealing with problems in the bag.


As deputy head of 16 years,FanLuYan no grandiloquence,Still keep the pure and simple,Whether in the lives/Study in the field of the army/camp,Or in the National Day 35 anniversary of the square/Asian games training,And the main body education platform/The school sports team game/Students' extracurricular activity places/Trade union activities/Night duty room,Can see he is young/Vigorous figure.


Spare time,FanLuYan to continue education,And in 1985 to obtain the Chinese people's university Chinese bachelor degree.In 1998,,By the Beijing municipal party committee party school construction master degree.


The spring of 1997,Beijing jingshan school to carry out"Three approaches"policy,Start the modern education the six big projects,That is the modern moral education project/Teaching system engineering/Teachers engineering/Higher network project/The new school engineering and modern education industry engineering,In order to realize the running mode of the 21st century.however,In this critical moment,Old headmaster cancer live in the hospital,Jingshan school where to go?


At this time,As deputy secretary of the party/Executive vice President of the FanLuYan in duty bound to take up the responsibility of the school comprehensive work:The school and stable development/Daily education teaching management/Modern education six project implementation/The second phase of the project construction, etc.


一次,在探视完老校长返校的途中,范禄燕深有感触地说:“要当好景山学校的校长,就会像崔校长那样累死!”话语简单,却道出了景山学校校长的责任、艰辛和苦衷。 a,After visiting the old headmaster way back,That FanLuYan said:"Be good jingshan the headmaster of the school,Will be like cui the headmaster that dead tired!"Simple words,But recognizes jingshan school principal responsibility/Hardships and difficulties.


In April 1998,Old headmaster died,FanLuYan to a normal heart to face,Step by step to deal with the school work.may,Dongcheng district education bureau party committee organization department listens to all aspects of advice,Installing FanLuYan the school's overall work,As a legal person and the school,Investigation in a year.


In April 2001,Dongcheng district education bureau party committee formally appointed FanLuYan for Beijing jingshan school principal.Experienced too many hardships and test,FanLuYan in their own strong party spirit/Jingshan school of love/Education reform of loyalty,Won the trust of the staff,Through the investigation of the organization.


Van presidents to"Three approaches"Education thought as pointer,Adhere to the"All-round development of ground,The development of personality education talent"Purpose of running school,established"inheritance/reference/innovation"Six working policy,Good thinking/In-depth thinking/Realistic attitude and innovative spirit,Physically to take on education reform pioneer and research leader responsibility.


In FanLuYan seems,Rights are the basic characteristics of a leader,Is the leader in leadership activities essential factor,Is the leader in the implementation of the basic guarantee of leadership activities.But the right is not equal to the authority,It is just part of the authority.From the point of view of leadership science,Right is the leader of the implementation of the leadership goals a means or tool,The embodiment of the final rights by authority and trust.A grassroots leaders in order to realize the target leadership,To make their rights produce certain effect,The core is the official moral problems:Character factors that/To factors/Knowledge factors/Emotional factors.


Leading cadres should not only know the right hand,More important to know the responsibility of the body.First from the thought to realize the necessity of to work.secondly,To deal with the relationship between the representative and lead,Guide you to accomplish certain work target,Responsibility reflected in service work quality.


Leaders at all levels,No matter from one position to another,Qualifications depth,In the field of work undertaken to boil down to serve the people up.Service is"right"/"responsibility"Unity based,"right"Is a tool,To serve the people of the tool,"responsibility"Is the embodiment of the service.


范禄燕做校长始终遵循五条原则: FanLuYan do the principal and always follow the five principles:


One is the first,Don't put on AIRS;


The second is appoint people by abilities,See the merits of others;


The third is broad-minded,Make it up;


Four is to unite first,Don't be biased;


Five is brainstorm,To listen to the voice.


在此基础上,范校长要求每个干部: On the basis of,Fan the headmaster asked each cadre:

  第一, 要有和奉献的精神;

The first, To have and dedication spirit;

  第二, 要有良好的政治素质和忧患意识;

The second, To have good political quality and consciousness of suffering;

  第三, 要善于团结群众,心胸开阔;

The third, Be good at the unity,open-minded;


The fourth,The same to,Dare to comment,To be responsible.


在学校管理上,他提出三“不”: In the school management,He put forward three"Don't":

  一、 不自以为是。

a/ Don't thinks.

  二、 不偏听偏信。顺心的话要听,不顺的话也要听。

two/ Don't be biased.To hear a word,Not words to hear.

  三、 不独断专行。讲民主,但是关键时刻应“独断专行”。

three/ Not a.About democracy,But the key moment should be"could".
