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校车司机被指多次强奸13岁女生 称泄露就杀全家--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  黑龙江新闻网讯日前,一名正值花季的13岁女中学生,被绥化市肇东市四站镇的一名校车司机强奸强奸后这名司机并未罢休竟然叫来朋友将这名花季少女轮奸。目前,当地公安机关已对此事立案调查。 Heilongjiang news network dispatch a few days ago,A value of flower 13 years old female students,Be ZhaoDongShi suihua four station in the town of a school bus driver rape,Rape the driver did not give up should call friends will be a flower girl gang rape.At present,The local public security organ to initiate an investigation has the matter.
Violence is 13 year old female students fly(alias)Living in suihua ZhaoDongShi four station town the following a CunTun.In order to better the condition of home,The child's parents to find jobs,No company on her daughter's side.Feifei usually live in grandma and grandma's house,The child's school daily life also by the old man take care of,Fly in a middle school ZhaoDongShi four station town.
"On November 30 children night did not go home,Kinship family also does not have,And the Internet bar to the town/The hotel also looking for was not found."Fly mother what she said:"On December 1 night more than ten points,Finally, in fly home to find students.I asked fly to go last night?Feifei cried and told me that was the school bus driver LiuMou called out in the hotel to live,That night was the school bus driver LiuMou and his friends to the violence."
After hearing that her daughter encounter,Fly mother any woman was angry and hate,So to the local public security department alarm.the,The school bus driver LiuMou caught by the police,LiuMou friends escape.

"Afterwards fly told me,In the afternoon the school bus driver LiuMou call her,That fly lying out,Out will fly to a hotel in the town,In hotels LiuMou will daughter rape.Finished after,The school bus driver LiuMou and gave his friend call wang mou,Speaking relax myself.then,Wang mou and LiuMouLing the fly out drinking to eat,Will fly drink many.But fly clear consciousness,Want to run away.But by two people's threatened,If you run to kill your family.but,Feifei is compelled the hotel,In the hotel in a guest room two people will fly gang rape."Fly mother any woman angry of say:"Not only is the fly was rape,Alarm after,Feifei is also introduced to the police,She was on the five grade,After school the school bus driver LiuMou will not let her daughter go home,The school bus and assaulted have many times,Afterwards will scare the children,Don't let with home said,If a slew of your family.Feifei already can't remember what happened and how many times LiuMou relationship,According to the child memory,Three weeks or so happened once."
"In recent months, he found that children don't want to speak,upset/temper,On October 15, children say what also don't go to school.Which know children bear so play pressure ah!Children are the parents' hope,Out of this thing,As a mother I was very guilty."Any lady told reporters:"Now the child began to cry woke up at midnight,Become and we were before,Now become fear,As long as there is a stranger way children covered by began to cry."
Reporters from the local police department to know,Fly on the school bus for black M93557 license plate,The owner is the only other sound's just.And driving the school bus is LiuMou suspects,Not in the traffic police department for the record.And fly in the ZhaoDongShi four station town middle school 2012-2013 last semester SongZi car TAB suspect LiuMou name appears in the registration form.The above can be seen,A local department of the school bus management have an unshirkable responsibility.

  根据我国最高人民法院在2003年1月颁布的一个题为《关于行为人明知是不满十四周岁的幼女双方自愿发生性关系是否构成强奸罪问题的批复》规定:"行为人明知是不满十四周岁的幼女而与 其发生性关系,不论幼女自愿,均应依照刑法第236条第2款的规定,以强奸罪定罪处罚"。本报将继续关注此事进展。
According to our country the supreme people's court in January 2003 issued a titled[About that person is less than ten years old girl around the consensual is a rape of reply]Regulation:"That person is less than ten years old girl around with its sex,Whether voluntary girl,Which shall be in accordance with article 236 of the criminal law the provisions of paragraph 2,Rape convicted and punished".This will continue to focus on this matter.
新闻链接: News link:

  根据《校车安全管理条例》第五条规定:县级以上地方人民政府对本行政区域的校车安全管理工作负总责;第二十五条:机动车驾驶人未取得校车驾驶资格,不得驾驶校车。禁止聘用未取得 校车驾驶资格的机动车驾驶人驾驶校车;第三十八条:配备校车的学校、校车服务提供者应当指派照管人员随校车全程照管乘车学生。校车服务提供者为学校提供校车服务的,双方可以约定 由学校指派随车照管人员;第四十七条:机动车驾驶人未取得校车驾驶资格驾驶校车的,由公安机关交通管理部门处1000元以上3000元以下的罚款,情节严重的,可以并处吊销机动车驾驶证 。

According to the[The school bus safety management regulations]The provisions of article 5:The local people's government at or above the county level this administrative region of the school bus safety management overall responsibility;Article 25:Motor vehicle driver who has not yet obtained a school bus driver qualification,Not driving school bus.Prohibit employment has not obtained the qualification of the school bus driving motor vehicle drivers driving school bus;Article 38:Equipped with the school bus school/The school bus service provider shall appoint over personnel with the school bus ride over the students.The school bus service providers to provide for the school bus service,Both sides may be agreed upon by the school assignment lorry-mounted care personnel;Article 47:Motor vehicle driver who has not yet obtained a school bus driver qualification of the driving school,The traffic administrative department of the public security organs in 1000 yuan of above 3000 yuan of the following amerce,If the circumstances are serious,May also be motor vehicle driving license revoked .


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China and Taiwan on July 21 news according to Taiwan media reports,Taichung a cram school boss wang,4 years in cram school basement or while driving the shuttle,When students face to have 12 girls obscene sexual harassment 1013 times,Which girl almost every day was invasion,A girl was more in three years around 536 times,The court in accordance with the previous one sin a penalty sentence the name abnormal Wolf division in October 4613,The longest shall implement the 30 years of imprisonment,For most rapes sentence.table"Supreme Court"Yesterday rejected an appeal conviction.[detailed]

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detailed] ]

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