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幼儿园门口,不断有家长在探听情况 Kindergarten at the door of the,The parents had constantly gather information


WuGangShi in pingdingshan,A enterprise kindergarten suddenly notice,The end of this month to repel to more than 500 non-enterprise worker children.time,Let thousands of children parents lose one's head,Worrying about.To repel the children is the direct cause of the,Kindergarten itself of heavy losses,Enterprise is cancelled subsidies,And commodity price department refused to price adjustment.


This is located in the county/Have children in the kindergarten,Published operating costs for more than 6.25 million yuan,And Joe fee income is only 1.6 million yuan,Net loss of more than 460 yuan.


【家长投诉】500多名幼儿正上学,却面临清退 [Parents complained]More than 500 children are to go to school,Faced to repel


On December 12th morning,More than WuGang citizens to our reporter reflects the matter.


Citizens Mr. Gao children this year 4 years old,In WuGang in kindergarten."yesterday,Son cried and ran back,Say parents not WuGang company work,Don't let the kindergarten."Mr. Gao said,The kindergarten have central heating in winter,The summer air conditioning,No matter in hardware or software,It is WuGangShi best.The son for two years,And the teacher and children get along well with each other,Heard that don't let the sad.


Mr. Gao hurriedly find kindergarten,Find son said is true.On December 11,,Kindergarten post it,From next year on January 1,Will not repel the staff and workers of the children.And he and his wife are not company worker,In the range of column to repel.To find out,More than 500 children will face is to repel.This is his panic,"On the one hand,The peripheral have no other kindergarten,If be to repel don't know this, to send their child to kindergartens;On the other hand,Children in a new environment can not adapt to the".


Another student parents say,At present,The child monthly Joe fee is 170 yuan,Every day to be delivered eight yuan meals,This standard although not high,But has been higher than the local public kindergarten a large margin.The local public kindergarten fees is born every 130 yuan a month,But private kindergarten fees 250 yuan or so,The highest reached 400 yuan.


Parents say,WuGang kindergarten belongs to hebei iron and steel group wuyang iron and steel co., LTD(Hereinafter referred to as WuGang company),Is a enterprise to kindergarten,But always faces the society recruit students,Don't know why suddenly to repel the worker children.


In the morning,Hundreds of parents to WuGang municipal party committee reflects the situation.


【幼儿园称】“无奈之举”,每年亏损400多万元 [Kindergarten said]"trepidation",Losses every year more than 400 yuan


On December 12, at about 2 PM,The reporter comes to WuGangShi temple is located in the slope of the two WuGang kindergarten.The kindergarten covers an area of nearly square meters,Although some of the old building,But all the facilities,Internal is divided into a/two/The three points.The existing 29 class,Staff of more than 110 people,Is henan province demonstration kindergartens.


Posted at the gate of the[A letter to parents],Introduced the cause of the children to repel:Since 1976 since the opening of the kindergarten,Has been responsible for their own profits and losses,Never enjoy government subsidies.the,Every born 170 yuan a month "fee,Has far cannot support the normal operation of the kindergarten.And the current situation,The company no longer investment subsidies,Commodity price departments and not according to the kindergarten children business cost accounting "fee,Just have to make the move.


"It is with trepidation",WuGang kindergarten to name the principal is introduced,The existing 1087 students,The 537 names are enterprise worker children,Accounts for about a half."We loathe to give up the child,Also don't want to let them go,But I can't."In the principal said,In April this year,WuGangShi price bureau to the zoo verification,In 2011, the total cost is 6.25 million yuan,The actual holder fee income of more than 1.6 million yuan,The company subsidy of more than 460 yuan.


A WuGangShi price bureau approved list the cost of the display,In 2011 WuGang kindergarten in the expenses,Personnel spending more than 5.97 million yuan,Including salary is 3.51 million yuan,Welfare funds more than 490000 yuan,Social BaoZhangFei of more than 1.96 million yuan;Public spending 196000 yuan,Including associated fee is 118000 yuan,Travel 4182 yuan;The other 73000 yuan.


117 workers,Personnel spending will be 5.97 million?"We are according to each class 2 teacher/A nurse equipment,And are regular staff,Most of the work in one hundred and twenty,Relatively high wages to some."In the principal said,Personnel cost high,It is enterprise kindergarten special place,While private kindergarten most is to hire the teacher,Cost is low.


Kindergarten staff said,Lead to kindergarten is the root cause of the heavy losses,Fee is according to public charge,Standard commodity price departments need to pass verification,But all the cost shall be borne.If, in accordance with the cost accounting,Every life has fee per month to 550 yuan,The 170 yuan is far from enough.Company worker to repel after their children,Can not only reduce the operation cost and can reduce labor cost,To reduce the burden of the enterprise."Enterprise kindergarten itself contains welfare nature,Primarily for the staff and workers of the enterprise service,Now for the part is equivalent to the social service responsibility".


【最新进展】当地教育、物价 多部门正在协商 [The latest progress]The local education/Price departments are consultation


interview,The reporter understands,WuGang kindergarten is in the WuGang company life service management,Kindergarten itself and no autonomy.This year,Under the influence of iron and steel situation,WuGang profits decline,To perform the fine management,Finally cancel kindergarten subsidies,And this is the main source of fund kindergarten.


Yesterday afternoon,WuGangShi ZhangXing bureau party committee member said,WuGang kindergarten belong to enterprise kindergarten,Education bureau in business for guidance.At present,It has attracted the attention of the education bureau,After communication,The parents of the students for the kindergarten existing business difficult to understand said,Think can adjust charging standard,Education is joint price bureau to surrounding areas kindergarten fees investigation,To take out a let parents and kindergarten can accept solutions.


WuGangShi price bureau chief wang on the phone is introduced,after,WuGang kindergarten has two times has raised the fee standard,Every life has the monthly fee raised from 110 yuan to 140 yuan,In July and raised to 170 yuan,And at present WuGangShi area municipal kindergarten "fee is 130 yuan,Have more than one section."On one hand we should consider the actual situation of the kindergarten,On the other hand also have to consider parents bear ability,Now are trying to solve."

  本报的采访也引起舞钢公司的高度重视。昨日上午,该公司宣传部专门向本报通报了进展,公司经过研究决定,已经叫停了幼儿园清退孩子的做法,“绝对不会让一个孩子退园”。但是,幼儿园经营困难的事实存在,公司将积极与舞钢市相关部门沟通,寻找解决的办法。 (大河报 记者尚杰文图 )

The interview also cause WuGang company attaches great importance to.Yesterday morning,The propaganda department of the company to our special report progress,The company after the decision,Has called for a kindergarten to repel the practice of children,"Never let a child back garden".but,The kindergarten management difficult evidence,The company will actively communicate with WuGangShi related departments,Looking for solutions. (The river news reporter Chris hayes wen diagram )
