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4龄童深夜坠下16楼奇迹生还 谜团重重(组图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

4龄童深夜坠下16楼奇迹生还 谜团重重(组图)16楼3楼约4米中间有连廊 16 floor 3 floor about 4 meters of corridor在客厅熟睡的他竟然掉到相距4米的对面楼3楼平台 In the sitting room sleeping he had dropped to 4 meters apart from the opposite side of the building 3 floor platform


39 meters high from the place of freely falling bodies is what concept?Through the calculation,Ground objects only about 2.8 seconds.If a person from such a high place fell down,Surely everyone says will die.


At 12,Sweet dream garden shop in stone bridge the 4 years old children WuHao(alias)Was found from the floor of the house,Fell to the village to another building 3 floor platform,Was miraculously survived.Chongqing morning paper reporter after the visit,Find the mystery of.


Mother ms. Zhang memories,The child in the evening in the sitting room fell asleep inside,He didn't have the heart to shout woke up.At three in the morning,Mother got up the toilet,Find the darling sleep son,Had gone.


Of the sitting room the window was wide open,Mom and dad to go around to find the child,Results in the village another building 3 floor platform on the garden,Found the bloody son.


A 4 years old kids fall in the middle of the floor,And still fell to 4 meters apart on the floor of the opposite?What is the buffer strength,Let the child survived?Mother recall son is take off clothes sleeping,After falling from a building, why put on the coat?


防盗门反锁着 Burglary-resisting door locks the


沙发上的儿子却不见了 The son of the sofa is gone


Parents looking for,Just in the opposite 3 floor found the bloody children,The doctor diagnosed his body more fractures/Craniocerebral injury


At noon yesterday,Heavy medical children's hospital affiliated ZhengXingKe burn in the ward,WuHao after after the rescue,For a better situation.Looking at the lying in bed son,Young parents eyes are red,As long as someone ask a child,They will can't help but cry.


bed,4 the WuHao lie low,Will wake up from time to time,Half open eyes straight shout pain.His forehead gauze dress has been all the blood dyed red,Cheeks have eight channel is the trace of the scratch.Sitting beside mother ms. Zhang looking son tears,My father is always on the bedside table screen,As long as the Numbers indicate a big change,He immediately inform the doctor.


"He in the sitting room night play,And then fell asleep on the sofa,I think he is sleeping soundly,There is no waked him."Ms. Zhang memories,The son in the sitting room sofa fell asleep,And her husband went back to the bedroom to sleep.At three in the morning,When she got up to the toilet,Find son has not the sofa,No one in the bedroom.Look at the door of guard against theft is the locks,Son didn't have a key can't open the door out.


夫妻俩四处寻找 A couple are looking for


发现儿子落在对面楼上 Found his son fell on the opposite upstairs


Ms. Zhang feel strange,To wake her husband.so,Two people in the house lights all open,Searched but didn't find one.suddenly,Ms. Zhang turned to see the living room window wide open,Don't know why,Suddenly a heart pain:"Son is not fell downstairs now?"Thought of here,Ms. Zhang and her husband even wear coat all too late,Went in haste to run downstairs.


soon,Ms. Zhang and her husband across a storied building 3 floor platform,Found the whole body is blood unconscious WuHao son.Ms. Zhang almost fainting in the past,Fortunately, the husband will be calm,To drive the son to heavy medical affiliated children's hospital.At this time,From their son not found,Have the past for nearly an hour.


Ms. Zhang memories,Son sleep on the sofa,Should be took off the clothes,Son can be found,He didn't know why to wear the coat.Yesterday afternoon,Ms. Zhang couples keep waiting anxiously for outdoor in surgery,Her son at two o 'clock in the morning that is about to fall down the stairs,Others don't want to say more.


孩子全身多处骨折 Children in the whole body bone fracture


但奇迹般地活了下来 But miraculously survived


Yesterday afternoon,WuHao doctor/Burn ZhengXingKe medical director of the master said professor first step,12 at 4 am WuHao was sent to the hospital,Come bathe in blood,And the whole body cold/High blood pressure/Rapid heart rate,Has been the state of shock.immediately,The doctor the series of rescue,And immediately call in orthopedics/neurosurgery/Chest cardiac surgery/Hepatic surgery and burn ZhengXingKe doctor together with big consultation,Best to save the little WuHao life.


FuYueXian professor says,After inspection,Find WuHao falling lead to uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock,The whole body many fractures,Including right femur comminuted fracture/On the right side of tibiofibula multiple fractures/Frontal comminuted fracture/On the right side of ulna radial multiple fractures, etc.In addition,He has the whole body skin soft tissue CuoLieShang/Pulmonary contusion with wound/Closed abdominal injury/Craniocerebral injury, etc.


After nearly 12 hours of the rescue,The shock WuHao has basically correct,Vital signs have been right,Fracture have been with a fixed.12 5 p.m.,WuHao pushed to the children's hospital in the operating room.


FuYueXian professor says,From such a high floor break, was still alive,rare.He thinks WuHao falling process must meet obstacles the barrier,Otherwise the odds is very small.


Field pays a return visit


The falling from a building in the event,Three big mystery to solution


4 years old boy is how to fell downstairs?After falling from a building site exactly is how?yesterday,Chongqing morning paper reporter with a variety of questions came to the stone bridge sweet dream garden village shop.


谜团一 Mystery a


不到1米高的4岁小孩 Less than 1 m high 4 years old children


如何越过窗台坠楼? How to across the window after falling from a building?


Yesterday afternoon at 3 o 'clock,Chongqing morning news reporters came to sweet dream garden plot found,The village has three unit group row of tall buildings,The total floor 19 layer.A building to the third floor is commercial housing,From the building about 4 meters,There is a house across the lane three storeys high commercial building,Roof garden is,And sweet dream garden the residential building with air corridor between on the third floor to place.


In the security under the guidance of Mr. Chen,The reporter comes to WuHao falling from a building in the flower-stand.Looked up,And floor of the sitting room the window was wide open.WuHao mother ms. Zhang said,Son usually isn't very naughty,Also won't climb everywhere.Don't WuHao is in the comfort of falling from a building?In addition,General residential,The height of the window or rail in more than one meter,And only 4 years old WuHao height should be less than one meter.In this case,Could he be over after falling from a building window?


谜团二 Mystery two


两栋楼之间距离近4米 Distance between two buildings nearly 4 meters


孩子是怎么掉过去的? How is the child off the past?


The child fall in flower-stand about fifty centimeters wide,Stick around the wide about ten centimeters of ceramic tile.Outside the flower-stand blood has been set,The flower-stand a tree is about 1 meter tall tree in a break.Reporter in the side found two yellow shoes,Size and 4 years old children consistent with,The side of the earth have a deep about 3 centimeters of pit,Should be WuHao the site.


but,According to the visual,WuHaoGu windowsill distance across the floor of the flower-stand about 4 meters.If WuHao is careless fell off,Why not directly dropped to below their storied building,But fell to 4 meters outside the opposite building on the third floor of flowers?Security Chen teacher says,If from 16 floor high place jumping out,Can jump so far.


谜团三 Mystery three


从16层高楼落下 From 16 storeys fall


是不是小树救了他一命? Whether the saved his life?


From 16 floor fall,What is the strength as a buffer,Saved 4 years old children's lives?Reporters from the floor of the window to see,All the floor below the,There is only one place installed plastic canopy,And in good condition.In addition,Then no obstacle.that,WuHao drop of,First come into contact with might be opposite the building that was about 1 m high small trees,Then is the flower-stand soil.


so,Whether or not the small tree saved WuHao life?(This paper WuHao for alias)

  本组文/重庆晨报记者 罗清艺

The text/chongqing morning paper reporter LuoQingYi


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