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  中新网12月5日电台湾《旺报》5日刊载高雄大学许杰翔的采访报道,报道提到,就读北京清华大学的台湾交换生李京翰对大陆学生自发自动的学习态度印象深刻, 这种好学精神塑造了大陆学生的竞争力,也在好的方面影响了李京翰的学习生活。

December 5, Taiwan[Popular newspaper]5, kaohsiung university published XuJieXiang interview reports,The report notes,Beijing tsinghua university in Taiwan to the mainland LiJingHan exchange students spontaneous automatic learning attitude impressive, The studious spirit shape mainland students' competitiveness,Also in the good effect of the LiJingHan study life.


This paper provided as follows:


In tsinghua university institute of information LiJingHan motor,During summer vacation to Beijing tsinghua university computer system exchange learning,Major in"Programming training"course.Industry in Beijing about three weeks,LiJingHan the mainland students seriously study the attitude,Has a very deep awareness.


群起效尤 凝聚竞争力 Population competitiveness trip together

  在北京清大的课堂上,教授对于程序作业的要求非常明确,只要达成指定的条件,就算合格。但同学们交出的作业,功能往往远超过教授所要求的。李京翰认为达成教授基本的要求很容易,但要自己扩充 程序的功能却很困难,因为必须不断的找资料、尝试,有些时候甚至 会碰上连教授都没有碰过的问题,只能自己想办法解决。

In Beijing clearly the class,Professor to program the requirements of this assignment is very clear,As long as reach the specified conditions,Even if qualified.But the students hand over homework,Functions are often far more than required by the professor.LiJingHan think to teach basic requirements are easy,But want to expand the function of the program is very difficult,Because must constantly look for material/Try to,Sometimes even met professor didn't even touch the problem,Only you can try to solve.

  李京翰说,“在北京清大的那段时间,我觉得自己多少有被影响, 也会尝试着学习他们的求学态度,所以我知道它的难度。”

LiJingHan said,"Industry in Beijing time,I feel much affected, Will try to learn their study attitude,So I know its difficulty."

  同学们如此自动自发的原因,李京翰认为很大一部分是环境的影响 :在班上撇开自甘堕落的人,认真自发性学习的人很多,彼此群起效尤之下,就演变成一股正向的竞争力。

The classmates so the cause of spontaneous,LiJingHan thinks big part is the influence of the environment :In the class of people to put aside,Serious spontaneous learn a lot,Start each other under the trip,It evolved into a stream of positive competition.


LiJingHan said,"If everyone to meet the requirements of the teacher as the ultimate goal,That competitiveness is limited.I think I read in Taiwan for three years in college,Really like this is rare,We try very hard to do"Work outside of the study"feeling."

  “程序设计训练”这门课程,每次3堂课中的前两堂由教授讲授, 最后一堂由同学们报告。同学们轮流上台,告诉大家自己在做作业时 ,遇到什么问题而如何解决;或是在过程中有什么内容想分享给大家 。在这一个钟头里,教授会坐在台下,将发言权留给学生,让同学们交互诘问、互相切磋,课堂彷若成为一个小型的论坛。

"Programming training"This course,Every time 3 class of the first two hall taught by professor, On the last day of the students report.The students take turns on the stage,Tell people when you do your homework ,What problems and how to solve;Or in the process of what is the content of want to share to everyone .In this a hours,Professor will in the audience,Will say to students,Let the students interactive heckle/From each other,The classroom as if becomes a small BBS.

  在这个彼此交流相长的时段,李京翰才惊觉同学们在课堂外都多做了非常充分的学习。他说,“程序这门学科,我认为有点像语文,你 可能会说英文、懂所有文法,但你不一定能写出一首好的英文诗。在 这一个小时,就像成果分享会一般,我很喜欢这样的气氛。”

In this sharing phase long period of time,LiJingHan just became the students more outside the classroom did very good learning.He said,"Program this discipline,I think a little bit like Chinese,You may speak English/Understand all the grammar,But you can not write a good English poetry.In this one hour,As results will generally share,I like the atmosphere."


环境受限 生活有规律 Environment restricted mode of life

  李京翰表示,自发性的学习可以学到更多东西,但是所花的时间是 倍数增加的,学习也会占去更多的时间。

LiJingHan said,Autonomous learning can learn more,But the time is the increase,Learning will take up more time.

  李京翰观察到,北京清华大学因为餐厅营业时间以及澡堂热水的供 应时间都是固定的,若是错过时间便得自己想办法,而这也使得大陆大学生的生活较台湾规律许多,相对之下学习成果也会比较好。

LiJingHan observed,Beijing tsinghua university because restaurants operating time and bathhouse hot water should be used for time is fixed,If miss time will be to find our own way,And it also makes the mainland college students' daily life more Taiwan many rules,In contrast study results also will be better.

  他表示,“我觉得他们的生活环境限制较多,但是在不知不觉中, 反而塑造他们生活的规律性,对于学习有正向的帮助。”

He said,"I think their living environment more restrictions,But in unconsciously, Instead, shape them life regularity,Learn to have a positive help."
