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易中天回武大讲授中国式政治智慧 被问你幸福吗--亲稳网络舆情监控室

易中天回武大讲授中国式政治智慧 被问你幸福吗“各位学弟学妹们好。”昨日,应邀重回母校武汉大学,为该校师生举行讲座的易中天教授刚走上讲台,就亲切地用武汉话与校友打起了招呼。 "You drove to the lower classwoman are good."yesterday,Wuhan university invited to return to his Alma mater,Teachers and students in the school held a lecture but professor yi zhongtian is just up onto the platform,Just like kindly HanHua and alumni dozen have a greeting.


lecture,Easy meridian passage to the latest research results revealed to wu3 da4 teachers and students,Prove the Chinese nation"Managing state affairs by ethics"theory,From the earliest times of the western zhou dynasty,And the western zhou dynasty Chinese political summarized as"Empire should/people-oriented/Managing state affairs by ethics/With the ceremony to maintain order/To guarantee harmonious music".


Easy meridian passage humor profound language,In the field again and again like tide draws applause and laughter,Because of many college students to come to visit,In order to get the tickets,I got up very early queue,So of wu3 da4 a freshman students in this field FaWei bo ridicule:"Easy teacher high character,Lecture tickets than QieGao."When the host read out the micro after bo,Easy meridian passage smiled,He humorously response:"Listen to the lecture easy meridian passage,Just a bowl of hot-and-dry noodles."Provoked the classmates to applause again and again.


lecture,Easy meridian passage from the western zhou dynasty Chinese political wisdom"With the ceremony to maintain order",Speak to the modern society's Dutch rules,He calls:"China now ShiWuDaXiao like on the wine table talk about,This seat is very exquisite also."According to the hierarchy is the main guest sit is in the opposite position,Due to the general door faces south,Guest in ancient times to is oriented south and north,And the west side of the guest in accordance with the rank is the guest table,The east is master seats,This is"club"origin.In the face of the many look forward to learning Dutch etiquette students,Easy meridian passage with particular emphasis on the fussed Dutch serving etiquette:"Banquet serving must according to clockwise,If anti-clockwise serving is to guests irreverence,Because usually only funeral will use counterclockwise to body to behold."

  随后的互动环节异常火爆,有同学就近期网上炒得火热的“武大校史之争”询问易中天的看法,他现场未置可否,回避道:“这只是个小问题,每个人都有不同的算法,这都不是个事,更不用引起诸多争论。”并调侃:“只要武大的校史不要算着算着,算成我不是武大的就行。”(楚天金报讯 记者赵飞 实习生张芳芳)

The interactive link unusually hot,Have a classmate who took the recent online Fried to hot"Wu3 da4, the history of the battle"Ask easy meridian passage view,He did not buy the can,Avoidance way:"It was just a small problem,Everyone has different algorithm,This is not a thing,More don't cause many arguments."And ridicule:"As long as the history of wu3 da4 don't calculate a calculate the,As I am not wu3 da4 is the line."(Chutian 27 reporter ZhaoFei ZhangFangFang interns)


易中天昨回武大被问“你幸福吗?”,易中天风趣回应 Easy meridian passage yesterday return wu3 da4 asked"You happiness??",Easy meridian passage funny response


我此时此刻很幸福,因为我回母校了 I am very happy at the moment,Because I back to the Alma mater


访谈 interview


将易式幽默进行到底 Will be easy to type humor through to the end


As a scholar/writer/More as wuhan university alumni back to the han,reading/Wuhan university around but natural,Easy meridian passage in"Deal with"Journalists and students"sharp"question,A blocked have means to resist the potential,Punch line repeatedly.


谈读书:小说就是在床上和厕所里看的书 Talk about reading:The novel is in bed and toilet see of book


Easy meridian passage said he every night keep 1 hours of bedtime leisure reading time,"Reading is very personal one thing,Completely can according to individual demand to choose,So I never open book list,Also opposed to open a must-read book list,So no more the later generations.In addition to the history books,I also like detective novels,Especially the nova publishing house‘Midnight library’Series books,Especially the Japanese island grange company wrote[Y, the structure of]","In order to finish reading this book,I also broke his 1 hour before bedtime reading time,Just one night after the reading of the.This book is too wonderful."


Reporter mentioned in mo yan brought the Nobel literature prize, a speech"story-teller",Easy meridian passage also keep their humor characteristics:"Don't know all,I don't understand the mo yan said??????.but,He said is truth.Novelist was the storyteller.The novel is in bed and toilet see of book,Not such a book,Is not novel."


武大和厦大:三分天下有其二,阅尽人间春色 Wu3 da4 and xiamen university:Three points there are second,Try reading room of the beauty of spring


Slip away "question,Easy meridian passage to ridicule you way:I want to ask a wonderful point problem.A classmate in micro blog's question:Xiamen university and wuhan university,What do you think of a more beautiful?The question has been easy meridian passage recognition,"It is a good question,Xiangyang and clever/Nanyang zhuge liang the hometown for example."history,Ancient longzhong in the administrative area belongs to nanyang,But the geographical position near the xiangyang.Various ge both native noise in a great mess.But a XiangYangRen view to nanyang,Nanyang people also asked:Do you think the various ge in xiangyang hometown or nanyang.The local officials wrote a pair of couplets:Loyalty country,No matter the ancestors fathers.Various ge native,Why points xiangyang nanyang","Someone said that zhejiang university/Wuhan university and xiamen university is China's most beautiful three universities.I was lucky,The most beautiful university has two I learn/worked.Can be said to be three points there are second,Try reading room of the beauty of spring."(Trainee reporter ZhongQing such as)


讲座 lecture


论西周: Theory the western zhou dynasty:


武汉人“不服周”就是不服西周 Wuhan people"Not weeks"Refuses to accept the western zhou dynasty is


叙情谊: Brotherhood Syria:


想看我,一碗热干面顶多加碗糊米酒 Want to see my,A bowl of hot-and-dry noodles top more bowl of rice paste


Report from our correspondent(Trainee reporter ZhongQing such as)Last night,Wuhan municipal party committee propaganda department by the host/Move the hubei branch, and other units"Pleasant to read books · river lecture hall"The first lecture series of reading activities held in wuhan university,Famous writer/Scholars easy meridian passage was invited to return to wuhan university,Teachers and students for the Alma mater bring a"Western zhou dynasty Chinese political wisdom"lecture.


as"Name mouth",Easy meridian passage natural high popularity.Less than six o 'clock last night,Wuhan university information division outside the students' activity center and surround you with waiting for the students,Ticket is a ticket is hard to find.7 and at the beginning of the lecture,Can accommodate 2000 people information division the students' activity center was crowded burst.Lecture for more than two hours,Easy meridian passage humorous/wisdom"Easy type language wind"Not let you down.


On the platform of a,Easy meridian passage difficult mask deep feelings Alma mater.HanHua like say hello to everybody:"Brothers I went home,It's nice coming home",The suddenly a round of applause,More students shouted"Easy to the teacher to teach it greatly!"


"I think the western zhou dynasty is our national civilized birthplace,The Chinese culture/The Chinese civilization is the real starting point in the western zhou dynasty,We should find the root of the nation."Lecture began,Easy meridian passage very open.Then from"Empire should"/"people-oriented"/"Managing state affairs by ethics"/"With the ceremony to maintain order"/"To guarantee harmonious music"Five aspects such as analysis of the western zhou dynasty Chinese political wisdom.


Nearly two hours of the speech,Easy meridian passage still remain consistent humorous style,Field full of laughter,A round of applause."Wuhan people use‘Not weeks’The word,Is not the meaning of the western zhou dynasty,With it for you when the river's lake?"


lecture,Easy meridian passage also with witty language thanks to security and the teachers and students,"So long,Hard security to maintain order.Thank you in the queue for hours to get a train ticket classmates.You want to get a ticket I lecture,Only need a bowl of hot-and-dry noodles can be done,At most plus a bowl of rice paste"


At the end of the lecture,Easy meridian passage also not forget and Alma mater agreed between teachers and students:Alma mater 120th anniversary next year,The LuoJiaShan osmanthus fragrance,I have come to make a lecture,Location in a small playground.


妙语 Punch line


Easy meridian passage said they don't watch TV/Don't read the newspaper/Don't get to the Internet,Memory much more fun,"I can only identify trucks and cars,What is the model car,What color,All don't know."But in the words,Easy type sayings style show.


您怎么看武大校史争议? How do you see wu3 da4, the history of the dispute?


My attitude is very simple,No matter how many years history greatly,At the very least from me into wu3 da4 count before,Can't calculate eight is seven,Said I'm not wu3 da4, graduation.


Western zhou dynasty Chinese wisdom and now the Chinese wisdom of the biggest differences is that???????


Very simple,The western zhou dynasty is the western zhou dynasty,Now is now ah.(The joke)Actually the biggest difference is the economic foundation of different.


Now is the era of money first,How do we use the wisdom of the western zhou dynasty to the modern society more beautiful?


To be honest,You ask I don't know.I am divorced from reality that theory.As I am businessman,I sell pork ribs,You get back to braise in soy sauce or steamed,I don't tube.


您幸福吗? You happy??

  这个问题怎么能问?幸福是纯粹个人问题,我幸福不幸福,和你无关。一个幸福的人有不开心的时候。兴许这件事令我不开心,另一件事令我很开心。如果你问我现在这个时刻幸福吗?我要说:是的,因为我回母校了。(见习记者钟磬如 摄影记者熊波)

How can you ask this question?Happiness is purely personal questions,My happiness is not happiness,Has nothing to do with you.A happy person is not happy.Maybe it makes me unhappy,Another thing makes me very happy.If you ask me this moment of happiness?I'd like to say:yes,Because I back to the Alma mater.(Trainee reporter ZhongQing such as photographers XiongBo)
