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加拿大华裔留学生遭舍友杀害 凶手疑有精神问题--亲稳舆论引导监测室


The murderer is Chinese roommate,Has been arrested after the attack,The victims to parents to Ottawa

  深圳晚报记者 颜昭雄 田芳槐 文/图

Shenzhen evening news reporter YanZhaoXiong TianFangHuai text/diagram


And a Chinese student studying in foreign countries by the media reported killed.recently,Netizens micro bo said,Ottawa, Canada have Chinese students were killed roommate.Contact reporters yesterday the families of the victims,Confirm the above information.Victims XiaoLe(alias)Father said yesterday on the phone,He and XiaoLe mother is ready to fly to Ottawa from Hong Kong,Don't want to talk too much.

  90后留学生遭杀害 90 students killed

  网友“渥太华省钱快报”12月8日在微博称,渥太华发生华人学生凶杀案,25岁的Keith Ru当地时间12月6日凌晨杀害了室友Jai Le Zhao。“太残忍了,让我们为赵同学哀悼。”微博写道。

Net friend"Ottawa save money express"12 August in micro bo said,Ottawa happen murder Chinese students,25 Keith ru local time on December 6th morning killed roommate Jai Le Zhao."Too cruel,Let us for ZhaoTongXue condolences."Micro bo wrote.

  记者注意到,渥太华当地时间12月7日,当地媒体已有报道。报道称,案件嫌疑人Guo You (Keith) Ru,25岁,已于案发后被捕。“当时他身边躺着他的室友——21岁的赵的尸体。”报道称。记者昨日下午试图联系加拿大渥太华警方,但值班人员表示提供的电话号码,未有人员接听。

Reporter noticed,Ottawa local time on December 7,,Local media has reported.Reports say,Guo You suspected case (Keith) ru,25 years old,Has been arrested after the attack."He was lying around his roommate, 21 year old zhao's body."Reports say.Reporter yesterday afternoon trying to contact the police Ottawa, Canada,But the attendant said to provide telephone number,No staff answer.


According to the local media reports,From the police sources said,The victims from shenzhen, China,Enrolled in carleton university,Weapon is a sharp instruments,But not knife.Police say,Zhao,,Including the throat, etc were hard hit.

  遇难者家属悲痛欲绝 With the families of the victims


Yesterday morning,Reporter toss relates to the victims XiaoLe father and other friends and relatives.That tragedy,They are very sad.


After understanding that,XiaoLe was an only child,2009 to study in Canada,In 2010, and entered carleton university,In civil engineering."It is Canada is very good,Also it is difficult to read the professional."One of a friend said,In October this year,XiaoLe outside and others close hired a house,Thought suddenly accident.


She said,According to the embassy report,XiaoLe roommate is a Chinese man,More than ten years old when he emigrated to Canada with parents.To the specific situation of the case,She says she is not clear.

  凶手有精神方面问题? The murderer have mental problems?


Ottawa local media reported,The suspect was charged with second degree murder,Local time on December 7, when the first time to appear in court,"smile".The report said,"He was dressed in black clothes,Black hair curl up,The court appearance in most of the time,smile,But sometimes looked at sea,Appear tired."


Reports say,Suspect's lawyer said,It is necessary to his client do medical evaluation,Because he may be mental problems.


but,XiaoLe relatives and friends, said,At the time when XiaoLe choose flatmate,After careful consideration of each other.She said,Hope the Canadian court judgment can according to law.

  小乐人人网摘录 XiaoLe renren extract

  ●飓风来得更猛烈些吧!最好把我吹回中国。 2011-08-28 11:32

- hurricane come more fiercely it!The best I blow back to China. The 2011-08-28 men

  ●允许我臭美一下我新买的迷你平底锅。煎蛋很好用!2011-08-25 11:54

- allow me to boast about my newly bought mini pan.Fried egg is to use!The 2011-08-25 11:54

  ●“我甚至想蒙上眼睛朝中国地图扔飞镖,扔中哪里去哪里。”2011-03-12 00:5

-"I even want to blindfolded toward the map of China throw darts,Throw in where to go."The 2011-03-12 00:5

  ●温哥华机场什么都好,就是电话贵。2010-07-04 15:52

- vancouver airport what all good,Is your telephone.The 2010-07-04 15:52

  ●如果考唔上点算(怎么办)?未上到大学打死都唔返(不回)大陆,就算要我训街(睡大街)都冇所谓。2009-11-17 10:51

- if the well is the point(do)?Not up to university killed all well back(Don't back)mainland,Even if want me to the street(Sleep avenue)Are no so-called.Wilt thou 2009-11-17

  ●人生中的第一场雪并不美丽,特别是在饥寒交迫的夜晚,守在路边等着那不知道什么时候来的公交的时候。2009-11-06 11:10

In your life - the first snow is not beautiful,Especially in suffer hunger and cold night,Keep on the roadside waiting for that don't know when to bus.The 2009-11-06 "


记者采访 reporters

  在老师、同学的眼中 The teacher/The eyes of students

  “他是个阳光 懂事的好学生” "He is a sunshine the reasonable and good student"


Hear once students abroad were killed,XiaoLe primary school teacher ms. Li first reaction is"grief/shocked,Don't want to believe".On December 9, she learned from other students mouth a Canadian students XiaoLe were killed,Thought is heavy.After the Internet search is known,The victims of the's own students.


"Called home happy parents,Her mother cry tears are going dry."Ms. Li said,She is XiaoLe at level 5 or 6 years of the teacher in charge,In the past 11 years,She looked at XiaoLe slowly grow up."Elementary school,He is the tallest in the class,Learning or,Class to naughty students,Also listen to his words."Ms. Li said,Home joy into junior high school read yantian foreign language middle school/High school was admitted to shenzhen senior high school,Performance has been good,"And very quiet,Is not haggle over every ounce."


"He is composed,Is the feeling of a man."XiaoLe domestic students introduces to the reporter,XiaoLe although achievement is good,But not a bookworm,Like watching cartoon,Like sports,When in shenzhen,Or members of the school basketball team.XiaoLe actually general family,Mother has no work,In order to slow down the father's economic burden,In 2009 he read so much high to study in Canada,Direct entry to grade 12 read Toronto area(The Canadian high school in four years,The students in grade 9 to 12 grade),Because read a year high school,More than a year to pay tuition fees.During my study,XiaoLe part-time jobs in a coffee shop,Earn living,"He already is the coffee shop manager assistant."The classmate say.


In the XiaoLe everyone online,Sometimes he can be seen in the pinch pennies.On August 30, 2012,He wrote,"Early know will go to the small place school well,Rent egg pain".In April 2012, twenty days,He complained that,"And the tuition fee will go up".But he is also the part-time tip joy,"Originally a tip is a day and a time,Oh yeah".In order to save money,XiaoLe only a year to a country,This year he didn't return,Because he and parents about good,Parents go to Canada to play next year.


In fact,Is the university three grade XiaoLe,Is coming to an end carleton university civil engineering professional learning.His classmates introduces to the reporter,XiaoLe last year to return to China and the students gathered,About his own future planning:After graduation from the university is to find a job in Canada,Work a few years back to business.XiaoLe also revealed to the students,Just talked about his girlfriend.He also and students mutual chaff,"Be sure to come when they get married".

  北京时间12月6日中午,小乐还更新了自己人人网,转发3名深圳高中女生《someone like you》的MTV。当天,他就在校外出租屋遇难。

Beijing time on December 6, at noon,XiaoLe also updated monitors own,Forward three shenzhen high school girls[Someone like you]MTV.the,He is in the school let were killed.


Ms. Li said,This period of time,She also will suddenly think of the past XiaoLe to her house for her situation."Opened the door,A more and more tall man stood in the doorway."She said.
