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媒体称北上广等高考洼地占尽资源和录取优势  2012年6月7日,山东实验中学考点参加2012普通高校升学考试的考生走出考场。(资料照片) On June 7, 2012,Shandong experimental middle school in 2012 test ordinary university entrance exam candidates walked out of the room.(Material photos)


Shandong and Beijing,A college entrance examination"highland",A college entrance examination"depression".


Every college entrance examination season there is always a group of children like migrating birds"fly"An ancestral home.


Some say different behind in the college entrance examination is interest,And some say that fair...


Four years ago,Jinan person GaiHan with 6 year old daughter sat on the train to Beijing,In GaiHan seems the train is the daughter of 12 years of school to train...


A year later,From Beijing LiuHao will let 12 year old son from Beijing to shandong unwelcome 3 years,In LiuHao expectations,6 years in college entrance examination son can test a like shandong children high score...


College entrance examination is like a baton,The intangible command of parents and children,In their eyes,This is a baton"inhibitions",They had not.


济南人漂在首都 Jinan people drift in the capital


只为让孩子拿到北京人高考优惠券 Only for children to get from Beijing college entrance examination coupons


On December 5,,The weather of Beijing micro cold.Stand in Beijing chaoyang district HuangZhou art experiment elementary school under the locust,GaiHan as usual waiting for daughter every school all,In her surrounding has assembled a lot of parents,Mingled with the mandarin dialects,Suggests they"foreigner"identity.In these parents it seems,This spoke with point jinan flavour GaiHan with they are two levels of people,Because her daughter has a Beijing hukou,And their children is not registered in Beijing"SuiQian children",This means that if Beijing different college entrance examination don't release,After a few years,Their children will be"play"An ancestral home college entrance examination.


And only GaiHan knew,She actually is the college entrance examination system"victims"of.Everything will come back to four years ago,The GaiHan in jinan a public hospital as a nurse,Work preparation and treatment is very good,Envy letting a person is she still has a reading doctor husband and a clever daughter,It seems that everything is so perfect.But that year,GaiHan daughter who all just 6 years old,6 years old children means to the primary school,According to the policy of jinan at that time,Who can all the jinan normal attached primary school,This school is in jinan's old school,But in the choice of the last moment,GaiHan but changed his mind,"My husband has arrived in Beijing at that time,I decided to follow his father to daughter in Beijing,Presenting to go to school in Beijing."This is decided to change the fate of their children.


Whoever whoever soon got the Beijing hukou,At this time GaiHan and made a surprise at the decision:To quit working,Wholeheartedly to Beijing or relatives can apply for.On August 25, 2008,GaiHan with daughter sat on the train to Beijing,In her eyes,The car is 12 years later on the daughter of the best universities train."But to Beijing, I found that her husband has an affair,To pass in front of me is a divorce agreement."In an effort to GaiHan after inconclusive,Agreed to divorce,Then all who just in Beijing were in grade one last year,Stubborn GaiHan for a daughter to go to school in Beijing,The college entrance examination in Beijing,She is a private hospital in Beijing as a temporary nurses,A month can earn 4000 yuan,Remove the rent and living expenses,Almost no balance."If shandong children can also like Beijing children enjoy equal education and admission preferential words,Four years ago my decision maybe this is not the case."This year I have been forty years old GaiHan,Although changed light makeup,Still still could not conceal four years"Or relatives can apply for"The vicissitudes of life left to her.


外地人借读在山东 Foreigner unwelcome in shandong


只是为了高考时回老家考个高分 Just for the college entrance examination test back when a high score


And GaiHan different,LiuHao is a native of Beijing,For their children to school he has her own thoughts,"Shandong is a big province college entrance examination,Shandong child test score is high,I want to let the child in the junior high school to shandong unwelcome,Lay a good foundation,To high school and then back to Beijing."Now the son of LiuHao in Beijing elementary school sixth grade,The next year he was going to let the child to shandong unwelcome,As Beijing by parents,Let go of the college entrance examination in Beijing foreign policy this thing he voted against it,"Who can take the chest guarantee,After let go of,Beijing will not into a lot of‘College entrance examination immigrant’?"In his view,Beijing let go of the college entrance examination is different"The cat among the pigeons",Education resources of the cake will be more points is smaller,Beijing local residents the rights and interests of the children to school will be difficult to guarantee.


In fact,these,To shandong unwelcome candidates not a few,Only in the province level 2011 high school students in shandong province in 15000 the unwelcome,Add obligation education stage,Provincial to shandong unwelcome candidates number is more.Wang ping is one of them,Her parents do business in jinan,Wang ping in the elementary school,By parents from guangdong home connect to jinan,Now the elementary school sixth grade wang ping can speak fluent jinan words,Although is not that old,But wang ping has know,When she was going to high school,Will be parents back to guangdong,There finished high school to participate in college entrance examination."My mother said,Hometown score low,Good exam university."Wang ping there are several good students from another,They and wang ping is as temporary unwelcome in jinan,When to"Back college entrance examination".


February 29,,Shandong first put forward to implement different college entrance examination,And on December 7, formally issued a SuiQian children different rules for the college entrance examination,Although in education aroused strong repercussions,Even as the reform of college entrance examination an ice,But for many outside the province for parents,The threshold is not high policy on their allure but don't,"Shandong high test scores is too high,And so many people,The child still back test."From anhui province meng women think,Although anhui in the national college entrance examination is a big province,But relative for shandong,Children enter college than shandong children easier.


利益分配不均衡 Uneven distribution of interests


学生成了高考指挥棒下的“候鸟群” Student has become a college entrance examination under the baton"Migratory birds group"


Because every year to participate in college entrance examination's number and high score,shandong/Henan provinces is called the college entrance examination"highland",And the Beijing/Shanghai college entrance examination because of less number and low fractional line is called the college entrance examination"depression",Every year a lot of"depression"Candidates in order to in the college entrance examination test when a high score,In high school even earlier phase of junior high school began to"highland"Provinces unwelcome,But near the university entrance exam again when they will return"depression"Participate in college entrance examination,High marks offer heightening often let the students to become the biggest winner.And those"highland"Children parents will try to let their children settled in"depression",To enjoy more of the college entrance examination admission preferential.These in the university entrance exam baton back down"migration"The students are the image of the people called the college entrance examination"Migratory birds group".


This year just admitted to shandong university institute of foreign languages of li qiang was once a"Migratory birds",He was born in jinan,Five or six years ago,His parents in order to let LiJiangKao a good university,Specialized in tianjin to buy a suite,Will LiJiangDe registered permanent residence moved to tianjin.Because LiJiangDe parents work in jinan,In order to let li qiang in tianjin college entrance examination,And they LiJiangXuan specifically for a residential high school.Since middle school,Li qiang will leave jinan to tianjin reading,In a 640 points of the university entrance exam of admitted to his ideal university,And choose an ideal professional.In fact,In the interview,LiJiangDe parents does not want to talk about the experience,In their eyes"College entrance examination immigrant"In China is a skeleton in the closet things.


Some say the college entrance examination immigration is behind"interests",And the other is behind the college entrance examination"fair".When shandong/jiangsu/The heilongjiang province launched more different after the college entrance examination scheme,Beijing/Shanghai foreign hot city college entrance examination scheme but encounter dystocia,Some of these places the biggest concern is different college entrance examination let go may lead to a large number of immigrants streaming into the college entrance examination.


By rights,Population flow's largest province college entrance examination is different the strongest voice of the place,But if a little attention will be found,Call for different college entrance examination let go the most strong people and not appear in the population flow's largest province,But in Shanghai area,And the Beijing and Shanghai belongs to the college entrance examination"depression",Because the beijing-shanghai by students enjoy than other provinces and cities more attractive education resources and preferential admission,And called on different college entrance examination let go the most strong people also appears in the Shanghai area,Some analysts said the beijing-shanghai not by parents called for fair education get behind is actually"arbitrage".


From the Beijing by parents to the ministry of education and the door,The recent Shanghai citizens and jiangxi girl of hyatt in dagu road"Debate about"events,Different behind in the college entrance examination is interest or fair?The answer seems to be submerged in local parents and field between the parents"Saliva battle"in.

  但我国宪法明确规定公民享有平等的受教育权,这是个不争的事实,而如何实现最大限度的教育公平,还有很长、很长的路要走。南方科技大学校长朱清时就曾表示,若异地高考真的要实施,首先还是要解决户口问题,取消城市户口和农村户口差异。如果农村城市户口一视同仁,也就不存在这个问题。异地高考问题,10到20年能解决都是乐观的估计。 (因受访者要求,文中均采用化名)

But our country constitution citizens enjoy equal right to education,This is a fact of life,And how to realize the maximum education fair,There is still a long/A long way to go.The President of the university of science and technology south zhu qingshi had said,If you really want to implement different college entrance examination,The first is to solve the problem of registered permanent residence,Cancel registered urban and rural differences account.If rural registered city alike,Also does not exist the problem.Different college entrance examination questions,Ten to twenty years can solve are optimistic estimate. (By the respondents requirements,This paper adopts alias)


“异地之争”从初中就已开始 "Different for"From junior middle school began


people,In the city there is a group of people,They flee to strange place,Or choose workers or choose to buy a house,Life in the city may not be as they want to so bright,But in their hearts have a insist on:Must let the children enjoy the best education.so,More and more strange little face appeared in the city in the classroom,In the face of the city people look strange,These little boys' work harder,Because they shoulder the parents hope.


city,Place the city gradually to the strange little doll put out my hands,A the migrant workers for their children school set up;meanwhile,Education resources in the city began to distribution,The regional education is step by step disappear...Maybe this is the beginning of the fair,Maybe this is a new round of race.


“异地之争”已经蔓延到学考 "Different for"Has spread to learn exam


On December 7,,sunny,Chilly weather,In jinan a migrant children point school grade class,Jinan girl xiao(alias)And henan girl small fly(alias)Is busily were taking notes,A few months later,They will hand in hand into the examination room,The dream for his hard work a.


Start from the first,The two girls is the best of friends,Even from the very close to home,For more than two years they almost always together.but,In the little golden mother eyes,Small fly and a status"Foreign competitors","The school places so much,It is for local children,Now foreign children also rob."


Little golden and small fly in the is a migrant children point school,In school,Foreign students have more than this locality census register students,As a point of school,The school has been advocating the idea of"YiGuQin".Whether teaching or at ordinary times,Here has almost no local/The points from.


Reporters saw little golden and small when flying,They are sitting in a classroom,Occasional important content,Will lower the head on the notebook to record.Although both are short hair,Have to wear uniforms,But the reporter or a see who is the foreign students.Small fly told reporters,Her grade three followed the parents to jinan,And her own henan home a year to go back to a time,"I have no friends over there,Jinan feel more kind some".The little girl is very cheerful,Learning is also very good,Is always top of class.


In the interview reporter discovery,A lot of parents is blunt education choose to work in jinan,For children education value degree even more than the local parents."Here is the children learn better from it."School teacher told reporters,The present result,Each year the school can be divided into index number born,Especially the province the quality indicators of high school,More than half are foreign students"take".


Small fly said,Her goal is to save experimental middle school entrance,Because their hometown in henan,Shandong college entrance examination fraction ratio is high,So she and her parents to agree,If shandong let go of different college entrance examination policy,She will stay at jinan continue to go to school/bound.Small fly teacher told reporters,In their school few local students aware of foreign students on earth they mean,Even parents seem to have not thought of this aspect,Only if a teacher has a slight pay close attention to the studies of local students and foreign students"competition".


In 2012,,Jinan junior high school graduates number 64933,4000 more than last year,This is the 2011 jinan learn exam increased after 5000 people and a rise,According to the city bureau of education is introduced,Test multiply direct reason is that foreign students into a lot.


城市教育资源为外来人口“转型” City education resources for the floating population"transformation"


In the ten years ago,No one will know what is"Migrant children point school",Today only in jinan,This school is the sixty,As with other schools,These schools both hardware or software is standard.


Beiyuan primary school is located in the northern bank of the sand silted up by the school,If there is no foreign students,Perhaps this elementary school would have disappeared in the tide of urban development.At present,Here to go to school children is most near foreign personnel children,Although the scale is not big school/Personnel not,But the function is complete.


In October 2003,Shandong province is put forward relevant government notice,Accept the obligation education city migrant workers children can participate in in situ tests,Admission conditions/Charging items and standards and permanent residence students alike.the,Jinan compulsory education stage of the school for children of migrant workers from all unwelcome cost,Whether it is bound or assessment, etc,Fully enjoy treatment of citizens.


At present,In jinan as long as there is a compulsory education stage of the school students,Whatever he census register,All can with this city students,Any enter oneself for an examination jinan's high school and vocational school.According to the provincial department of education of the newest[The preparation for migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local after in the entrance exam work of the implementation opinions],In shandong province in the future in accord with local conditions in the entrance exam net SuiQian children greater number of city/county,Will strengthen the city infrastructure construction,With scientific planning education resources,Perfect education teaching facilities,To improve managerial condition,Strengthen the education funds,Appropriate increase high school period of school recruit students to plan,Security of rural migrant workers in SuiQian children education rights.


教育资源再分配短期难解决 Education resource redistribution short-term hard to solve


"Different college entrance examination/Different tests,Spoken parts in an opera is particieboard education resources allocation again,The difference between urban and rural areas in education highlights and formed the new contradictions point."A scholar told reporters,The current high quality education resources are concentrated in the big city and provincial capital city,And at the same time,These places also focused on the large number of employment opportunities,So a large number of foreigners in this city,Their children to school and problems;but,Education is a kind of pure investment industry,Rely on is the government funding,What is the local people can pay tax,This is why the beijing-shanghai area,Household residents always questioned the different national college entrance examination,"What makes you ask for?We're a family of three generations for the city service".


In the scholar looks,SuiQian children learn to solve different no matter whether or not will be a double-edged sword,If you can according to the desire of the solution,So fair"support"where,Safeguard the rights of the migrant population not to sacrifice the local people's legitimate rights and interests for the price;And once you really let go,People will more into big cities,So countries over the years into the rural areas of education funds are they played hydroplaning,Will further aggravate city population pressure;That if you don't solve,Standing in the point of view of citizens,This is not fair.


"Look is education problems,It is urban and rural economic development is not balanced,Only by education department are afraid to effectively solve."The scholar said,The rural population flow to the city and can't just rely on the development of rural education to the students to stay in the local,Because people are willing to city,In addition to education outside the better,Also value city medical treatment/culture/Social security and other aspects,Compared with the urban and rural in these areas is really much better,so,As long as there is the gap exists,The natural population will from the countryside into the city a lot,Education right is the basis of a fair citizen rights and interests,Now become a hot social concern.


A convenient named university presidents have revealed,"It's not a ministry of education can solve the problem".The general has already issued the plan of different provinces,Now popular method is to set up some"threshold",Such as the need to attend a certain years of basic education.So the region's basic education resource carrying capacity/Corresponding medical facilities/Financial appropriation/Even the local traffic is"Different college entrance examination"behind"Domino"work,So different college entrance examination in hotspots never is one to two years to be solved.


马上就评 'll review


人性可以自私制度必须公平 Human nature can be selfish system must be fair


In Beijing, will let go of different college entrance examination's news,The network produces a new word:Different surface,That is of the land of Beijing and some parents to organize,Through various forms against foreign students in Beijing by in situ college entrance examination/admission.


Data shows,Beijing students admitted to Peking University/The probability of elite tsinghua,Higher than other provinces and cities of the dozens of times.More let a person can't stand is,The same is living and working in Beijing,The same should pay tax/For urban development contribute,But because there is no local registered permanent residence,The children cannot attend the university entrance exam in local,Caused a lot of"College entrance examination migratory birds",This not only increased the cost of living in the individuals and families,Also caused great waste of resources.


However, we in Beijing and it's hard to say parents vehemently opposed to is a kind of unreasonable.Human nature is a selfish side,Especially when the interest in system level instinct was long time when approved,This kind of human self interest and are inevitably affected by pride and prejudice.


Let go of different college entrance examination,Human nature is not the choice,But in the justice of system.Beijing is different from parents let the victims of the college entrance examination,This need not be moral cavil,But it is not opposed to let go of different college entrance examination reference factors,On the contrary,Because of this,To let go of the college entrance examination that different the urgency and necessity.Human nature can be selfish,But public policy must be fair and justice.Because no one living in the island.People live in the society in,Your selfish can't run frame in above the rights of others.An orderly society,Must be a human nature in the process of domestication.or,It is for human existence like this or such weaknesses,Just need to public policy to be corrected and improved.This is the biggest public policy and decision mission.Has been,Different college entrance examination is up in the air,A very important reason,I'm afraid it is too big exam,On social impact of too big,But want to know,Because this kind of psychological fear,Increased the cost of reform and resistance of the day.

  者张勇 摄采写:本报记者 朱士娟 潘奕轩 统筹:赵静

Selects the zhang yong perturbation:Our reporter ZhuShiJuan PanYiXuan as a whole:ZhaoJing
